camel face harris

*Naked Capitalism Da biatch Response be Hilarious December 25, 2021 Sarah Palin posted some advice for Kamala Harris the latest woman to run for VP. And the 'academic institution' which he is affiliated with - the Claremont Institute - has previously awarded a fellowship to Jack Posobiec, the alt-right tweeter who originated the bogus Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. 54. *Shadowproof I heard it today. The Camel uniquely extended a requirement that a nonprofit hospital maintain service for 5 years after purchase to the 10 year requirement she imposed upon Prime Healthcare. *The Real News Network, Econ If a comment is spam, instead of replying to it please click the icon below and to the right of that comment. Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers. Helped broker mortgage relief settlement. Sometimes, these things just don't fit the way you intended. I hope the sobriquet "Camel" sticks to Harris like white on rice (oops, is that racist?). The conditions were a de facto denial, Prime says, and it withdrew its bid to purchase the Daughters of Charity Health System Hospitals. Well, yes, if it's done purely for views. Here's some examples of earlier memes where I use people laughing to make a point. What kind of lowlife goes around ruining other peoples gardens? That's it for today. For those of you patient enough, you might enjoy the Hard Bastard's sympathetic response to Kamala Harris's questioning techniques (27:24). I screenshot almost everyone. Bullshit. During this time Harris and Biden began the transition to a new administration, announcing an agenda and selecting staff. from a reasonably stable genius. She said: "Objectified and sexualized images of women politicians circulate online continually, so it's about the individuals that create and post these images in the first place. The nomination was secured by Joe Biden, who chose Harris as his running mate. Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Widely considered a rising star within the party, she was recruited to run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Barbara Boxer, who was retiring. And of course Barack Hussain Obama had nice things to say about California Attorney General Harris. Even the NRA is against gun ownership for dangerous felons and the mentally ill. *Caitlin Johnstone, Political/Video "The circulation of these images is a widespread form of political disinformation that targets women," according to Piscopo. Corrections? One - in a Newsweek op-ed- claimed that because Mexican guest-workers' American-born children had been deported in the 1920s, 1940s, and 1950s - the idea of 'birthright citizenship' for all really dates from after Harris' birth. Vice President Kamala 'Camel Face' Harris struggled to give a coherent answer when asked about the economy and inflation during a Sunday interview on CBS. Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris speaks during the vice presidential debate in Kingsbury Hall at the University of Utah on October 7, 2020, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Josef Stalin was a hard-core hand to hand fighter in the Russian Revolution, helping ensure Bolshevik success. Many sexualised images of female politicians that circulate online are fake, she said, with creators superimposing photos onto images of nudity. Four years to figure out that there's a problem with the plan. Booker T. Booker is another bad one but hasn't been so conspicuous in his dealings. *Salon @Alligator Ed Sen. Kamala Harris let her face eye rolls, smirking, scoffs and all do all the talking during the vice presidential debate Wednesday night, but some experts believe it could cost her with. Sen. Kamala Harris let her face eye rolls, smirking, scoffs and all do all the talking during the vice presidential debate Wednesday night, but some experts believe it could cost her with voters. we have the Harris Ranch, large purveyor of beef. --Napoleon, "Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it.". Instead, she was controlled and measured.. Instead, she pressed Californias case and in 2012 won a judgment five times higher than that originally offered. 'So I just heard that. The Constitution spells out who is eligible for the presidency in Clause 5 of Article 2: 'No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. *Viva LaFeminista Household Cavalry rehearse into the night ahead of King's Coronation as 200 EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles was told by Downing Street to delay announcing giving the best Coronation Keeping them in the family! You cant give Mike credit for winning the debate. I really wish more people at these town halls would laugh (really hard) at these congress people when they get up there and pretend to care about the people. Being a quick learner, the Camel knew that the quickest way to a politician's heart (oxymoron alert), if you're not engaging in sexual acts with them, is through "campaign contributions" (synonym: bribery). The payments were made from Harris's campaign committee and transferred to Waters's campaign committee through a lucrative "slate mailer" operation run by Waters's daughter, a program that has proved profitable for both her daughter and the campaign. Omissions? Shortly thereafter Harris announced that she was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. Even Sharpton looked shocked by Harris frozen forehead and bizarre facial expression, where she repeatedly pinched her eyes and made a sinister smile. Kamalas face when Pence is talking is the same face my mother made whenever I was explaining why I didnt make curfew, wrote @cmonstah, with a screenshot of Harris icy glare. Kamala Harris, in full Kamala Devi Harris, (born October 20, 1964, Oakland, California, U.S.), 49th vice president of the United States (2021 ) in the Democratic administration of Pres. They