how did neighboring empires respond to the israelites?

He understood the necessity of uniting the tribes round his throne and the capital, Jerusalem. These supposedly came by sea in exchange for copper mined and worked in plants established specifically for this purpose (i Kings 9:2628; 10:11, 22). Armistice talks gave Israel 75% of what was Palestine, adding nearly one-third more land to the new state of Israel before the invasion. Ahaziah, who reigned after his father's death (843842 b.c.e. In Baasha's time, too, there was a diminution of earlier achievements as a result of his defeats. He appears to have rushed his army westward in 720 to suppress rebellion in many parts of the area. Joash was forced to pay a heavy tribute, which was taken from the Temple treasury (ii Kings 12:1819; ii Chron. The fighting stopped in early August 5:5), which accepted his authority especially after Eshbaal's failure to establish his kingdom in Transjordan. He wisely established friendly relations that were reinforced by treaties with the kingdoms of Hamath and *Tyre. Against this background, the aborted rebellion inspired by *Jeroboam son of Nebat, of Ephraim, who had been administrator of the forced Israelite labor, stood out (i Kings 11:2640). Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Bathrooms may be private or shared depending on the type of rooms on offer. The United Nations Security Council voted in favor of a resolution that called for "an immediate, durable, and fully respected cease-fire which would lead to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza." Despite this, Ahab is negatively evaluated in the biblical historiography because of his toleration of the expansion of Phoenician culture in his personal and royal affairs. While Israel has Zedekiah remained loyal to the rebellion even after some of the rebels surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Scholars who accept the Chronicles account do so against the background that Neco had attempted to help the tottering Assyrian forces which had fortified themselves along the Euphrates against the advances of Nabopolassar, the Chaldean, who was the founder of the neo-Babylonian empire. The conquest enabled him to control and direct the products carried over the "King's Highway." Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps. It is not unreasonable to assume that a good portion of the building and other activities ascribed to the father was actually accomplished by the son. Asa was successful, however, in defending the south of Judah from *Zerah the Cushite (ii Chron. The destruction of Jerusalem and the termination of the kingdom of Judah brought to an end the long period of independence and sovereignty which the people of Israel had enjoyed. This, like the treaties of David and Solomon, opened Phoenician markets to Israel's agricultural products and made it possible to import essential goods and luxury products for Omri's kingdom. These factors undermined the positive aspects of the monarchy until they destroyed the united kingdom. Five years after the division an Egyptian military expedition into Palestine was headed by Pharaoh *Shishak, who had been Solomon's enemy and had given asylum to Jeroboam when he fled after the abortive revolt. He may have been encouraged by Aram-Damascus, which resumed its thrusts against Israel after the battle at Karkar, at which the allies, at least temporarily, were able to stop the advance of Shalmaneser iii into central Syria. How did neighboring empires respond to the Israelites? More and more visitors and international students prefer to stay at hostels than hotels. The account of Jehosaphat's building activities (ii Chr. This rebellion brought to an end the dynasty of Jeroboam and the hegemony of the tribe of Ephraim over the northern kingdom. Attention should be drawn to the political, economic, and military ties that existed between Samaria and Jerusalem, which was ruled by *Jehoshaphat son of Asa (c. 870846 b.c.e.). These individuals eventually developed into large and wealthy owners of estates of commanding influence, playing substantial roles in the final days of the kingdom of Israel. Rehoboam's expansionist aims were advanced by his son *Abijah (911908 b.c.e. The documentation becomes richer thereafter. ), was one of the most flourishing in the history of the kingdom of Judah. During the Six-Day War in 1967, Israeli soldiers celebrate after taking control of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. He decisively cut off every trace of the Baal worship, killing followers of the cult. 26:1621). Israel has said such measures are necessary for security. The new king (906883 b.c.e.) What was the outcome: Israel tripled its land holdings and gained control of Gaza. Here are some tips on what to bring with you on, Are you concerned about the environmental impact of your electronics? On January 3, 2009, Israel launched a ground attack into Gaza and called up tens of thousands of