The annuals required replacing an assortment of parts that were just worn out. ) Become a member and get exclusive access to articles, contests and more! The fuel selector is located by the pilots left knee, on the sidewall. robin_steiner2. After that initial change, the design remained essentially static until 1969, when the B-model appeared. The PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser seats up to 3 passengers plus 1 pilot. - Aircraft specific reviews and articles. We didnt find a significant stall/spin record, which is consistent with what instructors tell us about the airplanes flying qualities. WebHorsepower: 150 Gross Weight: 2150 lbs Top Speed: 123 kts Empty Weight: 1237 lbs Cruise Speed: 117 kts Fuel Capacity: 36 gal Stall Speed (dirty): 48 kts Range: 480 nm Takeoff: Landing: Ground Roll: 800 ft Ground Roll 535 ft: Over 50 ft obstacle: 1700 ft Over 50 ft obstacle: 1080 ft Rate Of Climb: 660 fpm Ceiling: 14300 ft Its been a big help. There seem to be many Cherokees for sale at seemingly low prices-at least way below what I see from V-Ref or what I would take for mine-but all will need extensive avionics upgrades to make them reasonably modern aircraft. Air Safety Institute | My First Airplane: Cherokee 140 - AOPA Inexpensive to maintain, Cons: However, its in the range of expenses for the airplanes of other owners I know. Free shipping. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for PA28 Piper Cherokee Speed Fairing Hinge Cover at the best online prices at eBay! All PA-28s share the same basic design, which through its simplicity has proven to be durable and easy to maintain. Jumping a dead battery on an airplane not equipped with a GPU plug. These days, major avionics upgrades include sourcing a new instrument panel to accommodate large flight displays. Some (like Horton) make full-blown STOL kits, others (Laminar Flow) specialize in parts to enhance cruise speed. This makes the Cherokee 140 a much better proposition as an entry-level cross-country machine than a Cessna 150. Shipping by the manufacturer or FAA. Maximal total range:649 NM / 747 SMCruise speed:118 knots / 136 MPHAverage price:$53,479.11Number of passengers:3 people, Your email address will not be published. Americas owner-flown aircraft enthusiasts and active-pilot resource, delivered to your inbox! There were 11 reports of airframe corrosion, eight of them directly attributed to water leaking into the fuselage and getting trapped in the fiberglass insulation. Best Range (i): 440 NM. The rear seat was only good in a pinch but the competing Cessna 150 didnt have that option at all. Also, make sure that everything works. WebPiper Cherokee 160 Poh Pdf Eventually, you will categorically discover a extra experience and exploit by spending more cash. Introducing Cram Folders! Its simple to use and its easy to see how much flap is out there. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. I expect to improve cruise to 130 knots. The 1,000th was delivered in the spring of 1963. Major accessories include a geared starter, a 35-amp alternator, dual magnetos, vacuum has regularly set speed records in his Cherokee 140. Shop for a 140 with an upgraded engine. Thats actually a good thing: Easy-to-fly airplanes have proven to be safer than those with sportier handling characteristics. WebThe Cherokee PA-28-140 produced by Piper. Even seemingly little problems can end up costing a lot. In the normal category all aerobatic maneuvers including spins are prohibited. Cruise speed 133 mph Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Do Storm Chasers Measure The Speed Of A Tornado, What Driving Would Be Like Without Speed Limits. Last, check the seat structure above the battery box. The spark source? These modifications increased the cruise from 112 knots to 120 knots at 8000 feet at 8 GPH and 2620 RPM. All this stuff may sound like a lot of maintenance, but over a 10-year period, it beats every other airplane Ive owned. Some quick thoughts from my experience: The Cherokee is a joy to fly. Cessna had introduced the 172 and although the Tri-Pacer beat the Skyhawk to the market by several years, there was no chance the stodgy ragwing milkstool could compete with the all-metal Hawk. Unless you get into a J-3 Cub, it doesnt get any easier to maintain, systems-wise. My observations on Cherokee ownership are based on the ability to do a lot of my own work. 37,96 EUR + 82,01 EUR livraison. One area where all Pipers shine is the flap control. PIPER PA-28-140 CHEROKEE AIRCRAFT BRACKET MOUNT FAIRING COVER PLATE. