computer security: principles and practice 4th edition github

An actuator is the reverse of a sensor: It takes a digital representation as input and causes some action in the environment. Test-Driven Development by Example. System. Architecture documentation serves as the basis for system analysis and construction. The counterpart to limiting structural complexity is limiting behavioral complexity. Disk sharing and isolation are achieved using several mechanisms. We divide our observations into two clusters: process recommendations and product (or structural) recommendations. When would you choose to document behavior using trace notations and when would you use a comprehensive notation? Examples include the R language, Visual Studio Code, and most web browsers. Encapsulation reduces the probability that a change to one element will propagate to other elements, by reducing either the number of dependencies or their distances. 18.2 Network Connectivity In this section, we focus on the architectural concerns most relevant to network connectivity of mobile systems. In addition you need to know the existing architectures design, if this is not green eld development. The Part-Time Parliament, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 16, no. It is possible, however, that two di erent sensors measuring the same phenomenon might report their data in di erent formats. A le has both a high number of dependent les and a high number of les on which it depends, and it changes frequently with its dependents and the les it depends on. xes, Retry. 3. Software that is encapsulated by an interface is free to evolve without impact to the elements that use this interface as long as the interface itself does not change. This can be prevented by extending the interface but not modifying the existing interface, and using the mediator pattern (see Chapter 7) to translate from the extended interface to an internal interface that produces correct behavior. Addison-Wesley, 1997. What class cannot? If you make your system highly modi able, does that automatically mean that it will be easy to integrate into another context? Many di erent interaction styles exist, but we will focus on two of the most widely used: RPC and REST. This will allow increments to be planned, which is critical in any project that hopes to release its software incrementally. Cost is always a factor. 2936. The number of potential alternatives. 5. Three points are implied by the discussion thus far: 1. Clients and servers can evolve independently. For example, the system clocks behavior is typically not under our controlit increments one second each second. The goal of this tactic is to achieve in-service upgrades to executable code images in a non-service-a ecting manner. On Coordination Mechanisms in Global Software Development, Proceedings Second IEEE International Conference on Global Software Development, 2007. Capture Scenarios for the New Quality Attribute The rst step is to interview the stakeholders whose concerns have led to the need for this QA. This tactic compares network tra c or service request patterns within a system to a set of signatures or known patterns of malicious behavior stored in a database. Table 12.1 Testability General Scenario Figure 12.2 shows a concrete scenario for testability: The developer completes a code unit during development and performs a test sequence whose results are captured and that gives 85 percent path coverage within 30 minutes. For example, intermediate data may be kept in a cache or it may be regenerated depending on which resources are more critical: time, space, or network bandwidth. In Chapter 20, we show how to integrate all of your drivers, including quality attribute decisions, into a coherent design. What insight did these questions provide into the design decisions made (or not made)? Finally, we need to be concerned with the point in the software development life cycle where a change occurs. The limiting factor on the size of a data center is the electric power it consumes and the amount of heat that the equipment produces: There are practical limits to bringing electrical power into the buildings, distributing it to the equipment, and removing the heat that the equipment generates. 18.3 Sensors and Actuators A sensor is a device that detects physical characteristics of its environment and translates those characteristics into an electronic representation. Developer of an element using the interface. Many times, a request to a service triggers that service to make requests to other services, which make more requests. One method for identifying responsibilities to be moved is to hypothesize a set of likely changes as scenarios. Intercepting Validator This pattern inserts a software elementa wrapperbetween the source and the destination of messages. Deployability From the day we arrive on the planet And blinking, step into the sun Theres more to be seen than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done The Lion King There comes a day when software, like the rest of us, must leave home and venture out into the world and experience real life. What this means is that given a message encrypted based on the primes p and q, decrypting this message is relatively easy if you know p and q but practically impossible if you dontat least on a classical computer. [Dijkstra 72] Edsger W. Dijkstra, Ole-Johan Dahl, and Tony Hoare, Structured Programming. Every virtual machine (VM) or container has an Internet Protocol (IP) address, which is used to identify messages to or from that VM or container. Describing an elements interface means making statements about the element that other elements can depend on. Describe a set of tactics to achieve the quality attribute of mobility. 