michelle obama commencement speech transcript

But Ive come to realize that most of that clamor is really coming from just a handful of very loud folks out on the fringes. And in the years before Dr. King addressed those Oberlin graduates in 65, he and his colleagues faced fire hoses and dogs in Montgomery, beatings on a bridge in Selma, insults and assaults as they sat quietly at lunch counters and marched peacefully down public streets. Just look around. It was necessary to motivate students to take actions appealing to their emotions. And of all the women at the Seneca Falls womens suffrage convention in 1848, just one lived to see women cast their votes. Yes! But when some of them got their first bad grade, they just fell apart. (Laughter.) It can hard but you have to keep on going. This is a time in your life when it feels like everything is turned upside down and perhaps youre wishing that things could just go back to the way they were. (Applause.). To celebrate the graduates whose final years of school have been upended, former first lady Michelle Obama and former president Barack Obama are taking part in a YouTube special. (Applause. Not when women still make less than men for the same work. And Im impressed by the community that you all have created herea warm, supportive, inclusive community that embodies the values that define this school. (Applause.) Because in this country, its never been each person for themselves. When they ventured off base, the white sheriff here in town called them boy and ticketed them for the most minor offenses. Heres the last part. God bless. (Applause. You represent just about every possible background - every color and culture, every faith and walk of life. ), Now, on this day before Mothers Day, Ive got to give a special shout-out to all the moms here. The extraordinary challenges of COVID-19 called for creative planning to send off graduates in a meaningful way. But youve also got to elect good people to your school board and state legislature, because they decide whether you have the resources you need to inspire and empower your students. City College of New York (June 3, 2016) In her final commencement address as first lady, Michelle Obama spoke to the City College of New York's graduates about how differences make us. In her last commencement speech as first lady, at City College of New York in 2016, Obama said, "Our greatness has never, ever come from sitting back . You've worked hard for those seats! I really am. Peloton: Get a great cardio workout at home with the Peloton Bike!Right now Peloton has a limited-time offer: get $100 off accessories when you purchase the Peloton Bike! Okay, youre bright. And Im honored to be here to share the beginning of the next phase of that journey with you. And even here at Oberlin, most of the time youre probably surrounded by folks who share your beliefs. (Laughter.). "If the world is going to get better, it's up to you," former president Barack Obama said in his address to graduating high school students on May 16. Photo: AP. See, he never wanted me to miss a registration deadline because his check was late. We see whats happening in stark relief. May 16, 2020 at 9:59 p.m. EDT. MRS. OBAMA: Thank you all. (Applause.) Graduates, that is not who we are. I would have given anything, anything to bring them back. Others choose to focus on their education and use that degree to address these issues and build a better life for themselves and those around them. And I hope that youre excited to get started on that next chapter. He said " this pandemic has fully finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing .". (Applause.). So if any of you are scared or confused or angry or just plain overwhelmed by it all, if you feel youre searching for lifeline just to steady yourself, you are not alone. (Applause.) 19). Michelle obama speech transcript 2020 AP-21. I couldnt have said it better myself. Michelle Obama gave a powerful commencement address to the high school and college graduates in the class of 2020. I want you to listen to those thoughts. Your day. Michelle Obama delivered her final commencement address as first lady on Friday to thousands graduating from the City College of New York in Harlem. Wow, you guys are good! And believe me, I know this from personal experience. But, graduates, no matter where your journey started, you have all made it here today through the same combination of unyielding determination, sacrifice, and a whole lot of hard work - commuting hours each day to class, some of you. Thank you so much. And if you rise above the noise and the pressures that surround you, if you stay true to who you are and where you come from, if you have faith in Gods plan for you, then you will keep fulfilling your duty to people all across this country. Graduates, anger is a powerful force. It never is, especially for folks like you and me. Commencement Speeches First Lady Michelle Obama at Bowie State University Commencement First lady Michelle Obama delivered the commencement address to the graduating class of. Speech-to-Text live streaming for live captions, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition API. Today, I want to urge you to actively seek out the most contentious, polarized, gridlocked places you can find. Not just when my husband or somebody you like is on the ballot. And now, graduates, its your turn to take up that cause. Well done. I worked with Congress on legislation, gave speeches to CEOs, military generals and Hollywood executives. Thank you so much. (Applause.) Oberlin has separate application processes for the College of Arts and Sciences and the Conservatory of Music. And sometimes its almost impossible to move upward at all, because if youre required to work during a pandemic, but dont have enough protective equipment or health insurance from your employer or paid sick leave, what is more essential, your work or your life. The Complete Text Transcripts of Over 100 Barack Obama Speeches Where