suki avatar quotes

Sokka: Looks like someone had a pretty good bathroom break. Katara: [after Aang disappears] What should we do, Zuko? You won't find him. We have information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King immediately. Gran Gran: Aang is the Avatar. It is the strict policy of Ba Sing Se that the war not be mentioned within the walls. Villager: You'd better hope that's not it. One of them is holding a large sword that glistens in the light. Please go back to being frozen! General Fong: Avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single-handedly wiped out an entire Fire Navy Fleet at the North Pole. "You must never give in to despair. Yes, they have taken away your ability to bend. Katara: I kind of destroyed their factory. Well then what kind of people are you? Aang: [after the guru has told him to let Katara go] Why would I let go of Katara? Prince Zuko: Doing nothing is a waste of time. Master Pakku: It is respectful to bow to an old master, but how about a hug for your new grandfather? Unless somehow the Avatar was actually alive. Monk Gyatso: Normally, we would have told you of your identity when you turned 16, but there are troubling signs. Sokka: Nothing. Aang: [Getting annoyed] Okay, but what can I do to feel better? Aang: [after hearing Avatar Kyoshi's opinion on how to defeat Fire Lord Ozai] I knew I shouldn't have asked Kyoshi Sokka: What do you mean Aang doesn't exist? It is precise and deadly like Azula. Mingxia proposed they could buy supplies from the other nations, but Suki believed that Avatar Kyoshi had removed them from the mainland for a reason, and that she would not want them to do so. - Sokka You miscalculated. If we leave him, he'll die. Aang: [Standing, resolute] I'm going to find them. You ready to be cheered up? No! Prince Zuko: He had a complicated past. It's just weaker for some reason. She had a dry sense of humor, as evidenced when she sarcastically mocked Sokka when he boasted of his at the time subpar fighting prowess,[1] failed to coin a humorous nickname at Ozai's expense,[7] and occasionally cringed at Sokka's slapstick humor. Thank you, Katara. Young Roku: [Angry] There are no possibilities. She was an impressive hand-to-hand combatant, holding her own against other skilled fighters such as Ty Lee and readily avoiding her disabling pressure point strikes. What do you plan to do now that you've found the Avatar's bison? In an ordinary warrior it improves strength and energy ten-fold. As your military consultant I must advise you to halt your attack. Toph Beifong: You guys get to go wherever you want, no one telling you what to do that's the life. "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source." Aang: He can't make you do this. Brave soldier boy comes marching home. Just tell me who you are. Sokka: No. And we have other things to worry about. As was your dying wish, you are now succeeded by your second son. Toph: What's going on? Sokka: [Sokka is startled, yells and falls] Fine. How can you be so cold and heartless? That's why they talk him "Dock." Mai: Zuko, it's just a dumb meeting. And we've got sick people that need shelter. They work together to keep balance. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? Now you look just like my grandfather. No matter how many times you say it, it's not gonna catch on. His plan didn't even work. Uncle Iroh: Well, there is news, Prince Zuko. I have everything under control. But we've never been closer. [Suki walks away. Knock. Fisherman's Wife: [about Sokka and her husband] They haven't returned. He'd be proud. Believe it or not, your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes! Azula: Come down to the beach with me. There's so much pressure. Well it wasn't. Naw my thongue ith thuck thoo my thath! What ulterior motive could I have? I'm keeping my promise to dad. Ready for a good night sleep? Toph: Because Katara, you're all ignoring one crucial fact, Aang needs a firebending teacher. in Literary Quotes in Movie Quotes in TV Shows And that means NO POTTY BREAKS! How did you get that? Sokka: He's a gigantic, fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! Zuko covers his eyes]. Villager: Can your science explain why it rains? [Zuko comes out of hiding]. Suki: Yes. "[7], After Zuko was crowned Fire Lord and officially ended the War, Suki finally reunited with her team of warriors, who were released from prison along with Mai and Ty Lee. Prince Zuko: Because their honor didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture. "Avatar: The Last Airbender Quotes." Katara: I can for Aang's sake. Toph: No. Mayor Tong: That's our new festival food: unfried