kangaroo rat urine concentration

Figure 30 shows that the hairpin-like loop of Henle lies between the proximal convoluted tubule and the distal convoluted tubule. Am J Physiol 304:R488R503, Pannabecker TL, Dantzler WH (2004) Three-dimensional lateral and vertical relationships of inner medullary loops of Henle and collecting ducts. They can jump up to 9 feet (2.75 m) in one bound, an effective aid in escaping predators. The kidney thereby retains as much water as possible, minimising loss of water during water shortage. The counter-current system of loop of Henle concentrates the urine. J Biol Chem 269:3164931652, Pallone TL, Edwards A, Mattson DL (2012) Renal medullary circulation. of how human kidneys work.6 The kangaroo rats Loop of Henle is much longer than family, which includes so-called pocket mice. Model formulation and baseline results. Each nephron begins with a cup-shaped structure, the Bowman's capsule. Osmolarity is the concentration of solute particles, not the concentration of moles, although the two are related. This causes water vapour picked up from the lungs to condense on [8], Most kangaroo rat species live in arid environments and are known for their ability to make use of metabolic water rather than requiring it from the environment. Proc Natl Acad Sci 92:43284331, Fry BC, Edwards A, Sgouralis I, Layton AT (2014) Impact of renal medullary three-dimensional architecture on oxygen transport. Am J Physiol 299:F265F272, Zhai X-Y, Fenton RA, Andreasen A, Thomsen JS, Christensen EI (2007) Aquaporin-1 is not expressed in descending thin limbs of short-loop nephrons. relative medullary thickness (8.5) were found in the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys), which produces highly concentrated urine [4], and in the . Am J Physiol 295:F295F299, Boone M, Deen PMT (2008) Physiology and pathophysiology of the vasopressin-regulated renal water reabsorption. rats could have had the genes for a variety of lengths of the Loop of Henle. Compared with large mammals, the apical membranes in the kidney tubules of small mammal epithelial cells have more infoldings, increasing surface area for absorption. The internal body fluids of an osmoconformer are described as having roughly the same total solute concentration as the external environment J Biol Chem 291:2206322073, Cano-Penalver JL, Griera M, Serrano I, Rodrguez-Puyol D, Dedhar S, de Frutos S, Rodrguez-Puyol M (2014) Integrin-linked kinase regulates tubular aquaporin-2 content and intracellular location: a link between the extracellular matrix and water reabsorption. The one on the right is long-looped (located close to the border of the medulla and therefore called juxtamedullary) and the one on the left is short-looped (or cortical). J Am Soc Nephrol 18:29372944, Zhai X-Y, Thomsen JS, Birn H, Kristoffersen IB, Andreasen A, Christensen EI (2006) Three-dimensional reconstruction of the mouse nephron. Gustav Fischer, Jena, Potter EA, Stewart G, Smith CP (2006) Urea flux across MDCK-mUT-A2 monolayers is acutely sensitive to AVP, cAMP, and [Ca2+]i. This encloses the glomerulus, a cluster of capillaries. Terms of Service apply. Most important, several proteins commonly associated with energized transport of sodium (chiefly Na-K-ATPase) are expressed at much greater levels in outer medullary tubular cells of the kangaroo rat than in outer medullary tubular cells of the laboratory rat. Zeitschrift fur Zellforschung 64:381403, Rutishauser J, Kopp P (1999) Aquaporin-2 water channel mutation and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: new variation on a theme. Therefore the number of nephrons must increase as body size increases, which in turn increases the relative amount of cortex (the area of the kidney where most of the nephron is located), at the expense of the medulla. The camel is the only other mammal that can match this feat, and yet the kangaroo rat The blood vessels in the medulla, the vasa recta, are arranged as hairpin loops that run close to and parallel to the loops of Henle and collecting ducts. Am J Physiol 307:F649-F655, Pannabecker TL, Rosen S (2017) Outer stripe of the outer medulla in human and pig kidney is markedly reduced or absent compared to rat. Cortical nephrons have short-reach loops that just penetrate the boundary between the inner and outer zones of the medulla. [3] It appears that kangaroo rats can assess their local conditions and adjust their reproductive efforts accordingly. of creation. Their kidneys reduce and concentrate their urine to almost a crystal-like consistency, greatly reducing the amount of water that is lost. Am J Physiol 308:F49F55, van Hoek AN, Bouley R, Lu Y, Silberstein C, Brown D, Wax MB, Patil RV (2009) Vasopressin-induced differential stimulation of AQP4 splice variants regulates the in-membrane assembly of orthogonal arrays. J Am Soc Nephrol 9:516528, Bertuccio CA, Ibarra FR, Toledo JE, Arrizurieta EE, Martin RS (2002) Endogenous vasopressin regulates Na-K-ATPase and Na+K+Cl cotransporter rbsc-1 in rat outer medulla. The process begins in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), where the epithelial cells absorb much of the filtrate passing it back into the blood flowing in the surrounding vessels. Anat Rec 210:273277, Yang B, Bankir L (2005) Urea and urine concentrating ability: new insights from studies in mice. J Comp Physiol B 188, 899918 (2018). Pflugers Arch 456:10051024, CAS Free statement of participation on completion of these courses. FASEB J 28:36453659, Castrop H, Schiel IM (2014) Physiology and pathophysiology of the renal NaK2Cl cotransporter (NKCC2). [10] Although some kangaroo rats will consume green vegetation, desert kangaroo rats do not. Am J Physiol 276:F96F103, Kim J-E, Jung HJ, Lee Y-J, Kwon T-H (2015) Vasopressin-regulated miRNAs and AQP2-targeting miRNAs in kidney collecting duct cells. Students will play a central role in this research project and by doing so they will gain research experience in cell biology, systems physiology, and computational approaches. Details of medullary architecture and permeability properties of the tubules and vessels suggest that the functional and anatomic relationships of these structures may contribute to the osmotic gradient necessary to concentrate urine. (1960) Volume and Turnover of Body Water in Dipodomys deserti with Tritiated Water. Google Scholar, Lim S-W, Han K-H, Jung J-Y, Kim W-Y, Yang C-W, Sands JM, Knepper MA, Madsen KM, Kim J (2006) Ultrastructural localization of UT-A and UT-B in rat kidneys with different hydration status. This perhaps deters predators, specifically The size of the seeds consumed by the species tends to be larger than seeds consumed by other, sympatric heteromyids. Such changes do not involve adding new complex genetic Am J Physiol 301:F1143F1159, Arystarkhova E, Bouley R, Liu YB, Sweadner KJ (2017) Impaired AQP2 trafficking in Fyxd1 knockout mice: a role for FYXD1 in regulated vesicular transport. Your newsletter signup did not work out. A Merriam's kangaroo rat female will allow multiple males to mount her in a short time, perhaps to ensure greater chances of producing offspring. A longer loop of Henle can generate a larger concentration gradient, which allows for the production of a more concentrated urine. Air entering the nasal passages takes up both heat and moisture from the mucosa and is therefore both warmed and moistened before entering the lungs. Some use drumming to communicate location and other kangaroo rats respond in kind. Oxford University Press, New York, Jen JF, Stephenson JL (1994) Externally driven countercurrent multiplication in a mathematical model of the urinary concentrating mechanism of the renal inner medulla. Eur J Endocrinol 140:137139, Sakuma Y, Nonoguchi H, Takayama M, Yang T, Terada Y, Inoue T, Nakayama Y, Kohda Y, Sasaki S, Tomita K (2005) Differential effects of hyperosmolality on Na-K-ATPase and vasopressin-dependent cAMP generation in the medullary thick ascending limb and outer medullary collecting duct. These may all have come from The apical membranes of the epithelial cells lining the descending loop of Henle have a very low permeability to ions and urea but a very high permeability to water. Proc Natl Acad Sci 101:74697474, Fenton RA, Cottingham CA, Stewart GS, Howorth A, Hewitt JA, Smith CP (2002a) Structure and characterization of the mouse UT-A gene (Slc14a2). Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Am J Physiol 274:F413F424, Wang F, Lu X, Peng K, Fang H, Zhou L, Su J, Nau A, Yang KT, Ichihara A, Lu A, Zhou S-F, Yang T (2016a) Antidiuretic action of collecting duct (pro)renin receptor downstream of vasopressin and PGE2 receptor EP4. 1.8 m (6 ft) in a single leap. urine concentration (Kokko and Rector, 1972; Stephenson, 1972). Am J Physiol 311:F1318F1328, Kaissling B, Kriz W (1992) Morphology of the loop of Henle, distal tubule, and collecting duct. The long nasal cavities reduce this water loss by cooling the air leaving the lungs. Am J Physiol 268:R1087R1100, Schwartz MM, Karnovsky MJ, Venkatachalam MA (1979) Regional membrane specialization in the thin limbs of Henle loops as seen by freeze-fracture electron-microscopy. The FMR of a 25-kg kangaroo was 30 % that of a 45-kg sheep, while WTR was 15 % and both were associated with smaller travel distances, lower salt intakes, and higher urine concentration in . 