nwn sou shield guardian

If you'd rather have some combat aid and don't mind a bit of arrogance, choose the sorcerer Xanos Messarmos. There are a handful of fairly tough bandits in here, as well as plenty of traps. Doing this immediately, however, will cause you to miss some important information. The quest structure is very different in Chapter Two. It functions exactly like the cleric ability of the same name. To Asabi Camp B. Before leaving the encampment, talk to Torias. You're about to enter the homestretch, and this is your last chance to buy items. The bedine are having a problem. And once you step in, Kel-Garas will appear again. The fire emitting from their body will harm you, however, so try to avoid them. Head into the barn and kill the two kobolds inside. To East Fragment C. To North Fragment D. To West Fragment E. Shield Guardians F. To Temple of the Winds. If the chief agrees to the arbitration, bring Klumph to Chief's Cavern. So head into the workshop proper and examine Drogan's crystal table, located in the center of the room. You convince the kobolds to take you as a hostage instead of Mara, which requires an easy persuasion check. They won't tell you much about the attack, but they will inform you that the herbalist's dog buried a treasure somewhere in the vicinity. The butler has the key to the sarcophagus, but you can freely enter the tomb and take the ring, so long as you close the door and he doesn't see you. The Arcanist's Tower C. Shield Guardian D. To the North Fragment. Even better, used ranged weapons or spells to avoid the trapped floor. The maximum level for the harper scout prestige class is five. The final riddle involves wizards and fruit trees. Once you've cleaned out the orc caves, head into the kobold cave. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. When you can safely continue, head up the stairs. If you want to solve the puzzle on your own, go around to each pillar and drop a distinct weapon in front, so that when the birdbath reveals the next in the sequence you can recognize it. If you attack Kel-Garas, you can quickly defeat him by placing the rod of blight into the altar. His ability to execute lethal attacks from the cover of shadows makes the assassin a very deadly opponent. Quest: Kobolds in the Kitchen Again, there are several ways to solve this. Once you've thoroughly explored the maze, head up to the Hall of the Dead Wind. . When it's gone, not only will Undrentide begin plunging toward Earth, but Heurodis will also be vulnerable. To kill Tymofarrar, she will give you the phylactery of ice, which will turn you into a frost giant for a short period of time. You can then let them go, convince them to leave, and ambush them, or just attack them yourself in the kitchen. If you allow them to actually leave with Mara, they will kill her once they leave the tavern. Your fellow students are rushing to his aid, and you should follow suit. Kel-Garas waits near his tomb. Inside you will find the desert's fury--a weapon that does 1d8 fire damage and offers a +1 attack bonus and a +2 bonus against the undead. Similarly, you might be confused by the constant use of the abbreviation "DC," primarily in terms of traps and locks. He will request a bottle of Ao wine from you. When the pillar puzzle is solved, the portal will open. Sleep: At the second level, the harper scout can cast sleep once per day. To get to the platform safely, you need to run exclusively on squares where the rays of light are shining. For such a huge area, it is almost entirely empty. I use the ring on them, but then I cannot harm them. Ferran will also tell you about the shadow hart, and how he needs its horns to make medicine for his ailing wife. Note that once Mara is safe, she will tell you that the Helmthorn Berries, needed for A Cure for Drogan, are in the pot on the stove in the kitchen (the berries will still be there if you don't save her). Kill them all, and destroy the egg sacs. This begins the J'Nah's Request quest. At level eight, it increases to a 15-percent concealment bonus, +3 to AC, and 10/+2 damage reduction. Clearing up in Helms hold at the end of chapter one, the Guardian of Helm gives me 3 choices. Many of these begin and end simultaneously. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. [1] The Arcane Archer can cast spells and use a bow with great skill. The assassin is the deadly cousin to the rogue. DC stands for "difficulty class." Three of these lead back to the surface. Otherwise, you will have to buy the kobold's freedom. - Summon Shadow: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. During the conversation, you will learn something important: A kobold named Deekin has taken the tower statue, but the mummified hand is still in their possession. Yet. The phylactery of ice helps level the playing field. Head for the exit, which will automatically return you to the oasis. You can receive some gold or a free reading as your reward. Each is level eight, and at least one of them will prove incredibly challenging depending on what class you are playing. His CR was "impossible", but I was able to beat him easily with a level 8 paladin. One of the other significant differences between Neverwinter Nights and Shadows of Undrentide is the difficulty. Once the boulder is moved, head down to the dragon cave. I have a belt of cloud giant strength, a +6 str/-4 dex sword with fire damage added. Destroy the mythallar to make Heurodis vulnerable. If you try to trick him by spilling it on the ground, you will need a high dexterity or charisma. Smite Good: At the second level, the blackguard's charisma modifier is added to his or her attack roll when fighting opponents of good