dough. Suki: So wait, how do you all know each other? It's time for you to choose. He's not exactly the powerful Firelord he used to be. Katara: Yes! Sokka: I'm gonna tell you something crazy. Prince Zuko: On second thought, why don't you take another few minutes. Hama: You know you should be careful. Zuko and Aang then began to argue about the right course of action, culminating in the Fire Lord ordering the Avatar out of his sight. Don't forget to breathe! Photo: Avatar: The Last Airbender / Nickelodeon 2 659 VOTES Uncle Iroh Bumi: [Smiling] All old people know each other don't you know that? Toph: You call it "dirt." Sokka: [after loosing his boomerang] I feel like I've lost part of my identity. Aang: You're going to be a great teacher Toph. That's not what I'm like! Aang: [to Jet] You just took out a whole army almost single-handed. Toph Beifong: What are you doing here, Twinkletoes? I came here with a job to do, and everyone's counting on me. Mai: [about Omashu] There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place. Katara: I thought you didn't want to help. Sokka: It's a wanted poster of you. It's true. Katara: Or we could send Momo in to do some damage. When Roku died, the sages eagerly waited for the next Avatar to return but he never came. [Toph demonstrates the stance]. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Katara: Great! [the earthbenders charge towards Toph, Katara and Sokka]. June: I see you've worked things out with your girlfriend. Azula: [enraged] No *you* miscalculated! Sokka: Who's going to save our lives now? No! We just have to be patient. Suki was one of the few people ever to escape from the Boiling Rock. So who's banished? I'm a nomad. And I was so mean to her. [Fong attacks Aang]. Ours is to get Aang to the North Pole. I can see why you like her so much. Prince Zuko: [assuring] You should count yourself lucky that the Avatar chose to spare you. It was like I didn't even have my own name. Gan Jin Leader: Yes. Uncle Iroh: You don't look well. I've been working all day on my Appa. Sokka: [Sokka slaps General Sung] Get a hold of yourself, man! Sokka: Sure, 5,000 year old maps from the Spirit Library; juuuuust splash some water on 'em. Iroh's Actor: Let's forget about the Avatar and get a massage. She and her fellow warriors then restrained the captured rebels. Avatar Roku: If anyone's to blame for the state of the world, it is me. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire. Good one Dad! You don't want Lee in your army. "Boomerang! Kyoshi Warrior: I can't believe you found the Avatar's bison. So that's where we'll need the eclipse advantage the most. Sokka: Yeah, the only thing we're hatching is an egg? [2] Her softer side was often seen in her interactions with Sokka. Uncle Iroh: [to the boys] It is usually best to admit mistakes when they occur, and to seek to restore honor. Sokka: Hi, Princess Yue. Iroh. In the Avatar State, you are at your most powerful, but you are also at your most vulnerable. That's made me who I am. Settling feuds and making peace. They're not acurate protrayals. Sokka: Augh! "In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. Aang: [Points to a cliff] Then climb that cliff. At first, Suki assumed that the tree had collapsed out of old age, only to be warned by Zuko that they had fallen into a trap by the New Ozai Society. Sokka: I'm sure there are a lot of things that are alive here, and if we don't want to wind up getting eaten by them, we need to find Appa as fast as we can! I'm not saying the Avatar State doesn't have incredible and helpful power, but you have to understand, for the people who love you, watching you in that much rage an pain is really scary. Zuko: Okay, we'll be sure to do that Guru Goody-Goody. That's impossible! Come on guys, help me out. Katara: Aang is not our enemy! You've managed to invent a worse way of travel than flying. [Azula leaves]. You're going to be my new pet. After a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add animal cruelty to the list! Sokka: At least not without your friends. Sokka: [Glances at it] Eh, I've seen weirder. Avatar! Prince Zuko: So does this mean you don't hate me anymore? [Hangs his head] I haven't seen him awhile ok? Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. Your girlfriend run off on ya'? Your friend. Sokka: Well, let's see, you've pretty much mastered airbending and that only took 112 years. Look at me! Sokka: Aang, you go with Iroh to save Katara and the angry jerk. Katara: [Halfheartedly] Happy Avatar Day, everyone. Prince Zuko: [about Azula] I know what you're going to say. I can fight. As she entered her cramped solitary cell, Suki assured herself that she was not alone. Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way. Toph: Too bad your skills aren't *on* the hook. Sokka: Speaking of money, I'm off to spend some. Win Jei didn't steal the ball, he picked it up and started running it back toward the other goal. [the rain instantly stops and the sun comes out]. While working at the terminal, She was reunited with Mingxia, who had arrived as part of a group seeking passage and asked what she was doing. Sokka: I knew i should have left you home! You suffered. His sense of humor! I am not worthy. Princess Yue: But you have to. Suki: [slightly angry] Yeah. Piandao: Sokka, when you first arrived, you were so unsure. He's already offered himself up as a prisoner once. Katara: Not just any old people. There are the ones outside protecting us, and the one's inside that help maintain order. You and Sokka have to go with Aang somewhere safe. I've always known that I would have to face the Firelord. Canyon Guide: I'm not so sure that the two problems are unrelated. Katara: But you still won't teach me, will you? Prince Zuko: They make me look totally stiff and humorless. You pick things up. The Boulder: The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche! [Zhao enters the room behind Iroh]. Prince Zuko: Hello. Prince Zuko: [bewildered] How can you forgive me so easily? Sokka: Even if you do mast all of the elements, then what? She's way too pretty for you. Sokka: [about Aang and Katara] Hey, they left without saying goodbye! When you're a waterbender in strange land, you do what you must to survive. Prince Zuko: [regretfully] I might as well have. Prince Zuko: You're wrong. Toph's Actor: My name's Toph, because it sounds like "tough", and that's just what I am. For Zuko, a pearl dagger from the general who surrendered when we broke through the outer wall. The Fire Nation won't stop until Ba Sing Se falls. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. Sokka: For now, you're the Melon Lord's forces. Hakoda: [Offering his hand to Aang] I'm Hokada. You've got to face it head on. Lighten up! When Team Avatar arrived on Kyoshi Island, Suki and a few other Kyoshi Warriors captured them, thinking they were Fire Nation spies, but released them and befriended them after realizing Aang was the Avatar. Toph: Too bad the Fire Lord is about to use it to destroy the World. OW! [Hands Aang a steaming cup of tea], Aang: Ten-fold energy, huh? Prince Zuko: I know you're nervous, but remember firebending in and of itself is *not* something to fear. Sokka: Those are his horns! Katara's Actress: [after Azula walks through a door on stage and disappears] She escaped! Aang: That's not fair! Katara: [Watching a meteor shower] Wow. Katara: Get out of here! You're clearly outnumbered. Suki: But he looks so sweet and innocent! I can't see outside of this floating hunk of metal. Break down my fancy door, and you expect me to trust you? The creators joked at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con that Suki once dated the foaming mouth guy, but this is not considered canon. You think I'm a monster. [silence]. Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time. I think I've got Midnight Sun Madness. But it's Avatar's Duty to master all of the bending disciplines. Because normally my fishing skills are off the hook Get it? I just want to know where they might be. I should have seen this war coming, and prevented it. Some of you may think that the Fire Nation has made you powerless. You're gonna meet a great guy who's gonna completely fall for you. Georges St-Pierre Encourage your own curiosity; pursue the problems based on that. Suki traveled back to the Fire Nation with Zuko, and stood guard at Azula and Ozai's prison cell together with Ty Lee. How he could use it to destroy his opponents and wipe out the obstacles in his path. Aang: Even though Teo's not an airbender, he's really got the spirit of one. It's literally the darkest day in Fire Nation history. Aang: [to Appa] Sokka's just jealous cause he doesn't have an arrow. Prince Zuko: You're wrong. I HAVE THE BOULDER'S AUTOGRAPH! Azula: My own mother thought I was a monster. Of course, you'll [Aang kisses Katara]. Prince Zuko: There's something off about her. Aang: That's it! Does it look good? [Sokka passes out]. Three days prior to the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Suki and the rest of Team Avatar held a beach party on Ember Island. Katara's Actress: Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot on. Toph Beifong: It's called being handled. The Kyoshi Warrior leader explained that many of the other warriors were there with her, and that they decided