scalp acupuncture for tremors imdur

After only one treatment per patient, three of the seven veterans instantly felt no further phantom pain, three others reported having very little pain, and only one patient showed no improvement. After 48 treatments, Julia felt well enough to end treatment and start a new life in San Francisco where her son was living. The man had developed paralysis in the right arm and hand after an operation on the left side of his brain to remove a tumor. She returned for the second treatment a day later, having had traveled across the country for these treatments. The numbness and tingling in her limbs did not bother her as much, she had more energy, and had not experienced incontinence of urine for several weeks. When myelin is damaged, neurological transmission of messages may be slowed or blocked completely resulting in some body functions being diminished or lost. pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest. The actual site of obstruction is always at or below the level at which patients perceive the obstruction. Michael showed remarkable improvement right away. When stroke patients pass the acute stage they should start rehabilitation as soon as possible. Sometimes it is necessary to show a patient how tiny the needles are or demonstrate the insertion of a needle in the practitioner's own body. Many studies on scalp acupuncture have shown positive results in treating various disorders of the central nervous system. Practitioners should consider scalp acupuncture as either the primary approach or a complementary approach when treating disorders of the central nervous system and endocrine system. Treatment is given two to three times per week and a therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. While we were continuing our lecture, we heard screaming from the other room. The scalp's unique neurological and endocrinal composition makes it an ideal external stimulating field for internal activities of the brain. I can walk solidly from heel to toe and walk backwards with no difficulty.. Although his aphasia gradually improved, his speech was not clear. Stimulate this needle with vigorous thrusting, lifting, and twirling. Lisa experienced dramatic improvements of her right arm, hand, leg, and foot with every visit. It is suggested that no more than two of the scalp needles be stimulated at any session so the brain does not become too confused to respond. His voice was low and it was very difficult to understand him. She could pick up pennies on a table with either hand during the treatment. David, a 52-year-old man, was vacationing with his wife in Santa Fe, NM, in 1993. In treating unilateral paralysis of the limbs, traditionally more points from yang ming channels are selected because yang corresponds to movement and agility, and foot yang ming stomach channel controls muscle functions. These include weakness, paralysis or abnormal sensations in limbs or face, aphasia, apraxia, altered vision, problems with hearing, taste, or smell, vertigo, disequilibrium, altered coordination, difficulty swallowing, and mental and emotional changes. Those patients usually respond and improve more quickly. Fred could move his right arm up and down more and he was able to start walking to our clinic on his own. She was able to count from one to 20 without breathing. Approximately 300,000 people in the US and 2.5 million people worldwide suffer from MS. There are several different acupuncture techniques to treat paralysis. Denise also complained of numbness, tingling, and spasms in her legs accompanied by incontinence of urine and severe fatigue. Scalp acupuncture is a well-researched natural science and incorporates extensive knowledge of both the past and present. Regular body acupuncture treatment has been found to have a positive therapeutic effect on the recovery of movement of hands, fingers, feet, and toes. Insert needles in the upper 1/5 Motor Area, Speech I Area, Foot Motor and Sensory Area, Chorea and Tremor Area, and Praxis Area and stimulate bilaterally. This results in relaxation and pain . absence of or decrease in body movement arm, back, or jaw pain black, tarry stools bladder pain bleeding after defecation bleeding gums blood in the urine or stools blurred vision body aches or pain burning while urinating burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, "pins and needles", or tingling feelings chest pain or discomfort Her tongue had a red tip, a peeled coating on the right side, was purple in the center, had major teeth marks along the sides, a severe tremor, and a thick, white coating. Her tongue was purple with a thin white coating. Secondary symptoms can be addressed after patients have significant improvements in their major complaints. Recent studies have shown that scalp acupuncture can be a very effective modality in controlling MS, often producing remarkable results after just a few needles are inserted. In addition to the paralysis on the right side, his tongue was purple with teeth marks and a thin, white coating. He felt depressed, irritable, angry, and severely fatigued. Just like any new technology and science, the discovery, development, and clinical application of scalp acupuncture has undergone a period of challenge because it falls outside some fundamental theories of Chinese medicine as well as being a new concept in the Western world. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Qi stagnation and blood stasis in the channels. Treatment is given two to three times per week and a therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. With such little information available, it has been almost impossible to apply this technique widely and with confidence. She had gotten married and returned to work. The NDS of both groups were statistically decreased (, Li Min and colleagues reported the treatment of 60 cases of dysphagia due to stroke using scalp acupuncture in 2009. Primary lateral sclerosis is a rare motor neuron disease that resembles ALS but there is no evidence of the degeneration of spinal motor neurons or muscle wasting that occurs in ALS. He did not like to perform speech, swallowing, and body exercises. One student at this class offered the conclusion, It's never too late to treat a paralyzed patient with scalp acupuncture.. Its effects can range from relatively benign in most cases, to somewhat disabling, to devastating for some people. For scalp acupuncture, the Chorea and Tremor Area replaced the Foot Motor and Sensory Area in this second treatment. Paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic injury of the brain or spinal cord are the most commonly seen problems in our practice. By the sixth treatment, Lisa could move her right arm up and down very quickly and was able to start writing with that hand again. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Liver blood deficiency with internal stirring of liver wind, kidney qi deficiency, liver depression qi stagnation, blood stasis, Primary area: Motor Area, Sensory Area, Foot Motor and Sensory Area, Secondary area: Balance Area, Chorea and Tremor Area, and Vertigo and Hearing Area. Research on the effect of scalp acupuncture for dysphagia. Common acupuncture points include Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), Jian Yu (LI 15), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limb paralysis and Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Feng Shi (GB 31), Zu San Li (St 36), and Kun Lun (Bl 60) for lower limb paralysis. In our practice, the combination of scalp acupuncture and regular body acupuncture ensures the best results, especially for the further recovery of paralyzed fingers or toes. Monoplegia is impairment in the motor function of only one limb. Tremor areas are classified as secondary areas . It can help localize a lesion to a particular cortical region and spinal cord level, evaluate scalp acupuncture treatment, and give the patient encouragement when there is subtle improvement that the patient might not notice. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the After the sixteenth treatment he had gained more mobility and use of his right hand and gained more muscular strength in that hand. Scalp acupuncture is frequently used in rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury. Find a doctor near you, schedule an appointment, or call 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536). It is also the most useful technique for the patient to improve quickly in the initial visits. After the eighth treatment she was able to walk with the assistance of a walker, experienced much more mobility in her hand movements, and her body spasms were almost entirely gone. Stimulate all needles with vigorous thrusting, lifting, and twirling. The results were 25 cases fully recovered (52%), 18 cases markedly improved (38%), and 5 cases failed to improve at all (10%), yielding a total effective rate of 90%. There is no cure or standard treatment for motor neuron diseases and treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms of muscle spasm and pain while maintaining the highest practical level of overall health. However, to treat dysphagia patients who have depression is very challenging because patients are not always willing to participate in the treatment. In our normal practice it often takes from several weeks to several months for stroke patients to improve and recover. This patient's experience has caused us to change the information we give students about whether treatment could be successful after a specific number of years. Infected by West Nile virus, she had immediately developed quadriplegia. Treatment is given two to three times per week and a therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. Acupuncture care does not replace the need for a primary care physician. 5.3. First, we were among an early group of people who studied these techniques and were very fortunate to have opportunities to learn it directly from famous scalp acupuncture specialists including Jiao Shun-fa, the brilliant founder of Chinese scalp acupuncture, Yu Zhi-shun, a well-known professor in scalp acupuncture development, and Sun Shentian, an outstanding professor in scalp acupuncture research. She had participated in running a race and did very well. For electrical stimulation in body acupuncture, fewer than four needles should be stimulated in each limb. In A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine, Wiseman and Feng translate this pulse image as the string-like pulse, but wiry is the more common usage. It is caused by sclerosis in the corticospinal tracts. Location: parallel with and 1.5 cm to chorea and tremor control area. As a result, she had incontinence of bowel and urine. However, facial paralysis may continue to develop and get worse for seven to 10 days after initial symptoms occur. These areas may also be effectively employed for pain management, especially that caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, complex regional pain, and residual limb pain. A few minutes later he was able to move his paralyzed arm and hand, amazed as he raised it over his head. She was amazed to feel the spasms and numbness in her legs improve just minutes after a few needles were inserted. Communicate with the patient and any relatives often in order to gain their confidence, to encourage them, and reduce their fear and anxiety. During the initial consultation, David and his wife asked many questions because they were doubtful that scalp acupuncture could help him. Several doctors thought she suffered from a motor neuron disorder or ALS. In Chinese medicine, the stroke itself is thought to involve several interpromoting disease mechanisms, possibly including qi stagnation, heat, phlegm, blood stasis and, of course, wind. Scalp acupuncture is an effective treatment for Bell's palsy. After the third treatment, the deviation and drooped corner of his mouth showed remarkable improvement, especially after more needles were inserted into his face, hands, and feet. Abboud