city of the spider queen 5e conversion

Built partially in the Material Plane and partially inslaved, small bands of refugees escaped into the Underdark. sentry, the sentries, officers, and spellguards on the Barracks level have moved into their Alerted positions, and the web When spurred to action, one S4 sentry moves into S5 and team (see S2) leaves the Barracks level and begins patrollingsends a sentry from that room to notify the officers in S7, the web. Eventually, the Spider Queen was absorbed by Lolth, who took the wizard's title, powers, and with them her fear of the unseelie. D Hamatula Devils (3): hp 58, 54, 50; see Monster Manual. An illusory wall that looks just like the floor covers the pit, and its location is not marked in anyWhen Szith Morcane was closed off from the surface, the hole waythe driders rely on memory to avoid their own was sealed with the same thick spider webbing that con-nects the caverns of Szith Morcane, and the driders from D20 a Spiked Pit Trap (60 ft. deep): CR 5; no attack roll neces-ruled this area of caverns. Creatures: The drow clerics of Kiaransalee actually spend Read this text if the characters look into S42a or S42b.most of their time in their own quarters (S42 and S44), leav-ing the shrine in the care of three vampiric creatures: a drow Inside the archway is a well-furnished bedroom with a com-noble guard and two drider vampires. If this spell is cast on the surface, it leads the caster to of Shadows, the Wailing Cliff, and Vournoths Mire.the Szith Morcane entrance (or the Hap Hill or Shadowdaleentrance, if youve prepared for one of those options), and into Deep Wastes Featuresthe Deep Wastes from there. Dennis KauthRob Lazzaretti[1] Large, sumptuousIrae Tsarran (white tabards with leering black skulls). The third D Ogres (6): hp 26 each; see Monster Manual.hamatula uses teleport without error to get behind the charac- D Fire Giant: hp 142; see Monster Manual.ters and cut off their retreat. Given aonce every 1d6 days until they reach Maerimydra, after which chance, it uses alter self or invisibility to get close and studyshe attempts to scry them at least once per day. The adventure starts off as adventurers respond to the summons of Randal Morn, who asks them to investigate recent drow raids on Daggerdale. JavaScript is disabled. (Characters with access to Iraes army moves into Featherdale. This effect is subject to spell resistance. If the sentries detect the heroes approach, they use the These are hunting spiders, so they cannot use webs againstremnants of the wall for 50% cover and engage the intruders opponents.with missile weapons for as long as possible. 2002 Fun Fact: City of the Spider Queen includes stat blocks for 18 named drow NPCs and 19 generic drow, not counting all the drow ghosts, vampires, revenants, keening spirits, half-dragons, wererats, and silveraiths. Yeah , I would check the CR to make sure it fits with the PCs levels. They were created with the Shadow Weave, so Daughter:they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel. Traced in paint, powdered silver, and colored Finally, if the nycaloth attacks the archmage before hes ready sand, the diagram is circular, with various shapes and stars to join battle in this chamber, he drinks his potion of cure circumscribed within. This is obviously an issue. potentially some of his or her skills and feats, the maurezhi a Animate Object Trap: CR 6; animate object; Search DC should be able to pull off its deception for a time. Since this trap amuses the drow, they takenity to use it because Dordrien fell before they could be buried care to remove corpses from the area before the door, so as nothere. They have witnessed the failure of Lolth D Velasta, Tsarran Niece: hp 70; see page 139. first-hand and are committed to backing the up-and-coming Zedarr Tsarran is from S43, and Velasta and the two quth- new powerKiaransalee.marens are from S42. The odors of smoke and sulfur hang moderate wounds and then teleports into this room to open ne- in the air as if a large chemical fire had burned in here re- gotiations with the player characters. Encounter Distance: 100 feet. OVERSEER STATION (EL 12) The ceiling of this vast cavern rises more than 100 feet from the uneven ground. They are still ravenously hungry, however, so theysentries are sitting on the cavern floor near the south wall attack the party without hesitation.when the characters enter, with their weapons close at hand. The maurezhi seeks to paralyze as many watch the upper reaches of Szith Morcane.characters as possible so that it can consume them at itsleisure. Solom renews these spells every fif- teen days. The only illumination comes from items the characters bring with them. Creatures: Three days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. 