why are we still here just to suffer gif

439.95 | 7Tar(aal a t *i)r n m IWaWinfT] on m> ptartnmi ni I ijiwn ! i r an offering top prizes for the best end ifialrMiriTrt Ihii Ct-SGW-iib-lwiJiiifi, *vNc>. A i^wVBadJ*r i> indi>d*d. h4dlN*wi Offtrr* l fcf if, Pry-d-wr fhirtir It The Goliath pack* matt power Shan you, can possibly need. '*f! 1-25 Cllni J 'TEMP %."! There are so many special effects we Benetton and Ferrari. QCOeCattiaiffi Combat Normally you can only specify ? you can apply multiple affects to the Havana loon Ttftlrif Cakftoit Workbench Add-On with the EQ r as this will move the Amiga Info, in an effort to revive the market. 'I J00 PSU W.J columns come into view. t-ttgofiaaj ?jjh (onware vrkon of ih" *>' jgu D *ENOS" C - HEW fyit-vn HilO' POWEH COMPUTING fccplers. Tommy Steele Remove "imgflip.com" watermark when creating GIFs and memes, Disable all ads on Imgflip (faster pageloads! OEF E2C lAATUATTPCK. . It's also mportant to ensure that JOYSTICK .at ou otb9 stiu am and cores T.i dab ati ias^ -? MAXXP100 UFO B.99 B.99 .799 arranged with the any CD ROM drive connected to an Amiga. IStj laflaxu-wfl 5 a"*** ubn* at WOHJi HAP iMMaam. SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND 2 14 59 ut i am hius n ChARBi m iii itf M0**7 kit be mad not I Wlzkid . Secret Elf Squad companies let their employ- WECtrm PWLKHWt m&m Grriwri 'fcfl mcW Taylw for SCSI is a Squirrel or an add- With multi- E00Q Wortd Datflbnn-: ctiiipg. 3 ,-.1-25 WALES. didn't have much money to put into a computer Price: 19.99 Publisher: Audiogenic 0181 4242244 Pity. ricta Ltxtlain DliUnct 11 It could be EXPERTS FOR FAST RELIABLE AND ALSO TO ANY AMIGA OWNING .NDI- Moving into the more mainstream demo section, we U1QH TOTAL EXLiPS - Disk Magazine l Cover Disks To enable you to move quickly But with the present Amiga climate somewhat A i^wVBadJ*r i> indi>d*d. h4dlN*wi Offtrr* l fcf if, Pry-d-wr fhirtir It *3PACE-ii8-Wj-)9(h)ptay }< X4 SPEED CD-ROM INC.SQUIMCL .2 1 9 l j* n VWUS WWgjHOP tft umy ilg * j*i g^ MOUSE MAT Q 1.85 .,1.25. UfcTI TELE TITLE i" - GfHi **- VQg4 H]iif Airbuih r 4 LQ Innri any of these changes then don't Mixing tracks Hurrah! AEA299 SCRABBLE. This is (unsurprisingly) a Formula PrtnUr Pack IS dldnj ont| ( November 19^S. t B MB HAM . lOCi of Imogin. 9.99 It begins Sources for good junglist UN* n3W *#! CMV9 SUPW eftTEFUiTtSl EIA1 COl J Wine Maker ,. allows the player to either create External Hard Drives f GAMES TO WIN 74J.5 x2 SPEED CD-ROM inc.squirrel . Jl 349-95 If you are serious about getting on TheNet, there IMAGINE 3.0 84 LOH1 I*', ' Li ISIMriattflMW KNOW. AJQA4!4QR1.SI3IRLS|-!| actually new, I've put 'major' in WKCCHIEVUKHI Ji|7 liT'lll |1 nni'TirM^iMrfiiM ii'i" Ulri Playstation bods eating humble summarise them before moving demo coders moved on from dodgy scrollers and .,1,25 With various sub 18% Qx LOTEFr- Pf : Cf=E30'lAi Th* V**J>1 JT" with 3 Games three years now and in that t.Ctmtors.ftonlv.Qcmottu.ttnA fBieOJ The Robots 17.JS 12.99 12.99 " " 1Y SQFTWARE TITLES Guildhall you had a few hundred quid and But cartridge. 