what did padme say when she died

While Sab once advised Amidala to find a romantic partner in someone who understood her, a description that she herself matched,[16] Sab believed her friend would never return her feelings. At hearing this, Tarmin let them in but told them that it wasn't safe for them there. Pronouns Born Vader, once again Anakin Skywalker, died as a result of the injuries he sustained in killing the Emperor, but not before proving Amidala's final words correct; there was still good within Darth Vader. However, by the end of the Invasion of Naboo, Amidala reciprocated Anakin's friendship; she helped him to cope with leaving his mother Shmi behind on Tatooine while Skywalker gave her a japor snippet so she could have good fortune. Thrawn then agreed to destroy the factory after the Chiss retrieved the shield generator. Since all of these students had attended the same school, the two senators quickly deduced that the poisoning had been caused by some contaminated foodstuffs. Please help Wookieepedia by adding references. Having found out about the planned meeting from Sab and her sources, Padm decided to switch places with Sab in order to hear their conversation. However, Skywalker purposely left Clovis behind to face the wrath of Dod. Amidala would wear one of her fanciest outfits, which had been designed by Eirtae, for the state dinner. She liked that even when she was pretending to be one of her handmaidens and not "the queen," that he thought she was "an angel." But Padm, a staunch believer in democracy, knew better than to push the boundaries of power. [2] She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie[15] and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Realizing that the smuggler had survived, Vader noted how he would succeed where Lady Corvax had failed. She tried to convince him to simply leave and help raise their child, but he instead went on an intense speech of how he could overthrow the Emperor and they could rule the galaxy together. Padm jumped onto the reek, behind Anakin and kissed his cheek. Skywalker fought several B2s and discovered that their armor disabled lightsabers and deflected blaster bolts. [45], At a subsequent toast, Farr suddenly died. After Skywalker remarked that Ventress was incapable of love due to her dark-side background, Padm responded that Ventress's love for Vos could lead him back to the light side.[62]. Padm gave his arm another squeeze, got up from her place beside him, and walked away, tucking a small, white ornament into a pocket as she did so. But Stin told her that she'd be dead too. Meanwhile, the Jedi, disarmed, used the Force to see where Solha and his droids sentries were, so he didn't have to fight them, while he traveled across the maze of rooms, and corridors that the factory contained. [57], After the Chiss was presented to the newcomers by Skywalker, the group created a plan to retrieve Skywalker's lightsaber, which involved Thrawn and the senator going alone to the roof to retrieve the lightsaber. As he knew Skywalker and the senator, he rejected Amidala's ultimatum to surrender and told her that he had no doubts that he'd live and that he'd never surrender. Padm rebuked Dorm and told Tarmin that they weren't there to hurt anyone; they were on a diplomatic mission, one they hoped would benefit the Clabronians. [19], Being blockaded made Amidala tense and fretful. [26], After Amidala's death, Sab dedicated her life to solving the mystery of her death[16] and formed the resistance group the Amidalans in her honour. It seemed fitting they would show again today. With Sab in the queen's place and Amidala posing as "Padm," who was officially listed as another page, the group traveled to the Queen's library to test their disguise. Hair color Realizing that her persona created as Queen Amidala would only hinder her efforts as a senator, she and her handmaidens started creating a new persona to suit her new position. Leia speculated that maybe she had a connection to their birth mother while Luke had a connection to their birth father which was why Leia was able to remember her birth mother and why Luke was able to forgive Vader. Now evenPadm's death has been transformed. Gunray was confident Farr would rescue him from Amidala; however, he soon learned that the two senators had planned to capture him the entire time. She took her ship and landed at Black Spire Outpost. Height After three days of sleepless work, Padm presented her own motion to the Senate for the first time, the Mid Rim Cooperation Motion. When Anakin was turned into the robotic creature known as Darth Vader, he asked Emperor Palpatine whether or not Padme had survived. Their subsequent interactions were limited throughout the Clone Wars, with Amidala continuing to advocate peaceful solutions in the Senate while Skywalker served on the front lines as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Shortly thereafter, she passed out in her chamber. As Sab interacted with Captain Panaka, several of the handmaidens thought that Panaka saw through their disguise. [19], As the handmaidens began to grow closer, Amidala decided that it would be more beneficial for them to learn skills from each other instead of simply growing to act and speak like each other. WebPadme died after giving birth to Luke and Leia Skywalker. Breha then said they came so close to utter destruction and told her daughter that she was the one in the greatest danger more than she could've know before bringing her into a hug. Additionally, Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed during his duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul. 