rogue blade dancer 5e

The information presented on this site about Dungeons and Dragons, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Bladesinger wizards can use their action to attack twice, or attack once and use a cantrip, so they should prioritize reaction and bonus action spells. 5e SRD > Class Options > Dancer Not all rogues are dastardly thieves or burglars. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your training with music and dancing grants you certain benefits. When you hit a creature with an attack, you may choose to take additional fire damage, causing your target to take double that damage. See Rolands comment above for why we like DEX over INT on Bladesingers. For each attack that hits you regain 1 performance point. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Once you use this ability, you may not use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Otherwise, the effect disappears after 1 minute. But you gain +5 feet movement, you get to hide in rain., snow, light foilage etc. Timeline 00:00 - Prsentation / Intro00:07 - Julra T401:44 - Corruption 520+ Showcase0. You automatically add 1d6 fire damage to each of your weapon attacks. Other fantastic reaction and bonus action spells are Expeditious Retreat, Misty Step and Counterspell or spells like Bigby's Hand, which can be cast as an action but is controlled on later turns by a bonus action. Half-Orc: If you're looking to get down and dirty in combat, the half-orc's Relentless Endurance and Brutal Critical are both indispensable tools to improve survivability and damage output. When you choose this step at 3rd level, you learn to channel the naturally charged energy around you through your attacks. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Dazzling Moves You should dig in more with your racial analysis now that Tashas has come out. The guardian disappears if it casts a spell or is reduced to 0 hit points. These archetypes are often represented in the Wizard's subclass, with most wizards devoting themselves to specific types of magic. | Into The Unknown Once you use this ability, you suffer 2 levels of exhaustion, and you must finish a number of long rests equal to the number of spirits in your possession before you can use it again. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Combined with some defensive spells and great mobility, the Bladesinger can whip around the battlefield untouched. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. Tools: Disguise Kit, Artisian tools If you win the contest, you gain advantage on the first attack roll you make against that creature during your turn. You can also spend 2 performance points to make one additional attack as part of that Action. Additionally, you gain proficiency in either Acrobatics or Stealth. It is a light, finesse weapon that deals 1d6 bludgeoning or slashing damage. This bonus increases when you reach certain bladedancer levels, as shown on the Bladedancer table. Were they a dancer who learned how to defend themselves in a rough neighborhood? Above 10th level a bladesinger is going to keep up with a fighter by using spell slots and absorb elements to reduce damage. Not all rogues are dastardly thieves or burglars. I particularly love Arcane Trickster-Bladesinger because it solves my problems with both those subclasses (AT just doesn't get enough spell slots and variety soon enough, a couple Wizard levels fixes that right up, and Bladesinger just doesn't have enough incentive to be in melee, even a little sneak attack and easy disengaging after booming blade up their melee damage considerably). Flavor text, Stories, Images and/or Maps alone are not homebrew! Starting at 2nd level, you can invoke an elven magic called the Bladesong, provided that you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield. Last, the mage armor/false life debate. Typically yes, but we chose to take a feat instead of an ability score increase at 4th level! The analyses below relies on a straight comparison between attacking vs using cantrips for non-resource dependant damage. Obviously, both martial and pure spell Bladesingers will be able to lay down massive damage with fireball and other evocation AoE spells. The area-of-effect stays with you, also damaging enemies without hurting your friends. Present in Norse, Greek, and Roman mythologythen heavily influenced by the first, French translation of Arabian Nights in 1717the daring, dashing rogue has been a part of modern storytelling since its beginning. Find out what you can do. Prior to that you'll be an awful melee fighter who should be hanging back and casting spells. When another creature damages you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1D8 + your Dexterity modifier. Maybe you just want a bit of survivability, a boost to your concentration, and a light armor proficiency on your blaster caster. Description: These agile performers captivate audiences with their graceful footwork and charismatic personalities. Additionally, any weapon attack it makes has advantage if it is within 5 feet of you, and deals 1d10 radiant damage instead of the weapon's normal damage. Skills: Choose 2 from Acrobatics, Deception, Persuasion, Perception, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival. Thanks for your input, you make a good point and its been added to the guide! Using this feature you can cast Chain Lightning at 7th level once per day. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You gain an additional fighting style when you reach 10th level. Mechanically, Bladesingers fall somewhere between a Paladin, a Hexblade Warlock and a Swashbuckler Rogue. At 17th level, the heavenly protection of your spirits grows stronger. Additionally, if you are hit by an opportunity attack while moving, you may use your reaction and spend 1 Performance point to boost your AC by 2, potentially turning the hit into a miss. At 20th level, you have mastered lightning and with it the Storm. If possible, Bladesinger's should also prioritize a high constitution, as it will help make up for their d6 hit die. When an hostile creature makes an attack against you, you may use your reaction to make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Due to these changes, Bladesingers are Multi Ability Dependent (MAD). Aaralyns Stolen Notes to Velea Copyright 2018 Anne Gregersen Author Anne Gregersen, Check out our other SRD sites! Spirit Guardians is useful for you bladedancer, as you are highly mobile as a Sword Bard. You may choose one dance step, and gain features for it. Absolutely, at the beginning, I would certainly use Mage Armor. We are working on an updated Bladesinger guide at the moment, stay tuned! Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Starting at 13th level, your mastery of entertainment is undisputed, and it shows when you perform various acts of gymnastics. Your email address will not be published. Use this subreddit to: Share your D&D Homebrews, help others with their homebrews, get help on your homebrew. Enter the Bladesinger. Song of Victory: At 20 INT and if both your weapon attacks connect this is an extra 10 damage. Fire bolts damage is increased to 2d10, which still lags behind GFB, even if you dont hit any additional targets, at 2d8 + 4(DEX). Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. All in all, Bladesingers are a unique take on the wizard class and are a blast to play. But, with a two level dip, youre able to access a proficiency in CON saving throws, Action Surge, Second Wind, and a Fighting Style. As we mentioned on our Guide to DnD 5e Races, we wont be updating the racial analysis for a couple of reasons: As for going for DEX over INT, definitely agree! As your fury rises, that fire begins to affect your fighting, hurting your opponents and sometimes yourself. Way of the Mythological Creatures. At lvl 7, 11, 15, and 18 you may spend an additional performance point to increase the damage by 1d6, to a maximum of 5d6. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to expend one spell slot and reduce that damage to you by an amount equal to five times the spell slot's level. In general, this option is a perfect mix of the Bladesingers strengths (mobility, martial options, single target damage output, versatility of a wizard) while mitigating some of the downsides (survivability). This will give you the +1 Dex to an even number but it also makes your PC proficient in DEX saves, now you just might dodge all those traps and incoming fireball spells. Additionally, your weapon attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities, and once on each of your turns, you may spend 4 performance points to gain advantage on your next attack, dealing 2d10 additional damage of the type associated with the favored ability of the spirit you are attuned to if it hits. Arcane Shot. Fall Damage in D&D 5e: Rules and Calculations, After character creation, you have 16 DEX (+3), You devote all of your resources to pumping DEX until you hit 20, then pump INT to 20, When your fighting in dim light or darkness, because you can get advantage on your attacks, When fighting a creature with resistance to non-magical piercing and you dont have a magical weapon, Ability Scores (Point Buy): STR 8, DEX 14 (+2), CON 14, INT 15 (+2), WIS 12, CHA 8, Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History, Insight, Perception, Performance, Religion, Equipment: Dagger, spellbook, component pouch, scholar's pack, Spells: Rarys Telepathic Bond, Wall of Force, Spell Mastery: Absorb Elements and Misty Step, SotDQ: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, Tashas update is an optional rule, so incorporating it into our guides would confuse new players or players that dont use this rule at their table, Customizing Your Origin provides a near limitless amount of customizability, so organizing this information in a guide format without being overwhelming would be very difficult. and so I present to you, the Blade Dancer. As far as spells go, you should ditch Mage Armor and take False Life instead. When unsure of what to do, you may use an action to ask an absent creature, dead or alive, that you have known for at least a year, what they would do, at which point they give a telepathic response as decided by the player who controls that character (the DM if it is not a player character or the player is absent), subconsciously if alive, of what they would do, and you gain advantage on any ability check made to follow their advice. Bladesingers already receive proficiency in Performance, so Entertainer gives the wizard Acrobatics proficiency while permitting them to choose whatever skill they want to build on the style and flair of their Bladesinger. At any time while conscious, you may use an action to gain the benefits of a short or long rest. At 7th level, you can spend a performance point to release a surge of elemental energy on a melee attack, for each point spent add 1d8 to damage. Additionally, all Bladesinger's should consider taking the Tough feat, which adds two extra hit points per character level and continues to add two hit points every time the character levels up. (5e) Drow Bladesinger of Eilistraee Greetings Adventurers. They almost never get hit so low hit points are not relevant. It definitely does John! You also gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you dont already have it. Even still, youve made some great points and its been added to the guide! However, their skills in the performing arts belie a deadly aptitude in combat, unleashing flurries of attacks against their foes in tandem with their troupe. When you lose the object or marking associated with a spirit, you may spend an hour to infuse their spirit with a new object or marking. Whereas fire boltwill be doing 3d10 (avg 16.5) once its buffed at 11th level. Thanks for catching that Justin, its been corrected. Video Brand New Lootfilter Layout Please let Me know if you find anything messed up GREEN - Early Game Items (1+ tier 1 Affix you need) BLUE - Mid Game Items (1+ Tier 3 Affix you need) RED - Endgame Items (1+ Tier 5 affix you need) PINK - Exalted/Set/Unique Items WARNING: Unused Base Types and Non ROGUE Class Items ARE HIDDEN 1 To 75 Shadow dagger bladedancer Lootfilter Pastebin Link . When you gain