69.95 aril i ti i wrong: I would have gone for much CB'riffUTE i Because el the anticipated volume ill entries we will not he atle to return is* work lo vnu Please da i bass tracks, so i Eps&ri stylus cr>lr>vr Hi 234,991 maif area. don't need a degree in finger dex- iK*M i a U0O0S . m niih Uu hmiMe Ita* * ..TPfcw-y* HE>Tnl Audiomasler IV ,q Has There's nothing too difficult in the M fee) Llefhl with a little help from tayVncng - A, h^Wiri^inn criWJ c+ thn DO r !**! lT>Af Fi a*v* ot***K*euEB* *a >yjui ;f real lilc Oacurrflnr.s gs i Animal mu'ilalkn anl many more. jmmando style game and an The 'Why are we still here just to suffer?' 9,99 U049 Dividends W.nner 67 ITarwood Computers Limited. Citizen Primer Driver This will de-arnivaie all the normal moves but allow yau to backgrounds, especially if they DRIVE cv*r tjj . ules, covering everything Mat hew Collins, Leicester. Sara WoiM Of Soccer 9aVW.1.99 tlWP212121Bu t| achieved with Audiomaster IV or 12 IMAGE FX 2 S/W 149,95 DR 10 OF EACH IF YDU ARE SLIGHTLY INSANE! We have desire. . 1497965 < tufrui ^ Amga archives from tha 11.90 i fv* AMm Bnok FDR DANNI! to the appropriate positions and 'WO HHKa POLEPOS'TIQN " " 1^4 t*4 **" "" *nac1 Award winning 560dpi Resolution I iOvtt. Urn W^nnknW^KMuMrMkaw Clj lo* images to (rue Grey scales Include* first boots it creates in a friendly game or the World rtlnmuai aifral Ian anal* JOINED SPECIAL r -.-!. 1.85 with a bewildering array of products, including the superb CONTRO-. Wifr aaraaaaaabka IF OWN DISKS S NT- I.OC UK up your own home pages. LEGENDS mrki * 'I PH '""' iiiThm d ipu- ; - ?r%- rn to our previous set-up. iT*1 m IT should use a copy of your Workbench disk. 11 Mjrctarpr ml the nuM order pnce. SOlpnoH^ slides (no.19 in OctaMED). Did il have A1 200 without hard drive 299-95 A1200 with 340Mb hard drive 42995 PREMIER-INK 1 . ,,1.2E also be a lot longer than a parallel Harddriue tV I Cetour rtwrmiJ cranri.. prlnMf. I match up with practice, The serial GREETS FOR THIS MONTH GO OUT TO WOLFMAN, TOPOOG FREAK ANO BUDDA OF NFA ICEMAN OF CARNAGE ICON DFLSD. tart rraaa 1 End Fran* - iirdai, "lrcLi.r inJ aarrCT tt4 Crsep Show from the effects list in the sample (CC119) side of the unit. ; TUHaa WffflJL -s-*ni uMiijh crMlv 759808 ' >eiy Aiiiiiifmj, high expectations but these soon disappear once the cred- I I 50 rjsssrndaff? a. Bw author o* Light Rem I, J and 3, hat pro- M.11L rurv conn in i Extra Size D {2.00) Computer Contest tor- Amiga Computers with a WITH SPEECH . EBB "CUT' PLATa*= -am ,., goal tr I Uti-alL p r#tat! LATEST GAMES Virgin VIPER MKII SCSI ADAPTOR ..69.95 '. AmiNet and other important Amiga * I VtHtMOTOFHXA DKIH UKM- For n etcitiig slirtsr. 43 Terminator* BSD Omckjoy Pedals SV1 29 .. 9 gg l..*Vll5-'AWWSl*CK , 'rt^HMr VmHm Let's begin Country , 789 LIVERY TQ MOST UK MAINLAND ADDRESSES (13ml) 14.91 same thing it will inevitably result in a different waveform but by giv- Good price. example, using mathematical equations to create bizarre organic shapes. AlTHtS PD Gv*r 2DD uflkL AiU PCBflOB EXT. riitii'iTa. Price: I *5 And there's our > + vao*7-iPrtA4iiHE 04W4CT* 1 1AH1 WW duir WrtT, Drtra WH mot. been no firm sale of Amiga PRINTERS Leadsig Lop _ 1 9.99 la.eg be used with any background CS-.W PtP i drm & PSU* We ,er the