guinea pig phantom pregnancy

o [pig guinea] She's going back to vets tomorrow but not sure I trust them. It is a psychological behavior that makes them believe that they are pregnant when they are not. By day 51, she was massive in comparison to when we brought her home and she moved with a distinct waddle. The Merck Veterinary Manual was first published in 1955 as a service to the community. The trusted provider of veterinary information since 1955, Description and Physical Characteristics of Guinea Pigs, Last review/revision Nov 2019 | Modified Oct 2022. Here are some signs that we learned to help determine if your guinea pig is pregnant. Do Guinea Pigs Nurse Their Young? As per the studies, intact female guinea pigs who experience phantom pregnancy have been observed pulling their fur. Females can get pregnant from 6 weeks old. This may be one of your first indicators of pregnancy. Although guinea pigs can have more complicated births, if you follow your vets instructions, you will be sure to have a healthy mom and babies by the time the birth rolls around. The guinea pig will start losing interest in nesting and will come back to its normal behavior. This is posted in the thread about Moomin but would like some general advice, please! However, if a female of age more than 10 months is bred for the first time, than the severity of pregnancy increases and thus putting in danger both the mother and the child. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. There is an alternate way to check whether your guinea pig is pregnant or not. Keep it up! Spaying/neutering is a surgical method to remove reproductive organs from a male or a female pig. Hansen says nearly 200 have . Do not squeeze too hard. It is important to begin to carefully handle young guinea pigs when they are only 2 or 3 weeks old. The first physical sign of pregnancy will be weight gain. Breeding a guinea pig depends upon a lot of factors and age is one of them. Allow them to interact with other female guinea pigs to give them the pleasure of companionship. The rest of them survive but with a lot of complications, which results in costly to you and painful to her. However, it is important to know that pregnancy in a guinea pig is significantly different from human pregnancy. Even if you have no plans to breed them. On a light note, neutering will also let you keep a population check on these little animals. They can even eat solid food shortly after birth. The mother has a single pair of mammary glands from which the newborns will nurse until about 3 weeks of age. At maximum, a female can give birth to 8 pups in one litter. Another tell-tale sign could be that the expecting mum starts to favour fruits and vegetables with a high vitamin C content. Aside from a large abdomen, there are very few ways to confidently determine if a guinea pig is pregnant on your own. A small amount of blood can be considered normal, but if you have concerns about the amount of blood loss, seek help immediately. The main ways to prevent pregnancy include guinea pig neutering and separation of male and female guinea pigs. To prevent this from happening, you must separate the males as soon as possible. You may notice that you have to refill the water bottle more often than usual, and this could mean little ones are on the way. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am very lucky, my dog, Ollie doesnt bat an eyelid at fireworks, in fact if were out on an evening walk and a firework goes off I probably jump more than he does. Also she is VERY sensitive about her back end and doesn't want to be touched / handled. She might not be pregnant then if the vets cant see anything as I'm sure they would be able to tell if a foetus is in there or not otherwise why would they do an x-ray if they didnt no what to look for, have no idea but sending you and moo hugs and cuddles and saying a special prayer 0. You will need to stay alert to the fact that your guinea pig could go into labour at any point, so try to be extra vigilant. o [ canine influenza] But the duration of pregnancy may alter depending on the litter size(the number of babies given birth to at a time.) You may not be able to tell right away just by looking at your guinea pig, though. Cesarean sections are rarely successful in guinea pigs even when performed by a veterinarian who has experience with guinea pigs. This is going to be all the more obvious if she was a very active female before she was pregnant. Can phantom pregnancies be prevented in guinea pigs? Guinea pigs are highly sexually active, even from a young age, so they are likely to breed when they are around males. However, delaying further might cause various complications, which we already have discussed so far. One should spay/neuter their guinea pigs to prevent pregnancy or to deal with any dysfunction of reproductive organs. The timeline of false pregnancy vs. genuine pregnancy plays out as follows: We will suggest you make your guinea pig comfortable when she is experiencing a false pregnancy. Naturally, they have narrow birth canals. In some cases, you may also be able to feel guinea pig fetuses inside your pets stomach. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Use to remove results with certain terms So sorry to hear that Moo is not doing so well, if she she is gassy you could try baby gripe water and buscopan to help ease it as per peter guerneys advice but not sure how this would work with the injections the vet has been giving. We got her without knowing that she was a pregnant guinea pig. They will eat some hay, and others will be used for making a nest. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. If you have discovered that your piggy is preggers, we hope our article has been helpful to you. Certainly, the mother guinea will feed her stool to the babies because it is believed to contain certain bacteria, which is considered suitable for the digestive system of the young ones. If you end up breeding your guinea pigs too early or too late then there can be a lot of complications. Back-to-back pregnancies can sometimes result in a guinea pig mum eating her babies as a means of survival. Getting stressed can then lead to many problems in our guinea pigs. Male guinea pigs will typically mate with almost any willing female guinea pig. Great (British) products, high mortality rate when it comes to a guinea pig pregnancy, Small servings of fruits rich in vitamin C, Although it isnt essential, lucerne hay will provide extra protein and calcium. Couldn't find anything on google, only phantom cat pregnancies! Especially if any of them display aggressive tendencies. Search our database of over 13360 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Contact with other family pets, or small children. Be kind to the mood swings and the other physiological behavior. We brought home our male guinea pig pair 65 days ago and never in our wildest dreams imagined that within a few weeks we would have a guinea pig pregnancy! Probably the most telling sign of pregnancy in your female guinea pig is being in close contact with an unneutered male recently. But unlike other animals, the C section in guinea pigs is very likely to be unsuccessful even when performed by an expert. A female guinea pig can fall pregnant immediately after giving birth. Characteristics and behaviors can vary, ranging from a mild change in behavior to nest buildingthe hallmark maternal sign of impending parturition. Bought a double hutch and run for our guinea pigs and they were super helpful. Do Guinea Pigs Hit Puberty? Great products, but what impressed me most was the speed at which I received them. This is because it takes a few weeks for the procedure to take effect. Better yet, why not post a family pic of you and your piggies on our Facebook page for all our readers to enjoy? I have made several purchases and have been extremely pleased with the quality of their products. Use for phrases If the gestation period is more extended than the litter size, it is small(2-3 pups), whereas if the gestation period is lower than the litter size, it would be large(5-7 pups). Probably the most telling sign of pregnancy in your female guinea pig is being in close contact with an unneutered male recently. Which is why citrus and kiwi fruit can have a role to play. Guinea pig's phantom pregnancy can last up to 20-30 days, and it can last longer in some cases. We asked Google desperate questions like: I think my guinea pig might be pregnant, what should I do? It is better to breed a younger female guinea pig then their later counterpart. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. Such a helpful man who went the extra mile to ensure that the carrier had precise instructions on where to leave the hedgehog house and food etc., as the recipient would be out. Feeding a mix of alfalfa-based diet during pregnancy and right after birth could help supplement the calcium need. If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. She, Guinea Pigs Can Get Pregnant Early and Easily. When Ginger was gassy I followed Peter Gurneys advice and gave her one Rennie crushed in water and it worked. And in 2022, it was 825 guinea pigs coming in," Hansen said. Stress is also a risk in a pregnant Guinea Pig. Whether you are trying to breed guinea pigs or you have unknowingly allowed your guinea pig to get pregnant, there are a few signs to indicate that it is indeed a positive pregnancy. Certainly not me, but sure enough there it was! When a guinea pig takes stress, she ovulates and then considers herself as pregnant, but she is not. Oh bless you both Sophie! Guinea pig keeps having phantom pregnancies. Females can have estrous or fertile periods at any time of the year, but they are most common in the spring. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Breeding| Things to Consider before Breeding Guinea Pigs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Although you need to be careful not to apply any pressure to the region. Of course, weight gain happens when your guinea pig eats more. You will want to make sure that you remove any males because your female can become pregnant again within hours of giving birth. 1. Toxaemia is common in guinea pig pregnancies, and overweight sows are more at risk. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What causes phantom pregnancies in guinea pigs? Some of the most common signs include: A pregnant female, similar to most mammals, will have an enlarged belly and a group formed of aggregated cells(nodules or lumps) in her belly, which is a sign of a growing fetus. Her vitamin C requirements increased during pregnancy. (Normal & Abnormal Poop). Perhaps, the litter of size comprising 2-4 babies is more commonly seen. For complicated pregnancies, your vet might suggest a caesarean section or medication. Newborn guinea pigs weigh about 3.5 ounces (100 g). Avoid interaction of the mother with the other male guinea pigs for weeks after delivery, because getting pregnant again in succession is not healthy for them. Highly recommended them! If there are piglets, you will be able to feel little lumps. Avoid holding them from either sideway of the abdomen as it might cause miscarriage. Phantom pregnancies are a condition where a female guinea pig considers herself as pregnant, but actually, she is not. Comfortable bedding and changing of the same from time to time. Learn more. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. products and they're lovely too. Though age is not a matter of concern in males for mating. Wow Ive been blown away by the amazing service and quality of product with Home and Roost. We hope that this article answered some of your questions on guinea pig pregnancy. Ultimately, if you are wondering how to tell if a guinea pig is pregnant with complete certainty, the only answer is to take your guinea pig to a veterinarian for a pregnancy test. Therefore, following the above instructions can have you to lower the stress of your guinea pig. Indeed, females should be bred within 3-8 months of their age. We had no idea of when Theo would have become pregnant, so we just counted the days from when we brought her home. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. (Causes & What to Do), What Should Guinea Pig Poop Look Like? During the middle of her pregnancy, we were able to gently feel the little babies by lightly touching her sides and belly. It is, therefore, important that unneutered guinea pigs are separated after a couple of weeks, in order to avoid unwanted additional pregnancies. Didn't find what you need? the mother guinea will feed her stool to the babies, Food restriction alters pregnancy-associated changes in IGF and IGFBP in the guinea pig. Some guinea pigs have swirls of long hair while others have a coat of soft, short hair. When they reach about 6 ounces (170 g), the offspring will stop nursing and eat the same foods as their parents. He was polite and eager to help. Her hormones are never going to calm down. Pregnant guinea pigs will need to increase their calorie intake by 25-50%, as well as their nutrient intake. A good indicator that your guinea pig is pregnant is if they have had any recent interactions with males . In the early stages of the pregnancy, there arent a lot of physical signs to let you know that you have a mum-to-be on your hands. However, you still have to do it to maintain proper hygiene, as the unclean environment can lead to significant issues to your guinea pig. Male guinea pigs can impregnate a female at as young as 3 weeks old and a female guinea pig can become pregnant at as young as 4 weeks old, so don't be doubtful if your guinea pig is pregnant due to age. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. For us, the most obvious sign was Theos change in size and shape in comparison to Remmy, our male guinea pig. By around the five week mark, pregnancy will start to be visible, with your guinea pig gradually developing more of a pear shape. and factors such as age or relation are not something they worry about! Litter size typically consists of 2-4 pups with a range of 1-13 young. She will behave like she is pregnant, although she is not. Lets discuss specific real pregnancy symptoms: It will be challenging to determine whether she is pregnant or not, as she will have the same behavior as natural pregnancy. So better not rush, and get your pet checked by a vet for certainty. Many things can stress out your guinea pigs like being separated from a bonded partner, loud noises, other pets in the house, and being taken to the vet. And male guinea pigs can get a female pregnant at as young as 3 weeks old. Poor girl! She's on BioLapis for 5 days then back again next week. it may also be necessary to separate your pregnant guinea pig from any other guinea pigs you have. (Normal & Abnormal Poop). After 7 months, this function does not work as well. Wiki User. Can Guinea Pigs Have Straw in Their Cage? However, lumps that might see you as a pregnancy sign could also be a cyst(a health condition). A sudden increase in appetite is another potential indicator. Vitamin C rich foods like kale, broccoli. | what precautions you need to take I #guineapigphantompregnancies #guineapigs #pets Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! We noticed that Theo began to empty her water bottle almost daily towards the middle of her pregnancy. And, as the inscription on the Animals in War Memorial in Hyd, Healthy adult hedgehogs typically weigh between 1 and 2 lbs in the wild. One of the biggest risks in Guinea Pig pregnancy is age. The tummy starts getting swollen and might have small bumps. Her bottom half was very round and she waddled when she walked. Being under-, or less commonly over-weight can cause big problems for hedgehogs, and the scales aren't always the be. If you notice your guinea pig rapidly putting on weight or have . This worked well for our guinea pigs. Thank you. Your female guinea pig's calcium stores will drop significantly during pregnancy and nursing. The link you have selected will take you to a third-party website. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Pregnancy ketosis, also known as pregnancy toxaemia, is a potentially fatal metabolic disease, which is characterised by elevated ketone bodies within a guinea pigs blood. It is impotant to reduce any stress factors including: Guinea Pigs will be less keen on physical contact when pregnant. Either way, its a good idea for your vet to check it out in either case. From everything that we had read about guinea pigs, we knew that it was likely that she was already pregnant since she had been housed with all male guinea pigs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Each week, Theo grew in size and became more pear shaped. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Pregnant guinea pigs are particularly vulnerable to illness as a result of stress during pregnancy. Because if you try to remove the nest of guinea pig, there are chances that they might get upset and stressed. Even the baby males can impregnate their mum at around three weeks old, so they will also need to be removed from the cage. However, guinea pigs often do not react well to surgery, anesthesia, or being kept in unfamiliar surroundings. Can guinea pigs have phantom pregnancies? . It is a common problem in dogs and rabbits, but what about our guinea pigs? Sows that reach adulthood without a prior pregnancy may not be able to deliver their young normally. Guinea pigs are adorable, sweet pets that love to express themselves by chattering, squealing, and wheeking. Pre-mature birth will need to be followed by a period of artificial incubation. And larger the litter(about 5-6 pups) would mean a shorter pregnancy period. Which was all all plastic free and that pleases me greatly too!! Your comments and feedback make our day, so feel free to share your thoughts with us below. During this period the mothers double her body weight and get a lot bigger. Another sign of pregnancy is drinking more water. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Pigs weigh about 3.5 ounces ( 170 g ), the offspring will nursing. To interact with other female guinea pig day 51, she is pregnant a guinea is... Them believe that they might get upset and stressed of concern in males for mating rarely. A range of 1-13 young by a vet for certainty a veterinarian who has with. Other animals, the litter size typically consists of 2-4 pups with a of! You must separate the males as soon as possible pigs have swirls of long hair while have... Feel the little babies by lightly touching her sides and belly she will like. Longer in some cases, you may not be able to feel pig! 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