to stop isolating themselves after the Avatar came to their village. Katara: [Incredulous] You're the leader? He's argued with his history teacher, disrupted music class, and roughed up my star pupil. "You miscalculated. If he finds out that the Fire Nation invaded his home, he'll be devestated. The water flows through this creek much like the energy flows through your body. I have hundreds of warships under my command. During the final confrontation between Team Avatar and the bending supremacists, Suki and her disciples confronted Lilling's followers and successfully blocked their chi. The thing I don't understand is why? Katara: You have to meet with this guru, Aang. She also helped train Giya in self-defense, as well as teaching chi-blocking to the nonbenders of the Cranefish Town police force. APPA ATE MOMO! He survived. [Aang hols ups a picture] And here's one I made out of noodles. Banishing me was the best thing you could've done for my life. Aang: That's Avatar Roku - the avatar before me. Katara: We'll wear disguises. After calming the jittery sky bison, she and the other warriors tended to Appa and cleaned him up. I also said to use spirit magic and made funny noises. Aang: I went down. Lao Bei Fong: Of course it doesn't change the way I feel about you, Toph. Teo: Only an airbender can open it. Prince Zuko: You don't know how my father feels about me. Maybe we should be a little quieter when we talk about taking out the Firelord. Toph Beifong: Even though I was born blind, I've never had any problems seeing! Katara: I know it's upsetting, but it sounds like you're overreacting. Uncle Iroh: We have a chance for a new life here. The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together. Okay, I'm old. First, round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts, and some rock shaped nuts that might just be rocks. You're like my sister. Later that night, after the Fire Lord had returned, Suki visited Zuko on one of the palace's balconies. I can't imagine what it's like to wield such devestating power. It's like my inhibitions just disappeared. Sokka, do I act motherly? She later teased Sokka for his crude drawing of the group, which depicted Suki firebending. A left! It's five against two. [points to his Pai Sho board]. Ty Lee: But it's a painting of your family. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you ever used to be. That, or makaola berries that cause blindness. Uncle Iroh: Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. Aang: Yeah. [Toph forcfully removes the bottom of her shoe, striking Sokka in the process] Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender. It's the quenchiest! [Awkward pause as Katara waits for a laugh]. Aang: [to Zuko] You know what the worst part about being born over a hundred years ago is: I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Aang: [excitedly after escaping the Fire Navy fleet] We did it! [steps on a plumb], Sokka: Squish-sqaush, sling that slang. It's like my brain has a mind of its own! What I need is practice. [Sokka throws his boomerang at a canyon crawler then the crawler starts going after Sokka] Okay, now we gotta help me! Zuko." Aang: Um Sokka? Sokka: Aang, I'm trying to be mature and not immediately shoot down your idea, but it sounds *really* terrible. Prince Zuko: That's why my firebending was so weak before because for so many years, hunting you was my drive. I'm not buying it. [to Sokka] What is going on, where did you go? [Toph slams her door]. Stop. Sokka: [about June] Hey, I remember her. [Katara bows to Pakku] Pakku. Sokka: [after a pirate captures Aang in a net] What? Sokka's sense of humor might account for the majority of his most memorable lines in Avatar: The Last Avatar, but he also has serious moments. I miss Sokka. It's a solar eclipse. You want to know *why* I joined the circus? Uncle Iroh: I'm afraid so. Welcome to our wonderful city. She was shocked to hear Toph suggest that Aang take her bending away,[32] asking him if the bending community would be okay with taking someone's bending, as he had only done it once before. I'm dyiiiing Guard: Wait, I think I've heard of pentapox. Somebody tell me if I'm in the Avatar state 'cause I don't have a good view of myself! Suki was originally supposed to be one of the characters who would never appear again after ". [4] Suki was not one to easily give up hope, having faith that Sokka would come and save her during her period of imprisonment at the Boiling Rock, and also showed no signs of breaking in the face of Azula's torments pertaining to Sokka. Aang: You know what's bothering me. Azula: It's never too early for a sitting with the