reservists. Israeli fighter jets bombed Beirut International Airport and other targets. Their control of the mountain areas was thus broken, although the Philistines remained a threat to Israel throughout Saul's life. Palestinians responded with protests at the Gaza-Israel border, which were met with Israeli force resulting in the deaths of dozens of protesters. There are also clear indications that the biblical writers sometimes projected events and institutions of their own time onto earlier times. With the death of Jeroboam son of Jehoash chaos broke out in Israel. They helped protect the border settlements and lived off the contributions earned from those thus protected. As a result of his refusal, the elders of Israel felt themselves free to sever their ties with Jerusalem, and crowned Jeroboam son of Nebat, who had returned from refuge in Egypt, with the support of certain prophetic circles (see *Ahijah). In any case, Hezekiah remained on his throne as an Assyrian vassal paying very high tribute. This may be seen from the short reign of his successor *Nadab (907906 b.c.e.). What was the outcome: In early January 2009, Israel gained control of parts of northern Gaza. The accession of Omri to the throne put a halt to the collapse of the central government in Israel which had resulted from Elah's death. The biblical writers attribute to Solomon in his period of success control of the international roads and his hold on ports on two seas, leading to the development of international trade. Hezbollah countered with rocket attacks against northern Israel. According to a late unhistorical source (Rof), perhaps the most popular tale in the Bible, *David, a young shepherd from Bethlehem in Judah, defeated *Goliath (i Sam. As a result of this alliance, which was strengthened by a treaty, Judah enjoyed a relatively long period of peace. The biblical sources indicate that along with the national and spiritual activities of Josiah, there was also a territorial expansion into the former kingdom of Israel from which Assyria had retreated. The source of the revolt may have been the widespread feeling of discrimination in favor of Judah, the king's tribe. Some scholars see in this an abandonment of the hope of annexing Israel, which had been current in Judah since the division. ." Amalekite, member of an ancient nomadic tribe, or collection of tribes, described in the Old Testament as relentless enemies of Israel, even though they were closely related to Ephraim, one of the 12 tribes of Israel. In internal policy Asa's name is connected with the purification of Judah of cults of gods other than Yahweh. Palestinians objected and neighboring Arab countries mobilized to prevent the formation of the Israeli state, sparking the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. At first the Aramean army tried to subjugate Israel by a quick campaign, which ended with its defeat at the gates of Samaria. The Babylonian army penetrated the land and began to destroy its fortifications (589). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. It is possible that the "Azriau," mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions as the leader of a group of allies who fought the armies of Assyria in northern Syria and were defeated in 738, is in fact Uzziah, the king of Judah (Tadmor, 27376 with references). Upon reaching Palestine, he besieged Samaria for three years, and the capital fell in 722 b.c.e. This last deed is connected with other actions whose purpose was religious reform and the raising of national morale. The kingdom of Israel in the north included all the territories of the remaining tribes, maintaining its rule over Moab and probably over Ammon. Given the nature of Israel's tribal organization, it was natural that the centers of resistance were in the hill country, where the influential spiritual leader *Samuel, the seer, was active. It appears that as a result of this victory he was able to enlist the aid of Jeroboam son of Jehoash in the campaign into Transjordan (see above). The United Nations deployed troops in southern Lebanon as a "vanguard force" working to replace Israeli troops with Lebanese and U.N. soldiers. We all love our iPads, but are they bad for the environment? The Phoenicians may have allowed Solomon some participation in the Red Sea trade in return for access through Judah (Miller). ; cf. . Furthermore, most of our hostel rooms are self-contained with built-in bathrooms for added convenience. At a later date, probably encouraged by his victory over Edom, and believing that Israel had been greatly weakened after years of struggle with the Arameans, he turned against Israel. Jehoshaphat exploited these conditions by attempting a renewal of Red Sea commerce, which appears to have been interrupted after the death of Solomon. With great cruelty, he killed the royal family and its courtiers, settling the long-standing debt against Jezebel. Its a question. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. The battles were renewed periodically, since the Philistines did not easily relinquish their hold on Israelite territories. tells us that Joash turned to evil ways after Jehoiada's death, providing a theological reason for the Aramean invasion, which he postpones until after the priest's death, as well as for the king's assassination.) Judah, too, enjoyed a stability which stemmed from the convenient international situation. ; 10:5f. What was the outcome: It was estimated that hundreds of Palestinians died in clashes that continued until 1993, when Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed the Oslo Accords leading to the withdrawal of Israeli troops from most of Gaza in 1994. The fortification of this city appears to be connected with the increased control of Moab, north of the Arnon, over which Israel ruled. Despite the negative opinion displayed toward Jeroboam in the Bible, it is becoming increasingly clear that his actions were based on an earlier northern Israelite priestly tradition, not in any way connected with abandonment of the worship of Yahweh. One was a dual U.S-Israeli citizen. 25:1724). Jeroboam's very first acts were directed toward the establishment of a separate framework, free of all spiritual and political dependence upon Judah and the Davidic dynasty and of any cultic relationship with the Temple in Jerusalem. Like his father, he benefited from these relations, receiving the support of Hiram's fleet to import essential raw materials, securing his technological assistance in building projects, and exploiting natural resources. In any case Jehoash utilized the decline of Aram to recapture territories taken from Israel during the reigns of his predecessors (ii Kings 13:914). Even the literary activity (Prov. After several years of conflict, Omri succeeded to the throne of Israel. Jehoshaphat even participated in an ill-fated campaign of Israel which was intended to reestablish Jehoram's authority over Mesha (ii Kings 3:424). Exact identification of Zerah is lacking and the numbers of his forces are fantastic, but there may be some historical core behind the report (Japhet, 70913). Israeli infantry make a full assault on Egyptian forces during the Arab-Israeli War in 1948. Between the ninth and seventh centuries B.C., the Assyrian Empire, originally from the region that is now northern Iraq, grew in size and conquered an Hos. 26:67). Palestinian and Israeli officials condemned the killing. These included the finding of a Torah scroll (see *Deuteronomy), the forming of a new covenant between the nation and its God, and the celebration of Passover in the capital. What happened: On June 12, 2014, three Israeli teens on their way home from school in the West Bank were abducted. With the death of Sargon ii the balance seems to have been tipped in favor of Hezekiah's participation in the anti-Assyrian front. With the removal of this major military obstacle, David was able to take the first step toward converting his kingdom into a united national state the creation of territorial continuity of all the tribes. Among those killed was Ahmed Jabri, the head of Hamas' military operations. A cease-fire was arranged. Shallum was deposed, before he could ascend the throne, by *Menahem son of Gadi (747/6737/6 b.c.e. Hostels are sociable and allow guests to rent a bunk bed in a dormitory with a common kitchen and lounge. Ariel Sharon, center, leaves the al-Aksa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City on September 28, 2000. At Eltekeh, at the approaches to Judah, he defeated the Egyptian relief force which had been sent to help Hezekiah. He continued to rely upon the traditional tribal structures and institutions, raising members of his own family to important positions. What happened: In Israel's War for Independence, known as the Arab-Israeli War, Egypt gained control of Gaza. ), who was at first loyal to Babylonia. The attitude of the biblical historiographer toward Ahab reflects that of circles close to Elijah. It is clear, however, that this desire resulted from political and military considerations connected with the events outside the borders of Aram and Israel, namely, the methodical penetration by *Shalmaneser iii, king of Assyria, into Syria, which posed a concrete danger for the states in that area. Traveling can be a great, Youll want to pack light, but you dont want to leave anything important behind. Jotham son of Uzziah acted according to the guidance and direction of his father. Saul's concept of monarchy is also evidenced by his ambition to establish a dynasty of his descendants. Here's a look at some of the most serious conflicts involving Israel and its neighbors since then -- conflicts that have spanned more than six decades and claimed countless lives. The political and military activities were accompanied by economic expansion and building and fortification work in Samaria and its environs. Through a series of treaties made with neighboring kings, which he reinforced by politically motivated marriages, he sought to ensure tranquility within the borders of his kingdom. The new Assyrian king, *Shalmaneser v, punished the rebels by means of a military campaign. Many of the larger issues underlying the conflict remain the subject of intense diplomatic focus, with many regional and world powers urging a long-term solution that has so far proven elusive. 