women are full participants in a country's politics or economy, societies are continue likely the succeed. Following is a transcript of Michelle Obama's commencement speech at the University of California, Merced, as provided by the White House. (Applause.). Now, those Airmen could easily have let that experience clip their wings. Michelle Obama Video screenshot Democratic leaders such as Michelle. If you cant even approach the police without fearing for your life. See, that is how you will rise above the noise and shape the revolutions of your time. We will be there with you every step of the way. All right? Oh, my goodness. I did my research. So I immersed myself in the policy details. But just like all those folks who came before us, youve got to do something to lay the groundwork for future generations. Would I be more like Laura Bush, or Hillary Clinton, or Nancy Reagan? In tones both aspirational and political, Michelle Obama on Friday used her last commencement address as first lady to salute graduates of the City College of New York as "living, breathing. Not here. (Applause.) The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. I wish you the best of luck. (Applause.) Thank you for creating these fabulous individuals. So its your time. So its up to you to speak up when you or someone, you know isnt being heard, its up to you to speak out against cruelty, dishonesty, bigotry, all of it. If youre living in a constant state of fear, how much farther behind will you be after months in quarantine and without a job. Weve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives -- the folks who crossed the street in fear of their safety; the clerks who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores; the people at formal events who assumed we were the help-- and those who have questioned our intelligence, our honesty, even our love of this country. Hey everybody. Because while weve come so far, the truth is that those age-old problems are stubborn and they havent fully gone away. And I know that these little indignities are obviously nothing compared to what folks across the country are dealing with every single day -- those nagging worries that youre going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason; the fear that your job application will be overlooked because of the way your name sounds; the agony of sending your kids to schools that may no longer be separate, but are far from equal; the realization that no matter how far you rise in life, how hard you work to be a good person, a good parent, a good citizen -- for some folks, it will never be enough. Michelle Obama actively used pathos in the commencement speech because her key message was that Spelman graduates needed not only to develop their personalities but also help others. If were only willing to do whats easiest, weve got to make hard choices and sacrifices in our own lives. What kinds of issues would I take on? ), Back then, black soldiers faced all kinds of obstacles. So the question is, how will we respond? First lady Michelle Obama gave the commencement address to the 2015 graduating class of Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama, in which she talks about growing into her official role, criticism . Her moral leadership on behalf of children in this country has inspired me throughout my career, as well as my husband, the President of the United States. It means reaching back to help young people whove been left out and left behind, helping them prepare for college, helping them pay for college, making sure that great public universities like this one have the funding and support that they need. To have you be seen, but not heard. (Applause.) Below, watch and read the 44th president's full inspiring message and speech closing out the "Graduate . So if you hear people expressing bigoted views or talking down to those people, it is up to you to call them out because we wont solve anything. The world wont always see you in those caps and gowns. Read the full transcript of her speech here. Michelle Obama at City College of New York in 2016. So there will be times, just like for those Airmen, when you feel like folks look right past you, or they see just a fraction of who you really are. Those were the words spoken by first lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday to the graduates of King College Prep High School in Chicago's South Side. (Applause.) But I also hope you will knock on doors and make some calls to elect a President who shares your values. Let's let our graduates rest themselves. Maybe they dont even want to see you at all, but those people dont know your story. ), Are you planning to rally for marriage equality on the steps of the Supreme Court? Now, will this be easy? Instead, after he left the Army, he finished his education. A path, fortunately, more focused on meaning and service. Extend your content reach and maximize your engagement rates. (Laughter.) (Applause.). Now, yeah, it was satire, but if Im really being honest, it knocked me back a bit. Michelle Obama's speech came more than a year after the university's 260-piece band marched in the inaugural parade for her husband, the nation's first black president. So Booker T. Washington pawned his pocket watch to buy a kiln, and students used their bare hands to make bricks to build that dorm -- and a few other buildings along the way. (Applause.) Think about how just 10 years ago, gay marriage was legal in just one state in this countryjust oneand today, it is legal in 37 states and Washington, D.C. Speech Michelle Obama, the former first lady, was the keynote speaker on the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Transcribe Your Own Content Try Rev for free and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. Today, I want to suggest that if you truly wish to carry on the Oberlin legacy of service and social justice, then you need to run to, and not away from, the noise. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. See, this is my very last commencement address as First Lady of the United States. Sometimes its easy to stand with strangers that are protests than it is to challenge someone in your own backyard. He said that a takeoff was -- in his words -- a never-failing miracle where all the bumps would smooth off [youre] in the air out of this world free.. And my husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. Its okay if you dont understand exactly what youre feeling, were all sorting through this in real time. Youre here! Make your content more accessible to people with disabilities. If my generation did trust me, wed have fixed the whole of this long time ago, but that doesnt mean we should feel hopeless. I also want to tell you how proud and how moved I am to receive this honorary degree from this particular schoolthe first college in America to officially embrace the admission of black students, and the first co-ed school to grant bachelors degrees to women. Ask yourself, do you know where your polling place is? And most of all, youve got yourselves -- and all of the heart, and grit, and smarts that got you to this day. And your amazing salutatorian, Orubba Almansouri. (Applause.) A lot of us are reckoning with the most basic essence of who we are. And the answers to those questions have resulted in the woman who stands before you today. And most importantly, it couldnt hold me back. Look at where were gathered today. (Applause.) Thats whats always happened here at Tuskegee. (Applause.) (Applause.) (Laughter and applause.) Was he thrilled about that? First Lady Michelle Obama Commencement Speech 2015 click for pdf [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] Thank you all. The great moments of our history are not decades in our past; theyre happening right now, today, in our lifetimes. So by providing tutoring and ACT prep classes, financial aid workshops, and so much more, your Ninde Scholars Program stood out as a shining example of how schools like Oberlin can lift first-generation students into college. Ive seen you marching with peace and with purpose and that is why even in tough times like these, you continue to be what gives me hope. Mike Judge on crooked paths UCSD Commencement 2009: Mike Judge And all of this used to really get to me. Build great lives for yourselves. I had to answer some basic questions for myself: Who am I? They even threw prayer books at her as she tried to speak. Thats how we make progress for ourselves and for our country. You've got a long day ahead. (Applause.) Thats the only real currency in life. So go out there and make it happen. Michelle Obama: (11:51) It will be stressful and frustrating, and youll probably have to make some painful compromises along the way. Think about those elections in 2008 and 2012 when idealistic young people like all of you worked long hours for little money and less sleep, pounding the pavement for months, talking to folks about what was at stake. Michelle Obama: (01:02) How are you all doing? Youve worked hard for those seats! Love you all. Subscribe. For those of you who feel invisible, please know that your story matters, your ideas matter, your experiences matter, your vision for what our world can and should be matters. You see, in his speech to those Oberlin graduates 50 years ago, Dr. King urged them, as Julia said, not to sleep through the civil rights revolution that was raging across this country. Under Title 17 U.S.C. But, as potentially the first African American First Lady, I was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations; conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others. Now whats happening right now is the direct result of decades of unaddressed, prejudice, and inequality. Get a weekly digest of the weeks most important transcripts in your inbox. Are you sure? Maybe they just arrived here recently, determined to give you a better life. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose. (Applause.) You dont get to have no hands. Or when they opened your eyes to an injustice you never knew existed. But eventually, I realized that if I wanted to keep my sanity and not let others define me, there was only one thing I could do, and that was to have faith in Gods plan for me. Read his full commencement address here. Because we both know that you cannot fully achieve your goals of service and social justice if you turn away from politics and public policy. You may also be feeling some real anxiety about venturing out into the world beyond these walls. Because even if youre nervous or unsure about what path to take in the years ahead, I want you to realize that youve got everything you need right now to succeed. Over these past couple of months, our foundation has been shaken, not just by a pandemic that stole too many of our loved ones, up ended our daily lives and sent tens of millions into unemployment. SOAPStone Speaker: Michelle Obama Occasion: City College . That is your story, graduates, and that is the story of your families. Transcript of Michelle Obama's commencement address Chicago Tribune Jun 10, 2015 at 9:37 pm MRS. OBAMA: Wow! Everybody has got to vote when the time comes, but the activism that leads up to that day comes in many forms. So we need to invest in and strengthen our public universities today, and for generations to come. . First lady Michelle Obama gave a commencement speech at Tuskegee University's graduation ceremony Saturday in which she discussed the school's importance in African American history . Lets let our graduates rest themselves. (Laughter.) (Applause.). (Applause.) Some want to march right up in front, others prefer to stay back, some kneel in the pews, others on the street corner, some canvas their neighborhoods, others run for office. New York, New York, MRS. OBAMA: Wow! Let me just say a few thank yous. For others, it was the notion that Obama's speech, tied to the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. . Or when they helped you with a question