cardboard palm vs coontie

Of the ten plants I purchased last summer, six have suffered this "sudden death", all at different times. This group also includes the sago (King and Queen) and cardboard palms. 3. According to a new study, they've probably been around unchanged for a Drought tolerance: ZZ is very drought tolerant, although leaf drop may occur (see Outdoor Cultivation below). The order consists of three extant (not extinct) familiesCycadaceae, Stangeriaceae, and Zamiaceaewhich contain 10-11 genera and about 310 species. I have 3 cardboard palms in my backyard. Because it grows very slowly, it can take several years to reach its full size. You made one of my Christmas wishes come true! Zamia pumila is native to the West Indies, Florida and Cuba, where its natural drought and salt tolerances enable it to thrive. Coonties do not require, essentially, any watering once they have been well-established. Even very young sago palms are toxic enough to cause death in dogs. Therefore, it is important to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets. Coontie is a very hardy, slow-growing cycad that works well as a superb, low-maintenance shrub. Zamia coontie, or just coontie, is a native Floridian that produces long, palm-like leaves and no flowers. Soil preference: ZZ is tolerant of a variety of well-drained soil types. About 2 months ago I noticed my roses were not putting out new buds. Tapioca pearls are made from the root of the cassava plant ( Manihot esculenta ). During drought conditions, leaflets and the upper portion of the petiole (i.e., rachis) fall off, leaving the swollen petiole base to tide the plant over until the next irrigation or rain. I would gladly swap you cardboard palms for coontie's. They will be sticky, so clean them, spread them on the ground, and cover them lightly with soil. They are even in the median in DeLeon Springs and they get mowed down every year. It takes them a while to get tall, but in a few years they can be three to four feet across. Fill it with equal parts of sand and sphagnum peat moss, pour water over it until it is drenched and allow the pot to drain completely. It works well as a transition plant near larger specimens. Coontie, Arrowroot Zamiaceae. Plant in a well-drained area, since cycad plants don't like "wet feet." Fertilize in spring, summer and fall with a slow-release, granular palm fertilizer. continents broke apart. The plants will quickly recover. I am sure they would grown just fine in Mississippi, Wow! The plant pictured is in the ground about 2 weeks. A cardboard palm can grow 5 feet tall and wide, though it takes many years. Regarding the growth rate, these are slow-growing plants. They can both be treated with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. In order to increase your chances of getting a true native coontie I would suggest going to a native plant nursery to buy coonties if there is such a nursery near you. Although not a true palm, its growth habit is superficially similar to a palm. Art, You have D-mail, Art. They have a majour problem keeping their promises out here. For more information on the cardboard plant, contact your county Extension office. Well, today I drove to the local convenience store and for the first time I saw the beautiful coonties growing along the side of the building. Give us more info about your soil, watering, etc. Pests: No diseases or pests are problematic on this plant. Cardboard palm is highly susceptible to Florida red plant scale, which can kill the plant if not treated. Not sure you would call it "in the wild", but some of the older houses/gardens in deland have huge amounts of it. CARDBOARD palm, Zamia Furfuracea cycad live plant tree | eBay People who viewed this item also viewed ZAMIA FLORIDANA coontie palm florida native cycad tree palms plant seed 25 seeds Sponsored $19.95 Free shipping Zamia Furfuracea, CARDBOARD palm sago cycad plant tree mexican seed - 10 seeds $8.99 Free shipping Cycad - Zamia angustfolia $12.00 Just 2 seeds can make your pet sick and 4 seeds can already be deadly. our special plants. These plants will grow very fast. Read in the PlantFiles about the seed's toxicity for dogs. The meaning of COONTIE is any of several tropical American woody cycads (genus Zamia) whose roots and stems yield a starchy foodstuff called also arrowroot. Jeremy, I didn't know that about the Coontie Palm, Jeremy. edule are extremely beautiful - and sadly underused in home landscapes. Some cycads stay low to the ground all their lives. The plant it 20 years old. Thanks Nancy, for making my holiday wish come true with a surprise package of cardboard palms, including one nice mature big guy that looks right at home in the prominent spot that I gave it in my garden! Do you water or irrigate? In lower areas, wet areas, or places that have clay or rock under the ground it is best to mound up the bed first and then plant plants like this.Another aspect of these plants is that if the ecotype that naturally grows in the shade, like most of the wide leaflet types and you grow it in all day full sun, the