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. Their Piper Owners Magazine and Cherokee Hints and Tips book are full of useful ownership experiences and troubleshooting solutions. Ive put 250 hours on the airplane in 2 years and am coming up to TBO. Contacts Laminar Flow and Power Flow at 877-693-7356,; LoPresti 800-859-4757,; Knots-2-U at 262-763-511, In general, we think the Lycoming O-320 has acquitted itself well. The flexibility of ownership has allowed me to readily maintain proficiency, even during the rainy winters here in Seattle. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Cherokee production began slowly but, by late summer, was up to about five airplanes a day. In today's American society, there is an abundance of laws put in place to protect each and every citizen. The PA-28-160B Cherokee seats up to 3 passengers plus 1 pilot. The various companies make simple mods such as gap seals. Flashcards. Its a big manual lever between the front seats with a push-button latch. Already a member? 145 miles per hour is the top speed for this Camaro with a five gear manual or four speed automatic. $49.99 + $4.00 shipping. A special pressure recovery design improves the rate of climb with most installations. Total costs of all maintenance and upgrades, so far, are shown in the chart Im including here (click here to view). I try to have a well-maintained airplane, but still seek to make sure that any maintenance is of high value. It was time to update the line. Cherokee 140 D Pa-28- 140 Owners Handbook Piper Aircraft Corporation Vero Beach. Air is really a thin fluid and if you dont plan on agonizing your way through perfect fits, dont bother in the first place. To view the various models currently available, please check out our Piper aircraft for sale for descriptions and photos or When I majored the engine, all the baffles were upgraded with new silicone seals and attachments. The annuals were initially costing about $2000 each, with the last at $1500, now that Ive upgraded or replaced most of the items that need work due to their age. This is a must for all Cherokee owners, especially if you do any IFR work . I'm holding a Cherokee 140 POH in my hands and quoting directly from that manual. Start your free trial today! Underpowered Sort By: sku: 28HGS Flap / Aileron / Flap-Fuselage / Stabilator Gap Seal Kit. Many owners who responded to our reader survey noted that theyd installed one or more mods, usually with at least some benefit derived. I think the PA-28-180 is generally a better all-around airplane than the 140. Mods, Owner GroupsSeveral companies make aerodynamic tweaks for the Cherokee. No warranty of Rotation speed. "Pug [Howard] Piper and I sat down and worked out what we wanted. In 1971, The D-model got a new dorsal fin, inertial-reel shoulder harnesses and an autopilot option. Whether any particular mod will accomplish everything the manufacturer claims depends on so many factors that any promises should be looked on with some skepticism. Get extra lift from AOPA. I have an A&P background, although I never earned a living at it. One alternator bracket bolt was broken in a spot you would never see as well. Height 7 ft 7 in I plan to upgrade to 160 HP and re-pitch the prop to 62 inches. In one well-publicized 1981 accident involving a Warrior, the rear seat collapsed onto the battery box lid, starting an in-flight fire. Even the Cherokee Six, although a distinct type, owes its birth the humble PA-28 series. Or the fact that, as with the Cessna 172, parts are readily available and annual inspections reasonable, generally amounting to replacement of aging parts. For more detail on the accidents study, see the sidebar on page 29. Free shipping for many products! The Cherokee Pilots Association can be reached at P. O. - Use this form or email to reach out to us: 5.0. Match. Many Piper Cherokee owners buy their airplanes with the intention of moving up, and then justdont. Maybe its the rangefive hours at best economy on 50 gallons of fuel, longer than most people like to fly. WebPiper Cherokee 140 Normal Operation Checklist (10 Engine Instruments Departure Checklist (1,000 AGL) Engine Set Full Throttle Airspeed Best Rate: Vy (85 mph) Cruise Climb: The empty weight is 1,180 lbs and the gross weight is 1,950 lbs. Learn. The PA-28 was to spawn a remarkably diverse family of airplanes, ranging from the Cherokee 140 all the way up to the Turbo Arrow IV. Where legal, I replace every screw I pull out with a stainless steel screw. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee Auxiliary Door Latch Assy P/N 63034-00 (0423-33) at the best online prices at eBay! Click here to view Accidents: Runway Loss-of-Control Tops The List.. Good design, but its located out of sight and therefore often out of mind. After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. Sign up. Popular categories from this Interested in buying this aircraft click here. Clearly a bold stroke was needed. Fuel quantity and pressure are indicated on gauges located in the engine gauge cluster on the instrument panel. 14 terms. pipercherokee. As an interesting footnote, when the engine was torn down, one cam lobe had gone soft, but it had not seemed to affect performance or differential compression. For up to two adults-I consider the back seat for storage only-the 140 is a great value for trips to 300 miles or so. A $12,250.00 loan over 10 years including $51.04 per month in interest equates to a $614.26 per-month payment. There are two COM radios and two NAV radios with corresponding OBS instruments. The airplane had 502 total hours, airframe and engine, when we bought it and has 1230 hours now. (Full Time Power) Electrical System. Again, its good insurance and makes it easier to work on next time around. By continuing to use this website, you are agreeing to our Cookie Policy. They require a bit more speed and power in landings, and the pilot should be cognizant of the fuel weight from the extra 34 gallons aboard. Engine failure accidents dont seem to have a common theme, a departure from our previous research on this model. Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Find it free on the store. CRUISE SPEED (kts. Americas owner-flown aircraft enthusiasts and active-pilot resource, delivered to your inbox! The engine is still running strong and has had no problems so far. Free shipping for many products! Check the ads in Trade-A-Plane and youre likely to see Cherokee 140 examples with 8000 or more hours still in daily service. The standard engine makes 290 horsepower and 260 pound-feet On the 85th percentile before the speed humps were installed as far as possible was far up high and even on day 1 after the speed hump were installed the s 13. Safety, AccidentsOver the years weve been observing this model, the accident profile hasnt changed appreciably. Cherokee 140s have only one passenger door, on the right side, and no baggage door at all. By all means, check the cables and battery box carefully. Landing over 50-ft. obstacle (ft.): 870. PIPER CHEROKEE 140 Aircraft For WebLes meilleures offres pour PA28 Piper Cherokee Speed Fairing Hinge Cover sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d 'occasion Pleins d 'articles en PIPER PA-28-140 CHEROKEE AIRCRAFT BRACKET MOUNT FAIRING COVER PLATE. GUILLOW'S Balsa Wood Flying Model PIPER CHEROKEE 140 Kit #307. Plane & Pilot collected many interesting facts and tidbits about the history of Piper PA-28s. - Aircraft data that you believe is inaccurate or have specific experiences. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Shipping speed. The insulation was pointed out by several owners: Its a good idea to pull out at least that part of the interior and check for corrosion and sodden insulation during a pre-purchase inspection. 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Avg. 2023 Madavor Media, LLC. A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. hello quizlet. As far as service difficulty reports go, the largest single set of reports had to do with breaking valves and valve guides. The 140 is also a good IFR platform and flying the same airplane regularly has allowed me to sharpen up and maintain my IFR skills. Unless otherwise noted, these reviews carry product pricing from the time of the original review. WebTop Speed: 124 kts: Empty Weight: 1290 lbs: Cruise Speed: 110 kts: Fuel Capacity: 36 gal: Stall Speed (dirty): 48 kts: Range: 455 nm: Takeoff: Landing: Ground Roll: 800 ft: Fuel capacity 50 gal (48 gal usable)300 lb (288 lb usable), PERFORMANCE The first big problem was cracks in the wing walk stiffener panel, not uncommon on older Cherokees and a $2000 job to replace. When comparing the horsepower per cubic inch of displacement (CID), the ratio All 4x2 models make an EPA-estimated 22/30 mpg city/highway; 4x4 models make 21/28 mpg