H, Ahmed A, Fernandez HH. During the treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. His pulses were wiry and slippery. Fred was able to follow instructions to practice his speech and do oral and pharyngeal exercises. In addition to scalp acupuncture, the ear and body acupuncture were very helpful in the patient's progress and recovery. That is highly unusual and by no means the norm. There are considerable clinical studies and experimental research showing the excellent results obtained from scalp acupuncture on paralysis due to stroke. At that time her leg and arm muscles were so much stronger that she was able to write and make phone calls. The audience reported that he was taking much larger steps, was lifting up his legs rather than dragging them, and was turning around without hesitation. Fred started to eat more solid food and add more kinds of food gradually. If the symptoms disappear within several minutes up to a maximum of 24 hours, the diagnosis is transient ischemic attack (TIA), which is a mini or brief stroke. Her legs had severe tremors when she put her toes on the ground and she could not stand on one leg. By stimulating those reflex areas, acupuncture can have direct effects on the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, thalamo-cortical circuits, thalamus, hypothalamus, and pineal body. Her speech continued improving with less of a heavy sensation in her tongue. "Essential tremor: choosing the right management plan for your patient." Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, December 2011; 78(12):821-8. They commonly have distinctive differences in their origin and causation but a similar result in their outcome for the patient, which is severe muscle weakness. Hemiplegia, affects one side of the body. When told that it was time for him to show off, he stood up straight with great stability and even stood on one leg for several seconds without losing his balance. Her slurred speech sometimes even her mother could not understand. Since the patient's attitude was relatively more positive toward acupuncture therapy, we were able to perform stronger stimulation after inserting needles at the same locations as for the initial treatment. A therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. In these case descriptions, we explain in practical detail how to apply the needling techniques in order to obtain optimal results. Scalp acupuncture successfully integrates the essence of ancient Chinese needling techniques with the essence of neurology in Western medicine. However, those who don't have such sensations could still have immediate effects. Electrical stimulation is very helpful if the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation of more than 200 times per minute. Scalp acupuncture, on the other hand, applies more of a Western medicine approach, where patients with the same diagnosis usually receive the same or very similar treatment. The treatment strategy was modified. If treating a patient with Bell's palsy within seven days of its onset, it is wise to inform patients that their condition is not yet stable and more or worse symptoms can continue to develop. Those symptoms are warning signs and a large proportion of patients with TIA may develop full strokes in the future. Patients who experience some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. When PD, MS, or ET is responsible for internal tremors, doctors will aim to treat the underlying condition. We need to emphasize that this patient received only three scalp acupuncture treatments and had recovered completely. He sought treatment from us during a conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2006. Second, because the technological innovation and invention of scalp acupuncture is fairly new, positive results can only reasonably be achieved by practitioners who have studied it; even an established doctor in China cannot perform it without at least seeing a demonstration of it. The electrical stimulation usually lasts 1020 minutes. Because of all these symptoms, he was extremely agitated, angry, and fearful that his face would never look normal again. The neurological deficit scores (NDS) and the therapeutic effects were compared before and after treatment and the contents of plasma endothelins (ET) and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) were tested on the second and four-teenth days respectively after initial treatment. Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic results of scalp acupuncture, especially for older or weaker patients. It was difficult for her to walk even with her mother's support and because of Sherry's aphasia, her mother gave the medical history. Tom was able to move his arm, hand, and even his fingers in any way or direction that he was asked by the audience. An official website of the United States government. Vertigo and hearing area (ni) Location: Horizontal line 1.5 cm above and centered on the apex of ear, 4 cm in length. Most scientists believe that a viral infection causes the disorder and that the facial nerve swells and becomes inflamed in reaction to the infection. Electrical stimulation can be applied above and below the damaged level at Hua Tuo Jia Ji points on the back, which is another important technique for treating quadriplegia in addition to scalp acupuncture. Treatment may include acupuncture, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and massage. Some patients may also develop muscle stiffness or spasticity, paralysis, slurred speech, dysfunction of urine or bowels, and depression. The upper 1/5 Motor Area and Speech I Area were still considered primary according to her condition. After nine scalp acupuncture treatments, he regained all functions of expression in his face and was very pleased with the outcome. It took acupuncture practitioners in China roughly 20 years before they accepted a central theory that incorporated brain functions into Chinese medicine principles. From a Western perspective, these zones correspond to the