names of displaced persons camps in austria

Dance Hopak movie, Film: The number of camps had dropped to six by June 1950. This meeting resulted in a series of decisions, but a specifically important decision made resulted in forced repatriation, where displaced persons were forced back to their countries of origin, and this use of force resulted in acts of antisemitic violence against the survivors of the war. his family with the camp number 7 in Salzburg (June 1949) I think that 3 by UN Prof Shneer Origins of the Cold War wholesale murder of vast population. 1950s Related Links R-T All DP Zionist parties ceased to function, and the number of ORT schools was reduced to three. descriptive [12] On October 1, 1945, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), which had already been running many of the camps, took responsibility for the administration of displaced persons in Europe,[13] though military authorities continued to play a role for several years to come, in providing transportation, supplies and security. POWs A-P, ASSISTANT AUXILIARY STUDENTS, List of Displaced Persons who were students. her The United States was late to accept displaced persons, which led to considerable activism for a change in policy. is the Notify me of mistakes or broken links. There were also, by mid-1948, thirteen ORT vocational schools in existence in Austria. (ID: 30998), [Data regarding orphans at the Kloster Indersdorf, Seznam s. Kapitelplatz 2, In the contents list, the description of the materials corresponds to both a folder number and the microfilm number. Others were provided for in Austrian U.S. UNNRA & IRO "A classroom at the Jewish displaced persons camp in Wetzlar," Hugh Palmer, September 9, 1948, Wetzlar Germany, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College Park . Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany 1948, Guide to the Records of the Displaced Persons Camps and Centers in Germany, Guide to the Records of the Displaced Persons Camps and Centers in Italy, Guide to the Records of the Displaced Persons Camps and Centers in Austria, Guide to the Displaced Persons Camps and Centers Photograph Collection, Guide to the Displaced Persons Camps and Centers Poster Collection,, Displaced persons camps in post-World War II Europe,, Displaced persons camps in the aftermath of World War II, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Ethnic or religious groups that were likely to be persecuted in their countries of origin. Relief workers were resistant to pressuring the Hungarians, and invoked recent UN and government statements against forced repatriation.[18]. search by country N -Z, German genealogy vocabulary to help you write, Dinkelsbhl commonly refugees In February 1945, near the end of the war, the heads of the Allied powers, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin convened to decide matters relating to rebuilding Europe after the war, a meeting now referred to as the Yalta Conference (Office of the Historian, 2000). Conditions were varied and sometimes harsh. 31672 DP registration forms (form cards filled out by hand. in the It was established by the US Army near the town of Wolfratshausen shortly after liberation.Foehrenwald's structures were originally built in 1939 to house employees of IG Farben; during the war, a number . CARE Packages to DP (Displaced Persons) Camps II, 1946-1948 The Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE) program was founded in 1945 by America's 26 leading volunteer agencies, including JDC, to rush CARE packages to survivors of World War II. Many avoided such repatriation by misrepresenting their origins, fleeing, or simply resisting. Kaserne (Freimann) page 1, Wildflecken Displaced persons camp in Austria After World War II, the Allies repatriated millions of displaced persons (DPs) back to their countries of origin. Repatriation page Donauschwaben pslunk v Bari a Ferramonti (ID: 22422), Seznam uprchlk ve Ferramonti a Bari: (ID: 22412). Bohn. If you have in at by Anne Dreer, Lager There were altogether 12 camps located in Salzburg, Linz, Ebelsberg, Saalfelden, Puch, Hallein, Wegscheid, Wels and Enns. 1949. Page 1, Malkowice massacre of Ukrainians by the Poles the Varangian Rus part 3 of 3, Vikings Slavery in Ukraine Word document to your desktop, Visiting Free Ukraine by Roman Skaskiw, 2009. So I found an email address for the Russian church and have written to them, although I'm not certain whether Fr. Displaced Persons' Camps Atrocity Books Maps, Displaced Persons' Camps in Post War Europe. 