actually aren't too hard to spot when we're paying attention. In early 2015 Harris declared her candidacy, and on the campaign trail she called for immigration and criminal-justice reforms, increases to the minimum wage, and protection of womens reproductive rights. You see, it's okay when BHO says something sexist, but not when anybody else does it. #11 we have the Harris Ranch, large purveyor of beef. Between the combination of the anatomy and absolutely wonderful conditions, the shape is supposed to look like the front feet of a camel. Amid Trumps repeated calls for Republicans to overturn the election, a group of congressional members, which notably included Senators Josh Hawley (Missouri) and Ted Cruz (Texas), announced that they would challenge the electors of various states. Nadia E. Brown, an associate professor of political science and African American studies at Purdue University, told the New York Times that Harriss facial expressions shouldnt be the key takeaway from the debate. !,' read one of the two retweets. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Or because she just doesn't know why? The social media company likely owes you money - Police hunt British man after father-of-two bouncer is killed while trying to break up a fight at TOWIE Australian actress Maxine Klibingaitis dies 'suddenly and unexpectedly' aged 58: 'Much-loved' star was known Single-sex schools will be able to reject transgender pupils and teachers can refuse to call children by 'This is a symbolic name change which won't save the planet': Ex-BBC presenter John Humphrys blasts HARRY MOUNT: Infantilising claptrap! Her father,. But the 14th Amendment of 1868 is also in the Constitution - and defines who is a citizen. There's more. ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981, Churchill speaking to woman: "Madame, if I offered a thousand pounds to sleep with you, would you do it? Thanks. *Democracy at Work (Richard Wolff), Climate/Green Commenting on the Google searches, Jamie Goldenberg, a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida who co-authored the Palin study told Newsweek via email: "I am not aware of [the] search content, but clearly women in politics are objectified and sexualized. The unfortunate camel toe can strike just about any woman if not careful, especially when they rock out in some extremely tight pants. Trump has often accused Biden of 'hiding in his basement' and complained the Democratic ticket has yet to answer as many questions from the press as he does. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, 'It's an open question, and one I think Harris should answer so the American people know for sure she is eligible,' Ellis later. 'You're saying that, they're saying that she doesn't qualify because she wasn't born in this country?' *The Brad Blog *Black Agenda Report Visit In March 2019, Harris was slammed by Latino activists forrefusing to investigate the Ponzi schemeoperated by nutritional supplement marketer Herbalife in exchange for bribes masquerading as donations from Herbalife lobbyist Heather Podesta. He does like California Gurls! 6,951 matches. *Jimmy Dore Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party. *Hot Air News Roundup, Member Sites So which genius thought it was a good idea to terrify the whole country at 3pm on a Sunday? Flashback: This is what Harris looked like in June 2019, when she eviscerated Joe Biden by basically calling him a racist segregationist. We love hearing from our readers and invite you to join us for feedback and great conversation. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. So let's talk about wage slavery and prison reform a bit more. Joe Biden. She's out for herself just like all of them are. Not a chance. On the eve of her inauguration, Kamala Harris' camel coat look was an exciting preview of what's in store for the next four years. It's okay to protect our murderers, because we are ourselves murderers but it's also alright to murder thousands of innocent people in faraway nations who haven't killed anybody. Many in this population, disproportionately actually, ar people of color. California Attorney General Kamala Harris told BuzzFeed News she was shocked to learn that the lawyers in her department had argued against parole credits because they wanted to retain their labor force. She became known for her prosecutorial style of questioning witnesses during hearings, which drew criticismand occasional interruptionsfrom Republican senators. Kamala Harris. Article continues below advertisement. *Arctic Sea Ice Forum, Science By Emily Goodin, Senior U.s. 8. Posie Parker addresses Belfast rally amid pro-trans protests, 'Beating Heart': Rare 'diamond within a diamond' unearthed in India, Loud explosions rock thermal power station in Russia's Belgorod, Gerry 'The Monk' Hutch seen leaving the court after not guilty verdict, Astonishing moment Russian soldier survives being shot in head by sniper, CCTV shows killer walking with her victim hours before stabbing her, Moment gangster-politican Atiq Ahmed is shot point blank live on TV, BBC's Justin Rowlatt goes bollard hunting as residents war over LTN, Polish police raid nightclubs during organised crime crackdown, Four men beat owner as he thwarts car theft in Connecticut, Shocking moment acrobat crashes to the stage during Coachella DJ set, Italian police seize more than 350M worth of cocaine from the Med. *The Intercept Despite their recent feud, manyDemocrats want Kamala Harris to be Bidens running mate. After taking office the following year, she demonstrated political independence, rejecting, for example, pressure from the administration of Pres. "Clinton's criticism was often about not being feminine enough (recall the pantsuit), whereas Palin was more explicitly sexualized, similar to Kamala Harris, I believe, who even SNL referred to as 'The Hot Vice President In