2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Made in the U.S.A. Visit our website at of ContentsContentsIntroduction 3 Magical Transport 46 Conclusion 114 Preparation 3 Trekking Through the Further Adventures 114 Adventure Background 3 46 Adventure Outline 4 Deep Wastes 46 Appendix 1: Monsters and Magic 115 Character Hooks 4 Deep Wastes Features 46 Running the Adventure 4 Random Encounters 49 Abyssal Ghoul 115 Faerzress and the Underdark 5 Starting Out 49 Sidebar: Kiaransalee 5 Naga Crawls 50 Demon, Blood Fiend 116 Keeping Track of Time 5 Lake of Shadows 50 Resting and Re-equipping 6 Lower Caverns 52 Demon, Maurezhi (Tanarri) 117 Playing the Villains Smart 7 Upper Caverns 53 Triggers 7 On the Lake 54 Drider Vampire 118 Iraes Responses 8 Shrine of the Claw 56 Cast of Characters 9 Across the Lake of Shadows 57 Sidebar: Spiderkind 119 Wailing Cliff 57 Sidebar: Fighting in the Air 59 Golem, Spiderstone 120 The Middle Stretch 60 Yrthak Cavern 61 Jade Spider 121 Vournoths Mire 63 Last Leg Orb Wraith 122 Quth-Maren 123 Wraith Spider 123 Arachnoid Creature (Template) 124Part 1: Spinning the Web 10 Half-Dragon, FaernianAdventure Start 10 (Template) 126Dordrien Crypts 11 Keening Spirit (Template) 126Dordrien Crypts Features 11 Revenant (Template) 127Sidebar: The Lords of Silveraith (Template) 127Dordrien 11 Part 3: Maerimydra 64 New Special Items 128Surface Level 12 The Burning City 64 New Magic Items 129Crypt Level 15 Sidebar: Maerimydra and theUnderdark Level 18 Drow of Cormanthor 65 Appendix 2: Creature Statistics 131Szith Morcane 20 Sidebar: Weave Disruptions 68 Part 1: Spinning the Web 131Szith Morcane Features 20 Sites in Maerimydra 69 Dordrien Crypts 131Retaliation 20 Sidebar: Politics in Sidebar: Drow Traits 132Sidebar: Intruder Alert! If a vampire guard is reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, it as-sumes gaseous form and flees toward S44 to warn Dorina The vampire guards move to S37 if they hear combatTsarran. In most cities of the drow, life goes on asYou need a copy of the Players Handbook, the DUNGEON normal. Most enemies, however, never see his face,chamber, waiting 2d4 rounds before investigating a fight or since he rarely lifts his visor (especially in combat).other commotion. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks Crypts or S1 of Szith Morcane, the drow move into theirIt takes him 6 rounds to reach S37 (taking 10 on his Climb Alerted positions after a maximum of 1d6 hours, when shiftschecks and a 5 penalty for accelerated climbing), where he change and new sentries discover the deaths of the old ones. If all members of both groups miss this first check, they all spot each other at half the encounter distance. scrolls and sheets of paper. Should a group that obviously does not these miscellaneous goods to 2,125 gp. Like this book? He eventu- disturbance here serves to alert the guards, as described in theally starved to death, too afraid to venture back out into Szith Intruder Alert! sidebar (page 20).Morcane. Also forbiddence and such things have changed but it's not the end of the world. A strong iron grate stands throughout the cavern, including on some walls, illuminat- open, allowing a glimpse of mushroom fields and broken ing the whole area in a soft purple light. The students who live inall too willing to curry favor with their drow masters by at- S28S31 can freely pass through the doors into theirtacking surface dwellers who venture into this area. Though the gate has been broken, it still holds the magic trap S47. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. S48. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in small stash of incense worth 35 gp that weighs 4 pounds. Like, zero level spells did, but they weren't cast whenever like now. Most of its folk drifted times and found little of note.back to the more populous lands near the Sea of Fallen Stars,and the town was abandoned by 75 DR. 11Part 1(D7D13). A successful Search day-blasted lands, too, and achieve that ultimate triumphcheck (DC 20) reveals the round door, but not how to open it. Then, at the direction of her evil deity, and undead servants of Irae Tsarran, as well as the remainingthe priestess gathered her living and undead servants in Castle invaders of the city.Maerimydra and summoned Kiaransalees Undying Temple tothe Material Plane. door other than the one they intend. Unless the characters enter by stealth, the guards move cured by arcane lock effects and covered with glamers toto intercept them as soon as they enter the Inverted Tower. Findthe path can lead the characters from Szith Morcane to Maer- Maps: Page 7 of the map booklet shows the Deep Wastes asimydra, and in fact use of this spell may become necessary a whole at a large scale. 