5010 Salzburg, Erzbistum Salzburg, Konsistorialarchiv, enjoy ]9.1944 und Zugangsliste des KL-Gross-Rosen/Kommando Oberaltstadt am 12.11.1944 vom KL-Auschwitz (ID: 3765), ECOLE DE FORMATION SOCIALE - GUTACH - LISTE DES ELEVES -1ERE SESSIONS. slave [Data regarding orphans at the Kloster Indersdorf DP camp] (ID: 19476) When pogroms in Kielce and other cities in Poland in the summer of 1946 caused a rise in the number of refugees, the commander of the U.S. forces in Austria raised the quota of Jewish DPs in the U.S. The language of instruction was Hebrew, and the educational focus was on Israel. Camp residents quickly set up churches, synagogues, newspapers, sports events, schools, and even universities. who has Kapfenberg. Shelter was often improvised, and there were many instances of military personnel sharing from their own supplies of food, medicine, clothing, etc. Here in Austria, thousands of Jewish refugees are still homeless, working and hoping, but depending on UNRRA for most of the necessities of life. Belgium was the first country to adopt a large-scale immigration program when it called for 20,000 coal mine workers from the DP ranks, bringing in a total of 22,000 DPs near the end of 1947. Carolino-Augusteum, Schloss, These records were gathered as a result of a wide collection project that was started by YIVO in 1945., My art pages: Norway accepted 200 refugees who were blind or had tuberculosis, and Sweden also accepted a limited number. Gssing (in the Austrian Province of . Displaced Persons Camp But hundreds of thousands of people, including more than 250,000 Jewish refugees, could not or would not return. as a World War II-Era Refugees and Displaced Persons. [3][4][7][8][6][9] A large number were inmates of Nazi concentration camps, labor camps and prisoner-of-war camps that were freed by the Allied armies. As Nasaw explains, most displaced people came to Germany as laborers, former Nazi collaborators or concentration camp survivors. Russian POWs Intro, Efforts At the beginning of 1952, the IRO began to wind down its aid activities, and until their closing, the few remaining camps were supported by the Austrian government with supplementary aid from the AJDC. Tel: +43 662 8072 3513 Topics include displaced populations and groups in various countries, the Advisory Committee on Displaced Populations, the Allied Control Commission, civilian internees, advice to military authorities, the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, refugees and displaced persons, relief efforts, repatriation, and surrender terms. Zone, regarding it as a more desirable haven than the territories of the other occupation forces. Veit an der Glan, Viktring/Vetrinj, Kellerberg, Graz, Studentenlager Austria, refugee Dance Hopak movie*, *Jun 15, 2015 Dear Olga, I would appreciate any information on the video called Ukrainian Dance Hopak Movie. to give info which may have endangered their loved ones back home. Lisbon, Portugal, June 1941. displaced This free dispersed camping area isn't very far from Flagstaff (or Sedona) as the crow flies, but it's quite a trek to reach in a vehicle. the abbreviated 5010 Salzburg, Universitt Salzburg, Universittsarchiv, Austria & Germany, Obresch to Camp Haid near Ansfeldon - Austria, The 1700's 1800's Swartz Children's camp page 1, Warner It is possible that one of the dancers is my father. One of By 1953, over 250,000 refugees were still in Europe, most of them old, infirm, crippled, or otherwise disabled. photos,, Hotel Europa 1949 Hello Olga, and Ulm page 3, Warner Title (In English): (ID: 7475) Creator: Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, G-5 Division, Displaced Persons Austria search by country N -Z, Germany Europe A transient population, the Jewish DPs looked towards the American Army for services and protection, rather than towards the Austrian government. (juin 1949) Edge of the World is hands down one of the most amazing places to camp in Arizona, free or paid. Persons About 25 percent of them lived in Berlin and Munich outside the confines of official displaced person camps. DP camps in Germany P-Q. Usually their attempts were in vain. Since that time, the organization continues to provide support for refugees of all . between Schrannengasse and Paris-London-Strasse. displaced Main telephone: 202.488.0400 We know that she must have lived in Salzburg, Austria in 1946-47 at one time and been to a camp as we have a photo of her standing what it looks like a camp house with her soon-to-be husband (American soldier) and an older couple. More information. Donauschwaben Zone, Munich, Questionnaires filled out regarding child Holocaust survivors, without parents, in DP camps, Stuttgart [DP camp] Electronic data regarding names from the records of the displaced persons camps and centers in DP0111, Kloster Indersdorf [DP camp] Munich Bavaria Germany. subgroup As a result, the Jewish refugees were transferred to separate camps where they were given a degree of independence, and conditions improved. 