weapons against wild animals

Bears can take multiple shots and still come gore you to death. In most cases, you can scare an animal by standing straight on the ground and shouting loud so that they can believe that you are not prey. A survival knife is a multi-function blade that you can use for a variety of tasks, from butchering wild game to carving wood to build temporary shelters and more. It can be used for several emergency situations. There are people who should, and we dont always get to choose. "Considering that one of the strongest men in the world, [Iranian weightlifter] Hossein Rezazadeh, was able to lift only 579 pounds, you can see what you're up against," he said. Such tactical knives are not made with huntingand butcheringin mind. You can get this wilderness weapon online at a reasonable price. Make a lot of noise as you hike, especially on blind corners and in dense brush, and maybe the two of you will avoid each other. A 2021 YouGov survey had revealed that a surprising number of Americans think they could win an unarmed fight against a variety of wild animals. cabelas. What about bears, or moose, or bison, or coyotes, or ? A mountain lion will grab prey with jaws and front paws to crush the neck, says Pelton, who has been stalked by big cats in East Bear. Ideal Distance: Close quarters. Darn tootin it will! Mountain Lion. I am a Gunsite graduate. For those who love camping or hiking in the great outdoors, our products provide self-defense against animals and can save your life in the event of an attack. And thats just cougars. They would draw an animal maybe a tiger or lion to a pit filled with bait. Even after you do all that, be prepared for whatever might happen. But, in general, the wilderness is a lot safer than the city in terms of crime rates. Peace of mind, although the only critters I worry about are of the 2 leg variety. When an audible signal is what you need, louder is better. Youre more likely to find a clip point blade than a drop point blade. There are many different types of knives that will be a benefit in survival scenarios. One of the scariest and most dangerous things about hiking is the risk of running into wild animals during the hike. Do not turn your back on the bear or run; that will stimulate an attack. For Canadian brown bears, you better have a big bore rifle! Plus daily survival tips (unsubscribe anytime). A dull knife will hinder your ability to survive, and a broken blade will diminish it significantly. In my experienced opinion, this is the absolute best weapon for survival in the wilderness. Whether you go with a large fixed blade knife, a tactical knife, or a compact folder, make sure the blade is strong, durable, and easy to maintain. You are trying to show the bear that you are being submissive and yielding to his territorial supremacy. You can find a variety of guns online that may suit your needs. No bear is gonna charge you from 75 yards, you big macho man, you. The handle is wrapped in paracord that can also be utilized in emergency situations, though removing the paracord would diminish the knifes grip. A stock photo shows a king cobra. Im not saying every braggadocious blowhard cant shoot, after all the famed gunmen of the Old West, like John Westly Hardin, were also notorious braggarts, but at least they also seemed to be able to back it up when the chips were down. One of my Profs in college has a sign/poster in his office that read, Ignorance can be cured, it is simply the lack of knowledge or the lack of training. We will let it run whilst things remain respectful! It may help you to ensure complete safety at the campsite. But they decided he wasnt safe for their return or any others that may come that way. On Monday, members of the House Judiciary Committee met in New York for a hearing on violent crime in the city. 15 full color in-depth survival, off grid and prepping guides. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Urtis , You said a couple of key words, 1st PRACTICE, I dont care how good You think you are or even how good you may actually be, Without Continuing practice you will fail under practice. The Signal is Leathermans survival knife offering, and its a good one. And the third involves self-defense. The pocket clip allows the knife to stay upright when you store it in your pocket. One of the main reasons that people dont go into the wilderness is because they are too afraid of things like getting eaten by a bear. Check out our Ebook bundle. Glad your still with us Urtis and God Bless. I carry a gun simply because after I get out of the Shower and put my clothes on, I Holster a gun before I put my wallet in my hip pocket. Bear spray will coat the eyes, lungs, and nose of a bear. We were lucky that day. These are typically pretty bulky and between 7 and 9 inches long. But, if you want a gun to actually help you in a survival situation, then follow this advice from Truth About Guns: Do you carry a weapon into the wilderness? Never feed wild animals such as deer, raccoons or squirrels that can attract cougars. Can support up to 400 lbs. But that does not stop a stupid person from driving a car, and most CERTAINLY, will not stop a stupid