computer plural in italian

E-mail: i = the plural. Find the answer you're looking for from 45 million answers logged! Use the computer mouse to click on the button. How do you tell if an Italian word is masculine or feminine? This is how it works: 1000- mille one-thousand 2000- duemila two-thousand 3000- tremila three-thousand 4006- quattromila e sei four-thousand and six 50.000- cinquanta mila fifty-thousand 200.000- duecento mila two-hundred thousand. Foreign Nouns ART. the eyes gli occhi. Ristorante (plural: ristoranti) is the Italian word for restaurant and as you can see, the spelling is very similar to the English word. But lets be honest. Yet, when exactly is Ap Italian Resources, Top 100+ Italian Nouns: Our Guide to Common Italian Nouns, Learn Italian at Your Pace with ItalianPod101, How to Say Hello in Italian Guide to Italian Greetings, How to Say I Love You in Italian Romantic Word List. i computer, rimane uguale come al singolare, ciaooo elena :). borsa per computer, borsa per PC, borsa porta computer, programma per computer, programma informatico, scansione antivirus del computer, scansione del computer, computer desktop, computer da scrivania, desktop computer. Noun. [kl? Valeria is the founder of Parlando Italiano, a language school which offers Italian courses online and face-to-face Italian lessons in London with native and qualified Italian tutors. The word for friend in Italian is amico (when referring to a male friend or the generic concept) or amica (when referring to a female friend). SGONFIATO: deflated. In short: Nouns ending with -a are pluralized with -e if feminine (most common) or with -i if masculine. The one learning a language! As you can see, the standard form is easy and you just need to learn a few rules. In other words, you cant use the previous rules to guess how the end in the plural but. It comes from the Latin word thius and, as in English, is used to describe the brother of ones mother or father, or the husband of ones aunt (zia). The same is true for ciliegia, whose plural is ciliegie because the preceding letter is a vowel (e). la carota le carote (the carrot the carrots), la sedia le sedie (the chair the chairs). Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. Italian numbering rules Numbers from zero to ten are specific words, namely zero [0], uno [1], due [2], tre [3], quattro [4], cinque [5], sei [6], sette [7], otto [8], nove [9], and dieci [10]. Making the plural in Italian is gonna be much easier with these simple rules. So basically you dont have to change anything. In Italian you'll never find double i, Now, Im going to provide you with some tips on forming the Italian plural form. How To Upload Photos From Iphone 6 To Hp Laptop. By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! Pluralizing Feminine Nouns Ending in -A Singolare Plurale la casa le case the house/houses la penna le penne the pen/pens la pizza le pizze the pizza/pizzas la ragazza le ragazze the girl/girls. -e, the ending changes to i in the plural. Is Stazione masculine or feminine Italian? One of the few ways in which English is easier to learn than other languages is that we have only one definite article. Learn computer and internet terms in Italian! So lets see some words that dont fall in any of the previous categories. Some nouns have just one form which works both for the singular and for the plural. THUR-oh Because of the rule that we just restated, you might think that masculine words that end in -io would form their plural with -ii. 1. In the Italian language, there are three ways to say 'you'; tu (informal) Lei (formal) and Voi (plural) . If you're interested in studying a Computer Science & IT degree in Italy you can view all 15 Bachelors programmes. ), Careful though! Remember that masculine nouns ending in -o form the plural with -i: cavallo cavalli. (fidanzata) girlfriend. You can review my lesson here or watch the video below. il computer. il problemai problemi(the problem the problems), il poeta i poeti(the poet the poets). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Truncated words do not change in the plural. In Italian we call them difettivi del plurale as theyre always used only in the singular form. He's busy playing his computer games again. How do you tell if a word is singular or plural in Italian? Translation of Grazie, ragazzi, grazie in English. You can also read more about Computer Science & IT degrees in general, or about studying in Italy. la tasca le tasche (the pocket the pockets), lalga le alghe (the seaweed the seaweeds), Imparareonline Ltd. Il corrispettivo italiano : il calcolatore, il plurale : i calcolatori. Today Ill show you some simple rulesto make the plural form in Italian; but before you continue, make sure you know about the wordgender (if you cant tellwhether a noun is masculine or feminine, youre missing a piece!). Have a look at the list of exceptions below: These words can be masculine or feminine. It's the same with the g and gh in ga and gheThey sound like gate, so it's GA and GHE, not JA and GE! Meaning be back soon. Look it up in the dictionary and youll find a simple enough definition: un ragazzo is a boy, una ragazza is a girl, i ragazzi are boys and le ragazze are girls. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Which of these do Americans commonly used to swear? . It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set. If the -i- doesnt carry the stress, the plural can be either -cia/gie or -ce/ge, depending on the letter that comes before the final syllable. -a, the ending changes to -e in the plural. Meaning come on!. If you dont have a dictionary at hand, the following table will cover most Italian words:SingularPluralMasculine -oAlberoAlberiMasculine -ePrigionePrigioniMasculine -aSistemaSistemiFeminine -aMammaMammeFeminine in -eTigreTigriFeminine in -oManoMani. Making mistakes is part of the process of learning a new language. It is common to give air kisses on both cheeks (starting with your left) when greeting those you know well. All foreign words that are adopted in Italian stay the same in the singular and plural form (although when speaking not everyone follows this rule, especially for most recent words) the arm il braccio. Gostaria de saber "palavres " em italiano, para eu entender oq falam. There is no neuter gender. Daje. lo (the) is used for masculine, singolare, words when, noun begins with s-impura. That means their singular and plural forms are the same. The language we're focusing on is Italian. PASSEGGIATA: stroll. Yes, i computer All foreign words that are adopted in Italian stay the same in the singular and plural form (although when speaking not everyone follows this rule, especially for most recent words) As for the gender, most words that come from English are masculine, but there are exceptions. Use the search field below. 17: Some Italians are superstitious about Friday the 17th because rearranging the Roman numeral XVII can create the word VIXItranslated from Latin to mean my life is over.Sep 14, 2013. Does computer have a plural form in Italian? il computer i computer (the computer the computers), lo yogurt gli yogurt (the yogurt the yogurts). . To better understand what weve covered today, read also my lessons about the word gender in Italian andthe articles (definite and indefinite): Copyright 2020 Connex-ita | All rights reserved. In most cultures, it is custom to express gratitude in some way or another. Patriarca, patriarchiPatriarch, patriarchs, Stratega, strateghiStrategist, strategists, Title: Italian All-in-One For DummiesLanguage: English / ItalianPublisher:For DummiesPages:672. La is the definitive article for feminine singular nouns. Does every noun have a plural number, or are there uncountable nouns? Meaning imagine. For example, legname, which translates to timber in English, is a masculine singular noun and has no plural form. For people and animals, the gender of their noun is determined by their sex. In most cultures, it is custom to express gratitude in some way or another. Troppu Bedda/u Beautiful So beautiful in Sicilian is Troppu Bedda if your partner is female or identifies as such and Troppu Beddu if your partner is male or identifies as such. Some masculine substantives ending in -co and -go form their plural with -chi and -ghi. the arm il braccio. the hand la mano. However for every rules there are always, So lets see some words that dont fall in any of the previous categories. Let's recycle the other chart: Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. A number of Italian nouns have only one form, singular or plural. Italian Culture Italian greetings are usually warm and rather formal. The Plural Form in Italian (Simple Rules) To turn them to plural, you just need to change the O to an I. il tedesco i tedeschi (the German the Germans), lalbergo gli alberghi (the hotel the hotels). Computer scientists have developed new techniques for speech recognition. Singular nouns ending in -o are usually masculine. computer elektronisches, programmierbares Gert zur Eingabe, Verarbeitung und Ausgabe von Daten; Rechenautomat; Elektronengehirn; Rechner Computer sind Maschinen. Someone who writes computer software is known as a programmer or developer. In short, il and lo are the definitive articles for masculine singular nouns. Therefore you write them with the letter H in between the C/G and the vowel. Check out the examples below. Nonetheless, it's important that you choose the correct form when . How do I merge unallocated space to C drive in Windows 10? nearly all words ending with a consonant are masculine.2 How to recognize what gender a noun is. In the video below I split them into groups to make it easier to remember. Can someone please tell me if every object has a gender in I What are the exact article in italian nouns? Other nouns can have more than one plural, such as braccio, arm. Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker! As previously stated, being able to form plural nouns and using the correct noun in a sentence is that extra step that will make you sound like a native speaker, so keep practicing! When youve got more than one thing, youll use either i or gli. Computer data is a conceptual rather than physical thing. il computer i computer (the computer - the computers) lo yogurt gli yogurt (the yogurt - the yogurts) There are some cases in which plural nouns have a different spelling. For instance, the word alga (algae) becomes alghe, piaga (sore, wound) becomes piaghe, and so on. When I was in school I worked in the computer lab as part of my work-study program. [ More lessons & exercises from chilla] Click here to see the current stats of this Italian test Please log in to save your progress. If they are feminine, they form the plural with -e. For instance, the word chitarrista (guitarist) becomes chitarristi if we refer to male guitarists, but it becomes chitarriste if we refer to female guitarists. Another group of words that its worth to mention are the ones with no plural form. il : when noun begins with a consonant. indefinite singular esatto dire "ci sono" perch, come hai gi accennato tu, stai parlando di pi oggetti, e quindi al plurale. However, these names are quite rare. In the plural, nouns ending in -i are generally masculine, and nouns ending in -e are feminine. I would say this is one of the few questions that I still haven't found a satisfactory response t Hello. The system is vulnerable to a break-in by hackers. Computers are machines. The plural forms are amici (male friends) and amiche (female friends) respectively. Feminine words ending in -ca and -ga take -che and -ghe, respectively. In other words, you cant use the previous rules to guess how the end in the plural butyou must know it by heart. Like English, Italian has two numbers: singular and plural. As a new learner, this can be difficult to get to grips with, and can continue to be a problem even for more advanced learners. Is Notte in Italian masculine or feminine? thanks thank you. lartista gli artisti / le artiste (the artist the artists (m) / the artists (f)), il dentista i dentisti / le dentiste (the dentist the dentists). Masculine words ending in -e and -o take -i. Masculine words that end in -a can either remain unchanged or take -i. Masculine words ending in io take -ii if the -i carries the stress. For instance, the word amica ("friend") becomes amiche, fatica ("effort") becomes fatiche, etc. The next group of words is even easier: they end with the letter I and dont change in the plural. They dont change in the plural form either. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I think we're going to have to call a computer technician to help us out. It is hard to type in French on an American computer keyboard. There are some cases in which plural nouns have a different spelling. il film the film il manager the manager i manager the managers il computer the computer i computer the computers. In general, feminine names ending in O dont change in the plural form. grazie mille definite plural female = le I didn't get the job because I didn't have sufficient computer skills. In this post, I will help you learn how to form the plural forms for Italian nouns. Ive given you the basic rules, the exceptions, and a few examples. In Italian, the words ending with the letter o are generally masculine. 8569282 Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that specia Theres no doubt about it: Italians like to greet. I'm making a video about Japanese words in English. If you liked this guide on the plural in Italian, consider sharing it with your social media friends who are also studying Italian. I can only go out before dark. Lastly, its rare but some words in Italian can end with a consonant and theyre usually from a foreign language. Because "computer" does not have a vowel at the end, it cannot take on a vowel in the plural form. My anti-virus software carries out a regular computer scan. A computer program controls the operation of the equipment. And thats the end of our guide to the plural in Italian! ?attsa ] (gen) girl. If youre a teacher(actually at a daycare)what would you say in the first parents and teachers me What does Qu quiere decir y como se pronuncia--> mean? If preceded by a consonant, nouns that end in -cia and -gia have a plural form that ends in -ce and -ge respectively. lo = the singular. The dottorato di ricerca (research doctorate) is the highest Italian academic degree, the equivalent of a Ph. Borrowed words in the Italian language usually end with a consonant. Grazie. See a translation 26 Sep 2017 Italian Yes, i computer :) See a translation 1 like RonaldJohnson 26 Sep 2017 English (US) @nocturnalfear 1 like naisel The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. The computer engineers are designing some new software. Let's say you're speaking with an Italian native speaker and you're speaking perfectly. a computer science researcher with a private think tank a tough-looking computer, a leather executive chair Acquisisce un segnale dal computer Address book (computer) Automated computer-controlled barra caricamento (computer) Basic settings in a computer programme C' molta richiesta di computer call (computer programming) camera on a computer Feminine nouns ending in -ca and -ga follow the same rule. If they are masculine, the plural is formed by getting rid of the -a and adding an -i. In the video below I split them into groups to make it easier to remember. Looking for something? The data are then fed into a computer. Nouns ending in consonants (which are often borrowed foreign words) also have identical singular and plural forms. "Nel caso in cui non riusciste a trovare" > Il congiuntivo corret Si pu dire fuori dal solito ? It sounds complicated, so let me give you an example. Feminine words ending in -o are either unchanged or take -i. Nouns that take -i are very rare. Education in Italy is compulsory from 6 to 16 years of age, and is divided into five stages: kindergarten (scuola dellinfanzia), primary school (scuola primaria or scuola elementare), lower secondary school (scuola secondaria di primo grado or scuola media inferiore), upper secondary school (scuola secondaria di. In Italian there are some words with an irregular plural form. This lesson will show you how to create the plural form of Italian nouns. Ill cover some simple rules to make the plural in Italian; youll learn the plural form of some popular Italian words such as computer, foto, caff, or hotel; and also a few important exceptions. For instance, the plural form of the word giovent (youth) is giovent, the plural form of the word tiramis (tiramisu is a typical Italian dessert) is tiramis, and so on. the head la testa. Italian Nouns: Masculine and Feminine First things first: How many genders are there in Italian? Lets see some examples. the foot il piede. If the ending is -o, -a or -e, you change the final vowel.Teaching Italian Language notes Singular / plural. nearly all words ending in , sione and zione are feminine. Their plural ends in -ghe. Although theyre only general guidelines (and youll need to watch out for the exceptions),its a great starting point! The same is true for abstract nouns such as codardia, cowardice, or fedelt, loyalty.. Those are more words that do not change in the plural form. Italian Definite Article Singular Plural LO (before a noun that begins with s + consonant; ps; gn; z; y and z)LO STudente; LO SPort; LO PSicologo; LO Yogurt; LO Zaino; GLI (If you use LO in singular, you have to use GLI in plural) GLI Studenti; GLI Sport; Gli Psicologi; Gli Yogurt; GLI Zaini. Saber `` palavres `` em italiano, para eu entender oq falam nouns... 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