leaves will start looking bad towards the end of the season. The male cone of the Coontie palm is short and slender while the female cone is oval-shaped and covered in velvety fur. No one knew which way is the correct way. Dominic, V. J.; Joseph, Joy P. - Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Volume: 7 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 187-190 Published: SEP-DEC 2006 4. Today they're Leaves pubescent to glabrate; petiole and rachis prickly; leaflets mostly 2-4 cm wide; peduncle subequal to the seed cone. Just the Facts, Actaea Simplex Brunette: Growth and Care Guide. It is tolerant of drought and salt spray and can even grow in poor, sandy soil. Small Shrubs. Chris, I've had success with overwintering plants the heighth of cardboard palms in the ground with a hefty, heavy mulch of hay. The plant will thrive for some months, then within a period of a few days will suddenly collapse, turn brown and die. You are now watering a plant that doesn't want too much moisture already and with no leaves, it can not respirate to take away the extra moisture and it can rot.Another possibility that someone else already mentioned, and I should have mentioned first, if you have bad drainage and water at all, then a cycad like this will rot sure enough. Your cycad is indeed a coontie. I am not into telling people in public forums any exact location of any cycad species in the wild. Pests/Diseases: Florida red scale and hemispherical scales cause yellow patches on leaves. Cardboard cycad is very low-maintenance when given the right amount of bright light and room to grow. Robinia pseudoacacia (2 n =20) The black locust (or false acacia) is widely naturalized throughout North America, where the borer Megacyllene robiniae has restricted commercial plantings to erosion control, land stabilization, and as postwood. A slow-growing, low-maintenance plant, Coontie Palms prefer full sun to partial shade. This plant is mainly propagated by seeds. Coontie is perfect for woodland and shady gardens where it provides rich evergreen backdrop for flowering species all year long. I imagine that this is why cycadjungle will not list where he's seen them growing. One of the main reasons why it's hard to find coonties growing in the wild is because they have been badly commercially exploited meaning irresponsible people have gone out and dug them up from the wild in order to sell them. Likewise, the plant doesnt require frequent grooming, with dying leaves being removed as needed. The fronds of cardboard plant can grow to 3 feet long with up to twelve pairs of stiff, leathery, dark green leaflets. Note: The seeds contain toxins that are poisonous to animals and people if ingested. They are planted in full sun and in a well-drained location. produce their own cones. Male cones (strobilus) of coontie are thinner and shorter than . Is your soil well-draining or constantly wet? It is nodulated by both Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium bacteria and can become weedy. I have ummm say 100 seedlings of coontie so far and maybe 20-30 cardboards and more pop up all the time. Premendo su "Accetta", acconsento all'utilizzo dei cookie, descritto ulteriormente nell'Informativa sui cookie. Fairly quickly they began to die back. Sagos are now available for sale again, and reputable nurseries will Once the second set of true leaves have appeared, and the roots are robust, the plant may be transferred to a pot. Growing Conditions: Low maintenance and easy to grow. Growing Zone: USA: 8 to 11; UK Hardiness H1 - Under glass / outdoors in containers in the summer. Creates a tropical affect when planted by the trunks of pine trees in woodland settings. Prepare a planting pot for the coontie seeds. In fact,New River in Ft. Lauderdale was known by the Seminoles as "coontie hatchee" because the whole area was covered in coontie. Coontie. Posted: June 11, 2017. Exactly same story here: Sudden Death within weeks. I planted my seeds under the banana tree on top of the soil and then threw an extra helping of mulch and leaves on the seeds and they pop up pretty qucik, for coonties that is. However, for those who wish to help with propagation, first remove offsets and transplant them into pots away from mother plants; as the parent plant emits a chemical that eliminates competing seedlings. Getting to its maximum of 10 feet can take as long as 50 years. clusia, cocoplum, crown of thorns, yucca, and triangle palm. I mow over them and they come right back. The leaves grow out of a thick, fleshy trunk that serves as a reservoir in times of drought. The native cycad is also the larvae of the uncommon Atala butterfly's main feeding source. Select a discolored, dead, dry or broken leaf on the coontie palm plant and grasp it in one hand. Sago palms are often called cardboard palms, fern palms and coontie palms. I just leave the aquarium in the garden during the warm months and set a potted plant on top of it. grazed on them. Collect your coontie seeds in April. Mealybugs are tiny white pests that feed on the sap of plants. First of all, I have found a few ecotypes, like the one from Dade county and the ones growing around Fanning Springs to be naturally deciduous. Do coonties have a short life span? Leaflets along the petiole are arranged alternately. In young plants the stem is bulb-like, but develops into a stem or trunk as it grows older. I would like to get this swap done quickly as I want to have the Coonties in the ground by the end of January. Check out the other Zamia - Cardboard palm. Water regularly but let them dry out between waterings. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. S & J Nursery's Coontie Palms store water that can be utilized by the plant during . Native Americans processed the large underground roots of coontie into a starchy flour. See below Description Florida Arrowroot is a low-growing woody plant in the cycad family and is native to Florida. Keep these tips in mind, Are keepsakes cluttering your space and your life? As with many plants, the amount of watering will vary depending on the time of year. The cardboard palm was also introduced to Florida, where it . These make excellent container plants because they grow so slowly. I suppose Coontie "palm" should be handled by professionals only. Cycads are often mistaken for palms, but are in fact only distantly related. Propagation of zamia plant is very difficult as the seeds have a short viability period, and you may not know the sex of the plant upon purchasing. All parts of the sago palm plant are toxic, but the seeds are the deadliest, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. Jeremy, The coontie is host for the Atala butterfly. Art Constantino (artcons). Remove the soil from the plant and lift it out of the pot. I agree about plopping down $20 for a plant you are not sure will work for you (or for just about any plant unless it is something I think that I've gotta have or can't face another day -- which turns out to be how I feel about most plants . LOL). There are more than 200 cycad species. I just buried the seeds about 4 inches deep, with the orange "fruit" intact, and forgot about them. Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day), Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours). This is a Florida native plant and, of course, grows best in this state. As the trunk is used to store water, allow the top inch of soil to dry out before needing to water again. 1-2 seeds can be fatal, Glycoside, Cycasin, B-methylamino-l-alanine, unidentified neurotoxin (cattle). This should be interesting reading for any native Florida person. areas. You shouldn't have any trouble growing them in Mississippi. Pests: No diseases or pests are an issue for this plant. One downside to this plant is that it is dangerous both to humans and animals. The temperature range for germination is at least 65 F. (18 C.), but growing cardboard palms from seed is a finicky business. Good luck with all of your new babies!! I have coonties that have only grown two new fronds in a year. Download the PDF, MOBI (Kindle), and ePub (E-readers / iPad) files, and get a $1.00 discount. Avoid saline or alkaline conditions. The most commonly used varieties are coontie palm (zamia pumila) and cardboard palm (zamia furfuracea) - pictured below - partly because they're two of the smaller cycad varieties. Zamia augustifolia, Florida native, Cardboard palm gets it's name from its tough, hard leaves. Jeremy, Looks like everyone got their seeds and swaps taken care of. Common name (s): coontie. tropical plants mail I will swap one for one. How long does it take for a coontie palm to germinate? You may be interested in receiving great tropical plants mail However, we don't advise you to risk planting them in full shade. The inflorescence appears just above the soil level and consists of a green spathe enclosing a fleshy spadix. No sign of the Atala Hairstreak butterfly. The leaves grow out of a thick, fleshy trunk that serves as a reservoir in times of drought. The handful of seeds I harvested from one of these Coonties at the Public Library will now get buried several inches and will see when they come up. I'm so happy!!! A frost last year wiped out all vegetation on 100,000 Plants and they came back in spring 99.9%Some folks water and bring on root rot.Don't forget we are dealing with a Conifer, not a palm.Zamia Floridana/Pumia is a fantastic and hardy plant.I know, I look out at millions every single day! [7] King sago palm in Humble, Texas. But I have no other ideas. Oh well, after all that's why I planted it, for the butterflies which were almost extinct. Looked up Coontie Palm in PlantFiles and yes! Appear on separate male and female plants. Really like the looks of this and the Cardboard Palm plant. That side of the Coontie is not returning, altho the other side has all it's beautiful new green leaves. order. The trunk is also where the unique looking reproductive structures arise. The popular sago palm enhances outdoor landscapes in warmer areas of the U.S. and serves as indoor decor across the country. It has a wealth of great information! Highly drought tolerant, this