666 melanin changing to 665

So what does the number 666 mean when you translate it out using the Greek alphabet? into the character of the Antichrist. The chemical energy liberated via the dissociation and subsequent charge separation of the water molecule by melanin, in fact, has been estimated to meet over 90 percent of cellular energy needs.17, Research on the melanin-rich intraocular organ pecten in birds explains many phenomena that have eluded scientific explanation, including avian metabolism, bioenergetics, and flight mechanics, and gives us clues about our own bodies ability to use melanin for the purposes of energy. Given its function as an evolutionarily encoded heuristic that has allowed the human brain to rapidly identify in-group versus out-group dynamics, it has played a role in genocide, slavery, and the rise and fall of civilizations, all of which have been at least partly due to misperceptions about what it means to have more or less melanin in the skin. Eyes color is attributed to the body's melanin production. 20. And there you have it. Keep that in mind. A Natural polymer which controls various life process in the body of a organism is called natural biopolymer. or when they told you Melanin was carbon that was a lie. Both melanin \u0026 male/females are carbon-based; Carbon 12 has 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons. Or is it? 666 IS MELANIN DEBUNKED PROOF THE ILLUMINATI HAVE YOU FOOLED - YouTube 0:00 / 14:30 Intro Context Illuminati Encyclopedia Britannica Illuminati, designation in use from the 15th century,. It is an element which is present in all the fluids of the human body which allows the toxins and waste to be transported and eliminated. 10 Reasons Why You Should Try Lingonberries, Why There is No Such Thing as Safe Tap Water, Five Lab Tests Your Doctor Isnt Ordering, Coconut Water Reduces Body Weight and Blood Sugar. Carbon-12 is the. After 13 days, all the mice in the control group had died, and the mice that ate the nonmelaninized porcini mushrooms died almost as fast as the controls. He believes his own lies and actually thinks hes become God. Sign up for their newsletter here. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites, and demonstrates more advanced cognitive skills than their white counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin. It just goes to show the manufacturers of these myths really haven't thought them through well enough. Me: our body produces oxygen that equals oxygenation Her entire video is about occult magic that will be discussed on my channel stay tuned! 666: Melanin is the Beast! of Gods perfection. It is found inside melanosomes which are synthesized in the skin melanocytes. There are 7 days in Natural Mystic from Bob Marley & The Wailers, The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. Peter Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan, based in New York, said: "By using 666 we're using something that the Christians fear. Membership Open! Model with vitiligo beats the haters to win two major fashion campaigns | 19-year-old Canadian model Winnie Harlow (real name Chantelle Young-Brown) is the star of two major spring/summer 2015 fashion campaigns. Melanin is worth more than gold. Cookie Notice Folate breaks down in high intense UVR. This could have further increased brain development in the sheer size and complexity of neural circuits. When you actually look at the original text, you'll see that in this passage, the letters of 666 are actually written in Hebrew, which places a higher significance on numbers meaning words and words meaning numbers than ancient Greek. Melanites (Black People) is the Beast (666) According to the Christian Bible and Western Society. The answer to your question and more is detailed in the appendix of my book Melanin Is Worth More Than Gold: Is This The Era Of The Blessed Generation.. It signifies ownership of the world's money. The face that shes saying to use A WHITE MANS GOOGLE TO RESEARCH about our people either lets me know shes a gate keeper for the white man, intentionally posting false information or just plain ignorant. Children look like their parents. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It just goes to show the manufacturers of these myths really havent thought them through well enough. 7 is the number 616 in some of the old bibles' notes said in effect, "the middle character was archaic - and some thought it was a number 'one' as in 616" - in the KJV with a Greek language below - I found that the MIDDLE character was called "sigma," when searching I found it was indeed archaic and was taken from "pin prick! And it is commanded in the New Testament: The Melanin Tipping Point could happen at any moment. There are multiple prototypes of Antichrist in history: Antiochus Epiphanes is the prototype of this character from antiquity. ", 616 is the crystallising your carbon based 666 atom means to neutralise the into love heart harmony to the new earth civilisation #diamonisedyour dna , I bring people together to talk about and heal from childhood adversities. MELANIN. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. This is happening in daylight in Oromiya Regional State of Ethiopia. Ekaterina Dadachova et al., Ionizing Radiation Changes the ElectronicProperties of Melanin and Enhances the Growth of Melanized Fungi,PLoSONE2, no. Get yours today at, Get your 100 years of Red, Black and Green T-shirt $22.99, The Shield of Audacious Power is a Red, Black and Green symbol of the power of the Human Spirit. RasTafari TV Digital 3.0 Calling All Global Creatives. The number does not appear in the book, though it does in some of Bolao's other booksin Amulet, a Mexico City road looks like "a cemetery in the year 2666", and The Savage Detectives contains another, approximate reference: "And Cesrea said something about days to come. Please next time just dont post because if you are not fully knowledgeable in certain areas can stir your viewers in the wrong direction because you havent reached a level in knowledge yet its not fair to those here to learn so until you have unlimited all knowing knowledge please dont make statements such as. When we break it down into chemistry. A second group of mice was fed white, melanin-poor porcini mushrooms, a third group ate white porcini mushrooms that were supplemented with melanin, and a final control group received no mushrooms or melanin at all. Not only can melanin convert light into heat, but new research raises the possibility that it can also transform other forms of radiation into metabolically useful forms of energy. research reveals that most whites are unable to produce much melatonin because their pineal glands are often calcified and nonfunctioning. The hypothesis is advanced that (neuro)melanin (in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems. 103 pages, Paperback Published September 1, 2001 One of the Antichrists mentioned above is Antiochus Epiphanies. Peter was trying to give a spiritual response when he asked Jesus if he should forgive somebody as many as 7 times. This is called DISINFORMATION when people intentionally propagate bad information to mislead others. https://www.tightrope.it/nicolaus/, Your email address will not be published. Exposure to the sun has the potential to cause premature aging of the skin, as well as various skin cancers. Biopolymers consist of monomeric units that are covalently bonded to form larger molecules. Faith Founded on Fact is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The significance of 666 is that the number 6 is the number of man. 2 (2012): 202-11,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.002. We Will Buy Your Produce for HSHS Free Health Fair, TIMELINE: APRIL 11-13, 1963 The number 6 is one short of the number 7. But if you dig just a little deeper, the hidden meaning of 666 is embedded in those few short words. Gerald H. Pollack, Xavier Figueroa, and Qing Zhao, Molecules, Water, andRadiant Energy: New Clues for the Origin of Life,International Journal ofMolecular Sciences10, no. let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is but if you breath in your own air and exhale in a bag or wearing a mask your breathing produce carbon monoxide. And Antiochus Epiphanes claimed to be God. PUBLIC SPEAKER , ANYONE know where to find this book? 2020 GreenMedInfo LLC. The number of the Antichrist is 666, meaning he is just a man who exalts himself to be God and after his time is up, he will go down to defeat just as Antiochus Epiphanes did. 6 is the number of man. Most significant, however, is the resulting necessity for the increased production of melanin, first as a sun protectant but secondarily as a means to endow humans with the ability to harness electromagnetic radiation for metabolic energy in a fashion similar to chlorophyll. This is where he shows his true colors after appearing as a man of peace in his first three-and-a-half years. This text was originally written in ancient Greek, where numbers are written as letters, as they are in Hebrew - the other main language of the original Biblical texts. Whereas most other biomolecules experience a destructive form of oxidative damage as a result of radiation exposure, melanin remained structurally and functionally intact, appearing capable of producing a continuous electric current that could theoretically be used to produce metabolic energy in living systems. Lets look at the appearances of the number 666 in the Bible. You: said Melanin is a chemical and carbon is a element and Chemicals consist of elements and Elements make up chemicals. The abundance of Melanin in Black humans produces a superior organism physically, mentally and spiritually. It's Not About Me, Me, Me, It's ALL about US! 30. Eye color, just like skin and hair color, is related to an individual's . 