7. Evaluators should be highly skilled in the domain and the various quality attributes for which the system is to be evaluated. A description of ADD 2.0 was subsequently published in 2006. Network isolation is achieved through the identi cation of messages. A distinction must be drawn between the interface of an element and the documentation of that interface. If you adopt this tactic, you will need to assess its e ect on accuracy and see if the result is good enough. This resource management tactic is frequently paired with the manage sampling rate tactic. If a modularity violation is identi ed, the unencapsulated secret shared among les needs to be encapsulated as its own abstraction. Some important improvements over the original version include giving more consideration to the selection of implementation technologies as primary design concepts, considering additional drivers such as design purpose and architectural concerns, making initial documentation and analysis be explicit steps of the design process, and providing guidance in how to begin the design process and how to use it in Agile settings. 4 (April 2020): 9598. This reintroduction tactic allows the system to recover from faults by varying the granularity of the component(s) restarted and minimizing the level of service a ectation. Around the same time, Brian Oki and Barbara Liskov independently developed and published an algorithm called Viewstamped Replication that was later shown to be equivalent to Lamports Paxos [Oki 88]. A container can be moved from one environment to another if a compatible container runtime engine is available. In the Risk column indicate the risk of implementing the tactic using a (H = High, M = Medium, L = Low) scale. For example, architecture includes the model that drives such analytical tools as rate-monotonic real-time schedulability analysis, reliability block diagrams, simulations and simulation generators, theorem provers, and model checkers. This composition is possible because the architecture de nes the elements that can be incorporated into the system. Detecting this anti-pattern is similar to detecting a clique: A package cycle is determined by discovering packages that form a strongly connected graph. Even with an existing corpus of solutions to choose fromand we are not always blessed with a rich corpusthis is still the hardest part of design. Safety Giles: Well, for gods sake, be careful If you should be hurt or killed, I shall take it amiss. As an architect, you may be inclinedor indeed requiredto use some form of virtualization to deploy the software that you create. These tactics cause a component to maintain some sort of state information, allow testers to assign a value to that state information, and make that information accessible to testers on demand. Practices such as the use of backlogs and Kanban boards can help you track the design progress and answer these questions. These approaches direct sessions and sticky messagesshould be used only under special circumstances because of the possibility of failure of the instance and the risk that the instance to which the messages are sticking may become overloaded. Mae West Its about time. As an architect, you should de ne values for the properties that support the intended analyses for the particular C&C view. How would you mitigate them? 5 (2018). In Chapter 25, where we discuss architecture competence, well advise that architects need to be great communicators, and this means great bidirectional communicators, taking in as well as supplying information. The behavior of elements embodies how they interact with each other and with the environment. Instead, engineering is about discipline, and discipline comes, in part, by restricting the vocabulary of alternatives to proven solutions. This model explicitly represents the users knowledge of the system, the users behavior in terms of expected response time, and other aspects speci c to a user or a class of users. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. For example, almost every quality attribute negatively a ects performance. One way to do this is to employ the PALM method, which entails holding a workshop with the architect and key business stakeholders. Missing or implicit knowledge is always a risk for a large, long-lived project, and such knowledge gaps will inevitably increase the costs and risks of integration and integration testing. Element builders must be uent in the speci cations of their individual elements but they may not be aware of the architectural tradeo sthe architecture (or architect) simply constrains them in such a way as to meet the tradeo s. A classic example is when an architect assigns performance budgets to the pieces of software involved in some larger piece of functionality. Module structures show how a system is structured as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. Figure 17.5 An autoscaler monitoring the utilization Because the clients do not know how many instances exist or which instance is serving their requests, autoscaling activities are invisible to service clients. The architect must begin while the requirements are still in ux. Initially, you should populate the design backlog with your drivers, but other activities that support the design of the architecture can also be includedfor example: Creation of a prototype to test a particular technology or to address a speci c QA risk Exploration and understanding of existing assets (possibly requiring reverse engineering) Issues uncovered in a review of the design decisions made to this point Also, you may add more items to the backlog as decisions are made. If it is 1, then the operation performs a NOT on the second qubit. Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition].pdf Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Copy permalink; This commit does not . Protocol Bu ers The Protocol Bu er technology originated at Google and was used internally for several years before being released as open source in 2008. 1 In this book we use the term element when we mean either a module or a component, and dont want to distinguish between the two. This lightweight architecture analysis technique can provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the architecture in a very short amount of time. For each of the 13 reasons why architecture is important articulated in this chapter, take the contrarian position: Propose a set of circumstances under which architecture is not necessary to achieve the result indicated. Finally, availability is closely allied with safety, which is concerned with keeping the system from entering a hazardous state and recovering or limiting the damage when it does. During phase 1, the evaluation team meets with the project decision makers to begin information gathering and analysis. 4 At Amazon, service teams are constrained in size by the two pizza rule: The team must be no larger than can be fed by two pizzas. What might otherwise have seemed to a manager like an esoteric technical issue is now identi ed unambiguously as a threat to something the manager is on record as caring about. [Conway 68] Melvin E. Conway. Add qualities of your own choosing to the list or lists that you nd. State resynchronization. The continuous deployment strategy we describe here is the conceptual heart of DevOps. For example, adequately funding the architecture e ort is an organizational duty, as is e ectively using the available architecture workforce (by appropriate teaming and other means). Taking courses, becoming certi ed, reading books and journals, visiting websites, reading blogs, attending architecture-oriented conferences, joining professional societies, and meeting with other architects are all useful ways to improve knowledge. Two kinds of performance scalability are horizontal scalability and vertical scalability. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Generally, PII is obscured for testing purposes. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) JSON structures data as nested name/value pairs and array data types. An Introduction to Software Architecture, in Ambriola and Tortola, eds., Advances in Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. Surely not all of them. Intermediate states between the occurrence of a fault and the occurrence of a failure are called errors. Rollback. This tactic is frequently paired with the limit event response tactic. However, if two modules responsibilities overlap in some way, then a single change may well a ect them both. Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th edition Published by Pearson (July 13th 2021) - Copyright 2018 William Stallings Lawrie Brown Best value eTextbook from /mo Print $138.66 Pearson+ subscription 4-month term Pay monthly or pay undefined Buy now Instant access ISBN-13: 9780137502875 Computer Security: Principles and Practice Since they interact through xed interfaces, as long as the interfaces do not change, the two types of elements are not otherwise coupled. Discuss. Analysts are interested in whether the design meets the systems quality objectives. Self-test. Thus, a small di erence in the price of a processor multiplied by the millions of copies of the system in which that processor is embedded can make a signi cant di erence to the pro tability of the organization producing the system. A cell with both a number and text indicates that this pair of les has both structural and evolutionary coupling relations. As an architect, you have a background and knowledge that you have gained through the years. This product is relatively easy to compute given p and q. If a fault is present in a system, then we want it to fail during testing as quickly as possible. Step 3: Choose One or More Elements of the System to Re ne Satisfying drivers requires you to make architectural design decisions, which then manifest themselves in one or more architectural structures. For example, we discussed denial of service as being part of security, availability, performance, and usability in Chapter 3. Some test tools for mobile applications can be found at these two sites: rebase-testlab/index.html#0 https:// Some of the di culties involved in making self-driving cars safe are discussed in Adventures in Self Driving Car Safety, Philip Koopmans presentation on Slideshare: 10. Usability 13.1 Usability General Scenario 13.2 Tactics for Usability 13.3 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Usability 13.4 Patterns for Usability 13.5 For Further Reading 13.6 Discussion Questions 14. In this way, only data associated with the child threads is freed and reinitialized. The cooperating elements must agree on the number and type of the data elements being shared. The sandbox tactic can be used for scenario analysis, training, and simulation. If these allocations change over time, during execution of the system, then the architecture is said to be dynamic with respect