city/hi Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language, {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Piper Cherokee 140 V Speeds","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/piper-cherokee-140-v-speeds-348874","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v12.0","language":"en_US"}}. If you want good data, take your time and plan on spending a lot of boring time converting fuel to noise and heat. Its an easy and fun airplane to fly and maneuver. Major accessories include a geared starter, a 35-amp alternator, dual magnetos, vacuum pump drive, fuel pump, full flow oil filter, and a float carburetor. But when the first PA- 28 rolled off the brand-new assembly line at Vero Beach, Florida, 30 years ago, it was a significant departure from the tried-and-true tube-and-fabric designs made famous by Piper in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Stall Speed: 48 KIAS. Another annoying early problem was that the overhead instrumentation light went out and that cost a total of $1400 to replace the dimmer switch and clean up some of the old wiring. I purchased the airplane from an A&P and part of the agreement was that he would install speed mods from Laminar Flow and Knots-2-U. The PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser seats up to 3 passengers plus 1 pilot. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Piper 1969 PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow Owners Handbook & Specs Original. The production PA-28-140 Cherokee is a low-maintenance, low-cost, all-around great little performer. The gear on a low wing airplane can be placed farther apart than on a high-wing design, and handling in a crosswind was deemed better in low-wing airplanes, thanks to the wide-spread gear and low center of gravity, Weick said. The most recent type-specific ones are 96-10-3, which calls for replacement of the flap handle bolt and 96-10-1, which calls for replacement of the landing light support and seal. With its signature Cub and later the Tri-Pacer, Piper favored high-wing designs during the companys early years. Although the Cherokee fuel selector design is simple enough, as noted earlier, it seems to hide out of sight. Test. As with all airplanes, we strongly encourage potential buyers to join an owners club. Retail value: $20,400 for a 1964 model $34.95. This is in contrast to the Cessna 150, which is crowded with one person aboard. PA 28-140 (Piper Cherokee) Speeds. If the light isnt replaced properly, the gasket can come adrift and get sucked into the carburetor. Notable are Laminar Flow, Knots-2-U, Horton, LoPresti and Power Flow. Again, the kit quality is great but plan on spending a lot of fit time to get good results. Subsequent model years had standard entrance steps, standard copilot brakes, and a redesigned steering linkage. WebPIPER PA 28-140 CHEROKEE FAIRING ASSY - R/H LDG GEAR P/N: 63338-00 + $29.91 shipping PIPER PA 28-140 CHEROKEE PLATE ASSY - FAIRING R/H LDG GEAR + $22.43 shipping eBay Money Back Guarantee PA28 Piper Cherokee Speed Fairing Hinge Cover 1 watched in the last 24 hours Condition: Used PA28 Piper Cherokee Speed Fairing / Most of the wiring forward of the firewall was replaced when the engine was out. WebPA-28 PA-28-140, 150, 160, 180, 235 Models Performance Modifications Performance Modifications Piper PA-28 Speed Mods by Knots 2U. The results were mixed. One door. WebThe 235s fly somewhat differently than smaller Cherokees. The wide gear and low wing make crosswind work straightforward. The paint was in good shape and the interior was clean but worn. With the Avcon 180 horsepower conversion and all available speed mods, this 140 is a rocket ship. $49.99 + $4.00 shipping. The prop went to AMRD for rework. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Single engine piston aircraft with fixed landing gear. In the 10 years of ownership, I opted for the progressive maintenance approach and improvement. Owners of 1977 through 1982 Warrior IIs can get a gross weight increase, from 2325 up I read Roy Loprestis analysis of performance and data gathering, as well as any other test data approach I could study. WebPiper Cherokee 160 Poh Pdf Eventually, you will categorically discover a extra experience and exploit by spending more cash. Fuel burn 6.2 to 8.4 gallons per hour. When the inevitable high-wing versus low-wing argument boils up, Cessnas seem to represent the wing-on-top sentiment while Pipers carry the opposite side of the fight. The short wing makes getting a soft touchdown harder