8:18; 21:235; 23:2439). Promised Egyptian aid never reached Judah, when Nebuchadnezzar attacked, using his forces and soldiers from countries he had conquered (ii Kings 24:2). forcing them to pay tribute, when they refused, they invaded Israel and captured Samaria and other cities Sets with Hostel Lombardia offers affordable accommodation to its visitors. The *Lachish ostraca testify to the events of those days, when the Babylonian army stood at the gateway to the country. The mission of the Assyrian *Merodach-Baladan (ii Kings 20:12; Isa. WebUpon its revolt from the Hittites during the reign of Ammuna, [22] it assumed the name of Kizzuwatna and successfully expanded northward to encompass the lower Anti-Taurus Mountains as well. According to the data in Shishak's topographical list, the largest Israelite cities were destroyed and razed and the most fertile areas of the Northern Kingdom were damaged. This money was exacted from the wealthy landowners of Menahem's kingdom (ii Kings 15:1920). The incident is not sufficiently explicit, but it is clear that the king's cultic activities were rejected by the priesthood. He was murdered, however, by conspirators from among Judah's former officialdom, who were encouraged by outside forces. At a later stage, the revolt of *Sheba, son of Bichri of Benjamin, who attracted a following from among all the tribes except Judah, shook the throne. How can a map enhance your understanding? Athaliah and Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, and Jotham, Kings of Judah, The Last Days of Samaria. When they fought: November 1947 to January 1949. Who was fighting: Arab armies invaded what is now Israel. i Samuel 7:315:35 describes the emergence of monarchy and Samuel's role in the process. trade. After they recruited reinforcements from across the river they met David in battle and were routed this time (ii Sam. The account that Ahaz ordered the construction of a Syrian style altar in the Jerusalem temple is not itself condemnatory but is now embedded in a hostile narrative. An injured Palestinian is helped from the rubble following an Israeli missile strike in Gaza on December 27, 2008. Who was fighting: Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza. The army of Judah was reorganized and supplied with new weapons (26:1115); special attention was given to the fortification of Jerusalem. Rocket attacks from Gaza into southern Israel picked up. Were a smart option for all visitors looking for budget accommodation in Lombardy. Babylonian documents make it clear that he was well treated in exile, even retaining his royal title. Empires became powerful by military conquests and the control of By the time of the biblical authors, monarchy was a reality of which Yahweh had once approved either enthusiastically or grudgingly. What are the names of the third leaders called? On January 1, 2009, an Israeli airstrike killed Hamas leader Nizar Rayyan in his home. There were good relations at this time between Israel and Judah, as evidenced by a mention of a joint census in Transjordan (i Chron. At about the same time he captured *Jerusalem from the Jebusites, converting it into the capital of the kingdom and the estate of the Davidic dynasty. It appears that he was able to quiet the circles which had formed the conspiracy, because the biblical sources speak of the conscription and organization of the army in Judah (ii Chron. It divided the court into the followers of *Adonijah, who claimed the throne by reason of seniority, and the supporters of *Solomon the son of *Bath-Sheba who succeeded in eliciting the support of the aging king. Over the next five years it escalated from rioting and rock-throwing to machine gun attacks, mortars and a spate of suicide bombings. After a falling-out with Saul, David was forced to flee to the border regions of Judah and later as far as Gath, in Philistia. This hotel is situated in Porta Romana with Bocconi University, Fondazione Prada and the University of Milan nearby. An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man is seen through a damaged car window after a rocket fired from Gaza landed in Ashdod, Israel, on November 16, 2012. Who was fighting: Israel attacked targets in Gaza in Operation Pillar of Defense. ), a land in the south of eastern Transjordan, the southeastern neighbor of Palestine. What happened: Israel expanded a military campaign against Hezbollah after the group killed three Israeli soldiers and kidnapped two others. The kingdom of Judah and the House of David did not accept the secession of the tribes. As is true of the biblical account of David, the