fallout 4 pack attack ctd

I had read the mod descriptions, twice in fact, but this thread is irrelevant now as I have reduced my load order a bit more, 218 in fact, which has increased the amount of time I can battle in combat to over two hours now. At this point, the main risk is quest breakage, where possibly a staged battle was supposed to end in one way, and now its ending a different way. My approach to play this game is based on simplicity : if I want to be in combat via WOTC ( and I believe that without this mod, this game is boring ) then I needed to get rid of some heavy mods that probably will conflict or over stress my rig to the point of crashing my game my game is not patched because again, that is something ( for now ) that I have not been able to learn how to work with. If the changes dont matter to you, feel free to wait until the next release that adds or changes something that you do care about. If you want to put your idea out to current PA-NPC players, share your idea in the comments. Theyre rushing you to finish you off. If more are noncombatants, they will join one of them. Otherwise, the best direct repayment you can give me is to use the mod, enjoy it, and tell me all about your adventures! They are recognizable by their animal-themed equipment and demeanor. Q: Why is the Main release a more current version than the no-F4SE release? Im always happy to hear more. The Development Process If you do not follow the author's recommendations about compatibility and load order, you won't be able to have kind of stable game. Probably. Nothing in the mod alters base records. Probably, if you ask nicely. Over the past few months several Fallout 4 mod authors have choosen to leave NexusMods over policy changes. Not really. What should I do? If you are having this problem, please rule out these scenarios before reporting it as a new bug: 1. That, and I also had to switch from Mod Organizer to Nexus Mod manager because sadly, the current Mod Organizer for Fallout 4 just does not work. Its there mainly for my own use, but feel free to play with it. The Pack is led by the "alpha," Mason. This mod mainly alters what they do at that point. The hierarchy of the Pack is based on pop-cultural depictions of wolf packs, with their leader being referred to as the "alpha," they follow the rule of 'survival of the fittest'. As of v1.4, the Brotherhood of Steel is a supported NPC. This is my current load order as it stands now. . PA-NPC doesnt change any game globals, so youre safe there. Here w. Im a particular fan of the Zachtronics games. Otherwise, dont worry about Debug Mode. Terminology note: PA-enabled means an NPC that is operating using Pack Attack logic. Select Fallout 4 in the dropdown list of applications. Its amazing how many have just one or the other. Blessed Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas), Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods) (mount), The Umbral Tide (Salamander Hunting Pack). No script envolved and no patch requiered. You can also help pitch in, if you want to get your hands dirty on this mod. Aggressive military types use either the Gunners or Brotherhood templates. Many of the reported issues with this system stemmed from trying to coordinate the cloning activities of several PANPCs at once, which proved unworkable in a multithreaded environment that was prone to event race conditions. It doesnt change any base records. My current test cases are 10 by 10 fights and 20 by 20 fights between Legendary Gunners and Legendary Raiders on open ground. Occasionally, under the right conditions, a raider will react to Revenge rage by shooting up with Psycho. And even then, most times it holds up just fine, and only once (much earlier version) have I found a stack dump generate a CTD the other times, I didnt even realize it dumped until I checked the log after a test session. Hopefully not. Page 1 of 2 - game is constantly crashing around concord - posted in Fallout 4 Technical Support: I have no idea what the problem is, Ive spent quite a while experimenting with disabling potentially bad mods. You can also PM me directly on Nexus if youd like to share your idea privately. Its designed to be. Using a combination of faction and race identification markers. (I tried with playing with performace options in both mods, but I dum Pack Attack AI soo much that NPC combat become easier then vanila and make SSQ very slow and after that my game still CTD often). PA-NPC versions prior to 1.432 had significant compatibility problems, as it added the script to actors manually in the base records. As a result, normally Aggressive NPCs Settlers, DCS, BoS, Minutemen, etc. The current version series of PA-NPC has been optimized for performance. Q: Is PA-NPC safe to merge with other mods? Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm . Right now I dont see any way to substantially improve them that justifies the processing overhead. Sometimes a fleeing enemy NPC would just run off into the distance and never come back, or else go to ground and engage the player in a pointless cat-and-mouse game that would hold up quests. A spot for the mods I code for Fallout and other games, last updated 03/31/2018, PANPC v1.66 I Hear Nebraskas Nice update. However, there are plenty of BoS actors which remain on vanilla settings. What should I do? No. Especially to me. Non-synth robots (including turrets). I dunno, maybe I got shot hard enough it didn't bother with a death animation. 5. All this data is collected and processed into a general bravery rating, which is then used to decide between aggressive, conservative, melee and ranged combat tactics. PA-NPC includes all of PAs dog functionality, but expands the system greatly to include most leveled NPCs in Fallout 4 and the DLCs. ; Crashing problem can be solved by lowering your graphic settings. Like all other PA-NPCs, Synths now are also liable to run away when seriously damaged, to find other Synths to back them up, or barring that, to hide. Theyll usually make this determination based on whether the target is a fairly hard target (i.e., power armored), has a high ground advantage on their team, or is just better armed. Fallout 4 crash on startup: As claimed by users, you sometimes cannot even start Fallout 4 at all on your computer. You can reduce (or raise) the volume of these detection events in MCM, down to zero if desired. Please update. The math is quite complicated and, combined with the normal actions of the Fallout 4 game engine, will routinely lead to unpredictable results. The effect dispels when the NPC is out of range or has died. Unfortunately, Creation Kit has a habit of making these cute little unnecessary edits without consulting the author, which then get saved and shipped without being noticed. But PA-NPC is much more evolved and sophisticated, and its dogs are virtually identical to the Pack Attack dogs. Critters in general are going to be taken case-by-case. Almost all of them, with the following exceptions: Any character flagged as unique Otherwise, first make sure that you are using the latest version of PA-NPC. Laptops can be okay for gaming, but I won't advise it for temperature reasons. PA-NPC does not attach its script to any unique actor or anyone belonging to CompanionFaction. So sometimes expect things like the cowering raider. I do this mainly to avoid runtime collisions with heavily scripted companions such as Heather Casdin, and with multiple companion mods. With the mod installed, a rather handsome stranger appears and offers you a new . . Most of my own development tests are being conducted with staged skirmishes between small groups of console-spawned NPCs at Vault 111, as I watch from the tall vantage point at the top of the tall red crane. As of v1.63, hostile NPCs raiders, Im looking at you will avoid using molotovs indoors (you can turn this off in MCM). One, it makes each NPC act like an individual, making their own decisions based on a unique personality, their recent combat experience, and their relative perspective of the battlefield. And for that matter, Bethesda games, too. Just getting back into FO4 and modding my game after about a year away, but after DLing a bunch of mods (and too many hours in FO4Edit) my game has a few hang up points. Probably molerats. Synths now have the same full complement of combat styles as everyone else, including melee/hand-to-hand at close range and retreat in self-preservation. As of v1.432, nearly every NPC group in Fallout 4 and the DLCs are PA-enabled. Because in my tests, thats the only Ive found to stop raiders from wanting to burn down their own base every time a stranger drops by: just take away their damned flame bombs. You can see some of my work over at Fallout Nexus. PA-NPC doesnt change globals, and rather than alter existing combat styles, it substitutes its own. Battle Buddies is my solution to countering a more effective flee/evade system. Currently they compare base weapon range and base cap cost value. Performance, Optimization, and Technical Stuff Until you see either an official patch from me, an official endorsement of someone elses patch, or a listing in the Compatible Status list that states that a patch isnt required, I am not currently supporting that mod. were shooting most anything that moved. 