1962. When air is exhaled from the lungs, initially its temperature is 3738C and it is humidified by heat and moisture derived from the warm tissues in the nasal passages, trachea and bronchi. The Gulf Coast kangaroo rat (D. compactus) - can be found in Mexico and the state of Texas in the U.S. This also reduces the need for evaporative cooling (sweating), Urine osmolality was measured in wild-captured degus using microhaematocrit capillary tubes to obtain samples from the urethra. Kidney Int 2:8594, Stewart GS, Fenton RA, Wang W, Kwon T-H, White SJ, Collins VM, Cooper G, Nielsen S, Smith CP (2004) The basolateral expression of mUT-A3 in the mouse kidney. were found in the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys), which produces highly concentrated urine [4], and in the dromedary camel (7.89 . Richmond, C. R., T. T. Trujillo, and D. W. Martin. [9] Seed selection also appears correlated with nutritional content, with this species choosing seeds with high carbohydrate content. Bull Math Biol 56:491514, Jiang T, Li Y, Layton AT, Wang W, Sun Y, Li M, Zhou H, Yang B (2017) Generation and phenotypic analysis of mice lacking all urea transporters. Hoppe-Seylers Z Physiol Chem 276:145178, Lam AKM, Ko BCB, Tam S, Morris R, Yang JY, Chung SK, Chung SMS (2004) Osmotic response element-binding protein (OREBP) is an essential regulator of the urine concentrating mechanism. (The Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus together are sometimes referred to as the Malpighian body.) Movements from the tubules of Na+, K+, Cl, urea and water occur as shown. Kidney Int 51:138146, Yamamoto K, Wilson DR, Baumal R (1984) Blood supply and drainage of the outer medulla of the rat kidney: scanning electron microscopy of microvascular casts. The detection time of phentermine in different biological samples were as follows: for blood it is within 0.50 to 48 h with a peak detection time at 4 h and a peak concentration range of 44-55%; for urine it is within 2 to 148 h with a peak detection time at 64 . The figures represent approximate temperatures varying from those in the deep body tissues (40C) to those near the surface. [2] Before mating, the male and female will perform nasal-anal circling until the female stops and allows the male to mount her. Physiol Rev 82:205244, Nielsen S, Maunsbach AB, Ecelbarger CA, Knepper MA (1998) Ultrastructural localization of Na-K-2Cl cotransporter in thick ascending limb and macula densa of rat kidney. kangaroo rat loses little water in its urine. Influence of APOE genotypes on blood brain barrier transport of DHA by mfsd2a in Alzheimer's Disease, A Human Organoid Model of Polycystic Kidney Disease, Elimination Pharmacokinetics Of Cocaine And Metabolites In Chronic Cocaine Users, Ontogeny of Paranasal Sinuses in the Platyrrhini (Haplorhini, Primates), Analytical pipelines for data and model integration: finding informed pathways for antimicrobial resistance control, Relating Structure to Function in Optic Neuropathies, Signal Propagation in Protein Allostery: Mechanism and Evolution, Development of therapeutics to prevent spontaneous preterm birth, Child Health ResearcH Career Development Award (CHRCDA) Program (K12), Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS). Kangaroo rats, small mostly nocturnal rodents of genus Dipodomys, are native to arid areas of western North America. There are two types of nephron, distinguished by the length of their loops of Henle. Am J Physiol 240:F536F544, Geering, K (2006) FXYD proteins: new regulators of NaKATPase. For example, Merriam's kangaroo rats live in areas of low rainfall and humidity, and high summer temperature and evaporation rates. Phentermine in biological samples were extracted using Toxi-Lab detection system. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00360-018-1164-3, https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00289.2017. Am J Physiol 298:F1369F1383, Chen J, Layton AT, Edwards A (2009b) A mathematical model of oxygen transport in the rat outer medulla: I. Fluid entering the loop flows down the descending limb and then turns the corner, before flowing up the ascending limb. [14] So naturally small rodents can persist in much more water deficient environments than larger animals. Am J Physiol 286:F979F987, Stewart GS, King SL, Potter EA, Smith CP (2007) Acute regulation of mUT-A3 urea transporter expressed in a MDCK cell line. [5], Kangaroo rats drum their feet. The kangaroo rats behaviour and habitat complement Physiol Rev 87:10831112, Fenton RA, Poulsen SB, de la Mora Chavez S, Soleimani M, Dominguez Rieg JA, Rieg T (2017) Renal tubular NHE3 is required in the maintenance of water and sodium chloride homeostasis. [14] Banner-tailed kangaroo rats larderhoard a sizable cache of seeds within the large mounds they occupy. The nephrons and vessels interact with each other, exchanging water and solutes among many spatially-distinct compartments in a highly orchestrated manner in order to produce a urine that is concentrated in solutes. This research was supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Grant DK083338, National Science Foundation Grant IOS-0952885 and Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative under NSF Grant DMS-1263943. 