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She was accompanied by R2-D2 and Skywalker, who was aggressive towards Clovis during the trip for flirting with his wife. https://screenrant.com/star-wars-vader-secret-padme-funeral-sabe WebHow did she "fail" her? [5] Amidala could no longer ignore the needs of her people and accepted Queen Rillata's offer to become senator after two terms as queen. As part of her mission, Amidala befriended Clovis and agreed to accompany him on a trip to Cato Neimoidia to negotiate with the Trade Federation. Amidala refused though, and Kenobi correctly identified Skywalker as the father of the baby she was carrying. Skywalker decided to destroy the mine too, so the Separatists couldn't start again on Mokivj, though, Amidala, Thrawn, and LebJau asked him not to do it, he ignored their petition, and he destroyed the mine too, which gained him the anger and devastation of the already devastated Mokivj, as it caused a massive explosion expanded by the cortosis. [10], Meanwhile, Kenobi had traced Jango Fett to the planet Geonosis and discovered that Count Dooku was behind the assassination attempts. The transmission was cut off before Amidala could say her last goodbye to her husband, but Skywalker refused to abandon his wife to her fate. That had been a good days work. Born in 46 BBY during the Age of the Republic, Padm Naberrie was raised by her parents, Ruwee Naberrie and his wife Jobal, on the peaceful Mid Rim world of Naboo. Organa had invited Amidala to attend a meeting of senators who were concerned about the new Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill. Unfortunately, the effort resulted in failure, as the Shadda-Bi-Boran could not adapt to their new homeworld. She and Representative Koss left Krystar with Kenobi and the prisoners. While Farr requested that Amidala accept his apology for his brief betrayal, she remained adamant that it was the Republic that owed him an apology for forgetting that just because Rodia was not a particularly powerful ally did not make it any less important than any other system. Mothma knew who was really to blame and wanted to restore democracy to the galaxy. Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, as well as a Peer Mentor for new writers and a member of the Care Team, offering support and a listening ear to members of the Comics group. They infiltrated the Senate and overpowered the Senate Commandos guarding the entrance. Queen Amidala decided to add an ion pulse cannon to the surface. Brown[8] I think Padme died from an underlying undiagnosed Takatsubo cardiomyopathy as a result of her being force choked. After the battle droids protecting the room were defeated by Skywalker and Thrawn, and the Serennian duke by the senator, knocking him out with her grappling hook, they left the factory and then destroyed the factory. Skywalker did not know the cortosis in the mine would redirect the heat of the explosions, the heat was sent down the planet's crust, activating volcanic activity and leading to widespread devastation, deforestation, and desertification on Mokivj. [57], In another section of the factory, the Jedi and Chiss learned the Separatists were are also producing clone trooper armor covered with cortosis. Bane had been hired by the Grand Hutt Council to rescue Ziro from prison and had devised a plan which involved taking the Galactic Senate hostage. He adored her from age nine and she could trust that he would always adore her, if after 10 years, he still did. Portman also missed the first screening of The Phantom Menace due to exams. Skin color While being attacked by droidekas, Amidala's biohazard suit was breached and she became infected with the virus. While Padms death was simply explained as that of a broken hearted woman who lost the will to live, perhaps it was left vague on purpose, allowing the fans Palpatine killed three of them before being defeated by Mace Windu. Upon her arrival at the cantina, Amidala found Duja in a open casket. The Republic seized control of the banks to the Office of the Chancellor, while Clovis committed suicide. Dooku then sent them a message informing them Bonteri had been killed during an attack he attributed to the Republic. Amidala asked Stin if there was anything the Republic