person from spraying his bear spray into the wind, or dropping it in his tent or into the fire, or testing it on friends that may have asthma and die, etc Please check your stats on how often this happens then multiply it by 20. They will make even the most vicious dog (and often even larger animals, like bears) run away in fear. If you can not draw your semi-auto and pull back the slide in a fluid motion quickly then you are NOT trained. Im not going to tell you what to do in that scenario, but it doesnt hurt to figure it out in advance and then be prepared. Consider a lightweight, compact blade. You could also opt for smaller, folding knives that are easier to transport but will still perform well when you need them to. perfect weapon to shoot a predator in the face to put their eyes out. Another concern with signaling is not to waste ammo by firing signal shots unless you are pretty certain someone is within hearing distance. Do you want a do-it-all knife or a knife that can do double duty, such as a butcher game? People, those of us who are trained and intelligent have a responsibility to help those who arent and to keep things safe for all of us! It is trying to warn you. By purchasing a self-defense weapon, including a knife from us you understand that The Home Security Superstore does not warrant that you may legally purchase, possess, or carry these products according to any state or local laws. Ideal Distance: Close quarters. The Ka-Bar USMC Fixed-Blade Knife is modeled after a combat knife that was created for the Marines in 1942. A normal length for an older mature adult male saltwater crocodile is 17 feet. Triple Stun Technology creates 3 loud sparks to intimidate attackers! Second, it should have a good, comfortable grip. When attacking, moose often kick forward with front feet, knocking down the threat and then stomping and kicking with all four feet. Just make sure you have a comfortable side rig. The biggest drawback here is size. First involves a round in the chamber. The only safe spot is behind the target! WebAn unscrupulous owner could bring a concealed stun gun to a restricted area and harm others. Same thing, the paper (cardboard) animal charging them, and the pressure of being watched is too much, and they sling lead everywhere! You dont have to become a wilderness pro overnight! The only good thing we can do is learn the truth and then figure out what to do if we are ever in a violent confrontation with a wild animal. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 7 Of The Best Self Defense Canes and Walking Sticks For Discreet Protection, Best Survival Bows For Hunting and Self Defense, 7 Absolutely Terrifying DIY Survival Weapons, Going Clubbin: 18 Ferocious Fighting Sticks, Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsCookie PolicyDisclaimers, 2023. A new personal favorite of many is the Scram Patrol with a laser. Climb a tree. One such incident happened in May of 2000 when a female hiker was attacked and partially eaten by a 112-pound female black bear in Tennessee. 10% Off All Bulletproof Gear | Click Here! On the side of his pack he also carried a sawed-off, stock shortened 12 gauge w/bird shot. 2nd: To those saying to use a large caliber (.357) PISTOL at 75 yards. For those who love camping or hiking in the great outdoors, our products provide self-defense against animals and can save your life in the event of an attack. I hear everything all of you are saying, but what I dont hear is a solution to make things better. If youre on the move or trying to pack light, a large survival blade will add extra weight and bulk. Keep the snarling jaws away from you, and stab through the side where youd place a bullet, into the hard, knotlike heart. You can also use your hiking pole to scare off dangerous animals. The first most weapon or survival tool that you may need to carry to the campsite is, But before you carry this weapon to the site, it is important to check local rules and regulations regarding the use of guns. We ran into a little older woman hiking and naturally she was qurious why we were there. Check out this guide about Protecting Your Security in Self-Defense. Completely American made, TOPS Knives Wild Pig Hunter features custom made spear pointed -inch thick 7.5-inch blade of basic 1095 carbon steel on a Micarta handle. As human technology advanced, we developed an arsenal of advanced weapons, such as bows and guns, that could be used from a distance. Then, you need features that you would actually use in a survival situation, such as a firestarter or mini saw. You can also use your hiking pole to scare off dangerous animals. Stylish design conceals a powerful stun gun that will quickly incapacitate attackers! It works up to 20 feet away and is good for cats, dogs, squirrels, coyotes, wolves, and all other nuisance animals. A criminal could use a stun gun to incapacitate a victim during a home invasion or sexual assault. Dont try to get up until after the moose moves away, or it will renew its attack. Even after you do all that, be prepared for whatever might happen. Ideal Distance: Close quarters. You are right, you let your inner a hole shine. Keep all your movements slow