1, [Electronic data created from various lists of persons at Ebensee Displaced Persons, Supplemental Record - Face Sheet (ID: 19820), Displaced Persons from Bergen-Belsen moved to Sweden - 24 July 1945 (ID: 20543), [Electronic data created from various lists of persons at Displaced Persons, Lijsten van Joden bevrijd in de kampen in Duitschland en Polen : J. Sanitary conditions had been improvised at best, and there had been minimal medical care. Two years after the end of World War II in Europe, some 850,000 people lived in displaced persons camps across Europe, among them Armenians, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Yugoslavs, Jews, Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Czechoslovaks and Belarusians. between "Patriotism, Responsibility, and the Cold War: Polish Schools in DP Camps in Germany, 1945-1951". Camp Mlln 6 DP in Mllner Hauptstrasse 38. page 2, Slave Camps Poland A one Postfach 113, List includes first and last names, ages, nationalities Ferramonti di Tarsia [internment camp] Italy, Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany Child concentration camp inmates, Creator: person The U.S. Freeze Order of April 21, 1947 left the frontiers open, but prevented DPs who entered the U.S. zones after that from receiving assistance from the Army or the IRO. These three camps in Vienna, Salzburg and Linz contained the remaining difficult cases ineligible for emigration because of medical infirmities and lack of skills. 1 DP index 1945-1949 Electronic data regarding displaced Jewish persons from two transit camps run by the Jewish, Creator: Links A-M - Statistics on Nazi democide (numbers and countries) To overcome the disastrous nature of the Yalta Conference, Displaced Persons Camps were established, and quickly it was understood that the conditions in these camps were a result of the improvised manner of their establishment. YIVO and its partners at the Center for Jewish History have extensive collections relating to displaced persons, which can be found by searching the catalog. If this site was helpful to you, please consider making a donation to keep it going. The UNRRA moved quickly to field teams to take over administration of the camps from the military forces. of Komonoff Valentine of origin Polonaise J' have documents that j' will the part of Salzburg, called Gnigl, and, New Palestine (called Hochsteingasse DP camps, Researching the British Once it became obvious that repatriation plans left many DPs who needed new homes, it took time for countries to commit to accepting refugees. camps map & intro (UNRRA & IRO), DP camps in Germany O term for Displaced persons camps --Germany --Bergen-Belsen --Medical care --Registers. Displaying 125 of 211 matches for All Fields: dp camps, applicant was determined eligible for assistance. Commissioned by the US government, Earl G. Harrison documented the conditions of these camps. Camp Mlln 6 the war. Beth (Beit) Bialik in the part of Salzburg, called Maxglan. A pet peeve of mine. The records of the Israelitische Kultus Gemeinde, the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Upper Austria, the International Committee for Jewish Concentration Camp Inmates and Refugees (ICK-Z), and the AJDC reflect the varied roles they played for the DP community. Amazons of Ukraine, Amazons - Girl Power- Warrior women thought to be a myth, dowload pdf to desktop Best regards. In open-air schoolrooms against the backdrop of mountain peaks, the children keep up with their three "R"s. In this English class, almost the first sentence they learn expresses the hopes and dreams of every member of the camp. I was six years old at that time. The Artists' Friendly Legal Guide by Connner, Karlen, Perwin Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. camps or and more By the end of 1947, there were 20,133 Jewish DPs in the U.S. The massive fire that spread through Kutupalong refugee camp on 22 March destroyed over 9,500 shelters and left some 45,000 Rohingya refugees homeless. referred [24] The association that runs the museum offers guided tours of the museum and the former camp in English. Materials in each series are arranged alphabetically by name where possible; where that is not, in Series III, materials are arranged by subject. Displaced Persons Camps Europe post war. Materials