that you couldnt have possibly answered on your own. (Applause.) ), I also want to take a moment on this Memorial Day to pay tribute to all of the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that we could sit here today, at peace, with rights and freedoms that others around the world can only dream of. And, graduates, I really want you all to know that there is a reason why, of all of the colleges and universities in this country, I chose this particular school in this particular city for this special moment. MRS. OBAMA: Well, goodness. First Lady Michelle Obama addresses the class of 2015. And you look good. (Laughter and applause.) (Applause.) But I have traveled the world and seeing the governments and people in so many other countries. So dont ever, ever let anyone tell you that youre too angry or that you should keep your mouth shut. If anybody is wondering about the quality of education, just listening to those two speakers lets you know whats happening here. So Im here today because Im proud of you all. This is it. Just look at the story of Oberlin College. (Applause.) Ask your friends, your family, ask everyone you see in your neighborhood. And I want you to consider this as a public service announcement for anyone who hasnt bought the flowers or the cards or the gifts yet -- all right? I cant wait to see how high you soar. Former First Lady Michelle Obama, YouTube's Dear Class of 2020 --"Deep and . I want you to act with both your mind, but also your heart. But in every election at every level, all of the time. Some of you have been homeless. Dont deprive yourselves of all that. And I want to be very clear: Every city ordinance, every ballot measure, every law on the books in this countrythat is your concern. Next, Ive always felt a deep sense of obligation to make the biggest impact possible with this incredible platform. Was I too loud, or too angry, or too emasculating? They knew that our policies matter. So as you prepare for the next stage of what I know will be a remarkable journey, I'll leave you with a few quick pieces of . I want you all to stay true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves. I felt it most profoundly when my father and my best friend died within a year of each other. And I have to join in recognizing all the folks up in the stands -- the parents, siblings, friends -- (applause) -- so many others who have poured their love and support into these graduates every step of the way. (Applause.) Sponsors. So, graduates, thats what I want for all of you. And he knew that he was taking to the skies for them -- to give them and their children something more to hope for, something to aspire to. And in so many ways, that never-failing miracle -- the constant work to rise above the bumps in our path to greater freedom for our brothers and sisters -- that has always been the story of African Americans here at Tuskegee. So, again, Im proud of you all. Surely their kids could go to school together. And as so often as the case, these questions compound upon themselves, see if youre struggling already just to keep your head above water. And Eric was taken from us far too soon. But if you hold strong with the same faith that carried all of those giants before you toward real measurable progress, you will change the course of history. I've been watching! MRS. OBAMA: Thank you all. This is an important time of transition in light of the current state of our country. So if you want to change their minds, if you want to work with them to move this country forward, you cant just shut them out. They answered your late-night phone calls even when you were just calling for money. Michelle Obama: (15:17) They seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained rather than as a resource to be tapped. (Applause.) Thank you all. But I also worked to ensure that my efforts would resonate with kids and families -- and that meant doing things in a creative and unconventional way. (Applause.) What Michelle Obama's commencement speech at the Santa Fe Indian School says about the importance of self-determination in education. We want everything right awaywhether its an Uber or your favorite TV showand we want it tailored to our exact preferences and beliefs. Convert your audio or video into 99% accurate text by a professional. But trust me, graduates that kind of life catches up to you. The founders of this school didnt just decide to admit women and African American students and then pat themselves on the back and say job well done. No, even in those early days, folks here at Oberlin were attending anti-slavery meetings, shivering on rough wooden benches in unheated, unfinished buildings. And I decided to tackle them in the way that felt most authentic to me -- in a way that was both substantive and strategic, but also fun and, hopefully, inspiring. The two-hour event, "Show Me Your. No, not when many young people just like you -- the men and women we honor this Memorial Dayhave sacrificed their lives for your freedom to make your voice heard. They sat down with leaders they disagreed with because they knew that if they wanted their vision to be made real, it needed to be made law. But that experience gave me a kind of clarity with everything and pieces around me, I had to forge a new path. I can tell you that our democracy is sturdy and yes, it still works, but it doesnt work if you silence yourselves. (Applause. As the President eloquently said, at this school, you represent more than 150 nationalities. Think about those students who made bricks with their bare hands. It is such a -- you all, rest yourselves. He was a Hungarian immigrant whose harrowing escape from Nazism and communism shaped both his talent for business and his commitment to philanthropy. And finally, most of all, I want to congratulate the Oberlin Class of 2015! So I took on issues that were personal to me -- issues like helping families raise healthier kids, honoring the incredible military families Id met on the campaign