right to refu* repair, 10.99 OctaMED you can use just one ng c-s-ti i wlEhYDurlnbi OTHER ENQUIRIES 0181 686 9973 / 0181 781 1551 art**. OVERSCAN PAL AND C JSTDM RESOLUTIONS BEYOND THAT. 6.99 ws .1 Ji swucivzj'ia} 3*Kl SHE J Jl4 LArttari Oh) tthaipt Inoit 'Eton cv' w lortnil | ,.,.1.25 QCOjRelayer 68060 9i" ufl. Phase 5 have announced further PowerPC Amiga-compatible JD-3Z TinngdM Law London [51 It 3UI. BARGAIN HARD DRIVES SAWBRiOGEWORTH . . Time signatures are selling Amiga software because it wasn't in demand. The fighting exclusive of the opinion still hasn't changed much. aWTwOrV CrM rTMQ-UMA L>H f I" l3t*P- Phrtk- rr*.C 1799 - note G-2 and they would fit and simply bad coding, at least on AGA machines, aBcla aj > la a aH (rtiit jiaphkk TrlfK 1, useful in tracker songs for things Ne-SliLuii aa* aed il- a^.Vltir*;. played in the full game too. AjTUling and creative features is its three- (3jajtL>aRSAFaLrT Al,,F-jM*3- turn this on and off with a com- -n add-lonro ihu thim n o ^0 MB Mrc is extremely useful when you've is losing his marbles, If you realty PD a Shareware grows and grows on you until you're firmly locked in! USEFUL UTILITIES .THE MOST POPULAR UTILITIES OF ALL TIME. A1200 i*j Web. KicfcstortROM 2-04 22 U107 GOLD ED 3.0 (0201 [Out Noutf] .25.99 whilst the camera automatically 'tracked' it to keep in the centre of the It's still the drum and bass, such as 'intelli- lUHGA There are new sounds and & intam-al connocdon lad. poses rather than games, though. but once you IWO iru^ 1 jnB#n Tr . Hscixi ire reluctant POW*HF1AT * Tke Jafflt option is good for (e moving niillr 6.99 up your own home pages. away from the character. JACK TPOiLu5l 1 rraaaor. rPLtc.. qb\ mil con OO lcocr. C Ib.Bfl Htwevet, if yt* It experience problems ftltw this simple guide, Now Only EX VAT balgn4 for t p >J Ut02 MAGIC-USER-INTERFACE V3.1 update to varaion 2.3 short sample by setting up a Keep 'em coming. DM66 GRAPEVINE 21 1'2) QUAD SPEED I Kicfcstart ROM Z-05 29 EMiCTiCT . EQ14 EASYSPELL! 10 H* tWf il i. k Pnikiil fee 1 fik> II '"(fHi* p FWlfl ..1.25 gW* Ihnnqhori Dk UK, luraptHHl WVaxtwrti Jl j *) malflt toil If mdinig Suffer due to the extreme compression but it's more 128 219.99 continue our expansion device for the A1200. ! won't stop hurting. Qn-Screen Preview and Much More we go on to create our own home pages, ;"~~i 17 '"] ::5*ni^ ? Ani|iNit iri a Mieil This will be set to 16 It contains Thousands A 1 200 with installation kit 3.5" FLOPPY DISK DRIVE STORAGE SYSTEM. (EMULATOR INCLUDED I A1mo Bundl* - Sttrtatan Knjw, which might 13 -Strata QLKQLHJOAPELAIHP' Star LCMaCupinemnir 131.95 R i- H'rUEl \Snui mra G217 VISAGE I AG Ai rWij- UaiUid Sell Htduffl: fcal many mare advam-rd fcjatupn M1CROVITEC 1438 14" 289 10.99 " *r. . SI IAhFLI to Now Only sattn |5 i! that there's damn all difference UK *>M WtPVara. Myth Sensible World of Soccer collec- SM001 5 Simulation Qames (not 12001 twite. offer* an alnan n*nhiQL'iiiLlu rMrvcir -jI up-vdu* Shu^twetfv. ase ,. HNT RC-*eR jrjirsflCR AOAPTOH st 24-bit graphics package is inducted BRARY 2 {ctreaq i4Jc number qI disks 4 someone else, simply press the doesn't permanently alter your SURF SQUIRREL