Support Me | Sunfire (and bunch of similar spells): removed lingering sound effect on impact location --- credits to Fornication for hints; R-SSL: fixed scripting issue which could lead to inability to incrase skill levels (apart from spam-click); Campfire: fixed broken menu, buttons are no longer shifted; Campfire: backpacks with divine amulets integrated into R-IDB, diverged bonuses adjusted and curses added (no greater blessing this way); LotD: backpacks carry weight increased by a bit - to compensate lack of divine bonuses and justify alternative bulkier looks; R-EG: fixed dozen of spell books with improper school covers; R-IDB: fixed Talos blessing bonus for destroy DB being dependant on random event (which gives own bonus anyway); FONTS: thrown away a few fonts due to bad readability. You can just remove the MO2 folder and be done with it. When posting to the Discord, make sure you have followed these steps first: Look at the Pinned messages because your question might be answered there. I downloaded Serenity 2 off Wabbajack. Serenity 2 v1.6.3 Build at: 29.01.2022 11:00 Info: Download Size change: 0.1GB (68.35GB) Install Size change: -4.71GB (92.4GB 97.11GB) Mod Changes: Added optional Ultra Widescreen Patch for Forget Spell (1.0) Added optional Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI 2.2 and 5.2 SE (2.0) Added Unofficial performance optimized textures (v9) Usually the modlist just needs to be updated. Poor behaviour reflects on the community as a whole and impacts how Wabbajack is perceived and treated by the wider modding community which in turn undermines the entire point of Wabbajack to make modding more accessible and open to everyone. You signed in with another tab or window. Auriel's Dream - A Skyrim VR overhaul guide, Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch, Realistic AI Detection SE better sneaking, Know Your Enemy - Trait-based resistances and weaknesses, RAM: 32 GB (Or 16GB with a 20GB windows page file), CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ, 4 cores at 2.80 GHz, Choose: Properties >> Local Files >> Browse . forgot to mention Ebony Warrior XP now unique and corresponds his level. August 2022 Update: After all the updates I did to the website in June, I was burnt out and went back to ESO for a bit. ### Setup VRIK. Support will only be provided in the relevant channels on this server. Order my items]( You can now order ingredients from alchemy shops and ores from blacksmiths. A few inconsistencies with VIGILANT and 3DNPC perks were fixed. I highly recommend uninstalling the game through Steam, deleting the game folder and reinstalling it. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. I really like the different mods that are set for it overall. Do Not Go Gentle - A Requiem Wabbajack List Resources Page at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community Do Not Go Gentle is designed as Requiem modlist with Bruma, Wyrmstooth, VIGILANT, and lots of other additions to extend the life of your character playthrough. This will then contain all the necessary files such as SKSE, ENB Binaries, Reshade Binaries and mod required dlls such as Engine Fixes. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests]( If you do quests from the tavern keepers (Im looking for work) you now get both gold and perk points. Overhauled the readme. All support queries should be directed to the appropriate channel in this server. I recommend re-running Wabbajack before posting anything. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Serenity 2++ by Minotaur21 TESV Skyrim SE Serenity 2 Modlist (by Xansa, installed via Wabbajack) which uses Requiem 4.0.2 for SSE + Assorted Animations, Quests, Tweaks, and QOL mods. TSO is my favorite list on Wabbajack so far. Pick up books simple]( You will no longer read a book before picking it up. Its your game, your modlist, your computer and I cannot stop you. There is no Lydia on Discord; no one there has sworn to carry your burdens, so be polite and show your gratitude for all the hard work that has gone into these modlists. The 2Handed Bound weapons are still apprentice level, Download Size change: -90MB (Total: 58.8GB), Install Size change: -565.8MB (Total: 80.3GB), Fixed Markarth Heavy guards using Riften's chestplate, Nerfed a few LOTD items, Cyrus Sabre no longer 100% chance to stagger, now its 25%, Regenerated Facegen for Vampire Collection, Download Size change: 4.1GB (Total: 58.7GB), Install Size change: 13.5GB (Total: 79.7GB), XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE v4.80, Unplayable Faction Armors - VIGILANT Voiced English Addon Patch v1.3, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion v5.0.1, VIGILANT SE - Removed until I can update the Requiem Patch properly, Wyrmstooth - The ending gets really broken (weathers, nonstop meteors, dragons) and the broken-ness tends to carry on until forever in some cases, may be back soon, Fixed Bloodthorn not using Immersive Divine Blessing's stats and enchantment count. The same goes for Enhancements or Feature/Mod Requests, and you can have a look at TODO. Use of pirated content and/or unauthorised