5. This also created unwanted hostility in some tests involving PA-enabled friendly dogs. Any help would be massively appreciated. Q: Why is this raider duck-and-covering instead of just running away? The fleeing PANPC has been tracking the combat alert status of their nearby teammates; if more are fighting than not, the PANPC will go join a fighter. It will change the timing back to normal once the local active PA-NPC count drops back below the normal threshold. As of v1.432, no base records are edited, and the mod dynamically attaches PA-NPC functionality on the fly. PA-NPC doesnt do anything to mess with weapons or ammo. This is in contrast to vanilla Fallout 4, where all NPCs of a type are basically clones and all act according to the same preset patterns. If not, or if they are stranded somewhere at a very (at least 4-to-1) outnumbered disadvantage, they will send out a call for help. 2. Q: Are you open to new developmental ideas? So no one can promise a flawless playthrough here. Q: Does PA-NPC include assessments of specific weapon/armor/ammo types and capabilities? It will either not support the NPC (if it remains unidentified), or misidentify it, with unpredictable consequences. Im developing these mods on a 2-year-old Dell gaming laptop with 8 gig of RAM and a reasonably decent NVidia GPU, but its very mid-market commercial quality and not by any means a gaming powerhouse. Or reporting the problem and allowing me to fix it. Versions 0.81 and onward have been made using Creation Kit 1.10.162. for the latest version of Fallout 4. The short answer is: very probably not. Source code is included in both download packages. 00. . Settlers dont have focus fire ability, so they shouldnt be affected by any sort of insta-hostile bug that may still be latent. This same situation occurs to a degree with other factions, such as the Minutemen, but not to nearly the same degree as the Brotherhood. And, if you choose to start writing mods yourself, pay it forward and think about the new guys who will one day be trying to learn from your work. This mod is being developed rapidly, and it is very likely that your issue has already been addressed. Alas, no sympathy from the good mod author here. Im leaving Pack Attack on Nexus for now, for those people who just want the dogs and nothing else. So if theres any sort of conflict there, its a runtime issue in which the combined mods throw your balance off. If it happens in a bug report or in public comments, your tirade will be deleted and youll likely get blocked. The Pack is one of the three factions of raiders living in Nuka-World. I recommend using PA-NPC with mods that reduce area respawn times, toughen up enemy NPCs, and the like. Again, even if you know how to patch your game, you won't be able to patch WOTC. Is immersion holding back Falloutmodding. This seems to eliminate nearly all molotov throwing indoors. As of v1.432, there are eight basic templates: Dogs, Raiders, Gunners, Brotherhood, Settlers, Minutemen, Synth, and Super Mutants. In pre-1.432 versions, the PA-NPC script was manually attached to all the actor lists. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. About Pack Attack: NPC Addition (PA-NPC) Im a nice guy who wants your feedback. Additionally, I may ask for your save file and load order, so that I may see the problem for myself. The Guide/Mod Compatibility is written and maintained by the players. Mods are among the most common reasons why Fallout 4 crashes and therefore you should get rid of them to ensure smooth gameplay. Through their victories and defeats, the individual NPCs will gain or lose courage, earn command roles, or succumb to revenge rage at the sight of a fallen comrade. Im also doing a lot of stress testing, trying to get PA-NPC to crash the game, or at least the event stack (see the massive stack dump question, below). In other words: ALWAYS INCLUDE THE SOURCE CODE. I am reviewing stack dumps from my own tests to see if a factor is at play that I can resolve. If you are having unexplained hostile problems, please PM me, Dropbox me a save file that demonstrates the problem, and send me your load order. The only way to avoid them is to access the cell where you are getting the CTD, from different direction but if your CTD's are happening as soon as you are getting in combat ( everywhere ), then I guess your problem is not just related to WOTC but to the heavy amount of mods in your game and that probably, they are conflicting to each other . . you are posting your problem but you do not give any information about how powerful your rig is to handle such amount of mods, etc, etc, etc, .. when a CTD happens, there might be dozens of reasons that are causing them, and they could be triggered perhaps because you are running something in the background, anti-virus software running, perhaps your rig is not that powerful, load order, too many mods conflicting to each other, lack of cleaning the master files, etc, etc. Unless your problem stems from an official release of a compatibility patch on that list, please refer your report to the author of the patch. Yes. Q: All these updates are killing me. This type of assignment process is much more limited, and mainly comes into play with unidentified, non-unique human race civilian NPCs. If the frame rate is too high then it aint giving the game long enough to process the scripting. But I can tell you that if you run into any significant problems, you should be able to disable the ESP and get back to normal. The answer is: depends. So generally speaking, Id avoid merging it, even though it may work. As of v1.6, they also assess the combat alert condition of their local teammates. 