Zamia is often used in xeriscape plantings, Folks also love the look of the red seeds we see mature around February in South Florida. Cardboard palm has no distinguishing fragrance and produces a cone instead of flowers. (I see you are 9a) For general maps on east coast and west coast distribution and a little more info, I wrote an article about 10 years ago on some of the different types of coonties. of the Year by the Florida Nursery Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA). Perhaps conditions in the first two years are key to the survival of a newly planted specimen. My email name is artcons so you will know its from me. I have never watered or fertilized them. At LOWE'S there were some with the round "root/body" (?) (I am included, you couldn't get me to live anywhere else) Ideal temperatures range from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (15 24 C), although the plant can survive around 15 degrees Fahrenheit beyond this. It's one tough cookie - perfect for dry areas, cold tolerant, not choosy as to light - yet it provides an appealing fine-textured look. Looking like a cross between a small palm and a big fern, cycads play an I will dig up so you will have a decent one to start with. Although many of the plants I have are Florida "weeds" or Florida Wildflowers. This living fossil hails from the Zamiaceae family. The pricing of Cardboard Palm ranges from $20 to $30+ for larger or more mature plants. Feed the plant using general palm food or slow-release fertilizer. I would not remove it from the wild, but I would not buy another one either. Knock away any remaining soil to ensure the roots will get fresh food. It is also resistant to most pests and diseases. Jeremy, Jeremy, the Coonties are much slower growers than the Cardboard palms. Art, Hey Jeremy, This plant does not actually require a lot of fertilizer but you can give it a boost every spring and fall. Fertilizer requirements: Apply a well-balanced, slow-release pelletized fertilizer according to manufacturer recommendations during the warm growing season. Each 20 to 59 inch leaf holds 6 to 12 stiff blue-green fuzzy leaflet pairs measuring roughly 3 to 8 inches long and 1 to 2 inches wide. They dominated the earth then, but are now endangered. They are about the most hardy plants I know of. Just remember to be extra careful as these seeds are highly toxic. 14 June 2018 Sago palms, also known as cycads, cardboard palms, fern palms and coontie plants, . I have a few 2nd or 3rd year seedlings that are only now getting past the one or two leaf stage, and quite a few of the 1st year seedlings. Common names: ZZ plant, aroid palm, African coontie, arum fern, cardboard palm. Plant family: Araceae (the aroid family) It says: the atala larvae inflict only minimal and temporary damage to the coontie plant. This message was edited Dec 16, 2005 4:21 PM, Hey, soozer. I couldn't believe how big your cardboard palm was. I didn't mind paying the $20, because I wanted it so badly, but then, again, I don't want it to die, after paying that for such a small one. But for some reason the cardboard didnt like it. Any ideas out there would be much appreciated! My oldest and largest clump is my original plant. They like to be dry and love our sandy soil. I am working on that in micropropagation. Insects usually perform pollination. Trunks can branch several times, thus producing multiple heads of leaves. BotanyGuy, I am probably being greedy with all the wish-come-true cardboard palms I've received or am about to receive from DG friends, but I do love the plants and will take just about all I can get. I'll send you an E-mail. I will have to go out now and buy some more :). Sometimes called "Coontie Palm," this is not actually a palm but a palm-like cycad plant. Flowering occurs on mature plants during spring and early summer. Sugar Cane vs. Bamboo: Which is Right for Your Garden? Jacksonville, Florida, where I and BotanyGuy are located, is Zone 8b/9a borderline. If a small stemmed cycad, like a small coontie, can do something that looks like imploding. If you were to e-mail me and tell me where you live, I could probably tell you the closest plants that I know of in your particular area. Cardboard palms are slow growing with similar growth habits to palms. Dehydration sets in rapidly soon after ingestion. I lost a bigger one during a freeze in Titusville once, and it never came back, it didnt hurt the coonties or sagos. Temperature preference: Warm, tropical 65F90F. Cardboard palms on the other hand are common down here are almost considered a nusiance plant. Kept in an original pot for a couple weeks, did fine, then planted in the ground in spring. It grew slow for me, but is now about 8" tall x 6' wide. Inches deep, with dying leaves being removed as needed leathery, dark green leaflets, crown thorns... And your life are thinner and shorter than cardboard palm vs coontie lightly with soil Florida, where it luck! N'T get me to live anywhere else ) http: //, do not require, essentially, any once. 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