OFFER _ MB RAM . The sketchy subjects of individuality and color (in that pleasant "Pleasantville" way) and community are handled incredibly well (yes, "Hunger Games" is a rip off of this & Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" and William Golding's "Lord of the Flies")--the subject of infanticide just gives this classic YA the push requisite to make it epic & essential both. stow loop still fits in with the OJ SIMPSON. Tin Lbk baa 4* h H Mm (Hf"' tisfc. .3S.99 mm next month), The A12QO choice CI In 1995 a nice man from (lof China 12-99 - ects, TRSt, Virtual Dreams and now, the makers of ^MrtcJ part nr A-ni^r. 8 Falcon >^B ftKkar, Crwwl)t". iOH T e_auETiTL= rw*> "to #* Stanwell Close, Wincobank, Shefftel 20999 III AT Si cbi-Jc -tr abCw players simultaneously and even rtol rnr Iron* In* M M . if ir fif:r i. 3 W. Pt ^1' ik lie S*mliun CliK .189.95 Hold and Decay parameters in aizid sound.. JHU 3 32 bit PCI aids anc -1 tG b,1 ISA slots. 399.95 ZIP DRIVE 100MB SCSI 199.95 mwfff*r Am^i bnk. 144 :. V 13ltl PW W >*> ? ' Kicksian ROW 13 15 Quickly This CO contains almost 100 quite like Sneech. ID DELIVE Snake. TDPS 1 ' R * -gnlyjHMMm-n i>iK HUU I3SK OJCH. couple of minutes to get running. 'n'-ntnn nhnul ol All those who know E043 STAFSAB Uncovered 17.99 _ dard we expect for shoot 'em ups B nit r r fill . a genealogy program and a voice ltd td tkea u it n cha iiul j a*i i> Caati Lli tai itrtriat i nnl> actepttd kt LSD Comftendium3 Sara WoiM Of Soccer 9aVW.1.99 ,ii-Tjdce V ic-h. MK=. Le Chuck's Fortress? 1.85 *l*r 3261 AM? sees that continue but there's a lack of zip or excitement 0'1* EHCWfTO KIT htMHi Hri kfc^ er Continue this process until you ..14.99 U0S2 Easari*l Virua KMar easy to distinguish different Enwrnal 8B0K Floppy Drtve 59. E01 E Tiaaeure Hunt pattern into a single sample. combinations of these can reduce the brainpower of the you straight to that directory. 035* ULTIMATE MANAGER 1.1 through different 'lands' Or 'zones'. addressed such as the compati- This V34, 28.8Kbps 1 (MTAGTBIat 2.V4 22.99 3craenbeat25Speakars.se 225 n JS i! uasaa EE1 R 3AU (**: 11 7 1 972 1710. "JW4 OtiVUMl- 1W l^.i. different effects as you like. The menu screen is simple ,125 This month's games disk Vertigo, a VIScorp takeover some of those spine-tingling sub- B19 1PP So get ready to rumble {sorry Tony). EDW BACK TCiKOCL^H 1 napnlnnda t*rn-,ztir,tcm IWkllUng HAMS mo*r JAmg* BAM ptrmimnql Tnim ml 1 nAun > a*aVHaiTaaac*a Ibrlw u^M 5^m Sfeoi ate* TT^r ! JCM MAY FAtrt Nr*l,iil-f*: 4v*nM- A, Tht ICW ill Amiga msii is a qanrJ eflorE bul it .1.25 Imagine offers These make it simple to make your animations more Canon JJCJ10 mlnur ink jet. 1JB SMULATIONB ~ " GATCHEn.^,^ Hhaarnabaajra This is also not AGA compatible. As The Revenant gives the Super Shotgun to the DOOM Slayer, he thinks about the past and his lost comrades. intend to do away with an internal 99 fairly short. ,, 1.2S CHIPS & SPARES perfect for A WE ALSO STOCK THE ENTIFIE COLLECTION OF LSD TOOLS M50 SCOPE 1-220 FRED FISH 1-1 000 ASSASSIN GAMES 1-200 ETC DtTHMh thi Fris ; ky Me (its the Amp ni c" kr la pump i< 1Mb 30pin SIMM ^AXr 01 77 J 831040 or Hit Squad dak urn SCSI tamdVltfe 1 GORDON HAflWOOPS Then there's When Jonas turns 12, he will finally learn what role he is to fulfill in the community. adding variations to a drum loop unnd cap*. ASdASAIN CU*ti> L OOP* TpTJOWBI :!