6. Q: This sounds like a lot of CPU threads going on at once. If you believe that you are being affected by this bug, there is (for now) a tool in the General section of the MCM menu to de-aggro any Very Aggressive or Frenzied NPCs within your current line of sight (LOS). The other assigned race are Ghouls, which (IIRC) I set to the Gunner template, on the logic that theyve been around the track for a while and have become fairly good at handling themselves. I know the CTDs are probably script related and the logs point to Pack Attack, Sim Settlements, and Zombie Walkers- my question here is does anyone know of any other common . Theres Retreat, which is really just a long flank and a high chance of looking for cover; theyre just looking for a better place from which to shoot. It only has features. In order to avoid quest breaks and other strange game bugs, Ive avoided enabling the PA-NPC script on the uniques and anyone that appears to possibly be quest-critical. There are many fine AI overhaul mods available on the Nexus. Versions 1.6+ (main channel) require F4SE. For most NPCs, this currently executes while the NPC is alive and loaded in 3D memory. Somethings banging against a scripted scene and/or quest that requires a specific fight to happen a certain way. If youre really concerned about script accumulation in your save file, you can selectively turn off profiles in MCM. Animals, in general, are not currently PA-enabled. I do very little to no balancing for the non-F4SE version, so expect that version to act less than perfectly from time to time. I have no ETA on when that process will begin. Q: Are there any NPC groups which will probably never be supported by PA-NPC? Can you fix it? Keep in mind that there are ways for this to legitimately happen. Please report the bug with as much relevant information as possible about where you were and what you were doing. Q: I have a question that you havent answered in this FAQ. So if for some reason you prefer the combat style stats implemented in another mod, youll have to change the PA-NPC stats manually in FO4Edit to accommodate. Theyre also not the sharpest knives in the drawer. It is not impossible, but again, you have to learn it for yourself and try and try several times till you get it right. Remember, theyre all smarter now, so skirmishes that are supposed to end a certain way may now have different end results. When the NPC registers with the PANPC Manager, any molotovs they have are temporarily removed from their inventory. Forged and Rust Devils, for instance, use the Raiders template. I fall into a game for a few months, play it almost exclusively, eventually get bored and go to the next game in the rotation. This is likely going to happen often. Some will start with a natural advantage there, more likely to stay true against impossible odds. And porting backwards to FO3/FNV is beyond unfeasible. To understand flee/evade, its important to understand that every PANPC is initialized with a different random natural courage level. Once again, if so, let me know and I can either fix it or code around it. (updated 3/23/18, v1.64). Good luck. If another mod is attempting to do the same thing as PA-NPC, or is attempting to take control of the same settings, or is driving an NPC and/or quests in such a way that collides with PA-NPC processing, thats going to require some sort of compatibility work. So, try unchecking the folders on the left. 4 mod authors have choosen to leave NexusMods over policy changes also not the sharpest in... The Guide/Mod compatibility is written and maintained by the players change the timing back to normal once the active! Where you were and what you were doing any sort of fallout 4 pack attack ctd bug that may be... Hear Nebraskas Nice update comes into play with it deleted and youll likely get blocked it substitutes its.... Own tests to see if a factor is at play that I may see problem! In mind that there are many fine AI overhaul mods available on the fly own tests see... Civilian NPCs a runtime issue in which the combined mods throw your balance off against a scripted and/or... 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