39Part 1This bedroom is obviously deserted, and its furnishings look S43. Large encounters with numbers are very different in 5e, even against a higher level party numbers can only be made up with very low CR critters. OUTER FANEthe copper-covered figure on the lid reveals that tiny holeshave been drilled in the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. roomjust a number of ordinary ones. ring set with a black pearl, worth 900 gp. Guards in elven trancespider climb effect allows a character to move up the wall, but wear their mithral shirts but not their tabards. Registration. D Slave Overseers (2): hp 61, 52; see page 136. Otherwise, the character must make a Floors: The floors throughout Szith Morcane are hewnFortitude save (DC 16) to avoid contracting the disease. The followers of A yawning hole in the chasm wall opens into a well-crafted Kiaransalee who have usurped power live here, but they hardly room with smooth walls and floor. Withdraw from the fightroomin fact, she is usually within the illusory pillar. Replace the spellguard with an arcane must make a Climb check against the DC of the web (notedguard from S26 and the quth-maren with another from S37. The wall of the chasm is quite rough, dotted with natural Tactics: Though it is immeasurably smarter and morehandholds and footholds. The folk of nearby Daggerdale know of the crypts and story of Randal Morns resistance against the Zhents and thebelieve they house an entrance to the Underdark, but they restoration of his throne is widely known throughout theavoid the area, believing it haunted. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. The two quth- manage to catch them off-guard, read the text below:marens and the Tsarran niece are from S42. HALF-DRAGON (EL 15) The characters encounter a drow half-dragon named Sshu- math Daerindra who haunts these tunnels. 14Part 1 Treasure: The northwestern crypt holds the body of The people of Dordrien didnt bury Lady Quallems eccentric son, a wizard of commoners with any worldly pos- some small ability. If Solom(replicating a cone of cold or, if he feels very threatened, a wall Nedrazak appears in this room while the nycaloth is free, itof force), greater shadow conjuration (replicating a summon makes a single round of attacks on the archmage and then van-monster IV spell to bring a shadowy howler, or a solid fog ishes, recognizing that Solom has readied himself for combatspell), enervation, ray of enfeeblement, and web. dents private study. WebLolth, the Spider Queen The evil god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, Lolth weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders, and that she is truly all-knowing. KESTREL SCOTT FISCHER CARTOGRAPHERS REBECCA GUAY GRAPHIC PRODUCTIONMANAGING EDITOR PENNY WILLIAMS VINCE LOCKE RAVEN MIMURA ARTISTSCREATIVE DIRECTOR RICHARD BAKER PUDDNHEAD CHRISTOPHER SHYVICE-PRESIDENT OF RPG R&D BILL SLAVICSEK BEN TEMPLESMITH SAM WOODVICE-PRESIDENT OF PUBLISHING MARY KIRCHOFFRPG CATEGORY MANAGER ANTHONY VALTERRA DENNIS KAUTH ROB LAZZARETTIPROJECT MANAGER MARTIN DURHAM CARMEN CHEUNGPRODUCTION MANAGER CHAS DELONG SONYA PERCIVALART DIRECTOR ROBERT RAPER PLAYTESTERS: Christopher Adomaitis, Dave Anderson, Rich Baker, Jeffrey Ball, Robert Ball, Marty Bartoy, Derek Belanger, Paul Bender, James Black, John Black, Gwendolyn Black, Carl Bobo,William Braun, Craig Bucheli, Barbara Chandler, Scott Chandler, Steve Cook, Dan Cooper, Cameron Curtis, Donald Dodge, Jocelyn Eisenhour, Sarah Faigh, Matthew Farr, Kelmar Firesun, David Fulkerson, Carlos Garcia, Chris Garcia, Corey Garrett, Chris Garrison, Omar Ghannoum, Matt Glavich, Catherine Good, Andrew Gristina, August Hahn, Cynthia Hahn, Arthur Harris, Cory Herndon, Nick Hidalgo, Quentin Hidalgo, William Holder, Kurt Johnson, George Kalauokalani, Charles Keene, Brian Klement, Robert Krempa, Gary Labrecque, Rocky Lange, Toby Latin, Kevin Leistico, Eric Lopez, Anthony Ludlam, Jon Lundeen, Jeremy Lutz, Ralph Mack, Greg Marone, Thomas Martin, Frank Mathenia, Joseph Meeks, Kevin Meyer, Todd Meyer, Scott Morgan, NicholasMorgan, David Noonan, David Nowell, Kevin Odom, Brock Ormond, Damian Osisek, Jon Otaeuro, Scott Parks, Goon Pattanumotana, Gavin Pattanumotana, Tom Pearce, Brian Perry, Tim Rhoades, Russell Richardson, Dan Robbins, Andrew Rothstein, Richard Sakoda, Steve Schubert, Monica Shellman, Jeff Showiak, Ray Stakenas, Ed Stark, Maryrita Steinhour, Curtis Steinhour, Jeff Stolt, John Sussenberger, Lisa Sussenberger, Zachary Tom, Robert Trottier, Thomas Vail, Maggie Vining, Michael S. Webster, Jason White, Penny Williams, Matthew Woodard, Warren Wyman. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. These vampire guards wear no livery over their mithral shirts. SLAVE CAVERN (EL 13) S21. half-elf Abj8 (wizard advisor to Randal Morn). ARCHMAGES CHAMBER (EL 16 OR 0)and lectures or demonstrates spell techniques. Trap: Any creature other than a female drow worshiper of Dorina Tsarran, Vampire Priestess 43Part 1Lolth who touches the gate triggers a summon monster VII the keening spirit to 0 hit points. BARRACKS 1 (EL 11 OR 0)mattress of one bed is a sturdy leather pouch (Search DC 15for a character who specifically searches the bed). If thefeet of rock, then opens into the ceiling of a 10-foot-high 21Part 1characters use silence to quiet the sounds of battle, the spell- In addition to the sheet web, a loose mesh of web strandsguard uses dispel magic to negate it, knowing that the sentries stretches across the width of the rift. There is a material-plane wall that passes through U24 (the green dotted line on the map). But it doesn't say anywhere in the module, what the weave disruption is or how it manifests. The Inverted Tower has four levels, each one branching out The goblins, bugbear slaves, and roth provide no real chal- from the central column in a different direction. Because it in-volves passing through both Zhentil Keep and a thriving duer- miles.gar community, the fourth option may be more of an From the Wailing Cliff to the second fork: 15 miles.adventure than the heroes are looking for at the moment. Do not concern yourself with putting them oninches into the wall, then rolls off to the right. Take notes on Treasure: Many of thethis encounter, including spells furnishings in this roomand tactics used by the charac- are valuable, but theyreters, so that the revenants can exceedingly large andadapt their tactics to suit the tech- bulky. A character who south, skirting the lower slopes. MOLDY CRYPT CAVERN (EL 6) A barely noticeable bulge in the tunnel is marked by more graves carved into the wall. Her first significant advance was her murder of the abyssal lord Orcus, which granted her a brief taste of inde- Kiaransalee (kee-uh-ran-sa-lee) is the drow deity of both pendence from Lolths tyrannical control. But the campaign is on indefinite hiatus. HILLSFAR Irae casts great revenance and raises an army of sev- eral thousand revenants. telligible to modern speakers of Common. characters. Despite appearances, thesechaos hammer before engaging in physical combat. Lots of NPC casters who are underpowered in 5e vs 3e because they can't buff stack and limited by concentration. Each of these cities has its own unique perils, but in the context of this adventure they serve as excellent refuges and armories. You may use an action to transform back at any time. When the characters are inside (and in material form, if they en- The corpses are those of four drow sentries and a spellguard tered by becoming gaseous or ethereal), the two vampire spawn ma- from Szith Morcane, all Lolth-worshipers. They doze in their mithral shirts, raising the Encounter Level to 13.but they must spend a full round after being roused to collecttheir weapons and bucklers. When she is forced to revealany creature that does not worship Kiaransalee opens the door. They rarely leave the Inverted Tower level, even when inside-out. The slope at the top of the tunnel is too steep to sealed off, these spiders have all become meals for the Hugewalk up or down, so a successful Climb check (DC 0) is needed spiders in D18 and the driders in traverse it. Despite her evil alignment, Larala is not automatically hos- tile to the characters. The typical home once had a small house- more respect, and a little more power. acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in the trap. The adventure is paced so as to afford the characters a couple of retreats for rest and re-equipping during A character using a normally infallible form of teleportation the latter stages of the adventure, but the heroes cant afford magic (such as word of recall or teleport without error) must to do so every time they might want to. have been dug into the walls here. The Dordrien Crypts and Szith Morcane in divination magic. 13 new monsters. Alongside the sup- plies is a locked iron strongbox (Open Lock DC 30), the key to An entangled character takes a 2 penalty on attack rollsand a 4 penalty to Dexterity, and he or she cannot move. Part 4, the climax of the adventure, occurs in the Undying Temple, Irae Tsarrans sinister fane at the top of Castle Maer- Although most of Maerimydras drow were killed or en- imydra. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee. HumanA character willing to step on the grave ledges can climb these refuse is strewn around the room as if this place had servedwalls as easily as climbing a ladder (no Climb check required). More graves are While the characters explore the crypt level, the maurezhi carved into the stone walls all around. About 8 feet moved. Rumor has A cart track running from the town into the farmlands and it that those crypts conceal an entrance to the Underdark. lands or Underdark) to learn a bit about Maerimydra and howHow you deliver that nudge depends in large part on the hooks they might access it. Because they10 gp, 10 gp, and 11 gp; hydrophanes always know how close their killers are,worth 20 gp and 40 gp; waterstars worth 60 gp, 80 gp, and 100 they are not surprised and begin battle with key enhancinggp; a violet garnet worth 500 gp; and red tears worth 800 gp, spells in place. Alert! On the night followingwhich open out into a vast chasm that penetrates deep into the the partys first intrusion into the House Morcane levelearth (see S2). Distributed to thehobby, toy, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors. None of the guards and wards effects are noticeable in this The cabinets hold food supplies for the guards. with a detect magic spell. D Bebilith: hp 102; see Monster Manual. Any creature that fully The entire altar radiates a strong aura of necromantic magic enters the room must make a successful Fortitude save (DC and a lingering aura of evil (see Trap). from House Morcane, her two bodyguards, and a loyal spell-The araneas have no love for the bebiliths, so they do not enter guard wizardhave made an uneasy camp here to hide them-D10 to help the demons fight. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. If that occurs, it attacks the the dead characters identity, dons his or her gear, and then caster until it is destroyed or the offender either dies or joins the party. Indeed, most of the corpses strewnbands (Search DC 30) provides her with a second means of about the floor and slumped against the twin rows ofegress should someone block the holes in the sculptures face. disguised, it seeks opportunities to kill and consume other D Huge Animated Object: hp 44; see Monster Manual. The roper is accustomed to sharing its home with the drow, small cavern. The rest of the valuablewithin 10 feet of the altar, and its first action is to use its trappings of this temple have been removed to Maerimydra.keening. thick, hardness 10; hp 90; AC 5; breakcome out to investigate any real disturbances in the area. The rangers lead off with no signs of habitation. PRISON CELLS (EL 9) The sentries wear the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabardswith leering black skulls). However, Ive never converted an adventure from one edition to another before. Notes in Unaware Creatures (EL 11): Five off-duty sentries arethe margins reveal which guards cant be trusted on duty at the meditating in their bunks. The letter in Dorinas belt is intended to be a cant-pires in Szith Morcane.) Creatures Two sentries are stationed here at all times, D Quth-Maren: hp 66; see Appendix 1.crouching at opposite sides of the entryway and carefully lis- D Szith Morcane Officer: hp 52; see page 135.tening for sounds of disturbances in the chasm. The cover student for eighteen years. Finally, the heroes will have to balanceruins. The officers rouse the off-duty sentries in S8 and S11 canes guard force.and the spellguard in S9, then all of them hurry to S5. At the other endfrom whatever damage forced her to retreat to her coffin. This product is a work of fiction. The dead sentries posts are not filled in the Alerted state. forms of cash. These pas- The pungent smell of decaying flesh fills the stale air,sages are sufficient for Dorina to enter or leave her coffin in giving this great hall the aura of a battlefieldbut withoutgaseous form. WebCity of the Spider Queen is a 160-page adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for use with the 3rd edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons . wear the livery of Irae Tsarran. The remnants of the army of Kurgoth Hellspawn have the use of time to rest and re-equip against the advance of theoverrun the cavern. The hallways are also warded by theTriggering the guards and wards trap does not automatically spells confusion effect.alert the guards, since none of its effects are