alignment. You might be able to find Deekin at his store, but if J'Nah lives you will not be able to retrieve the statue yet. He is badly hurt and needs healing, but Valana, the nurse, has no magic. Your next goal is to return the ark to working order. Make sure you rest up (and teleport back to Hilltop for supplies if needed) between battles. You can always come back and pick a different henchman, but your basic choice should be easy. So long as you aren't evil, that is. In the hallway opposite the minotaur room, you'll see a pile of rubble. (If you don't have a stone to flesh spell, you can use the ointment of stone to flesh found on the master's skeleton in the adjacent room.) Poison Save: The second-level assassin gains a natural resistance to poison, with a +1 fortitude bonus against poison. You can then add items to your henchman's inventory and re-equip him or her. Don't forget to use the Tab key often. Once you've dealt with her in the manner of your choosing, return to the entrance or climb up the boulder in her chamber into the minogon room above. In a weapon rack in that same southeastern passageway, you'll find a shadow sword, a +2 two-bladed sword that does 1d8 damage and adds 1d4 acid damage. In the center of this room are two acid traps, each with a DC of 36. Your character must also be evil, for obvious reasons. Once you've answered the riddles correctly, Riisi will give you some focus crystals. Characters with decent persuasion skill can convince him to leave for Silverymoon or Neverwinter, but you will need to pay him one or 10 gold pieces (depending, again, on a persuasion check) to leave. She'll tell you a bit about the town's troubles, and give you the An Excess of Prophet quest, which requires you to rid the town of Piper's doom saying. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Hide (5 ranks) Feats: Cleave. The stampede will kill everything in sight. When you enter the tavern, the locals have trapped a group of kobolds in the kitchen. A. Rope to Gnoll Cave B. ***** VERSION HISTORY v0.7 The beta version of the NWN SoU FAQ/Walkthrough (July 9, 2003) v1.0 The full version (July 11, 2003) Corrected some information. Summon Fiend: At the fifth level, the blackguard can summon a succubus. You don't have to go in here yet, but it's a good idea to clear out the zombies before you come back. Flip the switches until the fireballs are moving as slowly as possible, then move to the glowing area in the center of the hall. Quest: A Cure for Drogan Ask Ayala if there's anything you can do to help Drogan. And the blackguard's skills are perfectly suited for evil fighters, such as the ability to cast bull's strength and the ability to cast wound-inflicting spells while already up close and personal with your adversary. Read the pillars for clues about what you need to do to operate the strange machine. Finally, in the southwest chest is the squire's defense armor (+3 strength, +2 AC). You'll be fighting undead along the way. Primarily, you now have control over their equipment. But if you do speak with them, you'll learn that they want to be put out of their misery. Read "The Confessions of Karsus" to return to the library. Speak with Haniah. Rest up, and make sure you learn the most powerful offensive and defensive spells you have. You will need a quartz crystal and any two of the following: a phenalope, an aventurine, a fluorspar, or an amethyst. To obtain shadow gems, kill the shadovar as they appear. You will get several choices of rewards--most important among these is that he frees Deekin (note that if you did not ask for Deekin's freedom initially, you will need to give him a store of items worth 2,000 gold for him to free the kobold). Put the materials in the grinder to make a focus crystal. After talking to Gishnak, head into his treasure room and loot it dry. Note that in addition to buying wine from Musharak, you can intimidate the minister of Ao into giving you a bottle. To Dragon Cave. With every other level gained, the arcane archer receives a +1 bonus, beginning at first level, with a maximum of +5. Of the prestige classes available in Shadows of Undrentide, harper scouts are definitely the most role-play-oriented, in that they don't get significant combat bonuses. Inflict Critical Wounds: At the eighth level, the blackguard is granted the ability to cast inflict critical wounds once per day. Rest up, and be wary of the traps blocking the stairs to the inner catacombs. A. Throw everything you have at the undead guardians. A. Ashtara B. I have tried a +1 dagger, +2 dagger, +3 sling, and a +3 heavy crossbow. Item FAQ (PC) by myztikrice. At the seventh level, it is increased to 2d6, and at ninth level, it is increased to 3d6. Return to Nimaldor and he will tell you about a secret door and a poison trap that will kill the kobolds. This ability is granted at the third level, and it can be used once a day. Otherwise, you can just let them go or kill them. It is a very good idea to make the deal, even if you plan on killing the dragon. Continue fighting through the caves to the slave pen. If you do kill him, wait until he has given you the inkwell, or take it from his corpse. As you enter this area, you will be attacked by basilisks. But Xanos is a good choice for tanks who want a little magic to back them up. You can, however, persuade Riisi to give you some items. Now head upstairs. For that reason, you shouldn't feel ashamed to use the difficulty slider (located in the options menu) when things get too tough. Choose whatever reward you wish, because he will give you several if you perform the deed. For that reason, not all the journal entries listed here are covered individually in the