cortical areas of the cerebrum and cerebellum responsible for central nervous system functions such as motor activity, sensory input, vision, speech, hearing, and balance. A waitress who noticed that he was paralyzed told him that he should come to our clinic, which specialized in treating that affliction. Though the scalp is uniquely innervated and highly vascularized there is no risk of heavy bleeding. There were almost no teeth marks remaining. Although scalp acupuncture areas may be chosen according to the patient's particular symptoms, primary areas for patients with motor problems such as paralysis, weakness of limbs, or abnormal sensations in limbs including tingling, numbness, or pain, are the Motor Area and the Sensory and Foot Motor Areas. To prevent corneal infections, the eyes may be protected by covers or taped shut during sleep and for rest periods. Retain the needles in place for 2030 minutes and request the patient to exercise the affected side of his facial muscles during scalp acupuncture treatments, especially if there are no needles in his face. Her aphasia gradually improved and she was able to drag her right leg while walking and move her right arm slightly but the paralysis had shown no further improvement for the past eight weeks. Fred was very negative and showed no interest in treatment by scalp acupuncture at the initial visit. The motor neuron diseases (MNDs) refer to a group of progressive neurological disorders that affect motor neurons associated with controlling voluntary muscle activity including speaking, walking, breathing, swallowing, and general movement of the body. The 60 cases were randomly divided into a five-needle-in-nape (FNN) group and a routine acupuncture (RA) group, 30 cases in each group. His treatment strategy was modified to take care of depression. Most existing textbooks either lack detailed information or only introduce some new research on the topic. It not only benefits MS patients, but also significantly helps us to better understand the mechanisms that cause the condition. The following day he returned to the clinic for another treatment. Unlike traditional acupuncture, where one needle is inserted into a single point, in scalp acupuncture needles are subcutaneously inserted into whole sections of various zones. His fatigue was so great he could only walk 23 minutes at a time. However, those who don't have such sensations could still experience immediate and positive effects. At the end of her final treatment she was both laughing and crying. They can undergo changes not only in function and shape but also can take over the functions of nearby damaged cells. In 100 BCE, the first Chinese acupuncture text, Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) described the relationship between the brain and the body in physiology, pathology, and treatment as it was understood at that time, and citations of acupuncture treatments on the head can be found throughout classical Chinese literature. This book supplies all the needed information to practice scalp acupuncture. The RA group was treated with needling at Lian Quan (CV 23), Tong Li (Ht 5) and Zhao Hai (Ki 6). Further examination showed that he could not stand with stability due to losing his balance when standing on both legs, and it was impossible for him to stand on one leg. Commonly used points are He Gu (LI 4), Wai Guan (TB 5), Qu Chi (LI 11), Bi Nao (LI 14), and Jian Yu (LI 15) for upper limb paralysis, and Kun Lun (Bl 60), Cheng Shan (Bl 57), Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Zu San Li (St 36), and Huan Tiao (GB 30) for lower limb paralysis. With the aid of the special Japanese neck diagnostics, the associated Ypsilon therapy points in the temples or the corresponding cranial nerve points are revealed via pressure-sensitive points in the neck region. Although the tremor in both legs was better, she still had some fine movement problems such as difficulty with buttons and writing and still had some stiffness in her legs. With long-term conditions expectations need to be realistic, although occasionally a patient will surprise practitioners. Compared to other patients, in general depressed patients should receive fewer needles, milder stimulation, and a shorter time of needle retention. His aphasia, dysphasia, and paralysis on the right side had shown no further improvement for the past two weeks. Her breathing was less labored when she was active, and friends noticed major improvement in her speech during phone conversations. Thread a third needle from Tai Chong (Liv 3) through the foot to Yong Quan (Ki 1) on the sole of the foot. He refused to try drinking a little bit of water to test his swallowing function and said he was afraid that it could induce severe coughing and choking and cause aspiration. Most patients can recover completely after five to 15 treatments. worsening angina pain; fast or slow heart rate; or. I am so overjoyed with these unexpected wonderful results. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The examination revealed she had paraparesis of the left lower extremity that was more affected than the right. government site. The entire Motor Area should be needled and stimulated on the opposite side of the paralyzed limbs. He could move his right arm slightly with muscular tone at 2 out of 5. Chinese scalp acupuncture is a contemporary acupuncture technique integrating traditional Chinese needling methods with Western medical knowledge of representative areas of the cerebral cortex. Chinese scalp acupuncture, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, stroke, dysphagia, brain injury, Bell's palsy, Yu Zhi-shun's Experience on Head Points for Paralysis,, Fertile Ground for Alternative Medicine,, Easing the Pain, Acupuncture Program Looks to Help Relieve Discomfort of Troops, , He Teaches and Popularizes Chinese Medicine in USA,, China News On Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jason Hao, DOM: Pioneering the Use of Scalp Acupuncture to Transform Healing,, Observation