could do for his people. [16], Although her parents were of modest origins, Naberrie was identified as a gifted and brilliant young girl at an early age. After hearing word of a Jedi being nearby, Amidala managed to outsmart the battle droids and escape her cell. However, Amidala was not going to let him, unleashing the full brunt of her emotions, telling the captain to trust that her handmaidens could protect her and saying that she would do some things that he doesn't like, but would just have to deal with it. Padm Amidala was first mentioned in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Skywalker had formed an uneasy alliance with Chiss[57] Senior Captain[58] Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or Thrawn. Like her mother, Leia entered public service and became a flag-bearer for the democratic ideals of liberty and justice as a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor, the New Republic, before becoming the founding general of the Resistance against the First Ordera successor state to the Galactic Empire. [Source]. Affiliation(s) Amidala traveled with him, and upon their arrival at the Lars moisture farm, Skywalker discovered that his mother had been taken by Tusken Raiders. Through Luke's efforts to redeem his father back to the light, Amidala's last words proved true when Anakin killed the Emperor during the Battle of Endor. Amidala was then rescued by C-3PO, who brought in Coruscant Guard Commander Fox and his troopers. This decision divided the Naboo. Skywalker then used his lightsaber to carve a hole around the senators and dropping everyone one floor down. Determined to not succumb to Trade Federation pressure, she vowed to not sign the treaty and instead worked to organize defenses. She discovered that Queb was selling the clones to a trandoshan hunter to be hunted down as trophies. Though the Jedi Code forbade personal relationships, deeming attachment, and possession unbecoming of a Jedi, the two gradually became closer as their feelings for each other grew. When they were released and attacked, Jedi Master Mace Windu arrived and the Jedi revealed themselves, only for Dooku to respond by unleashing the Geonosian droid army. [13], Accompanied by Ahsoka, Amidala traveled behind enemy lines to the planet Raxus Secundus to meet her old friend and mentor Senator Mina Bonteri, who had joined the Separatist cause. She, Clovis, and Padm volunteered to go to Bromlarch and assess the damage, Jedi master Depa Billaba accompanying them, and afterward Bromlarch's senator Caelor Gaans felt no other choice but to accept due to Palpatine's seeming apathy over the situation. [40], Amidala facing Cad Bane during the Senate hostage crisis, While Amidala and Skywalker were arranging a party for her colleague Senator Aang, they discovered that they were short on jogan fruit, an essential ingredient in jogan fruitcake. However, their rescue was a failure and they were captured. An election was decided, and Palpatine himself emerged as a likely candidate to succeed the disgraced Valorum. [36], Amidala, Skywalker, and Palpatine, along with droids C-3PO and R2-D2, evacuated to Palpatine's personal escape shuttle, although they were grabbed by the beast's claws. Despite trying to use makeup to conceal it, they were forced to allow Sab to double her again so Harli would not recognize her from the concert. Padm Naberrie was kind and compassionate, and she was the type to keep her [57], Following the completion of Thrawn's and Skywalker's test, the Chiss crafted a cord from the clothing he got from the Larkrer and unlocked their cells from the inside. Obi-Wan sat quietly on the seat opposite the boys until hed finished crying. After securing the senators, Bane issued an ultimatum to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and demanded the release of Ziro the Hutt. She, along with C-3PO, traveled to the rendezvous. Clovis, in turn, believed that Amidala wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting. 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[19] When Naberrie was seven, she traveled with her father to Shadda-Bi-Boran to help relocate the population in the wake of an ecological disaster. When Anakin was turned into the robotic creature known as Darth Vader, he asked Emperor Palpatine With that, they shook hands, and Amidala departed.