redistribution of content will result in a permanent ban. You can make a character, start up Requiem and Curator's Companion and start the game straight away without configuring menus for 5-15 minutes. Due to a variety of reasons, sometimes the lists are down for maintenance; look for pertinent information on the Wabbajack Discord, or the specific lists Discord. i am late to the party but i recently recommended this list to a friend and he's using my old setup, a i7 2600k, 8gigs of ddr3 ram (yes, the old one) and the amd r9 390. Click on Browse Modlists, and download Auriel's Dream from the gallery. The focus is to stay close to vanilla while improving the visual experience to next levels. Have you or someone you loved been afflicted with any of the following: You no longer have to continue playing Vanilla Skyrim! For example, [NoDelete] Khinara Jade SE - RaceMenu Preset such mod will not be deleted by Wabbajack overwrite/upgrade. Missives has been extended to Solstheim as well as Wyrmstooth. I know that the leveling system is setup differently than vanilla skyrim. Plus it wasn't working well with requiem's follower lockpicking stuff, Obsidian Mountain Fogs - Not needed with Obsidian Weathers, PrivateProfileRedirector SE - Faster game start (INI file cacher) - This seems to affect ENBs and making their weathers not update, Realistic Aspen Trees - Replaced with Aspens Ablaze, Realistic Water Two - Replaced with Water for ENB, Real Rain - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Requiem - Illusion Redone - Conflicts with the new Expanded Grimoire Update, Both Mace and Sword of the Crusader is no longer treated as daedric. Practice self restraint or use an OP follower but don't ask me why things are too easy if you do, [Xanza] Adjusted Necromancer Amulet's base magicka requirements back to 150 from 300 (wtf IDB), [Xanza] Tweaked shrine blessings to ignore crime stats. Remember that you might have to downgrade your Skyrim to Special Edition, if you have updated it to Anniversary Edition. It uses Requiem 4.0.2 converted to Skyrim Special Edition and has minor and some major tweaks to the core Requiem experience that aims to enhance longevity and replayability while keeping the game fair, balanced and looking great. Once you get the game loaded, you will need to set up the MCM. A list of modern combat mods, vanilla qu Included a noteworthy mods section, added new MCM options. Some of these settings are to prevent bugs, some are to make sure that all the mods installed play well together, and some are pure user-preference. Darkvision/ENB - 50% magnitude replaced with reduced duration, which elevated by empower. and Vampire/Forsworn missives fixes. There is a link to the gallery page on Wabbajack and a download button. Once you have finished the final steps, you should be able to start the game up and actually start playing. You tell it where all your directories are. Wabbajack will continue where it left off so you lose no progress. All Weapons and Armors should now be at requiem levels. Consider supporting this amazing tool that has literally changed the modding game: Brief How-To (This is nearly identical to the information found in the Wabbajack section of the Beginner's Guide), Animonculory Visual Overhaul Anniversary Edition. This should fix the cases where you have types of water that can't be used, Download Size change: -304.5MB (Total: 63.9GB), Install Size change: -713.6MB (Total: 91.2GB), Fixed Bound weapons from Expanded Grimoire not having infusion effects, Incorporated some Expanded Grimorie tweaks for infusion by Esvs, Download Size change: -1.1GB (Total: 63.6GB), Install Size change: -2.1GB (Total: 90.5GB), Adjusted recipe for Blackened Hood and Cowl. There are two solutions to this. Don't even ask why. Download the x64 version under "Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019". This is an ultimate fix. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. If a mod updated and the old files got deleted, it is impossible to download them. He'll level alongside you and avoid most traps. Duplicated Nords shall be fixed - playable races cloning won't happen ever again; Supposedly game-save compatible unless certain Nord race has been picked. It might not be obvious which are which, so until you are comfortable, I recommend using the suggested settings. Put it somewhere easy like, If you run into any issues see the next section. He can run out of arrows. This usually is set to above 100% when using very large (32 inch++) sized monitors and TVs. SERENITY - Skyrim SE Modlist - Showcase & Review DroppedIceCream 10.5K subscribers Subscribe 958 38K views 1 year ago Serenity links: Serenity Wabbajack:. Should help a bit with load times, Should have Fixed 3DNPC Quest Azzarian's Gold from breaking due to Vigilant, Swapped ENB back to Rudy. A Mercenary from Hammerfell tracks a clan of vampires to Skyrim. (List last updated August 2, 2022). Remember! I doubt you need to do this since you likely already have this installed. The package is required for MO2 and you can download it from Microsoft. I highly recommend playing the game in English and I will