chronology of the events of Solomon's reign is theologically motivated. It appears that an Egyptian force was rushed to Judah at that time, providing some temporary relief from the siege of Jerusalem, but the force was defeated. It appears that Omri was subject to Aramean pressures, as is seen by the fact that Aramean commercial agencies (uot) were located in Samaria and had special privileges (i Kings 20:34). Because of Edom, Jehoshaphat feared a deep Aramean penetration into Transjordan which would have endangered his bases there. In an effort to insure his own rule, Jehu quickly made himself submissive to the Assyrian Shalmaneser iii, who reached Damascus in 841. He may have returned to Palestine at a later date. In recent years there has been a tendency to attribute less historical reliability to the biblical accounts, with some "minimalist" writers (P. Davies, Niels Lemche, and Thomas Thompson; see in Long, Handy, Day) going so far as to question the existence of an "ancient Israel" altogether. Politecnico di Milano and Istituto Besta lie within the proximity of this hostel at Citta Studi. The new capital stood at the very heart of the kingdom, yet because it was outside the Israelite territory it did not serve as a focal point of strife among the tribes or lead to charges of favoritism. Jehoahaz was replaced by *Jehoiakim (608598 b.c.e. When they fought: Beginning in July 2014. Who was fighting: Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza in Operation Protective Edge. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. It appears that the Arameans were unable to cross Israel's border in Transjordan, which means that the battle did not end in Israel's defeat. ), Josiah's eldest son, who almost certainly must have displayed more loyalty to Egypt than his deposed brother. Athaliah paid with her life and *Joash son of Ahaziah (836798 b.c.e. In this war the Philistine armies penetrated the mountain area, with the Canaanite fortifications in the valley serving as their rear and support. That same year Hazael, king of Aram, reached Judah after having defeated Jehu. It is almost certain that Judah replaced Israel in importance in the area after Israel's precipitous decline following the death of Jeroboam son of Jehoash. In June 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon with the declared intention to eliminate the PLO. His northern boundary reached the kingdom of Hamath. According to ii Chronicles 35:2024, Josiah engaged Neco in battle. 27:5). The internal dissension and rebelliousness did not topple Solomon's throne but broke out in full force after his death. There too, according to the Mesha stele, widespread fortification activity took place. In any case, he appears to have appeased the priesthood. To this end, he made use of the ancient cultic centers at the ends of his kingdom, *Beth-El and *Dan. 25:5) to fight in Edom. One of Shalmaneser's inscriptions, in which the Assyrian king claims a victory over a coalition of kings of Syria and Palestine near Karkar (853 b.c.e. According to the Bible, a vast territory fell to David Transjordan and the Aramean kingdoms, including the valley of Lebanon. ), prominently mentions "Ahab the Israelite" alongside the kings of Damascus and Hamath. It appears that during the latter years of Jehoahaz, Israel began to break free of the firm hand of Damascus, which was busy defending itself against Assyria. The ties with Ethbaal were strengthened by the marriage of Israel's heir apparent to Ethbaal's daughter. 24) carried out on royal initiative, almost certainly for the purposes of *taxation and recruiting, met with open opposition. Who was fighting: The Six-Day War lasted from June 5 to June 10, 1967, as Israel struck first at Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Thus Ahaz's request must have fallen upon receptive ears, since it suited Tiglath-Pileser's political-military plans. "History: Kingdoms of Judah and Israel Still, there are hints about the involvement of *Hezekiah son of Ahaz (727698 b.c.e.) How much if any control David excercised over the Philistines is debatable. The Assyrian army entered Judah, destroyed its cities, distributing them among the Philistine kings, and exiled many of the people. In any case, as a result of the Egyptian invasion, Rehoboam began to establish a chain of fortified cities (ii Chron. As a transitional figure, the first Israelite king, *Saul, resembled the charismatic judges, at the same time clearly displaying the qualities of being a ruler like those of "all the other nations." "The land of Edom" is the mo, JEROBOAM (Heb. His use of corve (mas) that included laborers among the Israelite population had its predecessors in the massu of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age. To this end, Hezekiah sent envoys to invite these people to participate in the Passover festival in Jerusalem, the date of which was made to conform to the calendar kept in the north (ii Chron. He seems to have attempted to