[64]. She portrayed herself as the calm and composed candidate. [3] She attended the Theed Royal Academy to learn how to become a political leader. Although Amidala had remained composed and calm throughout the day, in private, she grinned with excitement. Skywalker, Kenobi, and Amidala pursued Count Dooku in a Republic gunship, but Amidala and a clone trooper were knocked from the troop bay by a cannon blast. Higin and Adova became Yan and Sach respectively, serving as liaison and page, and Tsabin became Sab, the queen's closest bodyguard and body double. Naboo[1] She devoted herself to public service,[20] joining the Apprentice Legislature at the tender age of eight, and she eventually became a junior senatorial adviser. Amidala found herself in trouble once again, after Gunray arrived on the planet and captured her. [16], After the session, she and Clovis attended a get-together hosted by Chancellor Palpatine, where she was introduced to Senator Mina Bonteri of Onderon. She tried to move away from the heavy cruiser, but was pulled in by the Malevolence's tractor beam. "[8] That night, Amidala used her new personal comm to contact her parents, who gave her their congratulations. Died After surviving an assassination attempt planned by the Trade Federation, she was removed from the capital and sent back to Naboo under the protection of Padawan Anakin Skywalker. When Skywalker came back into her life, Amidala knew that their future together would endanger their lives. She then explained that she never asked for the names of her biological parents as while she'd had wanted to know either of her birth parents if they were alive but they were both 'lost before [she] was even one day old' and her adoptive family was the only family she'd ever had or ever want. [16], Over the course of the next six months, for the remainder of her first Senate term, Padme achieved much success, continuing to join committees and work with Organa and Mothma, who in turn used their own contacts to force TriNebulon News into going easier on Padm in the tabloids. Amidala requested Panaka to provide them with several complicated lockplates to practice on. Knowing that her husband was in the Temple, but unaware of the true circumstances of why he was there, Amidala watched fearfully and horror-stricken from her apartment as the Jedi Temple burned. She could tell from the wounds to Duja's body that she had been murdered despite the bartender telling her that she was killed in a speeder bike accident. Afterwards, he and Mothma thanked her for the intentional distraction, though Padm refused to spy on her friend Mina for them unless she heard something truly shocking. [57], The mission ended with a catastrophe for Mokivj and an end to Solha's career. Amidala was compassionate to other people and stood her ground firmly for what she believed in. Upon her arrival, she was horrified to find that Obi-Wan had been correct: Skywalker had succumbed fully to the dark side and was now the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Later, Amidala traveled to Mandalore, which was facing an economic crisis due to the disruption to trade caused by the Clone Wars. 2) Bail Organa's first wife, who adopted Leia but died for some reason when Leia was very young. She protested, but Clovis and the Muuns ignored her. Amidala later told her new handmaiden that she was working on her persona as the queen, which Tsabin vowed to work on mimicking. [70] Providing minor training to the smuggler, Vader was able to coax out the potential of his force sensitivity, which Vader was able to use to finally get access to the Bright Star. Before they were led to the arena to be executed, Amidala confessed her love for Skywalker, reasoning that there was no point in denying it before they died. After Organa was forced to withdraw her candidacy for First Senator of the New Republic when Lady Carise Sindian exposed her as the daughter of Darth Vader and Padm Amidala, Leia admitted her true parentage in front of the Galactic Senate. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Amidala tended to the wounded Skywalker and managed to rouse him. Did the Emperor also have a hand in making her die? As the court's judge Chancellor Palpatine was about to read the verdict, Anakin Skywalker burst in with some Jedi Temple Guards and revealed that the real culprit was in fact Barriss Offee. Although Amidala had no means to stop her descent while sliding down the roof, she was soon caught by Skywalker. There she asked for Kuseph Jovi. [93], According to concept artist Iain McCaig, Padm was meant to make an attempt on Darth Vader's life on Mustafar: the scene as originally storyboarded had her embracing him with a knife, but finding herself unable to actually kill him (her role in the Revenge of the Sith script also reflected that she realized Anakin was becoming a monster). Life force is a proven thing in Star Wars, remember what was said in ANH about all living things, apparently distinct from physical bodies - see th During this time, she realized that Chancellor Palpatine wasn't as welcoming as he had originally seemed, especially when he refused to allow her onto his antislavery committee, knowing that she cared deeply about the issue. By the time Amidala finished with Palpatine, Panaka alerted her that the Trade Federation fleet had blockaded the planet. Tsabin stayed in the room with her as her only security. [21], At age twelve, Naberrie participated in the Legislative Youth Program, in which she met a slightly older boy named Palo Jemabie. [14], Following the failed assassination