than on the later models, but it can be done with practice. Wingspan 30 ft Before all was said and done, the PA-28 had been mutated into everything from the lowly Cherokee 140 up to the Turbo Arrow IV. Introducing Cram Folders! The last 140s were built in 1977 and were dropped the following year in favor of the Tomahawk and Warrior. Start your free trial today! SR20 Reminders. Source: Janes All The Worlds Aircraft and Intertecs Aircraft Bluebook Price Digest. This can sometimes trap water, especially since its near the door. I have had only minor problems of minimal cost beyond the cost of the annual. The airplane was out of rig when I bought it and I spent about three days with the help of another A&P re-rigging it. After buying the airplane, I joined the Cherokee Pilots Association. The airplane has been economical to operate with an average expenditure of $5000 per year for 50 flight hours. The Piper Cherokee 140 is powered by a Lycoming O-320- E2A engine. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee Auxiliary Door Latch Assy P/N 63034-00 (0423-33) at the best online prices at eBay! In early 1962, Piper delivered its 500th Cherokee only three months after delivering the 250th. Plane & Pilot collected many interesting facts and tidbits about the history of the Piper PA-28s. Maximum operating altitude of 11,000, a optimal cruise speed of 118 knots/136 MPH, and a 649 NM/747 SM seats-full range. You cant beat it as a stable IFR platform for part-timers. We installed a Century I autopilot and coupled it to the panel-mounted Apollo 612C loran, Trimble 2000A GPS and dual Terra Digital VORs. Home. The airplane came with a cruise prop and anything to help cruise speed is always appreciated. We had specifications on the shape and the size and the power and the performance.". Power Flow makes a tuned exhaust system. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the Cherokee PA-28-140 here Its also possible to switch to a position between tanks. fitness for any purpose is made or implied. Among later refinements to the basic Cherokee design were tapered wings, bigger powerplants, larger fuselages, retractable landing gear, and turbocharging. But by the 1950s, Piper was in a jam. For 2012, Jeep offers three engine choices beginning with a 3.6-liter V6 found in most models. Check out some of the other Cheapest Planes In The Sky. It was basically the same idea that decades later resulted in the last downmarket PA-28 variant, the Cadet: Offer a stripped-down, low-cost version of an airplane already in production and pitch it to flightschools. Piper Cherokee 180 Review & History I spent most of my early apprentice days (Im now in my late apprentice days) flying a Champion Tri-Traveler, basically a 100-hp, tricycle-gear version of the Champ. WebSpeeds for PA 28-140 Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Their goal was straightforward: Build a good, simple, four-seat airplane at low cost. 28FLAPH $301.32 Plane and Pilot expands upon the vast base of knowledge and experience from aviations most reputable influencers to inspire, educate, entertain and inform. All rights reserved. at the best online prices at eBay! I purchased my 1967 Cherokee 140 in June, 1997, to learn to fly. Average price for used aircraft PIPER Cherokee 140 is $53,479.11. Cabin specifications: 0308 cabin high, 0304 cabin wide, and 0802 cabin long. There have been no heart-stopping ADs on the PA-28-140. All structures are of aluminum alloy. Compared to other two-seaters, the 140s cabin is large and comfortable, thanks to the fuselage it shares with other PA-28s. Id rather have a good 140 than a rough 180 any day. The speed mods described on page 30 may considerably improve speed and economy. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. The outside was fixed up with Met-Co-Aire wingtips and all plastic parts were replaced with fiberglass parts from Globe Fiberglass before painting. Shipping Optional air conditioning was offered, a unique feature in this class of airplane and probably not too desirable, given the power limitations. Skip it: If you want speed or to carry more than one or two passengers. I also installed Electronics Internationals engine analyzer and fuel flow gauges and am convinced that no airplane should be without them. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! at the best online prices at eBay! View 492 PIPER PA-28 For Sale. Most of the down time has been waiting for parts. Thats more than I ever expected for a simple airplane, and more than is typically mentioned in articles about airplane ownership. Fuel cost per hour: Published cruising speed of Cruiser: 108 knots. It was downright futuristic compared to the Tri-Pacer and even made Cessnas Skyhawk look old-fashioned. The rest, as they say, is history. If the Cherokees rear seat is used, theres no separate baggage bay; if the airplane is treated as a two-placer, however, theres lots of room for luggage. Its under the rear seat, adjacent to the spar. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the Cherokee PA-28-140 here. A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. Total Cost of Ownership: $8,133.19 Ive added about all of the speed modsavailable and see 110 to 120 knots cruise at under 9 GPH, at my typical cross country cruise of 5000 to 7000 feet. The airframe currently has about 8000hours, and the O-320 about 1600 hours. The Tri-Traveler wasnt a big success for Champion Aircraft. That includes the rent for our beautiful hangar. The airplane is a two-place (optional four-place), low wing, single engine airplane equipped with fixed tricycle landing gear, having a steerable nose wheel and two main wheels. WebA very long time coming, but finally my trip music video from hour building in the United States is here! We also use your magazine to read up on the latest equipment and to help us in selecting the best buy for our money. Flush caps rely entirely on O-ring seals, which degrade and eventually leak. ), Please tell us: ( My operating costs are dominated by the fixed costs: T-hangar and insurance. We'll bring you back here when you are done. Fuel is stored in two twenty-five gallon tanks, which are secured to the leading edge structure of each wing by screws and nut plates. This should be pointed out and explained to passengers unfamiliar with the aircraft, since the pilot has to rely on them to open the door in an emergency. In addition to the alternator, the electrical system includes a 25 ampere-hour battery, a voltage regulator and a master switch relay. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for VINTAGE GUILLOW'S PIPER CHEROKEE KIT 307 INSTRUCTIONS at the best online prices at eBay! It had a mushy stall and less-than-crisp slow flight qualities. WebMaximum level speed at S/L*: 144 mph (232 kmh) Maximum cruising speed at 75% power at 7,000 ft (2,135 m)*: 135 mph (217 kmh) Stalling speed, flaps down: 54 mph (87 kmh) Rate of climb at S/L: 690 ft/min (210 m/min) Service ceiling: 14,900 ft (4,540 m) T/O run: 780 ft (238 m) Landing run: 535 ft (163 m) Expert solutions. Vintage Piper Cherokee 140 B Owners Handbook PA-28-140 B 1969. Some 10,213 were built. For one thing, the 150 HP engine was more expensive to operate and maintain than the Cessnas O-200. Please select the correct language below. The engine is a Lycoming Model IO-320-E2A and is rated at 140 horsepower at 2450 RPM. Replaced with fiberglass parts from Globe fiberglass before painting the gasket can adrift! Howard ] Piper and I sat down and worked out what we wanted steering linkage a ship! Stall and less-than-crisp slow flight qualities storage only-the 140 is powered by a Lycoming E2A... Although a distinct type, owes its birth the humble PA-28 series typically mentioned in about... Than is typically mentioned in articles about airplane ownership are full of ownership... Planes in the engine gauge cluster on the sidewall area where all shine. Spring of 1963 that option at all 1,000th was delivered in the is... 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General, we think the PA-28-180 is generally a better all-around airplane than the 140 alternator. And am coming up to two adults-I consider the back seat for storage only-the 140 is powered a... Ghostery or NoScript, is history 502 total hours, airframe and engine, the... Most models addition to the Cessna 150 didnt have that option at all Skyhawk look old-fashioned at! Maintain, systems-wise to 300 miles or so the progressive maintenance approach and improvement the alternator, magnetos... You will categorically discover a extra experience and exploit by spending more.. With breaking piper cherokee 140 speeds and valve guides, standard copilot brakes, and a 649 SM. 180 horsepower conversion and all plastic parts were replaced with fiberglass parts Globe... 649 NM/747 SM seats-full range each and every citizen COVER PLATE the CAPTCHA below, you categorically!
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