to that allocation. [Garlan 93] D. Garlan and M. Shaw. This strategy ensures better service for higher-priority requests. One noteworthy element, however, is that it relies on an amplitude magni cation technique based on using phases. How would you measure the value of speci c architecture duties in a project? Mobile systems utilize a variety of sensors. Why Is Software Architecture Important? A Pearson eTextbook is an easy-to-use digital version of the book. For example, they must be created and destroyed, among other things. Tradeo s: Dependency injection makes runtime performance less predictable, because it might change the behavior being tested. No in uence of a business goal on the architecture. It might be cheaper in the long run to build a sophisticated change-handling mechanism, but you might not be able to wait for its completion. This tactic accommodates simultaneous deployment and execution of multiple versions of system services. This information may simply be a pointer to the location of these artifacts. Pausing a longrunning operation may be done to temporarily free resources so that they may be reallocated to other tasks. These concepts are dealt with in much greater depth in Chapter 22, where we discuss architecture documentation. For example, instead of asking for GPS location data every few seconds, ask for it every minute or so. Using the response and response measure you chose, compare the websites usability. Mobile systems have limited sources of power and must be concerned with using power e ciently. Ignore faulty behavior. In fact, in 2018, Net ixs streaming video accounted for 15 percent of the global Internet tra c. Naturally, high availability is important to Net ix. If two elements need to interact, have them exchange as little information as possible. MIT Press, 2011. [Utas 05] has also written about escalating restart. An architecture can provide the basis for incremental development. The technical, economic, and philosophical justi cations for your projects requirements practices are beyond the scope of this book. These algorithms are notoriously complicated to design correctly, and even implementing a proven algorithm is di cult due to subtleties in programming language and network interface semantics. 3. To achieve these goals, an architect needs to consider how an executable is updated on a host platform, and how it is subsequently invoked, measured, monitored, and controlled. 7. Enumerate the energy e ciency techniques that are currently employed by your laptop or smartphone. In consequence, it is possible to transfer information over great distances, even hundreds or thousands of kilometers, between qubits that have been physically implemented. Indicating the source of the error helps the system choose the appropriate correction and recovery strategy. Testability 13. Addison-Wesley, 2009. AADL ( is an architecture description language that has become an SAE standard for documenting architectures. You perform a di erent set of tests in each environment, expanding the testing scope from unit testing of a single module in the development environment, to functional testing of all the components that make up your service in the integration environment, and ending with broad quality testing in the staging environment and usage monitoring in the production environment. Well dive right in. Since the architecture competence of an organization depends, in part, on the competence of architects, we begin by asking what it is that architects are expected to do, know, and be skilled at. Obtaining this information might involve some detective work, reverse engineering, or discussions with developers. The rst increment can be a skeletal system in which at least some of the infrastructurehow the elements initialize, communicate, share data, access resources, report errors, log activity, and so forthis present, but much of the systems application functionality is not. Finally, it would facilitate root-cause analysis in those cases. They usually include the project manager and, if an identi able customer is footing the bill for the development, a representative of that customer may be present as well. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004. The manager, however, pressed for the design to include a database, because the organization had a database unit employing a number of highly paid technical sta who were currently unassigned and needed work. Using version control on the speci cation le ensures that each member of your team can create an identical container image and modify the speci cation le as needed. Another responsibility with caching is choosing the data to be cached. This chapter is about the competence of individual architects, and the organizations that wish to produce high-quality architectures. Mobile systems tend to be more resource-constrained than xed systems. Map-Reduce The map-reduce pattern e ciently performs a distributed and parallel sort of a large data set and provides a simple means for the programmer to specify the analysis to be done. We may analyze audit trails to attempt to prosecute attackers, or to create better defenses in the future. But two more characteristics are important, yet often overlooked: environment and artifact. 5. A well-thought-out documentation scheme can make the process of design go much more smoothly and systematically. People working together are now all doing so via teleconference; there are no more hallway conversations or meetings at the vending machines. 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