Charge' on Saturday night's episode. But the story gets better. Harris underwent this professional coming-of-age in the 1980s and '90s, which were defined by the dog-whistle narrative of "tough on crime" when becoming a prosecutor was an asset for a . The public will not see it and we do not share it. So what are the Camel's political accomplishments? Meet Doug Emhoff: America's 1st 'Second Gentleman'. We were scared for our lives to the point where we felt we needed to call security to have us escorted out!!". Barack Obama for her to settle a nationwide lawsuit against mortgage lenders for unfair practices. @Alligator Ed On the Cusp schooled me with the comment "what Democrat isn't dangerous?" *Inside Climate News Attorney General Kamala D. Harris and the U.S. Department of Labors Wage and Hour Division (WHD) have signed a cooperative agreement to crack down on employer wage theft and other illegal labor practices. Smiling and shaking her head in disbelief are the softest ways for her to respond. Showing Editorial results for kamala harris. Eastman had run for California attorney general in 2010, the same year as Harris, but was beaten in the GOP primary, while she won the race. In a flurry of retweets consisting of criticism for the Democratic presidential ticket and praise for his deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, President Trump included a tweet with derogatory and racist descriptions of Harris and Joe Biden. In two recent examples, both Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton were objectified, that is, they were evaluated on the basis of their physical appearance. Okay, it's not quite as heartless as her abondment if prisoners who have served their time--but the next item certainly reeks of greed. The best way to eliminate a cancer is to excise before it grows. Those are the primary qualifications to be a Biden VP pick. His comments echoed the sentiments he pushed about President Barack Obama, the country's first black president. *DeSmogBlog The tax hike more than doubles the current excise taxes on coal production. Russian govt/military = bad. That she doesn't meet the requirements and by the way the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer,' the president answered. I thank the Department of Labor for their partnership and commitment to protecting the rights of workers.. The second part is pure Obama-style baloney: Here a person of color opts not to investigate police shootings of citizens of which a large minority are of persons of color. *Cassiodorus *Wunderground: Jeff Masters We are no longer accepting comments on this article. I consider modern conservatives and neocons to be mentally ill (sociopathically so), but they constitute virtually the whole NRA and the vast majority of this nation's gun owners. Veteran of tough campaigns. X-Men likely refers to a meme comparing him to the comic book character Stryker, and HIV to his handling of Indiana's outbreak of the virus. @LoneStarMike She represented California in the U.S. Senate from 2017 to 2021 and served as the states attorney general from 2011 to 2017. *Commondreams n.b. Someone asked her what's the best way to fight back with these Establishment Democrats. Patrick Lawrence on the Jacob Seigel essay, Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - April 15, 2023, Friday Night Photos Japanese Garden Edition, Open Thread - 04-14-23 - Gender Memories from the Courtroom, Some under-informed musings about war in Ukraine, Open Thread - Thurs 13 Apr 2023: AI - Not So Lovely. For those who don't know, "camel toe" is slang for the outline of a woman's labia in tight-fitting clothes. Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) stirred speculation that she went overboard with Botox or had plastic surgery after viewers remarked that her face looked oddly frozen during a TV interview. Wage theft is a crime that hurts our economy and robs hard working Californians of their livelihoods, said Attorney General Harris. *Chris Hedges: On Contact Why? Joe Biden has come down with Kameltoe, confirming what most of us suspected about him all along. : I am not a mental health professional and do not play one on TV. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign never answered's inquiry on whether the campaign backed Ellis' statement. I'll never be fooled by another Obama again. Please share BPR content to help combat the lies. This is kinda rich coming from likely the biggest contributor, Afternoon, otc. I was very troubled by what I read. ', 'I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president,' Trump went on, adding that the unfounded claims were 'very serious.'. (later I would learn that a KSAN dj also claimed to be first, but I had a 2 hour head start, as KSAN was in SF). @LoneStarMike IT IS UP TO AMERICAN WARRIORS TO GET THE TRUTH OUT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!! 'Let's get this straight right away Camel Laugh and China Joe will lie, lie, and lie and the media will NOT challenge them on all the false statements they make. *The Progressive Wing Trump, who was mulling taking on Obama in the 2012 election, made a number of bogus claims including that Obama's 'certificate of live birth' was not an actual 'birth certificate.'. Harris also sparked a meme and merchandise after she told Pence "I'm speaking" when he repeatedly interrupted her during the event. An angry Harris responded by saying she thinks Biden would be a good VP running mate for her. City Cesis, Latvia. In 2010 she was narrowly elected attorney general of Californiawinning by a margin of less than 1 percentthus becoming the first female and the first African American to hold the post. She was n't born in this country? let 's talk about wage slavery and prison reform a bit.! The AMERICAN people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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