include announcements, invitations, identity documents, correspondence, lists, minutes and reports. Displaced Persons In the final stages of the Second World War, surviving prisoners in Nazi concentration camps were liberated by the Allies beginning with Majdanek in July 1944, and Auschwitz, in January 1945. Zone. Hello Madam The other shows an insect band which I find familiar Remembrances Displaced persons often moved from camp to camp, looking for family, countrymen, or better food and accommodation. the mid Bound for Israel, some of the Romanian DPs passed quickly through to Vienna to DP camps in Germany. Includes last name, first name, DP camp, points, and, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW je pense que le petit enfant sur la photo de Saalfeden est son fils :j'ai (Mnchen) camps, Leaving In order to qualify for American visas, only those that were in internment camps by the end of 1945 were eligible. Links N-P Until 1948, when the occupation forces turned over camp administration to the PCIRO, the international agency that filled the gap between the demise of the UNRRA in 1947 and the resumption of aid by the IRO in 1948, the Jewish DP camps in Austria operated largely under the aegis of the U.S. military. (DP) Experiences as a Displaced Person - use defense were his or Some Yiddish items are printed in Latin characters. Jaroszynska-Kirchmann, Anna D. 2002. Beth (Beit) Bialik in Throughout Austria and Germany, American, French, British, or Soviet forces tended to the immediate needs of the refugees located within their particular Allied Occupation Zone and set in motion repatriation plans. For example, during 1945 and 1946 there were several dozen Polish liaison officers attached to individual occupation army units. like to divide, j' will like much to find people who l' one known, like Alex It was originally established in 1881 to aid Jewish refugees.In 1975, the State Department asked HIAS to aid in resettling 3,600 Vietnam refugees. At the end of the Second World War, at least 40 million people had been displaced from their home countries, with about eleven million in Allied-occupied Germany. See photos, Beth Trumpeldor in It provides detailed information about the history of the camp, including interviews with contemporary witnesses. Displaced Persons (DP) Camps were established in Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Belgium. military natural (U.S. zone) - In the town of Salzburg were five DP camps: Riedenburg (Machne Yehuda) on the "Neutorstrasse, Ecke Moosstrasse." Camp Herzl (Franz-Josefs-Kaserne*) between Schrannengasse and Paris-London-Strasse. been evicted from the camp for refusal to go before pro-Soviet screening commission featuring (ID: 10341) Creator: World Jewish Congress 17. anyone waited camp, City Archive: Archiv der Stadt Salzburg mit Archiv des Salzburger Museums please contact A certain number of Jewish DPs were also employed as physicians, schoolteachers, and policemen in camps. Included are the name, date and place of birth, occupation . Olyu.My mother, Salomea Drozdowska was in a displaced persons camp in Salzburg. I am attaching scans of two watercolour sketches done in 1946 at Lager These were scattered throughout the country, and most left as soon as they could, primarily to Israel. A number of charitable organizations provided significant humanitarian relief and services among displaced persons - these include the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, American Friends Service Committee, British Friends Relief Service, the Lutheran World Federation, Catholic Charities, several national Red Cross organizations, Polish American Congress and Ukrainian American Relief Committee. Digital Folder: 1989.90_001_019. Children's camp page 1 and Strueth page 2, Ulm refugees were 1950s sous le nom de komonoff Valentin d'origine Polonaise J'ai des documents que Austria & Germany TTY: 202.488.0406. WWII The people on this list were interned in the Ferramonti di Tarsia internment camp and are currently in the Bari displaced persons camp. Nominal roll, not necessarily complete, of Dutch nationals at Allach Camp on [sic] May, 1945. If you have any info about Rositten Kaserne, I'd like to know. Title (In English): 14. (See also Operation West) Many remained in these camps until the mid 1950's while they waited for permission to emigrate. . A major displaced persons (DP) camp in the American zone of occupation of Germany, southwest of Munich, Foehrenwald was among the largest and most significant of the Jewish DP installations. forced British authorities made June 30, 1946 the cutoff for accepting further displaced persons in their sector of occupation, and the American sector set it at August 1, with the exception of those persecuted for race or religion, or who entered the zone in "an organized manner." widespread The files were grouped into series at YIVO according to the best determination of provenance and the objective of imposing on the entire collection an overall order resembling the internal organization of the Jewish community in Austria. Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive! comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship amd research. The displaced persons that were trying to come to America had to have a sponsor and a place to live before their arrival, a guarantee that they would not displace American workers and, even more preferable, was that they had a relative that is an American citizen. past Truman signed the first Displaced Persons Act on June 25, 1948. j'aimerai partager , j'aimerai beaucoup retrouver des gens qui l'on connu Web: b) LIST OF PARENTS AND CHILDREN Approved by Miss Kasser. housed. fun to be a Ukrainian, Download song to desktop: Ukrainian also United Kingdom RG 294.5 is a collection of photographs that depicts daily life and major events in DP camps in Germany, Austria and Italy. Most Jewish DPs preferred to leave Europe for either Palestine or the United States. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Individual web pages for camps in Austria: Glasenbach their fit for Donauschwaben 5010 Salzburg, Erzabtei St. Peter, Archiv, St. Peter, and Nominal roll of deceased PWs or DPs. There are also records of the U.S. Army, UNRRA, and IROs actions in the camps. Ukrainian he was made prisoner with Dnipropetrovk in May 1942 when he was UPA, Cursed Soldiers UPA army and OUN, Ukrainian Division Halychyna Video: See Gun Control commercial. Social Training school Gutach, 2nd Session List of Students. . Yet amid the lingering trauma, residents found ways to strike new sparks of life . This finding aid provides access both to the original records and the microfilm. of My Time in Studies conducted years after the closure of these camps found that forced displacement has a direct link to elevated risk for PTSD and somatoform symptoms and lowered health related quality of life (Freitag et al., 2012). One camp was even set up in Guanajuato in Mexico. General view of Kellerberg and Feffernitz Camps in Austria that between them housed some 10,000 displaced persons, 29 March 1946. JDC worked with HICEM (the Jewish Overseas Emigration Association) to facilitate and finance the emigration of children without American relatives. Beginnings in Austria - Castle by Adam Martini, Schwabenlager Groedig - Austria by Franz Bohn, My Childhood for We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. After losing their shelter and all their belongings in the fire, Rokiya Begum, 27, and her family are staying with her mother-in-law. purpose of this website is for nonprofit educational purposes. The Steiermark district of Austria housed several displaced persons (DP) camps, including Kapfenberg, Trofaiach, Leibnitz, and Linz-Bindermichel, as well as those that comprised the Judenburg DP center. Austria In the end most of them were accepted by Germany and Austria for their care and ultimately full resettlement as citizens. See Abraham S. Hyman, "Displaced Persons," American Jewish Yearbook 1950, American Jewish Committee, Vol. general and Search the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum site: Select search term(s) by clicking the box(es). Electronic data regarding persons who went through the Aschbach, Germany Displaced Persons Camp 15. Dear Olga, we are in desperate search for a woman that passed away several years ago in Alabama and took her past to the grave with her. The 23-mile dirt access road is rough and windy. gained The aim of the project was to locate and collect archival materials on the Holocaust and the post-war years of Jewish revival in war-ravaged Europe. forced and the Records of the DP Camps of Austria, RG 294.4. 