walk-through. It is available once the harper scout reaches level five. Return her cards, and Daschnaya will tell your fortune for free. Though no single creature in the next room is much of a challenge, together they are fairly devastating. However, you'll need to fight several mummies to get to it. The maximum level for the arcane archer prestige class is 10. If you choose Waterdeep as the suggested relocation city, you will not need to pay him at all. There's a chest with a tower shield +1 and some various other loot, but other than that, the place is deserted. Simply download the erf package and extract it to your NWN\erf folder, then open XP1-Chapter 1. Though it is filled with burning men, they will not attack you. Note that the sarcophagus in the northeast corner, directly next to the eastern exit, contains boots of the sun soul +4, monk-only boots that grant +2 to dexterity and +4 to AC. This will likely be your main weapon until you recover your equipment (depending on choice of weapon you may find better weapons along the way, though). To Hilltop East. Note that you can only send them to Silverymoon if Xanos is in your party and if you successfully lie to them about the condition of Hilltop. Whichever way you deal with the situation, the oasis will be restored, and the caravan can continue on to the encampment. This daze lasts for five rounds. I have Deekin and a Panther familiar (I'm a sorcerer myself). With the wise wind in hand, return to the library. - Shadow Daze: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer may inflict an illusory daze upon a target once per day. The benefit of this shop, other than its low-level magic items, is that Szaren will give you a much better deal than Fiona. She will also provide you with a supply of wine for Musharak. The fireballs shooting down the hallway, which are possibly the most annoying aspect of the game, can't be disabled. Entrance B. If he doesn't attack you on sight, you can intimidate him to give you the rod, or you can persuade him to allow you to arbitrate a deal between him and Klumph. Namely, a good majority have been turned into undeadine. While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is still a huge mass of land covered with quests and critters. If you're having trouble, lure them out of the main hall, shut the door, and pick them off one by one. . A. Once the deal is done, Tymofarrar will show you a shortcut out of the caves. Note that a spike trap is situated just below the remains. Secondly, you can challenge Rumgut to a drinking contest. Summon Shadow: The shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. Alternatively, you can also take the horns to Fiona at the smith in Hilltop--she will buy them from you (for very little) or make a helm for you, which allows you to cast ghostly visage one time a day and provides +1 to your armor class. Inflict Serious Wounds: At the seventh level, the blackguard is able to cast inflict serious wounds once a day. In a small graveyard in the southeastern corner, you will meet a skeleton chieftain who will speak with you. Hail of Arrows: By using this skill, the arcane archer is able to shoot an arrow at every target within range, up to the number of enemies equal to the character's arcane-archer level. Before grabbing the cloak, however, note the squares without lights. The Maze C. Skeleton Chieftain D. Throne Room E. To the Hall of the Dead Wind. The book also reveals the locations of these winds. If you enter the room, the gates will shut and a manticore will come bounding at you. As a reward, he will tell you how to operate the strange machine in the next room and explain that the machine will provide you with a power stone when used correctly. Scotland to launch legal challenge to UK government block on gender reform bill. 3xDiamond, 2xIronwood and 2xSpecial Holy Water for use by Barun Silverblade in Chapter 3. Likewise, druids and rangers can speak with the chickens in the coop and learn that there's a gem in the nearby water trough. Shadows of Undrentide (SoU) is the first of the official expansion packs. Deneir's Eyes: This +2 bonus to reflex saves against traps is granted to harper scouts at level two. Then choose "I want to adjust your equipment." If you show Fiona Glendir's promissory note, she will give you some boots of reflexes +3. He's a 12th-level cleric/battle priest, and he can (and will) cast blade barrier, greater dispelling, and circle of doom, among other nasty spells. Once inside, you have several choices. Death Attack: With every other level, starting at the first level, this special sneak attack becomes more deadly. Each pair is associated with a particular alignment. The hermit is a strange man. Once you defeat him take the Book of Helm from the heavily trapped bookshelf. Note that this bonus applies only to non-magical arrows. Note that the staff, in addition to the attack bonuses, also allows you to cast flame arrow three times a day. Follow the conversation thread that begins "There is need for you in the village, but you go about it all wrong," and he will ask you to retrieve his sword. With Karsus and William, defeating the wise wind is not very difficult. Note that if you already spoke with J'Nah and agreed to kill Tymofarrar, he will try to make a counterproposal. Darkness: At the fifth level, the assassin is granted the ability to cast darkness once per day. With the desert's fury in hand, it's time to head into the Tomb of Kel-Garas. If J'Nah is dead, and Tymofarrar is either dead or has agreed to release Deekin from his servitude, Deekin will find you. Eventually, you will have to kill her. Inside the temple, you will find Garrick. Unfortunately, the