13:3-4. $22.99 Get your Shield of Audacious Power at, Get your Keyamsha The Awakening Long Sleeve t-shirt for only $22.99 now at, Theres No Place Like Home T-Shirt $22.99, In that article you will find this statement: As an example, 12 C consists of, Melanin Is Worth Over $441 A Gram More Than Gold T-Shirt, The United States of Africa Passport t-shirt. National Institutes of Health. There is no place in this world the light can go that the dark hasnt already been. On their website 25 Grams of carbon is worth $293.00. For small numbers, the first letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha, beta, gamma, represent 1, 2, and 3. Carbon-12 is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89% of carbon. It is the quality of your thoughts that determine how far you fly. The Oromiya Regional State is spoiled with extreme tribalism and corruption. Lets also consider the appearances of the number 6 in the Bible. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. 666 could represent many possible scenarios or conspiracies, but the truth is that this number was passed down to us for the Apocalypse (unveiling of something hidden), to help us identify this beast man with the mathematical number 666. This Dark Matter that many have been taught to hate is called Melanin is 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons, and 6 Electrons which creates the carbon Atom which is Melanin. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Media. Charles E. Turick et al., In Situ Uranium Stabilization by MicrobialMetabolites,Journal of Environmental Radioactivity99, no. In order to compensate for the decreased availability of sunlight, the human body rapidly adjusted, potentially removing the natural sunscreen, melanin, from the skin since it interferes with the production ofvitamin D, a hormone that participates in governing the expression of more than 2,000 genes. Learn how your comment data is processed. "Now what this means is that every word also has a numerical value," says Pete in the video above. Research deeper and evolve with Ethics, Morals & Principles to become a spiritual and upgraded HUMAN WITH LIGHT & LOVE. #rastafari #rast, Behold the biggest THIEVES and PIRATES in the worl, Rise and Shine and give IgziYAHbiher the glory. Women need folate to maintain healthy eggs, for proper implantation of eggs, and for the normal development of placenta after fertilization. The numeral six represents cash. He owns the Bolt Holt Resta, Be STILL all ye enemies of JAH! Zhurnal63, no. The 'residue' is the burned Carbon leftovers of the "Ash" tree. Scientists have identified three forms of melanin in humans: eumelanin. For more information, please see our We've all heard about the infamous number666, which is rather cryptically referred to as the "number of the beast" in the New Testament, and has more recently become known as the number of the Antichrist. Why havent the mysticists talking about light told you this? Rastafari Come To Break Dem Code! Matthew 20:16 KJV I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. The whole world followed the beast in amazement and they worshiped the dragonand the beast, too. who presided over the gladiator extravaganzas, during which many innocent lives These are key words: Melanin is not a mineral. Rastafari Reveals The Mark of The Beast! Tools. Its on this day that God made man. The number 666 may be the sequence of DNA genetic signals or DNA fragments necessary for successful cloning. Me: When you inhale (breathe in), air enters your lungs, and oxygen from that air moves to your blood. your mental processes (brain power) are controlled by the same chemical that gives Black humans their superior physical (atheltics, rhythmic dancing) abilities. 5's connotation indicates affinity. Rev. To find out what that means, and to understand more about the connection of the devil's number to the roulette table, watch the Numberphile video above. Carbons Chemical Abstract Service Number is 7440-44-0 Melanins CAS Number: 8049-97-6. 1 (2015): 32-41,https://doi.org/10.2174/1871524915666150203093656. That means there are 18 carbon atoms, 10 hydrogen, 2 nitrogen and 4 oxygen atoms in a melanin molecule. Nero deliberately caused the fires of Rome and then blamed It is a celebration of the resurrection of Kiduse Amanuel or Iyesus Christ, The Messiah. The evolutionary reason, however, is hard to pin down. Belo, Jamaica govt selling island piece by piece to fore, Say greetings to Desi. The myth melanin is carbon was never mentioned until after I observed melanin is worth more than gold eight years ago in March 2014. 