2015 Grantome : Abnormal constituents of urine and their significance. Lab Invest 60:219230, Cousin C, Bracquart D, Contrepas A, Corvol P, Muller L, Nguyen G (2009) Soluble form of the (pro)renin receptor generated by intracellular cleavage by furin is secreted in plasma. The processes of filtration, reabsorption, secretion and concentration that convert blood to urine in the kidney tubule. The kangaroo rat is a rodent, but it is unlike any other they hop on their back legs, the whiskers keep in contact with the desert surface, The kidneys of the kangaroo rat create a highly concentrated urine that contains more solutes than the urine of typical mammals. Nephron 31:290295, Kuhn W, Ryffel K (1942) Herstellung konzentrierter losngen aus verdnten durch blosse membranwirkung: ein modellversuch zur funktion der niere. Am J Physiol 295:F1271F1285, Pannabecker TL, Henderson C, Dantzler WH (2008b) Quantitative analysis of functional reconstructions reveals lateral and axial zonation in the renal inner medulla. You can also sign up for our free print newsletter (US only). Am J Physiol 303:F1610F1616, Stephenson JL (1972) Concentration of urine in a central core model of the renal counterflow system. [8] Feeding occurs in fits and starts of movement and at relatively discrete locations, with an average distance of ~7m (22ft.) between stops. Like its marsupial namesake, the kangaroo rat balances on Google Scholar, Bachmann S, Kriz W (1982) Histotopography and ultrastructure of the thin limbs of the loop of Henle in the hamster. Hypertension 54:261269, CAS Am J Physiol 271:R647R653, Frigeri A, Gropper MA, Turck CW, Verkman AS (1995) Immunolocalization of the mercurial-insensitive water channel and glycerol intrinsic protein in epithelial cell plasma membranes. Offspring remain in the mound for 1-6 more months in the maternal caches.[17]. the kangaroo rat Dipodomys merriami is one of a number of mammalian species that are known to concentrate their urine to more than 6,000 mosmol/kgH 2 O (), nearly twice as high as that of the laboratory rat.Over the course of about 2 mo on a dry diet (with no water), the body weight of the kangaroo rat is essentially unchanged; in contrast, within about 20 days on the same diet, the white rat . Am J Physiol 272:F654F660, Shayakul C, Smith CP, Mackenzie HS, Lee W-S, Brown D, Hediger MA (2000) Long-term regulation of urea transporter expression by vasopressin in Brattleboro rats. Am J Physiol 314:F190-195, Soodvilai S, Jia Z, Fongsupa S, Chatsudthipong V, Yang T (2012) Liver X receptor agonists decrease ENaC-mediated sodium transport in collecting duct cells. In some way that is not clear, energized transport that occurs in the outer medulla is translated into production of the high inner medullary solute concentration. At the tip of the nose, the air is expired at ambient temperature, still saturated with water vapour, but because its temperature is reduced, it carries much less water. How can we explain this data in relation to the hypothesis that the length of the loop of Henle does affect final urine concentration? In contrast, banner-tailed kangaroo rats have more specific habitat requirements for desert grasslands with scattered shrubs; this species is also more threatened because of the decline in these grasslands. J Clin Invest 113:340345, Ecelbarger CA, Terris J, Frindt G, Echevarria M, Marples D, Nielsen S, Knepper MA (1995) Aquaporin-3 water channel localization and regulation in rat kidney. [11] Merriam's kangaroo rats obtain enough water from the metabolic oxidation of the seeds they eat to survive and do not need to drink water at all. Banner-tailed kangaroo rats are weaned between 22 and 25 days. The common name derives from their bipedal form. Kangaroo rats have long tails and larger hind feet with only four toes. Drawing from a pool of more than 1800 University of Arizona undergraduate physiology majors and networking with NIH, NSF, American Physiological Society, University of Arizona underrepresented student organizations and other programs, the principal investigator has recruited an average of five undergrads each semester during the past four years. : University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States. Biochim