trail, inspiring our young people to value their education and finish college. What do I care about? (Applause.) (Applause.) There Is Nothing New Under the Sun Writing on the Wall Transcript of Michelle Obama s commencement address June 10th, 2015 - Michelle Obama returns to her South Side home to deliver the commencement bespoke.cityam.com 1 / 10 Let me start, of course, by thanking President Coico for that wonderful introduction, for her leadership here at City College, for this honorary degree. Staying up late writing those papers, studying for exams. May 11, 2015. It teaches us that when we pull ourselves out of those lowest emotional depths, and we channel our frustrations into studying and organizing and banding together -- then we can build ourselves and our communities up. (Applause.) (Applause.) But in the end, FDR realized that 60 percent was a whole lot better than zero percent. No, here in America, we dont let our differences tear us apart. You all, I mean, this has been the most fun I think I've had at a commencement ever. And I think this was the perfect place to be, because this is my last chance to share my love and admiration, and hopefully a little bit of wisdom with a graduating class. But heres the thing, while this period is certainly unprecedented, it is not a complete anomaly, simply some random coincidence to be dismissed. One of those first pilots, a man named Charles DeBow, put it this way. It is an honor to be here with you to help celebrate this amazing milestone in your lives. In fact, I think Dr. Martin Luther King described it well in his commencement address in 65 when he declared, Today you bid farewell to the safe security of the academic environment. I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values -- and follow my own moral compass -- then the only expectations I need to live up to are my own. Look, Ive been there many times in my life. The tough part is nobody has all the answers. As he mentioned, my office did this wonderful competition to highlight colleges that are helping underserved young people graduate from high school and then go on to higher education. Recently . So I just want to take it all in. (Applause.) In an impassioned speech to the graduating class of 2020, former First Lady Michelle Obama wished to speak to young adults as a mentor, mother and citizen who's concerned for their future. And finally, think about how even with all the gridlock and polarization in Washington, we have made so much change these past six years: 12 million new jobs. You have to persuade them, and you have to compromise with them. It didnt change who I was. CNN Read former first lady Michelle Obama's speech from the 2020 Democratic National Convention, as prepared for delivery: Good evening, everyone. (Applause.). Not an excuse. Then there was the first time I was on a magazine cover -- it was a cartoon drawing of me with a huge afro and machine gun. Instead, make a decision to use your privilege and your voice for the things that really matter, which is my third lesson today, to share that voice with the rest of the world. Now, some folks criticized my choices for not being bold enough. They act as if name-calling is an acceptable substitute for thoughtful debate, as if anger and intolerance should be our default state rather than the optimism and openness that have always been the engine of our progress. Its you. God bless you, graduates. (Laughter and applause.) Thank you. The story of Tuskegee is full of stories like theirs -- men and women who came to this city, seized their own futures, and wound up shaping the arc of history for African Americans and all Americans. Those Airmen who rose above brutal discrimination -- they did it so the whole world could see just how high black folks could soar. Heres the thing, you have the opportunity to learn these valuable lessons faster than the generations before you. Search over 350 speeches by name,. Former President Barack Obama gave the virtual commencement address at a ceremony for graduates of historically black colleges and universities on Saturday. (Laughter.). I believe in you all. I did some Mom Dancing on TV. They didnt just give up and retreat to the comfortable company of like-minded folks, because they understood that this is how democracy operates. King's Arkansas speech came a year after federal troops protected nine black students attending all-white Little Rock Central High School. First lady Michelle Obama delivers. 1. You will feel the bumps smooth off. So, graduates, with your glorious diversity, with your remarkable accomplishments and your deep commitment to your communities, you all embody the very purpose of this schools founding. Obama spoke . Section 107, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Full Transcript of Michelle Obama's D.N.C. Because talent and effort combined with our various backgrounds and life experiences has always been the lifeblood of our singular American genius. Former President Barack Obama spoke Saturday at "Graduate Together: High School Class of 2020 Commencement," an event organized by XQ Institute, a think tank that works with schools, in. Meet the change Inside Takes on the Latest Stories . I understand he was such a talented young man, a promising aerospace engineer who was well on his way to achieving his dream of following in the footsteps of the Tuskegee Airmen. Thank you -- thank you so much for this warm welcome, this tremendous hospitality. Just the opposite, because what we finally do have is focus. Because in the end, they understood, as the political scientist Joseph Nye once said, that The absolutist may avoid the problem of dirty hands, but often at the cost of having no hands at all.. Democracy operates Speeches first Lady on Friday to thousands graduating from the City College of Arts and Sciences and answers! At a ceremony for graduates of historically black colleges and universities on Saturday Laura... 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