henchmen aren't very smart about managing their enhancement potions, so dole them out carefully. Return to Nathan, and he will give you an amulet of natural armor +1. Help the master jumper, and he'll open the blocked passage. This is NWN, there's several ways to skin a cat, and taking a defensive-focused route + normal still spell and the odd high level spell with no somatic component should still work fairly well. Its effects are dependent on the ingredients used to create it. Trapped Hallway C. Trapped Chest D. Door Puzzle E. Kobold Commoners F. Wolf Pen G. Prison H. Chief's Cavern I. Quest: The Lost Sword Continue down the passageway. Once you feel well equipped, enter the Temple of the Winds. However, later in the chapter you can return to Fiona for different, alternate outcomes for two quests. He will tell you about the large boulder blocking the entrance to the lower levels. A. You will need the book at area #4 if you want to summon the Guardian Spirit of Helm and restore the Hold. You can talk to Gilford, the exhausted priest of Ilmater. HoTU: How in the heck do you defeat the third guardian of the path in Chapter 3. Nearby, you will see William. The SoU-HotU-Hero and the OC-Hero are simply not the same. Now the primary quest starts in earnest. The truth is that, though Sturgeonism is over, the question of independence is not going away. The northern entrance is guarded by bugbears, the southern by a group of wild animals, all fighting among themselves. Consult the maps below for the transportation locations from the tower to the plane of shadow. As you enter, the minotaur statues will cause insects to attack the party as they cross through the center. Note that there is no way to avoid fighting J'Nah. At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. When the protective circle disappears, focus all your energy on the wind (and note that when the circle reappears, all undead within it will be killed). Once that quest is finished, and Mara the cook is safe, you'll learn that the berries are in a pot on the stove in the kitchen of the Bubbling Cauldron. The answer is "20." Before attacking the kobolds, talk to their leader, Urko. Note that flipping a switch out of order will close all the doors. In the western passage at the far end, you will find three tombs. Note that shadow evade and summon shadow, however, will continue to improve. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Move Silently (8 ranks), Hide (8 ranks). Craft Harper Item: This ability allows the harper scout to create a potion once a day. The shadow servant is also a merchant with some powerful magic items for sale. Search the wiki about Tynan. You won't learn anything from him, so just do your shopping and get out. Important note about this walk-though: When compass directions are given, they refer to the map provided, with north being the top. In the center of this cavern is a chest. There's no way to avoid this room, unfortunately. One, however--Temple of the Winds--Rites and Rituals--explains how to restore the power of the ark. Mischa importable henchman package. Kill the zombies and speak with Ali Ibn-Musud. The first section of the kobold caves is fairly straightforward. There are a few ways to save Becka, though. You can also get him to leave by asking him if he had anything to do with Hol's death. Note that you can also affect how your henchman trains when gaining a level. For Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by Orest. . If you lose the contest, Rumgut will lock you up with Becka, at which point you can wait until the rat appears and then go through the secret tunnel through which the rat entered. Tymofarrar will make a deal with you to kill J'Nah (which begins the Tymofarrar's Revenge quest), and in exchange offers you a reward of your choosing. This ability can be used three times a day. They won't hurt you. AGAIN, I see this as a plot, scenario failing by the developers. Primarily, you can choose what equipment they will use. At the ninth level, he can summon a vrock. When you agree to kill J'Nah, the quest begins, and the dragon will give you a powder that will help in your fight. As soon as Heurodis sees you, she will approach and begin talking. At the beginning of the interlude, the caravan is attacked by stingers. Dagget is a dire rat that will, reluctantly, tell you about the problems of the tower. Behind the guardian is his master's skeleton, but if you attempt to loot it he will attack. At the first level, it does 1d6 extra damage, and with every other level another d6 of damage is added. This ability can be used only once per day. The hobgoblin merchant has some decent items for sale, but he will offer to find you something really special for a small deposit of 100 gold. Abilities: Hit Dice: d10 Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial weapons, All Armor, Shields Skill Points: 2 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). They're filled with falling rubble and slaads, and you'll need to make your way through the dilapidated environments to the portal in the dead center. Per day important note about this walk-though: when compass directions are given, they will use there. Armor ( +3 strength, a good majority have been turned into undeadine the hallway opposite the statues... Can then add items to your henchman 's inventory and re-equip him her... Of wine for Musharak servant is also a merchant with some powerful magic items for sale read `` the of! Beginning of the ark bit of arrogance, choose the sorcerer Xanos Messarmos a belt cloud... Allow them to leave, and Tymofarrar is either Dead or has agreed to kill,... 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