Biophys Acta 1839:97106, Ma T, Frigeri A, Hasegawa H, Verkman AS (1994) Cloning of a water channel homolog expressed in brain meningeal cells and kidney collecting duct that functions as a stilbene-sensitive glycerol transporter. ; see Figure 20 in Section 2.3) depend on metabolic water as there is little or no water available in their diet of seeds. [9] This caching behavior affects the rangeland and croplands where the animals live. Active transport of sodium out of the PCT epithelial cells into the interstitial tissues increases the osmolarity in the tissue. The nephrons are concentrated in areas known as pyramids. Kangaroo rats are amazing creatures with incredible 2012; But given the ability of the desert rat kidney's to concentrate the urine, he reasoned that they should be able to do it. ( 2018 ) reported that outer medullary Na + -K + -ATPase is higher at the activity, protein, and mRNA levels in the kangaroo rat than in . We have shown that the arrangements (or architecture) of nephron and blood vessel segments of the inner medulla are distinctly different from their arrangements in the outer medulla. What is the significance of the greater concentration of mitochondria and more cristae per unit volume of mitochondria in the epithelial cells of loops of Henle in desert rodents compared with those of the horse? A . A long-standing biological question regarding the mammalian kidney revolves around the role of the renal medulla in maintaining water balance on a minute-to-minute and day-to-day basis. This reduces the urine flow. volume188,pages 899918 (2018)Cite this article. Am J Physiol 275:F885F893, Nielsen S, Pallone T, Smith BL, Christensen EI, Agre P, Maunsbach AB (1995) Aquaporin-1 water channels in short and long loop descending thin limbs and in descending vasa recta in rat kidney. Within its home range, a kangaroo rat has a defended territory consisting of its burrowing system. J Clin Invest 95:18381845, Michalek K (2016) Aquaglyceroporins in the kidney: present state of knowledge and prospects. selection could then have concentrated the genes for long length, resulting in rapid Rodents generally have kidneys with a larger medullary area and produce more concentrated urine than bats and other mammals. Am J Physiol 282:F265F270, Besseghir K, Trimble ME, Stoner L (1986) Action of ADH on isolated medullary thick ascending limb of the Brattleboro rat. Along with our colleagues, we propose that urine concentration may occur in two successive stages stage 1 occurs in the outer medulla and stage 2 occurs in the inner medulla, where urine exits the kidney. that of other rodents. Am J Physiol 268:F1023F1037, Nielsen S, Terris J, Smith CP, Hediger MA, Ecelbarger CA, Knepper MA (1996) Cellular and subcellular localization of the vasopressin-regulated urea transporter in rat kidney. Moreover, kangaroo rats have a cooling system in their If a human drank 1 litre of seawater, they would need 2 litres of urine to flush out the excess sodium chloride, thus leading to dehydration very quickly. OpenLearn works with other organisations by providing free courses and resources that support our mission of opening up educational opportunities to more people in more places. ley and Munich-Wistar rat strains concentrate urine to about 10 times that of plasma, or 3000 mOsm/kg H 2 O. Am J Physiol 283:F817F825, Fenton RA, Yang B (2014) Urea transporter knockout mice and their renal phenotypes. As urea is moving through the medulla, this increases the osmolarity in this region of the kidney. In contrast, molarity and osmolarity for a glucose solution are the same because glucose molecules remain intact in solution. Connolly, F., University of California, Heermanns Kangaroo Rat. PubMed Central Want to achieve your ambition? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google Am J Physiol 312:F744F747, Olesen ETB, Moeller HB, Assentoft M, MacAulay N, Fenton RA (2016) The vasopressin type 2 receptor and prostaglandin receptors EP2 and EP4 can increase aquaporin-2 plasma membrane targeting through a cAMP-independent pathway. information and so could have happened naturally, within the limits of the kind created Start this free course now. Front Physiol 3:217, Li C, Wang W (2014) Urea transport mediated by aquaporin water channel proteins. Physiol Rev 79:703761, Moffat DB, Fourman J (1963) The vascular pattern of the rat kidney. ) Aquaglyceroporins in the kidney: present state of Texas in the tissue (. Home range, a kangaroo rat larger animals mound for 1-6 more months the. Edwards a, Mattson DL ( 2012 ) renal medullary circulation ley and Munich-Wistar rat strains concentrate urine to a... 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