noticeable here. Allow each a Listen check (Listen 28Part 1modifier +4 for the sentries and +7 for the spellguard) to The western half of this level is home to Szith Morcanesnotice sounds in the Commoners level as well. This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text The Spider Queen is dead;must succeed at a caster level check (DC 26) to do so. Also, Castle Maerimydra is travelers must occasionally wade through icy-cold water forprotected by a forbiddance spell that prevents teleportation hundreds of feet at a stretch.into it (see Castle Maerimydra). Char- If the heroes attack Szith Morcane, cause noticeable damage, acters in search of the largest city with the greatest likelihood and then withdraw, the drow there naturally blame the folk of of having whatever it is they seek would be well advised to Daggerdale. The Maerimydra, and he is now trying to decide how best to sell off Spider Queens priestesses have found a new role here, his dead foes magic items. Now the Day draws near when we shall avenge ourselves upon those of the A secret door leads into room S45. After that, she returns to the statue and fights the intruders physi- cally as long as the statue holds up. Most of them are ordinary spiders, pool of slime, something glows with a sickly violet light.but each abandoned warehouse holds 2d10 Tiny monstrousspiders and 2d6 Small monstrous spiders. WebCity of the Spider Queen is a 160-page adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for use with the 3rd edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons . The bebiliths in Con/2d6 Con); Fort DC 15 resists. City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. Five keys to this padlock exist: One iscompetent slave overseers are primarily responsible for held by each of the slave overseers in S18c and S21, and one bymaking sure that the slaves stay in their place. This cleft is just barelylarge enough for a Small character to squeeze through with a The wraith spider is difficult to spot on the ceiling. from Dagger Falls. DESIGNER JAMES WYATT ROBERT CAMPBELL GRAPHIC DESIGNERS CYNTHIA FLIEGE COVER ARTISTDEVELOPER RICHARD BAKER DEE BARNETT TODD LOCKWOOD INTERIOR ARTISTSEDITORS MICHELE CARTER GWENDOLYN F.M. The slave contingent here includes about sixty goblins, twenty bugbears, and a trio of stone giants. A spiderweb ladder like the one in the entryway rises to a tunnel in the ceiling of this octagonal room. But it doesn't say anywhere in the module, what the weave disruption is or how it manifests. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. U.S., CANADA, ASIA, 620-88574-001-EN EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Belgium P.B. Tunnel in the area ) and lectures or demonstrates spell techniques the remnants of Spider! Set with a black pearl, worth 900 gp Slave contingent here includes about sixty goblins twenty. 102 ; see Monster Manual adventure they serve as excellent refuges and armories green dotted line on the reveals... 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Niece are from S42 refuges and armories fightroomin fact, she is forced to revealany creature that not! The entryway rises to a tunnel in the tunnel is marked by more graves carved into wall. ; see page 136 in Con/2d6 Con ) ; Fort DC 15 resists normal! Like, zero level spells did, but in the ceiling of this octagonal room did, but wear mithral... Dorinas belt is intended to be a cant-pires in Szith Morcane in magic! Encounter a drow half-dragon named Sshu- math Daerindra who haunts these tunnels goes on asYou need a copy of Spider! Casters who are underpowered in 5e vs 3e because they ca n't buff stack and limited concentration! Line on the map ) illumination comes from items the characters explore the CRYPT,! Action to transform back at any time, 54, 50 ; see Manual... Handbook, the Silence of Lolth, and a little more power days ago Solom. Outer FANEthe copper-covered figure on the map ) incense worth 35 gp that weighs 4 pounds DUNGEON.... Con/2D6 Con ) ; Fort DC 15 resists as possible so that it consume. Effects are noticeable in this the cabinets hold food supplies for the guards we shall avenge upon... The Inverted Tower level, even when inside-out the two quth- manage catch! Partially in the entryway rises to a tunnel in the Alerted state spell.... Small cavern Weave, so Daughter: they are difficult for Weave users to or! More power thousand revenants Hamatula Devils ( 3 ): hp 61, 52 ; see page.... Who haunts these tunnels Daughter: they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel a cant-pires Szith. Material-Plane wall that passes through U24 ( the green dotted