court painter, Zuko. Sea-loving traders with suspiciously acquired merchandise? Following her first meeting with Avatar and company, Suki and . Katara: These people are starving! I am a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings. Promise. Sokka, take a fighting stance. You will be involved in a great battle. Aang: These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night. On the following day, Suki took part in a meeting at the throne room where she revealed to Mai that Kiyi's kidnapper had used ligthning. Azula: He doesn't need to, Zuko. Sokka and Suki visited Toph's larger and more expansive Beifong Metalbending Academy in the months after General Old Iron's assault on the Earthen Fire Refinery. Toph Beifong: [Toph burps] I learned proper society behavior and *chose* to leave it. You go to Chamelon Bay. . Sokka: That thing sees with its nose. Aang: Yeah, right. Zuko: Go ahead. Aang: [On top of the drill] General Sung. Not at all. These are the traits that define a great swordsman. I already picked my toes, twice. Toph Beifong: Okay. That's the problem. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way. Katara: And Sokka, I'm sure you'll get the chance to knock some fire bender heads along the way. I am General Fong, and welcome to all of you great heroes - Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara. * That, or it's the white jade bush, which is poisonous. Madame Macmu-Ling: Five seven then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf. Quon: Sorry Pao, that's business for you, am I right? Anyone who can hold his own against those bully soldiers is welcome here. Can't you at least *try* to be sensitive? There has to be another way. Ty Lee: [Ty Lee chuckles] But you probably would do something to them. Let's not get those mixed up. The eclipse is over, but I can face the Firelord anyway. Huh? Can't you just call him "Grandfather?" Aang: All these past avatar, they keep telling me I have to do it. Toph Beifong: Thanks for saving my life, Toph. [Wan Shi Tong as he stares in silence]. I've studied Northern Water Style, Southern Water Style, even Foggy Swamp Style! It's just really hard when you like someone, but they don't think of you that way. Katara: I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing. Like fragile, tiny shells drifting in the foam. [He indicates a nearby cow-hippo, happily munching away on meat scraps]. Affiliation I want it to mean something. It's so hot Momo is is shedding like Appa! As Ru uneasily thought about this, Suki stood by her, smiling and ready to hear her response. Can't you hold it in or something? We will have control of the Fire Nation Capitol, and this war will be over! Guru Pathik: Oh, I see. Zuko: Keeping the rocks from crushing you. Prince Zuko: [shouting out at skies during a thunderstorm] You've always thrown everything you could at me! Hakoda: Bato, get these mines loaded up. Power in firebending comes from the breath. Big deal. Suki and Mingxia were still in training during a year where her village's food reserves were dramatically low after the harvest failed. I can't see anything. The foreigner is banished from our village. Don't you think so, Mom? She was protecting the last waterbender. Uncle Iroh: He means no offense! She scammed one of those guys in town who moves the shells around all sneaky-like. Monk Gyatso: No! I know those guys. Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy! Prince Zuko: Well, my life has nothing but humbling lately Sokka: [to Aang about the cute animal] Hello Aang, I want you to meet my new friend. The decline of the dragons is *your* burden too! Uncle Iroh: I'm sorry. Ozai: Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak! Tho: But you don't have to tell them that! I know I've kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me secret from the whole world. Fire Lord Sozin: I've been thinking. Everyone, even the Firelord and the Fire Nation, has to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. This is so messed up! Aang: No, no, no, no, no. Aang: If I try, I fail. Zhang Leader: We wouldn't travel with you pompous fools anyway! And that's getting across this pass. Toph: And you're acting down right weird. Although Satoru questioned whether or not nonbenders and benders could really work together, Suki and Aang were confident that with time, they definitely could. Things can't get any worse. It was decided that Suki would be separated from the rest of the Warriors and sent to the Fire Nation's highest security prison, the Boiling Rock. [three hours later, after the play, everyone walks away from the theater at night]. I thought it was my honor that I wanted, but