california class starship crew complement

What is the crew complement and capacity of the Galaxy class? This is one of the Okudas' many contributions to the Cerritos/California-class/Lower Decks. There was also a large, padded room for martial arts practice. The engineering support variant has a larger concentration of engineering personnel, as well as enhanced structural integrity and tractor beam systems, which make it well-suited for towing missions. It uses a Transkinetic chamber and Radiometric converters, among other things: The residual anti-matter from the warp core is then processed in the transkinetic chamber, where it's broken down on the subatomic level. These vessels have gold paint. The captain's chair at the center, flanked by chairs for the first officer to the right, and an additional officer to the left. Anyway, it should be noted that the DS9:TM has received criticism for some inaccuracies, especially in the section that describes the various starships, exactly what we are discussing here; in example, the Excelsior class is said to have a complement of 750 units, exactly the same of the much bigger Nebula class (that is more or less the same size of the Galaxy class); it seems a bit strange that these two very different ships could have the same crew numbers. Deck 9 had squash courts near the crew quarters. Later, this insect bite caused Ransom to have a seizure at the bar, due to a viral infection. The California class is a technologically advanced type of starship utilised by Starfleet during the 25th century. As so, it boasted a "sufficient" arsenal of class III defensive armaments but was later updated to match class IV after the retrofit. Odyssey (Verity Yorktown (cruiser)) By the early 25th century after a thorough evaluation of the data brought back from the USS Voyager after its return from the Delta Quadrant Starfleet had developed enough extreme long-range propulsion technologies to make regular exploration of the Galaxies most distant region possible. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. (LD: "No Small Parts"), By 2381, the Cerritos had been held in drydock while Captain Freeman had been arrested, accused of conspiring with Klingon extremists in destroying Pakled Planet. In their absence, Captain Amina Ramsey of the USS Oakland was put in temporary command of the Cerritos, accompanied by Lieutenants Durga, Ottessa Warren, and Drew Prachett. Lower Decks co-producer Brad Winters gave the California -class ship length as 535.2 meters, and height at 121.3 meters, in a Tweet. It was believed that these caused the sound of their warp engines to be a little bit higher pitch, however, other sources maintained that the unique sound was caused by the vibrations in the dilithium dispersement manifold. (LD: "Temporal Edict"), Upper decks of the saucer section had a bar where the crew could socialize. (LD episodes: "Moist Vessel", "Much Ado About Boimler", "No Small Parts"), Lieutenant Tom Paris visited the Cerritos in 2381 and affectionately referred to its type as the Cali-class. Shepard (Gagarin (25th century)) Unlike Galaxy-class starships, the warp engine of this class incorporated inverted plasma distributors. (LD: "Terminal Provocations"), The California class was armed with phaser arrays and photon torpedoes. Because of this, these ships have a larger-than-average number of shuttles for their size and can carry vast amounts of cargo. (LD: "Second Contact", "Terminal Provocations", "Reflections"), The bridge was located on Deck 2. Saladin (Cochise Siva) Nimitz (Europa) It has an expected hull duration of 100 years with regular maintenance, 5 years between minor retrofits and 20 years before major retrofits, and is able to go 5 years without major resupply - a statistic usually seen from Explorers. (LD: "Moist Vessel", "Veritas", "First First Contact"). If the MSD is correct, this would be the size of the Cerritos and their sister ships. A Galaxy -class starship, at 42 decks, had approximately 1000 crew-members. The captain's ready room was located off the bridge, with a single room-wide window to space. Assuming a similar concentration for Intrepid -class vessels like U.S.S. The bridge was located on Deck 2. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. This, combined with the simplicity of the design meant that while it was scaled back in production numbers by 2380, it was still possible to produce the class with smaller shipyards with minimal effort. Like an away team, California class ships often work as mixed teams with at least two different division ships, so that they can complement each other and compensate for their respective weaknesses. The first officer chair was equipped with a manual steering column. Like the divisions in Starfleet, the Yellow version seen on the USS Cerritos represents Engineering and Operations. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato"), The brig contained three prisoner cells, secured by force fields that could withstand the blast of a type 2 phaser set to kill. Among the noted shipboard facilities was Cetacean Ops. Personnel aboard these ships were dressed in the colorful Starfleet uniform of the early 2380s. The Constitution-class starship was previously captained by Robert April and Christopher Pike, before coming under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. Though the Aledo won the race, it was later discovered its artificial intelligence was fatally flawed due to having been coded by Sam Rutherford. Vesta (Aventine Rademaker) either the crew was drastically reduced or that particular class was redisigned as a larger ship? Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! As the crew gathered, Ensigns Brad Boimler and Beckett Mariner beamed back to the ship and were surprised to see what was going on around them. Often assigned to archaeological and scientific support missions to follow up on discoveries made by more important vessels, California-class ships are equipped with sizable science departments, rivaling purpose-built science ships for all but the most intensive surveys. [2], McMahan also stated that he was always a fan of the (Miranda-class) USS Reliant, and used that design mixed with the stylization of the (Galaxy-class) USS Enterprise-D as the visual inspiration for this class. Besides providing assistance in terms of manpower, Captain Freeman was also instrumental in helping Mixtus inhabitants to reach mutually acceptable solutions that allowed the implosion to go forward. The shuttlebay typically held Type-6A shuttlecraft. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow", "No Small Parts", "First First Contact"), At least three ships of this class were lost in 2380: the USS Merced was critically damaged from exposure to terraforming emulsion that leaked from an ancient generation ship, the USS Rubidoux was subsumed by a space-dwelling lifeform, and the USS Solvang was destroyed with all hands by an enhanced Pakled vessel. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow"), The Cerritos was engaged in a standoff with the Drookmani over the salvage of a wrecked Antares-type cargo ship. By the 3180s Starfleet once again began extensive exploration and reunification with estranged member species across both the Milky Way after the "Burn" and neighboring galaxies and as such a support fleet was vitally needed once again. Remora (Charger) While individually, the precursor classes to the Galaxy and Nebula-classes developed in the 2340s and 2350s each had their strengths, their capabilities varied widely and they were seen as a waste on general utility duties, and most of them were too small to carry the supplies necessary for large humanitarian and engineering projects anyway. (LD: "Moist Vessel"), Located off of the ld sleeping quarters were communal sonic showers. Ventral forward view showing California-class configuration. Cerritos - Star Trek: Lower Decks With a total of 42 decks, the Enterprise -D was twice the length and had eight times the interior space of the Constitution -class ships of over a century earlier. The class has three shuttlebays facing aft, two in the primary hull and one in the engineering module. This class of ship contains a wide variety of recreational facilities, including a large lounge, several holodecks, a squash court, a gymnasium, and other such offerings. construction of technical infrastructure after first contact mission. Because of this, these ships have a larger-than-average number of shuttles for their size and can carry vast amounts of cargo. Production slowed following the introduction of the larger and more advanced Parliament-class utility cruiser in the 2380s, but there are no signs that Starfleet will stop building these vessels any time soon. The chief medical officer's office was room 08.019. I got both here on the Cerritos. California class vessels are equipped with three Type-X phaser arrays: two 270 arrays on the dorsal and ventral surface of the saucer, and a third aft array on the dorsal saucer (post-retrofit), which provides adequate phaser coverage over most arcs. The warp drive worked by generating subspace fields to form a bubble of selective space-time displacement that enveloped the exterior of the starship, distorting the local spacetime continuum and allowing it to "ride" on said distortion at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light as determined by the theory of relativity., Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Latest Blog Post: Favorite Question and Answers from First Quarter 2023. One of the most famous ships of the class was the USS Enterprise -C, the fourth starship to bear the name, which was launched in 2332 under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett. The Drookmani started picking a fight with the Cerritos by throwing debris at the ship with their tractor beam. It was later discovered that the Rubidoux had been invaded by space entity that was feeding on the ship's energy. Yellow is a second contact engineering classification. For example, if the Miranda-Class went from a crew of 575 to 450 (78% of the original), then you could imagine a "modern" Excelsior-Class to have a compliment of just under 600. this may point you in the right direction - nothing specifically in the wiki re: crew complement but perhaps in the books? Standard crew complement approximately 1000 humanoids. The ship included at least three holodecks available for crew use. STARSHIP CLASS Nova class Affiliation: Federation Starfleet; Khitomer Alliance; Terran Imperial Starfleet ( mirror universe); Confederation Corps ( alternate timeline) Type: science vessel, scout Service period 2368 - 2550s Dimensions Length: 165 -180.74 meters Width: 81.2 -109.94 meters Height: 31.4 -40.62 meters Mass: 110,000 -147,000 tons It would never be a class to hold the spotlight, but it is generally agreed that it plays a role in keeping Starfleet in fighting shape. Launched in 2245, the original and illustrious starship U.S.S. Each generator consists of a cluster of ten 28 MW (megawatt) graviton polarity sources feeding into a 575 milli-cochrane subspace field distortion amplifier meaning each generator produces 280 MW of power for an ultimate capacity of 1,680 MW. (LD: "Second Contact"), There were several conference rooms, including a senior conference room, executive conference room, and Conference Room 5. Does Chain Lightning deal damage to its original target first? These vessels can handle long-duration surveys and other expeditions within Federation space. Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe? In this line, there are three types of hull painting: blue, red, and yellow. This twelve-deck saucer contains the majority of the ships systems, as well as crew quarters and cargo facilities. Furthermore, these vessels also utilise a series of impulse cores comprised of a network of multiple spherical fusion reactors that are fueled by Deuterium and make use of a nuclear fusion process to generate energised electro-plasma that is then distributed along a plasma conduit managed EPS grid. (LD episode: "Second Contact"), The USS Merced, which cooperated with the Cerritos on recovering an ancient generation ship, featured science-blue stripe on its hull. Firing full torpedo spread from dorsal launcher, Wide view, including the replicator by the entrance, California Miracle Worker Utility Cruiser, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The medical support variant has hospital facilities to accommodate up to 200 patients, in place of a lot of their cargo facilities. It was designed to serve as a long range exploration vessel. When the Nova-class U.S.S. However, new ships of the class continued to be commissioned. Compared to the flagship of . The Enterprise was destroyed in 2344 while responding to a distress call from a Klingon outpost on Narendra III. Each bunk had its own assigned recessed compartment beside it, which was opened to extend out from the wall like a drawer, and the bunk occupant could use as a closet to store a few extra uniforms or other items. California -class starships are not meant for combat; they are generally expected to retreat in the face of superior foes and can only handle only lightly-armed opponents, such as light raiders or other small threats. The Nova class is a small ship with a crew complement of about 80. How can I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V to drive a motor? Ambassador (Alaska Narendra Yamaguchi) Red hulled ships represent the Command division. [3], In February 2021, Eaglemoss/Hero Collector's Ben Robinson revealed that the company would manufacture the USS Cerritos as a starship miniature and estimated that its Lower Decks ships would begin to launch to retail at the end of 2021 or early 2022. The captain's chair at the center, flanked by chairs for the first officer to the right, and an additional officer to the left. By 2381, the existing California class fleet was being slowly recalled to starbases for retrofits to update major systems and overall design. Constellation (Challenger deep space explorer) Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? Each bunk had its own assigned recessed compartment beside it, which was opened to extend out from the wall like a drawer, and the bunk occupant could use as a closet to store a few extra uniforms or other items. Having been a staple presence in numerous encounters with the Pakleds, and her other adventurous endeavors under Captain Freeman, the Cerritos gained favorable recognition amongst other ships of Starfleet. The California class, nicknamed the Cali class, was a type of Federation starship in service during the late 24th century. (LD episode: "Moist Vessel"), The USS Rubidoux and its replacement, the USS Solvang, were painted in command red. The power for the shields is taken directly from the warp reactor and impulse fusion generators and transferred by means of high-capacity EPS conduits to the shield generators. California-class ships are used for follow-up exploratory missions after the large explorers have passed through a region, usually to fill in star charts and perform slower, more detailed examinations of a region of space, but they rarely venture far from Federation territory on their own. Convinced that her mother would be used as a scapegoat to appease people due to her role as a California-class captain, Mariner convinced Boimler, Rutherford, and Tendi to sneak on-board to find proof of Freeman's innocence. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The room featured shelving and framing built into the walls, a desk and chairs, a replicator, and bench-style seating along the wall opposite the desk. Weve extended the visual metaphor of the uniforms to the ships, and the Cerritos has yellow on the hull because its primarily a second contact engineering ship. Sentinel (Emissary Nomad cruiser Vanguard) If you're measuring by heart, this is the strongest ship in the fleet, because we've got the best captain at the helm, my mom. There was a gift shop where one could obtain ship-branded merchandise such as T-shirts and baseball caps. Defiant (Gallant Incursion Nachthexen Sao Paulo Valiant Vigilant escort) CREW COMPLIMENT: 300: PRIMARY PROPULSION: Matter/Antimatter Reactor (warp core) SECONDARY PROPULSION: Deuterium Fusion Drive motors (impulse engines . Instead, its AI went rogue, killing him and attacking Douglas Station alongside its sister ships. They were also equipped with Argo-type buggies for groundcar-based surface operations. The lack of generalization has cast some doubt on the class in recent years, but many argue that this is a strength of the design, particularly with recent changes to Starfleets production priorities. At least three ships of this class were lost in 2380: the USS Merced was irreparably damaged from exposure to a terraforming emulsion that leaked from an ancient generation ship, the USS Rubidoux was subsumed by a space-dwelling lifeform, and the USS Solvang was destroyed with all hands by an enhanced Pakled vessel. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. (LD episodes: "Much Ado About Boimler", "No Small Parts"), In 2380, three California-class starships were destroyed on individual missions, the Merced, Rubidoux and Solvang. (LD episode: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris"), Akira (Alita Armitage Thunderchild) The Shepard class was a 22nd and 23rd century Federation starship class, a battlecruiser in Starfleet service in the 2250s and the 2410s decade. Well as crew quarters discovered that the Rubidoux had been invaded by space entity that was feeding the! 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To people who love your style class, was a type of starship utilised by Starfleet during 25th.

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