attempt, Tano devised a plan to capture Aurra Sing by having a luxury droid, wreathed in a robe, take Amidala's place at the conference. The senator then encouraged Amidala to move for a Vote of No Confidence in the leadership of Chancellor Valorum. Amidala then offered to negotiate with Jabba through his uncle, Ziro, who lived on Coruscant at his palace. She introduced herself, saying that she was asked for by Grand Minister Stin. For years, many As a result of Skywalker's fear of loss, he was seduced by the dark side of the Force, believing that by becoming a Sith Lord he would gain the power to prevent his wife from dying in childbirth. Amidala and the Naboo Security Forces fight for control of the palace. Padm Amidala's life was always destined to end in tragedy; she was beloved by Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, the man whom Emperor Palpatine had decided to fashion into his Sith Apprentice. Under the impression that his wife had turned against him and brought the Jedi to kill him, Vader seized her with the Force and began to choke her. Following a skirmish with the Moogan smugglers, during which Amidala dispatched two of the smugglers after the police chief was injured, Satine had the warehouse and its contents burned down. Medically healthy humans don't die for no good reason But she wasn't " medically healthy ". When the blockade prevented an agricultural transport from Karlinus from bringing grain, Amidala was counseled by Zapalo, who told her that due to their situation with the farmlands, the planet was running low on food, saying that the public food available would probably only sate the population for a week. With thunderous applause. When Padm later confronted Anakin, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choked her in a fit of rage. [16], Captain Mariek Panaka and Sergeant Gregar Typho accepted Amidala's request to accompany her to Coruscant. While trying to negotiate for spare parts with the junk dealer Watto, the party met Anakin Skywalker, a nine-year-old slave, along with his mother, Shmi Skywalker, and his incompletely built protocol droid, C-3PO. They learned that the ore was mined in the river next to the factory and strengthened the battle droids' armor making them invulnerable, something that could change the Clone Wars forever. Well, that's how I see it anyway. [82], Following the fall of the Galactic Empire, Leia Organa did some research until she learned that her mother was Padm Amidala Naberrie. Published Dec 7, 2020. Amidala listened to the meeting as a page, but when she had to run a message to the kitchen, Harli spotted her. Actually quite well. Even despite Skywalker's extreme sense of justice, which Amidala credited with why he had attacked the Tusken camp, she was unable to imagine not marrying the man she had come to love. After one more desperate plea, Vader released her and she fell unconscious. This divide caused a rift between Amidala and Panaka, a rift that would never heal. Prior to the conference, Amidala tried to assure Tano that she had felt the same sense of insecurity when she was queen of Naboo. Because Organa only knew Amidala from the things she owned and the stories told to her by people who had known her, the gowns meant a lot to her, and she stored them in a safe location. As the last ships left, a buoy in the planet's atmosphere was triggered. [26], Sab was greatly upset when she learned of Amidalas secret marriage to Anakin Skywalker, who secretly scared Sab, and was angered that her friend hadn't told her. Guard Commander Fox and his troopers Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed during his duel with the Sith Darth... Private, she passed out in her chamber the entrance to learn how become! His uncle, Ziro, who lived on Coruscant at his palace Eirtae, for the state.... 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To push the boundaries of power additionally, Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed his. Their disguise Stin told her new handmaiden that she was soon caught by Skywalker then offered to negotiate with through. Composed and calm throughout the day, in private, she was accompanied by R2-D2 Skywalker! Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and demanded the release of Ziro the Hutt https: //screenrant.com/star-wars-vader-secret-padme-funeral-sabe WebHow did she fail... Clone Wars Padme was led in this orientation by a Republic protocol droid, NON-3 Mandalore, which vowed... Anakin was turned into the robotic creature known as Darth Vader, he asked Emperor Palpatine whether or not had... Firmly for what she believed in staunch believer in democracy, knew better than to the... Message to the galaxy blame and wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her Coruscant. Droids and escape her cell Corvax had failed provide them with several complicated lockplates to practice on his cheek security... 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