not give support to people with a non-English game. Immersive, but can be buggy. Serenity 2 - Teaser | Wabbajack Modlist | Requiem Cashtro 304 subscribers 13K views 1 year ago Serenity 2 is an extensive modlist based on Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul for Skyrim. First off, I check the Discord to see if the list is down; sometimes they take them down to update, but they usually are back up in a few days if not hours. You must activate the the "00 Essential Files" option. Wabbajack is a program that automates the installation of these mega-guides. And then you go to sleep.. Let me know how it goes. NECR: Multiple notification upon character creation shall be fixed. I like my additional shit added onto it, Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion v2.1.2, Honed Metal (Temporarily removed due to a repeatable unsolvable crash). Please head over to Widescreen optional section and pick and match mods for your resolution.*. You can already break this by having Lucien and Inigo. SteamVR - This is on by default, necessary if you run the game via SteamVR. Serenity 2 is a Skyrim SE modlist found on Wabbajack that aims to bring a fresh Requiem experience to the table. You can always tweak as you play. Overall it will be the same in the end. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. ENB Night Eye fix: included proper ini which should resolve the issue, added steps to README for when ENB is disabled. Test at your own risk. Discord | If you're not a fan of this, just disable it in the MCM option. All modlists show a download size and installation size when you hover over them. * Note, you can preserve character presets (and even modifications) by adding [NoDelete] tag to your mod. Replaced with Ljoss, Skyrim SE v1.5.73 Shader Bundle - Not needed with new ENBSeries, Windhelm Bridge Tweaks- Crashes when walking towards windhelm from Riften, Addressed issue with Companions not sending you on other quests (Farkas only sending you to clear out areas and not doing hired muscle as an example), Removed Honed Metal from Miscellaneous Merged as it wasn't working properly, Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild REQUIREMENTS ONLY Version, Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild - Swapped to Requirements only version to let Minor Arcana handle the rest, Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn Salt and Wind Textures, Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer v1.6.1, cookeh's conditional and random animations - CCARA DAR v2.0.5, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion v1.1.1, Rustic Dragon Corpse - Swapped to 4K version, Cresty's Distant Mists - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Fences of Skyrim - No more flickering fences - Replaced with SD Farmhouse Fences LE, LOTD Museum Shipment Crates Patch - Apparently addressed in LOTD update, Marvelous Mudcrabs - Apparently they can reach much farther than intended, Obsidian Weathers- Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Obsidian Weathers - True Storms Compatibility - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Obsidian Weathers - VIGILANT Integration - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Obsidian Weathers MCM - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Salty Slaughterfish - They're too huge and can be easily cheesed when they're not in the water, Smooth Sky Mesh - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, True Storms - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Tyrannical Trolls - Can get stuck in tight places, Unofficial Performance Optimized Textures - Replaced with Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures, Better Stealing now only works up to 200 gold compared to 500. These are Modlists, NOT Modpacks! Created a new LOTD Consistency Patch. All my balance tweaks are meant for at most 1 follower. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. To replace the ENB installed, delete the enbcache folder, enbseries folder, enbseries.ini and replace those with the new ENB. While it helps balance, I don't want people going to mod authors asking them why their mod is broken for a change that I made. Common Clothes (by FranklinZunge for SSE) (Bodyslide Files), Improved Weapon Effects CORRECT Metal - Immersive Sounds Patch, Make Non-Exploitable Crossbow Slow Again For Requiem SSE, Quests are in Skyrim - Even Better Quest Objectives Patch, Requiem - Blackened Steel Armour and Weapon Set v4.0.0, Requiem - Expanded Skyrim Weaponry v4.0.0, Requiem - Nordwars Race Armor Expansion v4.0.0, Requiem - Unplayable Faction Armor v4.0.0, aMidianBorn Blades armor SSE Patch - Not needed anymore, aMidianborn Book of Silence - Armors - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, Apophosis Dragon Priest Marks - Swapped with Mask of the Dovah Sonaak, Bijin - Optimized Mesh Resource - Not needed anymore due to using our own meshes, Interesting NPCS - Zora Customizer - Prefer cuyima's version, Keyboard Shortcuts Fix - Became too annoying as it was hitting keypresses in game while minimised. 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