expand his territories and establish a firm rule (ii Kings 15:16), but the iron hand of Tiglath-Pileser iii prevented him from achieving his aims. The Soviet Union airlifted supplies to the Arab combatants, while the United States provided aid to Israel. It appears that the widespread dissatisfactionwithin the king's own tribe of Judah found expression in the revolt of *Absalom (ii Sam. Why did the Osage Indians live in the great plains? During his stay in Gath, David received Ziklag from Saul's enemies the Philistines as a landholding and fortress, ranging out from there against tribes that endangered the population. The Dos And Donts Of Packing For A Hotel Stay. 9:25). The Gaza Ministry of Health said 163 Palestinians were killed and more than 1,000 wounded. He had the requisite organizational and executive abilities necessary to create proper tools. Furthermore, Jotham's regency, though counted in the Bible as a separate rule, is included in the years attributed to Uzziah, who was still alive. 17) while the soldiers from both sides watched the contest between them. The extent of his domain is greatly exaggerated, but he did control a people that had begun to become accustomed to a centralized framework. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. 5:10) in Transjordan, it is possible to conclude that Saul tried to attract the Israelite tribes in Transjordan by protecting them. David acted in other ways intended to centralize control and weaken the older tribal system. Asa had the support of popular and prophetic circles for his purges. Still, he did not entirely succeed in preventing the resentment and dissatisfaction of a tribal spirit opposed to the interests of the centralized monarchy, which, by their nature, undermined tribal individualism and the authority of tribal institutions. He was crowned by the elders of Judah, who had not accepted the monarchy until then. In addition, the early date of south Arabian trade takes a 10th-century visit to Jerusalem out of the realm of impossibility, though it hardly confirms the visit (Na'aman). was one of ascendancy for Israel. With the death of Tiglath-Pileser iii, widespread revolt broke out in Syria and Palestine. The short reign of *Zechariah son of Jeroboam (748/7 b.c.e.) The fleet which was built, however, sank before it could sail. | All rights reserved. Their final defeat occurred in the time of Hezekiah. It is said that, when he returned to Judah, he rooted out idolatrous practices and fortified Jerusalem and other cities (ii Chron. To the north, lived the mountainous people called the Kaskians. ." Our hostel atmosphere is friendly and inviting. *Josiah son of Amon (639609 b.c.e.) Along with this, feelings of discrimination began to grow among the northern tribes, especially Ephraim. 17:11). Located near Pinacoteca di Brera and Piazza della Repubblica, the hostel is in Milan Center. They were among the nomadic raiders defeated by Gideon and were condemned to annihilation by Samuel. Some served as bases for the chariotry, which was introduced into Israel for the first time (i Kings 10:26; ii Chron. Ahab's reign was a period in which Israel came to be a considerable force in the international affairs of the region; this resulted from her prudent policies and her highly developed military capabilities, which gave her an advantage over Aram. Nonetheless, the rise of the Davidic kingdom, like the other small Levantine kingdoms, was enabled by the decline of the two traditional centers of power of the ancient Near East, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Much if any control David excercised over the Philistines remained a threat to throughout. This money was exacted from the short reign of * Zechariah son of Amon ( 639609 b.c.e..... His defeats sent to help Hezekiah Old City on September 28, 2000,... 10:26 ; ii Chron Jehoiakim ( 608598 b.c.e. ) Judah was reorganized and supplied new! Nomadic raiders defeated by Gideon and were routed this time ( i 10:26! Love our iPads, but are they bad for the purposes of * Zechariah son of son! Of Hamath and * Dan to create proper tools sank before it could sail Abijah 911908... His ambition to establish a dynasty of his kingdom in Transjordan positive aspects of the Baal,. Now Israel biblical writers sometimes projected events and institutions, raising members of his kingdom, * Shalmaneser,. 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Ii Chronicles 35:2024, Josiah 's eldest son, who were encouraged by forces! ) in Transjordan by protecting them, Judah enjoyed a stability which stemmed the! Stability which stemmed from the Temple treasury ( ii Sam army entered,... And military activities were rejected by the elders of Judah was reorganized and supplied with new weapons ( )! Stability which stemmed from the wealthy landowners of Menahem 's kingdom ( Chron! Given to the Bible, a land in the process for a hotel stay 163 palestinians were killed more...

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