on Specificity of Acupuncture Location in Treatment of Acute Apoplexy by Scalp Penetration Needling,, Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Five-Needle-in-Nape Acupuncture for Treatment of Post-stroke Pseudobulbar Paralysis Dysphagia,, Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Six Unique Skills, Clinical Observation of 80 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Clinical Observation of 48 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. As mentioned previously, those patients with some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. Based on the results, scalp acupuncture is indicated for the treatment of essential tremor. Whether you are treating a child or adult, it is important to observe responses and reactions while inserting, stimulating, or withdrawing needles, and adjust the techniques accordingly. During the treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. In very serious cases, patients may need feeding tubes. Thread another needle deeply from Wai Guan (TB 5) toward Nei Guan (Per 6) and stimulate in a similar fashion. Because these were patients in a hospital, the treatment protocol was 6 days per week for about 30 days, with a follow-up check after 3 months. The site is secure. Exercise is also important for the recovery of affected limbs. When treating a hemorrhagic stroke, however, scalp acupuncture should not be performed until the patient's condition is stable, probably one month after a stroke. His tongue was a little purple with a normal coating and his pulses were bilaterally fine and wiry. Patients may find it helpful to change their diet or hold their heads or necks in a certain way when they eat. Sherry had been to several famous hospitals but there was no clear diagnosis. The more general acupuncture therapy is often called body acupuncture. He could not elevate the hyoid bone, indicating a probable swallow reflex problem. New research suggests that normal brain cells are highly adaptable. Not believing that she was once again able to walk, he went to her house in person to see this miraculous change. The patients were randomly divided into a body acupuncture group and a scalp acupuncture group, 30 in each group. Select the Speech I Area or some local points in the neck accordingly if the patient has aphasia or difficulty swallowing. Ischemic stroke is divided into thrombosis stroke, embolic stroke, systemic hypoperfusion, and venous thrombosis. A local hospital diagnosed stroke caused by cerebral hemorrhage in his left hemisphere. It is hardest to achieve improvement for a patient with paralysis for a long time, especially if there is also muscular atrophy and rigid, inflexible joints. 8600 Rockville Pike Therefore, many practitioners in both the West and the East are only mildly aware of this new technique, and few apply it in their practices. To treat loss of taste, the lower 2/5 Sensory Area in the scalp should be stimulated. Poliomyelitis, also called polio or infantile paralysis, is a highly infectious viral disease that may attack the central nervous system and is characterized by symptoms that range from a mild nonparalytic infection to total paralysis. When treating paralysis, whether from stroke or trauma, improvements in movement are often permanent. There are many different acupuncture techniques for treating MS. She agreed to allow the needle insertion only after her mother told her that she might ride a bike again if these treatments worked. At this point his weight increased and his stamina was markedly improved. Denise had a very positive response to her initial scalp acupuncture treatment. It primarily affects adults, with age of onset typically between 20 and 40 years, and is twice as common in women compared to men. We have treated hundreds of paralyzed patients with remarkable results in the US, China, and Europe, allowing many patients to leave their wheel-chairs, walkers, crutches, and canes behind.712. Sherry fell frequently, lost her balance easily, and had had difficulty walking since the age of 19. Although the scalp has numerous The relapse rate of the scalp acupuncture group was 13.81% and was 45.5% for the conventional acupuncture group (P<0.05). He was reluctant to do any active exercise when being instructed. Treatment was given six times a week and 16 treatments made a course. First, up to now there has been no authoritative and practical text for scalp acupuncture in English. In Chinese medicine, there are at least six or more patterns of disharmony that can account for the signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis. In Sherry's case, the hemiplegia was caused by a motor neuron disorder. The severity of quadriplegia depends on both the level at which the spinal cord is injured and the extent of the injury. It is necessary for stroke patients to receive emergency treatment with Western medicine and it is important to identify a stroke as early as possible because patients who are treated earlier are more likely to survive and become less disabled. Vertigo and hearing area. Select the Chorea and Tremor Area or Foot Motor and Sensory Area according to whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. National Library of Medicine Speech #2. He had severe dysphagia and could not swallow any food or water at all, which was his primary complaint at our clinic. A dysphagia diet uses foods that stimulate swallowing and minimize mucus build-up around the larynx. While it is not our intention to assert that scalp acupuncture is always effective with every patient, these clinical reports make a compelling case for its wider use. Completely resulting in some body functions being diminished or lost not elevate the hyoid bone, indicating a swallow! Practical text for scalp acupuncture have shown positive results in treating that affliction went to her condition the initial,. Dysfunction of urine and severe fatigue doctors will aim to treat loss of taste, the Chorea and control! 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