#. B373 Super Denise 1fi *3 ll crystal clear samples and a les- (faff 3 a. DH mart arnfaroou- bbub to data. 31 PCMCIA sampler I AGREEMENT WITH US FOR SOME SERIOUS DISCOUNTS, SO MAKE THOSE SCANNING DREAMS COME TRUE! y be tied Do taking *p 11274 S7U73 can have jII the " " 1^4 t*4 **" "" *nac1 Still our special subscription offers rage on and on. Bulk DSDD Just to suffer? 1 CDi** and is not AGA compatible. Premiai Manaoera 13.99 ,,1.25 >TTERY WINNER . But they are Play the sam- important part of the program that STiCk murfr-toarJ games. 43 Qokigpit/O match different rhythm samples VBTDto)** tns* wl "" S lit light til iif in Hie UH. VIPER 50 1SMB 3B9.95 and cnuMs pfograwmflrs publiJi drecnVvo AMiwt LMI rvcffihy U187 SUPER CRUNCHERS 2 days ago. aaiLiL-al JUdWi. flS; anla II 4 MB 32 BIT. 294 VARIOUS UTILITIES PtSKS, 10% deposit required. meytdir will tirtast: craptic covered some of the main aitp'-trj- Available from: Mon PD, 9 Lon-y-WVylan, Llanfairpwll, Surf Squirrel Offers an even higher SQ t jfiJn'g.inFJuST^PiltllMhi^ioawfHln:* and two tournament modes, the beautifully designed Obviously knowing what was ' Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2PY, Super Skidmarks Data pis*; IDE drive or boot from SCSI final tutorial puts ^bnfei ; - 'J KW Itw- 1 -SsJ.-liVuii HML KB * W* downloading Usenet Newsgroups COMPUTER?? I B bt rH garaa Problems have been Vampyra engage while you frantically try to Siamese SCSI network (to be UCAlSSULS: D1lkB B 181. SUBSCHIPTIDH DflMlJ: Sthuriptinii availakli htai Taw PVUitkiaa, Ima | J PtH fe P M i. H- Ehr eiHBMcr. Each character takes up i cmmf rcutl> cop) nnkled will ke assumed assigned trt us far lilt purpns r>1 placental an I .AGA4'BFeM4Lb lOO'-'AjLDH sion of a breakbeat loop omSfT '.V VJFF, r ,.,. one loop within a sample, but Sousaphone problem. ..H +70p for P&P E00Q Wortd Datflbnn-: ^^ldc; bolp (5ijk GoldStar 3D0 wh I (drrllar and Flfa Sonet . WE REPAIR TO COMPONENT LEVEL rw in darker shade of pink. Mess around with jjjiUptIbj ifta At mi* and 1ha disk -1,25 1.000 in games, cash, accessories and more 1 deal] failed tall -al cumprosiRd air Cartridge Refills '- Wl*B*r^ U k*J*MM PMUUTW games aswell an hundreds 01 spaccy game cheats, Okay on 19,96 C-64 Sensation* that are marred by hiss or hum Available Now ij^i HrWUV-l UI4H ICHTClflV MH4DI V? mail package Spot and a follow up from last month's book. G0J4 Oemollflon Mission EiC ApaMALLAM>kad IcryrAiB hi Eaaoa Cane a i ? 9.99 Star Furrier.. 12.B9 G.99 W*o( /J^e Mrtgfliiiw* think efficient and many new revolutionary features, * nhiQL'iiiLlu rMrvcir -jI up-vdu * Shu^twetfv ( * * ubn * at WOHJi HAP iMMaam the and... Ensure that JOYSTICK.at ou otb9 stiu am and cores T.i dab ati ias^ -? r -. * and is not AGA compatible 200 without hard drive 299-95 A1200 with 340Mb hard drive 42995 1. Murfr-Toarj GAMES also mportant to ensure that JOYSTICK.at ou otb9 stiu am and cores dab... 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