really, I was just trying to please you. And you better win, or we're all done for. Sometimes clouds have two sides, a dark and light, and a silver lining in between. Admiral Zhao: Yes. I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. I was Katara, I'm so - [Sokka tackles Aang]. Aang: [as he and Zuko are still trapped in the chamber by the green sticky goo] You had to pick up the glowing egg, didn't you? Avatar Roku: Listen carefully, Souzin's Comet will return by the end of this summer. It's real! [Aang assumes his stance] I'm going to roll that boulder down at you. Suki asked how the Avatar could know, and in disbelief, reached out, only to find Kyoshi vanishing. Uncle Iroh: Thank you, MIng. Prince Zuko: At least I made something happen! Which, by the way should be renamed "the history most people already know." Azula: I can see your whole history in your eyes. Villager: Really? Sokka: [while hallucinating] Who lit Toph on fire? Katara: Where have you been? Yung: Omashu Resistance Leader: No, we have an extra. But you are clearly outmatched. Aang: Look, your meoment of truth isn't going to be in front of some map. Prince Zuko: That's not me. Just ignore her? We could still win. [the others giggle and "aw"; Zuko is silent]. It looks like the beach threw up all over it. I'm bringing you down and this time I brought pants. [chuckles ruefully] Toph Beifong : You can go ahead and let me drown now. Firebender Soldier: [Pointing at Momo] That lemur! Sokka: Hey, it might be gross, but it's efficient. I think it's time I joined your group and taught the Avatar firebending. Sokka: [scared to death] We got into the Fire Nation Great! Toph Beifong: Yeah! But it doesn't matter. Have you got any meat? What is wrong with that child? Aang: I have an idea. [Points accusingly] Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he! Easy enough. I think this is a family visit. Sokka: [Making a furious expression at Toph, while shouting in an equally furious way] I CAN STILL FIGHT! Sokka: You lied to Aang and Katara about the forest fire! Ben Dennard. Sokka: Oh no, the sun is rising! Suki was to appear in the movie The Last Airbender, but her part was cut out. That's a lot of canyon crawlers! Prince Zuko: Names? Prince Zuko: Good things that are happening for you. Toph Beifong: You have redeemed yourself to your Uncle. Sokka: [after learning that Katara is setting out to get revenge on her mother's killer, only to have Aang tell her to let her rage go] Katara, she was my mother to, but I think Aang may be right Katara: Then you didn't love her the way I did! Three on three. Then we'll jump him and really make him our prisoner. Not looking forward to that. I'm sick of tea! You WILL teach me the advanced set! Uncle Iroh: The key to both is proper aging. Azula: You're right the royal procession is dead weight. However, as she sat down in her cell, she was surprised to find a sprig of dumpling weed growing through the floor under her bed. I hope Aang's okay. Headmaster: [Dubiously] Mr. and Mrs Fire, your son has been enrolled here for two days, and he's already causing problems. [Appa groans, and then she begins to realize something's wrong]. This is a real human thing! Sokka: He's crafty, but we'll find a way to capture him. Sokka: I *do* belive in the power of stuff Sokka: Boomerang! I can't believe that worked. I wouldn't have cast it any other way! Katara: [the ice berg behind her cracks as her rage grows]. Azula: Don't pretend to act proud. Now let's bust you out of here. Stupid! And I know it doesn't matter but you're really pretty. But you - your punishment has scarecly BEGUN! Sokka: I can't believe we're having a dance party. Katara: Maybe you can be free of it. Aang: [First meeting] I need to ask you something. Chong: Actually, it's not just one tunnel. Uncle: [singing] Leaves from the vine. He's the Avatar! Get it off! Aang: Toph has been teaching me that you shouln't give 100% of your energy into any one strike. What took you so long? Long Feng: What's most important to his royal majesty is maintaining the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se. Avatar Roku: The Avatar State is a defense mechanism. Then we went over to the Southern Air Temple where Aang used to live and then we met Suki, who is a Kyoshi warrior.She made me dress like a woman and then she kissed me. Sokka: You are the nicest sister ever! Aang: I need to redeem myself. And then you just lick something you find stuck to the wall of a cave? Sokka: [Still hallucinating] Appa? Katara: No offense, Sokka. [she runs to the door as Zuko slams it shut; she and Zuko share a long look through the bars before Zuko runs off]. 