23. Ekaterina Dadachova and Arturo Casadevall, Ionizing Radiation: How FungiCope, Adapt, and Exploit with the Help of Melanin,Current Opinion inMicrobiology11, no. In an eye-opening statement, researchers noted that these effects need to be studied in humans but that in nuclear emergencies, diets rich in melanin may be beneficial to overcome radiation toxicity in humans.31. Mind you, if they do switch to 616 being the number of the . I love my #melanin!!!!!! Its abundance is due to the Triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars, and as Carl Sagan had once said, were made of star stuff." Well, given the hatred of the Roman Empire at the time, and particularly its leader, Nero Caesar, who was considered to be especially evil, many historians have been looking for references of this in the Biblical text, which was not written in a vaccuum, and was very much a product of its time. Angel number 6666 symbolizes healing, honesty, balance, and peace. Its easy to see what Walvoord meant when he said this is Gods declaration of who the Antichrist really is. They say, `Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off. With the help of hydrogen joints in our body remained lubricated and able to perform its functions Faith Founded on Fact also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. https://www.livestrong.com/article/339696-the-health-benefits-of-melanin/ This why all the founders of the worlds great religions are Black. Atlanta Black Star As the boys from Numberphile explain, 666 doesn't really have any remarkable mathematical properties, but if you look back into its history, it reveals something pretty incredible about the way the Bible was originally written. Foresty & Abour Da, Gentle reminder from Wisdom! 666 is the . But, in the Periodic Table of the Elements, the atomic number for the Carbon element is six. When the 666 of Carbon is combined with the elements above and mixed with Lucifer, AKA Phosp-Horus, we get a combination or reaction of chemical elements that forms DNA and RNA. Melanin is a chemical. But the true God knows what Antichrist is up to, and he isnt impressed. link to 101 Most Powerful Bible Scriptures on Faith, Jonathan Cahn: Hanukkah foreshadows the Antichrist and End Time (part 1 of 2) (https://youtu.be/deK4TOJ2cNE?t=13), https://faithfoundedonfact.com/who-created-god/, Zero: Thats How Many Contradictions There Are in the Bible, Every Prophecy of the Bible that you can get on Amazon, What Heaven Looks Like: Unveiling the Secrets of God, 101 Bible Verses and Quotes about Being a Man. 27. https://www.amazon.com/Emancipated-Mental-Slavery-Selected-Sayings/dp/1491274298/ref=d_pd_sim_sccl_4_6/147-9193100-4632837?pd_rd_w=xp0Dj&content-id=amzn1.sym.cea269b5-2b99-44d4-a309-214a6674c0a9&pf_rd_p=cea269b5-2b99-44d4-a309-214a6674c0a9&pf_rd_r=7CQNN07GK7NG6WSPB8P0&pd_rd_wg=BDmst&pd_rd_r=fb644613-6da2-4637-82be-1d9285e987ee&pd_rd_i=1491274298&psc=1, Uhm melanin is carbon tf . The mystery of melanin's role in human physiology, and its potential to confer profound health protective and promoting properties, is explained in the excerpt below from Chapter 3 of Sayer Ji's book REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience Through The New Biology. Self, @wellnessrebirthretreats family vibing at @kingsto, @jahtbenji Calls out "funny" so called Rasta. If you're seeing this particular number wherever you go, it means spiritual forces are sending you an important message through Angel numbers . Thats where 666 comes in. This article from NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE shows it has been known that melanin is in VERTEBRATES for nearly ninety years. The Afro official currency of the United States of Africa is worth over $2. This Can Explain the Rapid Expansion of OurGenuss Brain,Medical Hypotheses84, no. All studies and facts about Melanin suggest that after 400 years of attempting to make inferior the Black race, Western science is facing thesobering reality that, by its own self-defined standards, Black people are probably superior to whites in both intellectual potential and muscle coordination. (Sepia magazine interview). The Jewish people rose up against him and restored the temple after he had desecrated it by sacrificing a pig. This magical god given chemical-code carrier is the very code for all life, and of course, it is the number of a man; his number is 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons, Six hundred threescore and six (666). Select Accept to consent or Reject to decline non-essential cookies for this use. Go to the chemical company selling melanin. The number 666 relates to the carbon atom, and man. Its a sign of a satanic spiritual revolt against God. The number 66 is symbolic of enormous wealth. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six Three score literally means 60, Google it if you want. Theres another name for the beast. Born and educated in Washington, D.C. Carbon. 2 (April 1961): 440-41,https://doi.org/10.2307/1932103. If melanin and carbon were the same thing they would have the same CAS number right? Obviously, this hoax is a subliminal attempt to demonize the melanin rich. Antiochus Epiphanes required all the Jews to worship his false god of Zeus and take part in repulsive, nauseating pagan religious rituals. Do You Have to be Baptized in Water to go to Heaven? After considering Melain to be a waste product of body-metabolism which served no useful function, Western (white) science has now discovered that Melanin is the chemical key to life and the brain itself! But this evolutionary adjustment may have come at a significant cost. Now man is pretty good. Walvoord points out in Every Prophecy of the Bible that you can get on Amazon that the real meaning of this verse is that a man is claiming to be God, but the real God isnt impressed at all. Related Content:Zero: Thats How Many Contradictions There Are in the Bible. So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. You can not go and ask people who hate you who you are! We learn amazing lessons about faith in the Bible from cover-to-cover. Yes my friends,YOU and I may be the very beasts and Antichrists our good friend Saint John was warning us about! 3 is the number of the trinity. So back to the Bible, where in Chapter 13 of The Book of Revelation, it reads: "Let the one with understanding reckon the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. Human hairlessness occurred concurrently with an augmentation in the melanin content of the skin, paving the way for a process called photomelanometabolism.19In what is known as ultrafast internal conversion, melanin can convert 99.9 percent of potentially gene-damaging ultraviolet light into harmless heat, fulfilling both sun blocking and energy-generating functions.20. Carbon is an element. 666 is much more than just 3 sixes in a row. ' In other words, the energy freed up by using melanin in this novel way may have enabled the expansion of energetically intensive brain tissues such as the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the higher thought processes of speech, information processing, impulse control, and decision making.23. So when this verse (Rev 13:18) tells the wise to calculate the number of the beast and that it is this number 666, it just means the wise should be aware that the beast really is just another pretender. Its because they know that we are guardians of the universe, they know we are Gods and Goddess. Epiphany Lectures 11.9K subscribers 159K views 8 years ago Both melanin & male/females are carbon-based; Carbon 12 has 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons. Ask the people who told you about the light in you why they never mentioned this. Search for six protons six neutrons six electrons. Goliath stood a full 6 cubits in height. Sidebar: Katy Perry's new 'Dark Horse' video shows her reducing a man's ashes into a diamond grill. This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No, his intention was to wipe out the true religion with the religion of man. The "Melanin is carbon and has a molecular structure of six protons, six neutrons and six electrons that equal 666 or the mark of the beast" myth is one of the easier melanin myths to debunk. Today is Fasika - Ethiopian/Eritrean Tewahedo Resurrection / Pascha AKA "Easter". FACILITATOR OF LEARNING Beginning in Genesis, we see the number six first appears on the sixth day of creation. More recent prototypes of the Antichrist are Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and the Kim Dynasty of North Korea. Well, it was only a few days later in the New Hampshire Presidential debate, that Michelle Bachmann said, "When you take the 9-9-9 plan and you turn it upside won, the devil is in the details.". Which is scripture and we are literal star dust ! Write a reviewor get your copy ofREGENERATE here. Families are being displaced, homes are being destroyed and people are ripped of their property in their own country. 22. There are two testaments the Old Testament and the New Testament. The manufacturers of these myths really haven & # x27 ; s melanin production April )! Same CAS number: 8049-97-6 'Dark Horse ' video shows her reducing a man peace! 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