Song of Victory at 14th level and are able to add your INT to your attack damage, you can output 1d8 + 5(DEX) + 4(INT) for your attack, 3d8 + 5(DEX) + 4(INT) with GFB, and 1d8 with your offhand (avg 40.5) while Bladesinging. RELATED: Guardians of the Galaxy's Drax Inspires an Impressive (and Gross) D&D Boss Fight Strategy. If they fail, you have advantage on all Charisma checks, Wisdom (Insight) checks, and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made against them. It's easy to say that High Elves make the best Bladesingers, with their bonus to Dex and Int, an additional cantrip, extra weapon proficiencies and a bonus language. Your partner much make Dexterity saving throw. Beginning at 3rd level, any melee weapon you are proficient with that lacks the heavy, two-handed, or special properties is considered a finesse weapon for you. Your damage increases again at 16th level when you bring your INT to 20 and once more at 17th level when GFB increases to 4d8 on hit and to another creatures within 5ft. Privacy Policy. Drow can reach 750 years of age. View wiki source for this page without editing. As luck would have it, all of Eilistraee's 5e domains (Life, Light, Nature) are covered in the PHB Cleric subclasses. All in all, take more INT if you want to take a more traditional spellcasting roll, take more DEX if you want to fight more in melee range. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Bladedancer level after 1st. Sword swallowing, knife juggling, and other dangerous feats make for an incredible show, but these Bards aren't all theatrics! How did your character learn such a deadly dance? Looking forward to my bunny bladesinger soon. The spirit maintains its spells, spell slots, ability scores, proficiencies, highest attack bonus, equipment (in spectral form), number of attacks, and hit point maximum it had before it died (except for any harmful effects that reduced these), in addition to a flying speed of 30 feet, and rolls its own initiative in combat. Strongly suspect that good Bladesingers are mobile Bladesingers. If you are ever knocked prone, you only need to use 5 feet of movement to get back on your feet. It probably just hasnt been updated but Harengon seem like a wonderful race for a Bladesinger. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Append content without editing the whole page source. Level 2 Warlock (Hexblade) getting Eldritch Blast. This would make it impossible for enemies to interrupt your concentration on a spell. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). The bonus to AC and CON saves to maintain concentration is especially spicy if you cast haste on yourself. Thanks in advance for help, as always! Ooohhh thanks must not have read it properly. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Shadow Blade can be pretty good in dark environments for sure. You could choose to replace one attack with booming blade or green-flame blade, thereby still getting in two attacks for the round. There's a sudden flash as four orcs drop to their knees, their guts split side to side. Please comment any feedback or criticisms you have on it, and suggest how it could be changed for the better! Rogue Bladesingers are awesome, and I'll evangelize for them any day. A Bladesinger uses dexterity for their weapon attacks, and since they can only use light armor, they'll need at least a 16 to be effective in combat. Any creature that goes after you during the first round of combat makes their attacks against you at disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Funnily enough, a Bladesinger with a hand crossbow is an extremely effective build, with proper setup. At 15th level you have attained greater balance and adaptability in your form. 2 Ranger Archetypes - The Blade Dancer and the Sharpshooter, Sorcerous Sundries - Compendium of Magic Items from Baldurs Gate - Boots, The Marksman, A 5th Edition Rogue Archetype. For a full overview of the Wizard class, check out our wizard 5e Guide. Starting at 14th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage of your melee weapon attacks while your Bladesong is active. At 20th level, once per short/long rest you discharge extreme amounts of elemental energy dealing 12d8 Damage To everything in a 20 foot radius, Damage is determined by rolling a d10 and seeing the table above, you take 1 level of exhaustion from this and cannot take any actions or reactions until your next turn. Just a thought. When you multiclass into the bladedancer class, you gain 1 proficiency from the class skill list, as well as one type of artisan's tools and finesse weapons. To qualify for multiclassing into the bladedancer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity and Charisma 13 or higher. Because the number of uses (with the release of Tashas Cauldron of Everything) now scales with your proficiency bonus and is only reset with a long rest, it is weaker than it used to be at low levels and much better at a high level. Theres no reason to not just start at a 14 Dex so you can add either have a 12 Wis or take away your negative modifier to Str or Cha. You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Strength (Athletics) checks when performing gymnastic acts of entertainment, such as somersaults and flips. Much like the Rogue/Sorcerer, the Rogue Swashbuckler/Warlock often casts Booming Blade, disengages, and then gets away without taking any damage by using Fancy Footwork. The spirit may forgo its action to add its favored ability modifier to either your armor class or your attack rolls until the start of its next turn. Totally! Bladedancer (5e Subclass) Bladedancer Rogue Subclass Walking the way of the bladedancer means preferring finesse over brute strength. | Cairn SRD I like the idea of mobility as well. You wont need Longstrider. Is that worth a spell slot? Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store. Best Racial Choices for Bladesingers When not guiding her party through various homebrewed settings, she can be found researching random historical events, playing BOTW, or devouring Jane Austen. 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