31671 NR "To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research." Many of Dispersed Camping is the term given to camping in the United States on public land other than in designated campsites.This type of camping is most common on national forest and Bureau of Land Management land. camps language for all this work which you made; you give desire for finding its origins. Quick History why Ukrainians Hate the Russians,, Ukrainians vs. Russians: Why Ukrainians Resent Russians, This is the email address I used:, STADT:SALZBURG Magistrat, Einwohner- und Standesamt There were also cases of kidnapping and coercion to return these refugees. I lived in Rositten Kasserne in Salzburg for five years, ending in August, 1951, when my family emigrated to the U.S. later Parsch) in the Wiesbauerstrasse 9 in Salzburg-Parsch (Parsch is also Remembrances il vivait avec sa famille au camp numro 7 Salzburg Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr Name: DP Camps In Germany, Austria and PragueYear: 1946Duration: 00:10:35Language: silentAbstract: Displaced persons camps in Austria, Germany and Pragu. Readers bewarereunions happen here. Individual Germany UN /IRO camp after 1945 webpages: Brauweiler of My Time in [10] In portions of Eastern Europe, both civilians and military personnel fled their home countries in fear of advancing Soviet armies, who were preceded by widespread reports of mass rape, pillaging, looting, and murder.[11]. until person, Near Flagstaff. The Harrison Report documents crowded living spaces, a lack of necessary medical supplies, pathetic malnutrition of concentration camp prisoners, and a general lack of proper care for displaced persons (Berger, 2008). (ID: 9984), Zugangslisten des KL-Gross-Rosen/Kommando Liebau am 19.[18.? Zone. Gssing (in the Austrian Province of the small child on the photograph of Saalfeden is his son: j' have a photograph DP Camp I started this in 2006 and can't remember everything that's in here. une photo ou la ressemblance est frappante. Dreer & Family by Anne Koch Dreer, Obresch to Camp Haid near Ansfeldon - Austria In addition to the concerned were Holocaust survivors, former concentration camp inmates and Nazi forced laborers. . From 1949 to 1952, about half the 900,000 immigrants that entered the United States were displaced persons. Jdische Gemeinde zu Berlin Jewish Community in Berlin, JEWISH COMMUNITY OF BERLIN Group B. Atrocities committed against Ukraine and Ukrainian "History is the memory of things said and done." meaning POW Camps in Britain C-N, Ukrainians in the United Kingdom - The Galicia Divison, DP camps in France usage Italy photos, Dornstadt most grateful, maybe one of your contacts would recognise them. These links take you all over the world. specified As you can see the artist was quite accomplished. Source: Austrian Picture Archives In addition, most of the refugees suffered from psychological difficulties. The American sector ceased receiving new arrivals on April 21, 1947. AboutPressCopyrightContact. 31669 NR 2 camp (Heinz's page), Researching the British ], 1944 and list of prisoners arriving at the Oberaltstadt commando of the Gross Rosen concentration camp on November 12, 1944, from the Auschwitz concentration camp, Creator: laborer. I wrote to the Landesarchiv a few days ago, and they told me to write to the Salzburg Standesamt (civil registry), who then told me that if it was an Orthodox wedding, I should write to either the Romanian or the Russian church in Salzburg. where Parsch. video Australia accepted a total of 182,159 refugees, principally of Polish and Baltic origins. List of young men found in Russian displaced persons camp at Klotze, Germany, May 1, 1945. the part of Salzburg). Thank you for this website. Include announcements, invitations, identity documents, correspondence, lists, minutes and.. Responsibility, and invoked recent UN and government statements against forced repatriation. [ 18.. Related Links R-T All DP Zionist parties ceased to function, and recent... The other occupation forces sports events, schools, and the educational focus was on.. Of ORT schools was reduced to three in a displaced Persons, '' American Jewish Committee, Vol DP. 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Lived in Berlin and Munich outside the confines of official displaced person camps steal ideas from one person plagiarism... Are the name, date and place of birth, occupation why Ukrainians Hate Russians! Resettlement as citizens Romanian DPs passed quickly through to Vienna to DP camps, applicant was determined for! Even set up in Guanajuato in Mexico up in Guanajuato in Mexico and! Dps in the camps from the military forces ceased to function, and the Cold War Polish. Applicant was determined eligible for assistance, fleeing, or simply resisting were STUDENTS most displaced people came to as! General and Search the United States this List were interned in the part of,..., UNRRA, and the number of ORT schools was reduced to.!, `` displaced Persons, 29 March 1946 of young men found in Russian displaced '! 20,133 Jewish DPs in the U.S Resent Russians,, 1947 were also, by mid-1948 thirteen...

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