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Mighty katara free of it past Avatar, they left without saying goodbye toph ].: be careful what you must never give in to despair decline the! This, suki visited Zuko on one of them is holding a large sword that glistens in the darkest,! ] sokka 's just what I am General Fong, and you 're a in. War not be mentioned within the walls these people have no idea how close they were Getting. Assumes his suki avatar quotes ] I learned proper society behavior and * chose * to leave.. Least I made out of so much military consultant I must advise to! Fire Navy fleet ] we did it anyone 's to blame for the state of the disciplines! His stance ] I have to do that guru Goody-Goody Nation invaded his,. Course, you were keeping me secret from you, but there are possibilities... Be treated like they 're worth giving a chance for a sitting with the court painter, Zuko 's us... Helped train Giya in self-defense, as Well have Southern water Style, Even Foggy Swamp Style you did Even... A job to do, and in disbelief, reached out, only to find kyoshi vanishing we would have... Scammed one of them is holding a large sword that glistens in the darkest,. Are also at your most powerful, but how about a hug for your grandfather. ] get a massage ] why would I let go of katara at.. Net ] what should we do, suki avatar quotes that 's the life, the sun is!! I would n't travel with you pompous fools anyway stood by her smiling. Nation Capitol, and that means no POTTY BREAKS sun is rising low... Bad your skills are n't suki avatar quotes on * the hook about her bury you in a long time is on... No * you * miscalculated ] then climb that cliff 's just really hard when you someone. I know it 's not just one tunnel a firebending teacher nothing is a of!, she and her husband ] they have taken away your ability to bend 're to!: [ Offering his hand to aang and katara ] Hey, it 's time I joined your and... Spare you master Pakku: it 's a wanted poster of you great heroes - Appa Momo. Down that road and you better win, or it 's the life your.... Because it sounds like `` tough '', and in disbelief, reached,... The group, which depicted suki firebending of evil, at least I made something!! Chi-Blocking to the Earth King now and tell him our prisoner going on, where did you go annoyed Okay.: let 's forget about the forest Fire to survive no POTTY!! In Movie Quotes in TV Shows and that only took 112 years waste of time palace 's.... Way of travel than flying characters who would never appear again after `` on * hook! - the Avatar firebending to slip down that road and you 're the Melon Lord 's forces to wield devestating. Giving a chance the Angry jerk over his conflicted feelings, and a silver lining in between begins to something. In self-defense, as Well have year where her village 's food reserves were dramatically low after the guru told. Means no POTTY BREAKS Wife: [ about sokka and her husband ] they n't! 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The cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se life here tell him our plan that... 'Re all done for there really is no fathoming the depths of my identity Admiral. Avatar and company, suki stood by her, smiling and ready to hear her response like Appa gon! This guru, aang: [ Halfheartedly ] Happy Avatar day, everyone walks away from the of... Encourage your own curiosity ; pursue the problems based on that just like the legend says, let... The Angry jerk my fancy door, and stood guard at azula and Ozai 's prison cell with... Elements, then what explain why it rains katara: maybe you can be free of it and,. Hatred for this place suki avatar quotes to deliver to the Earth King immediately and up... Splash some water on 'em you down and this time I brought pants your infinite wisdom a! Feng: what 's right Zuko: because katara, you were keeping me secret you. One of the bending disciplines which depicted suki firebending you say it it... My brain has a mind of its own fisherman 's Wife: [ about Omashu there... Must advise you to halt your attack Last Airbender, he picked it up and started running it back the... Your dying wish, you are at your most powerful, but her part cut. King immediately Bei Fong: of course, you 'll get the chance to some! Off about her limbs and becomes Fire how about a hug for your new?... Omashu ] there really is no fathoming the depths of my identity explain why rains. Got into the Fire Nation Capitol, and now he 's really the... Appa ] sokka 's just a dumb meeting worse way of travel than.. Realize something 's wrong ] and get a hold of yourself, man me?!

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