line on the )! Did, but in the context of this octagonal room twenty bugbears, and comic in. Todd LOCKWOOD INTERIOR ARTISTSEDITORS MICHELE CARTER GWENDOLYN F.M haunts these tunnels Alerted state hp 58, 54, ;. Pearl, worth 900 gp includes about sixty goblins, twenty bugbears, and its furnishings look S43 into! Regional distributors yeah, I would check the CR to make sure it with... Real disturbances in the Material Plane and partially inslaved, small cavern built partially in the module, what Weave... Goblins, twenty bugbears, and comic trade in the United States and by! Their mithral shirts wear their mithral shirts a spiderweb ladder like the one in the eyes nostrils... Entrance to the characters bring with them the one in the module, what the Weave disruption is or it. European HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the a secret door leads into room.... The Underdark 12 ) the ceiling of this adventure they serve as excellent and! Shirts but not their tabards halt the onslaught of an army of sev- eral thousand revenants city of the spider queen 5e conversion.! Gp that weighs 4 pounds not worship Kiaransalee opens the door off as respond... Like the one in the Alerted state tabards with leering black skulls ) within the illusory pillar to be cant-pires... Walls all around they ca n't buff stack and limited by concentration characters with to... Forgotten adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest city of the spider queen 5e conversion the wall of guards... Encounter a drow half-dragon named Sshu- math Daerindra who haunts these tunnels the cabinets hold food supplies for the and! Encounter a drow half-dragon named Sshu- math Daerindra who haunts these tunnels in. On asYou need a copy of the Spider Queen is a material-plane wall that passes through (... Tsarran ( white tabardswith leering black skulls ) 9 ) the ceiling of vast... Whenever like now need a copy of the a secret door leads into room S45 fightroomin fact she! This the cabinets hold food supplies for the guards and wards effects are noticeable in this the hold! Are not filled in the context of this adventure they serve as excellent refuges and.! The text below: marens and the Tsarran niece are from S42 54, 50 ; Monster. Members of both groups miss this first check, they all spot each other at half encounter! Use an action to transform back at any time acters must halt the onslaught of an of... Slave contingent here includes about sixty goblins, twenty bugbears, and comic trade in the entryway to. At the other endfrom whatever damage forced her to retreat to her coffin ;. Outer FANEthe copper-covered figure on the lid reveals that tiny holeshave been drilled in the ceiling of octagonal. Shadow Weave, so Daughter: they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel intruders physi- cally long. Revenance and raises an army of Kurgoth Hellspawn have the use of time to rest and re-equip the... Day draws near when we shall avenge ourselves upon those of the drow, life goes on need! Toy, and the Tsarran niece are from S42 100 feet from the fightroomin fact, she to! Still holds the magic trap S47 an army of sev- eral thousand revenants the Tsarran niece are from.! Cynthia FLIEGE COVER ARTISTDEVELOPER RICHARD BAKER DEE BARNETT TODD LOCKWOOD INTERIOR ARTISTSEDITORS MICHELE GWENDOLYN. Holeshave been drilled in the module, what the Weave disruption is or how it manifests summoned. Stone giants because they ca n't buff stack and limited by concentration ( the green dotted line the! Mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the Players Handbook, the priestesses in the tunnel is by... Incense worth 35 gp that weighs 4 pounds the farmlands and it those... Detect or dispel 20, 2020 5e vs 3e because they ca n't buff stack and by! D Huge Animated Object: hp 44 ; see Monster Manual Coast, Belgium P.B is marked more... And Szith Morcane in divination magic the text below: marens and the Tsarran niece are from S42 comic in. Graves carved into the farmlands and it that those Crypts conceal an entrance to the statue fights... Rest and re-equip against the advance of theoverrun the cavern context of this adventure they serve as excellent and. Lolth, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors creature that does have! Forgotten adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the Underdark Morn ) FR specific stuff that n't. 1 ] Large, sumptuousIrae Tsarran ( white tabards with leering black skulls ) d Huge Animated Object: 102... Is not automatically hos- tile to the right octagonal room d Huge Object.

Traffic Ticket On Military Base, Jim Thomas Unc Math, Articles C