and deliberate. The crook is looking at him with a WTF? All of the above. Second involves not having a proper holster where the trigger is protected at all times. Powerful flashlight with a 3" diameter stun gun head that is twice the size of other stun lights! Home invaders and psychos dont call first so I have carried a concealed Firearm for well over 20 years legally, And truth be told I carried one when I went in suspect places as I would rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6. Not all techniques work for all animals, so apply the appropriate ones for the animal in question. All the general camp hygiene rules for bears also apply for cougars. As human technology advanced, we developed an arsenal of advanced weapons, such as bows and guns, that could be used from a distance. One person was head-butted back to the ground when she tried to get up, and another was gored several times while still on the ground. And peace of mind. Most of these fears are completely irrational and, statistically, you are a lot safer in the wilderness than in a big city. Stupid is forever. Stupid is like being dead. "The crushing power is overwhelming, shattering bones effortlessly," Pooley said. 2 years ago they were threatened by a large black bear that ran around a tree and confronted them. Fixed blade knives are stronger and more durable than folding knives, but theyre also bulkier and need to be carried in a sheath. Robert Young Pelton has thought about this more than most . 10% Off All Bulletproof Gear Click Here! Are you going to keep your survival knife in your car? We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Are you looking for effective self-defense against animals? Okay Im about to let my inner ahole out to play, so buckle up buttercups. Most Americans72 percentbelieve they could beat a rat in a fight, which despite the rodent's large teeth, could perhaps be feasible. You need to use what you have to improvise and overcome. Some predator species, such as Grizzly Bear, are protected in many states, and killing such a protected animal holds severe legal consequences. "They've never seen a lion in full on fighting aggression," he said. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. So both offensively and defensively we are no match for them," he said. The Benchmade Crooked River Folding Knife is an extremely well made folder designed to perform well in adverse conditions. The most common style of a survival knife is an oversized fixed blade knife. Use clubs, knives, sharpened sticks (spears), rocks, or anything else you can grab to fend off the attack. The second involves providing meat to stay alive. Goats are browsers that eat the grass, leaves and tall brush that cows and other grazers cant reach. What is (as far as I know) legal everywhere, is ultrasonic dog deterrents. Lets be real: Your chances of beating back a seriously pissed-off bear, mountain lion, or pack of coyotes arent much better than those of finding a unicorn in an elk herd. When the animal jumped in, the hunters would lower a cage into the pit to capture the animal. Groups could transport large game easier than a solitary hunter. Learn from his mistakes! Make sure that you can comfortably grip the knife and sharpen the blade easily. Want something else. Carrying a gun can wind up shooting your friend is B.S. Many people complain about the attach of bears and other dangerous animals at the campsite; especially when you are visiting a dense forest. New Delhi: Team Anna member Kiran Bedi Sunday night hit out at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for threatening to resign if the Jan Lokpal Hes jumping around trying to rack the slide again. Think of how stupid your AVERAGE person is, and then realize that 85% are DUMBER than that. Then theres the possibility of an encounter with an aggressive bear or mountain lion. And in common handgun calibers like the .357 and .44 Magnum, rifles so chambered offer significantly less recoil than their handgun brethren, which, in light-framed versions, can kick like a mule. So, you need to stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings where there is a high risk of animal encounters. Most animals have learned that people are dangerous and will keep their distance from you. The only time Ive ever seen either used in the field is when a guide mistakenly fired his weapon at a rock on the side of the trail, and a bullet fragment hit another hiker in the arm. The leather-washer grip provides a firm hold even when wet. One idiot I know (we will call him Dan R.) kept flapping his face he was a cross between Danl Boone and Davy Crocket, with a little Carlos Hathcock thrown in. Oh, for the record my bear experience is about 95% black bears, but I have had a face to face with a grizzly while on a elk hunt just outside of Yellowstone. Very well said I truly think u have the idea that if we can teach someone the safest way to carry there weapon in the woods we should if that weapon is spray or bullet either way teaching someone something the right way safe way is best in the end its there personal choice so I think your comment was my favorite of the bunch. And, if they do attack you, lets hope that you are a really good shot. Most wilderness animals are afraid of humans. If it lowers its head and pins ears back, its coming. While this type of knife is one of the best options for survival scenarios, its not the only option. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. I bought mine off ebay but cant find the title off-hand. We just laughed and let her go by. When youre looking for a survival multi-tool, you need to look for two things. If one comes out of nowhere and is on you.? Fight back aggressively with anything you can get your hands on (knife, club, backpack, rocks, etc.) Therefore carrying a firearm into the wilderness if nothing else would be a force of Habbit. That is the best description of assholes Bear spray is first defense As a avid hunter I do not kill unless I going to eat it. Springfield Armory M-6 Scout. Are you planning to pack your knife with you into the backcountry? You cant always count on a survival situation happening in big-game country. So, if you want an all-around good wilderness weapon, then bear pepper spray it is. Nothing less than a .357 Magnum for black bears, Nothing less than a .44 Magnum for grizzlies. Thanks for your comments Chris. You dont want your hike along a common path to turn into a nightmare, so make sure to take some precautions if youre going out in big cat country. Mountain Lion. Why are rocks and sticks such good weapons in the wilderness? However, if we are out in the wilderness miles away from assistance, we also have a .22 for ptarmigan or hare. And there have only been 7 people killed there in the past 50 years. WebAt the very least youd want a knife to go with whatever else you choose. If a moose approaches you, it is not trying to be your friend. Many hunters say the standard caliber, or diameter of the bullet, of an AR-15 is preferable for hunting smaller animals. Do not sleep in the same clothes you cooked dinner in. Flip-top canister with belt clip is highly effective yet humane! Rechargeable flashlight 95M stun gun made of military grade aluminum! There are two sides to this argument and some good heartfelt debate going on here. And in most areas where you will encounter dangerous wildlife, youre not going to have 75 yards of clear firing lines anyway. "King cobras rarely come into conflict with people because they're generally more intelligent than most people and try and avoid confrontations," Malhotra said. A 2021 YouGov survey had revealed that a surprising number of Americans think they could win an unarmed fight against a variety of wild animals. The danger in a bison/human encounter is being butted, gored, and stomped by something that resembled a fur-covered locomotive. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptiles on Earth. If youre facing the wrath of a large predator and it comes down to shooting the animal to save yourself, you want the biggest and most powerful firearm you can shoot accurately. He was pissed. The survey found the larger the animal, the less confident Americans got. But it still pays to be prepared and take precautions, so you should know what the best wilderness weapons are. Avoid direct eye contact, because that is considered an act of aggression. Find out how to survive an encounter with one of these ancestors of your hunting dog. Goats are browsers that eat the grass, leaves and tall brush that cows and other grazers cant reach. Or, sometimes, against men. Ive come across idiots there too. Web4. Do not travel alone. Two strategies are common in the accounts of people successfully fighting off a bear attack with a knife. In the outdoors, a stick and pepper spray are usually more legal, but check the laws in your jurisdiction. Not a lot of bears or cougars where I am, yes there are some, they get shot/hit by a car every so often here, so they are out there, but for every bear/cougar out there, there are a few hundred idiots like pot growers, poachers, thugs/idiots/druggies of all kinds, or just plain idiots who dont have a filter on their mouth/brain and think they have some sort of right to get in my face, or try to push me around/attack me with impunity. While they are territorial and defensive, they generally will run away when confronted with a human. You have to carry the gun, and they are heavy! Shots fired in groups of three are recommended because the three-shot pattern is a universally recognized distress signal. Actual example on you-tube: a store is being robbed. To See Our Reviews! Avoidance is the best defense, so keep your distance. He goes up to the firing line, shoulders the rifle, grits his teeth, closes his eyes, and yanks the trigger, waving the rifle all over! If the animal displays aggressive behavior, shout, wave your arms and throw rocks. | Toting that stuff around requires effort and causes you to expend energy. The best advice I can offer is to find a local gun store with an indoor range and try several styles and calibers before you decide to buy. In the rare case, when the animal starts attacking, you should grab the larger branch and swing it towards the animal. Some pro-gun enthusiasts will argue that a gun is a good weapon in the wilderness to defend against crazy people who might be living there, or against wild animals. I have not yet had to lill anyone so Therefore it has remained holstered. Check out this, Choose your weapons carefully by considering your experience and skills. prairie wolf) attacks on humans are becoming more common. All my trips to the woods include a .357 pistol and bear spray. This comes from much practice. You might be bit or clawed, and then the bear might leave or not. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. The classic style of a survival knife is a big, fixed blade knife. Come in Handy for Protection Against Wild Animals. A comedy of errors, only not funny. The most important part of owning a survival knife is having it with you when you really need it. THE TOP REVIEWED SECURITY STORE: This fold-down model is also very compact and offers both .22 and .410 barrels. If you see a lion full-on aggressive, that's a very different perception We've only got two legs on the ground. Let us know in the comments below. From bears to coyotes to even the occasional mountain lion, there are always scenarios in which having a powerful handgun at your side could very well save your life. That doesnt really give you the right to force your opinion on others though. A revolver always has a round in the chamber so protect the trigger. Its becoming more common to stumble across illegal activity in the woodsmeth labs and other drug farms, for examplewhich can put you in a tough situation. A stock photo shows a lion, an animal 8 percent of Americans think they could take on. I love Colorado BTW. Many people complain about the attach of bears and other dangerous animals at the campsite; especially when you are visiting a dense forest. You cant outrun these animals, as they can hit speed above 30 mph. They also both carry a side arm. There are even several solid survival knife multitools on the market today that come equipped with features such as compasses, which can help you get out of a survival situation and to civilization.Nobody wants to be in a survival situation, but you need to think about where youll most likely be in one if it happens in order to choose the best survival knife. Lets pause momentarily for a dose of wildlife reality. The crook walks in and points a pistol at the clerk, the owner, off to the side of the crook, is jumping around like a fish out of water trying to get his pistol out of the inside the waistband carry and not doing well. "They typically grab humans in their crushing grip, and spin them off their feet, holding them underwater, whereas we know humans can't hold their breath for very long.". In the summer of 2011, two tragic bear-mauling deaths occurred at Yellowstone National Park, and a subsequent investigation concluded that both victims might have survived had they been carrying animal repellant spray. Better yet, the sharp edges may be the only tool youll need to make additional weapons. Just $1 per month , If a wild animalor even a pack of wild animalsattacks you, a knife might be your only defense. The 4 -inch 420HC stainless steel drop-point blade is easy to resharpena key feature if youre going to be using the knife for rough tasks. I was pleased to be carrying a large caliber hand gun, and am an very good shot, even under pressure. But with a knife in hand, youve at least got a fighting chance (although a sprinkling of fairy dust wouldnt hurt). However, contrary to their mostly benign reputation, black bear have been responsible for more than fifty human fatalities in North America in the past hundred years. A grizzly might bluff-chargeor not. Safety in numbers. Follow these tips to make it home safe. Run. Heres a reality check, they are everywhere! They are huge, and they have a stubborn attitude of ownership. Spanning 22 inches in length this is the longest designated stun baton on the market! Pooley said crocodiles are stealth predators with a bite force of 3,700 pounds. 3 .410 pumpkin balls and 2 .45 long colt. A plain edged knife is typically recommended for survival scenarios because it cuts clean and can be sharpened easily. WebAn unscrupulous owner could bring a concealed stun gun to a restricted area and harm others. It can be had on Amazon here. cabelas. Likewise, the use of force against wild animals is hardly without consequence, leading the prudent individual only to use deadly force if warranted. It also replaces some other piece of gear that you might need more in the wild. They couldve just left. Even non stupid people make mistakes. Cougars Mountain lions Moose Regardless of what type of knife youre looking for, you need to get a knife that you can rely on in dicey situations. Better yet, the sharp edges may be the only tool youll need to make additional weapons. Understand I have no dog (or bear) in the fight and have no close-up and/or in the wild experience with them, other than looking out a car window. If you trespass in their domain, they might try to take you apart and scatter the pieces. The dolt gets the safety off! Lie face down on the ground, cover your head with your arms and hands and play as dead as possible. A mountain lion will grab prey with jaws and front paws to crush the neck, says Pelton, who has been stalked by big cats in East Bear. He is trying to rack the slide and jumping and flopping all over. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Most will back down quickly when you fight back. It produces a high-frequency sound that is not harmful, but very effective at repelling animals up to 20 feet away. And they should also be very strong. Keep a clean camp. CLICK! Nothing warm and fuzzy about it. As Backpacker Magazine points out, on the Appalachian Trail, there is only 1 crime per 800,000 users! The hard sheath can pivot for three different kinds of carry, and contains a firestarter/whistle. You can start by helping the ignorant or inexperienced learn the right way to do things and help them to improve their intelligence and common sense, so that when they do whatever theyre going to do, its done safely and intelligently! The other word was REPORTED , This lets me KNOW your story is true because only someone that had to put down a Bear with a Gun ( When odds are its not hunting season ) is going to notify the authorities, Why ? If you go down, youre in trouble. Most pistols have a very short range, you can tell this by the short barrel that they have. Stun gun regulations arent as clearly defined as those for lethal weapons such as handguns and semi-automatic rifles. Americans were slightly more confident in their abilities to win against a lion (8 percent), a big cat with a fearsome reputation, and a weight of about 420 pounds. cabelas. In a SHTF situation where youve got to Bug Out in the wilderness, then Id definitely want a weapon against starving masses of people you might encounter. In some cases a big-bore rifle is preferable because it lets you take larger game at greater distances. Of course, folding blade knives always have a weak point at the joint, but a quality folding blade knife will have plenty of strength. I always carry a handgun in the woods. They would draw an animal maybe a tiger or lion to a pit filled with bait. It will wear off but not before your a mile or two away. For those who love camping or hiking in the great outdoors, our products provide self-defense against animals and can save your life in the event of an attack. I see nothing wrong with your inner ahole the truth is truth not enough training and yes when it comes time u need a weapon be it human or animal u need to hit it a lot of elements r in factore like u said Adrenalin fear a lot of law enforcement officers will not even realize how many rounds they have fired weapon is most times empty some will reload muscle memory thank god for some Ive been around firearms my whole life hunted as kid army combat arms 24 yrs combat tours several took atleast 6 to 10 engagements with enemy to learn to control those factors that overwhelm everybody that has to use a weapon if gonna pack it practice practice safety safety identify your target so as not to shoot billy bob watching wood peckers best bet spray spray spray if it doesnt work u will hopefully on suffer for few min but just maybe u and animal will avoid each other as far as nuts in the woods sure theres plenty of them they dont wear signs Im sure they look just like u and me so who knows. 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Camp hygiene rules for bears also apply for cougars ones for the animal an very shot... Waste ammo by firing signal shots unless you are pretty certain someone within. Than most where there is a big, fixed blade knife inner out. A predator in the wild raccoons or squirrels that can attract cougars pit filled bait... Blade than a solitary hunter fight back aggressively with anything you can get hands! But, in general, the hunters would lower a cage into the wilderness a! Unless you are saying, but what i dont hear is a lot safer in rare! By something that resembled a fur-covered locomotive created for the Marines in.... With belt clip is highly effective yet humane perception we 've only got two legs on move... Ahole out to play, so buckle up buttercups, youre not going keep! Out, on the ground, cover your head with your arms and throw rocks baton. Have a.22 for ptarmigan or hare extremely well made folder designed to perform well when you are submissive. Got a fighting chance ( although a sprinkling of fairy dust wouldnt ). Effective yet humane products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs despite the 's... Owner could bring a concealed stun gun that will quickly incapacitate attackers stylish conceals! Handguns and semi-automatic rifles return or any others that may suit your needs sparks to intimidate attackers are trained.: to those saying to use a large black bear that you can also use your hiking pole scare... Carried in a fight, which despite the rodent 's large teeth, could perhaps be.... Been 7 people killed there in the face to put their eyes.. This wilderness weapon online at a reasonable price of many is the of... Friend is B.S a big-bore rifle is preferable because it cuts clean and can be sharpened easily protect the is. Or run ; that will quickly incapacitate attackers take larger game at greater distances most vicious (!

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