hidden colors misinformation

Slider with three articles shown per slide. However, conspiracy theories are non-factual, meaning we are not able to fact-check their veracity. This method allows us to use reliable news as a role model of information and see how misinformation categories diverge from this baseline. videos on a site like YouTube should include sources in the video or the comments section. He describes the "great media blunders . The 197 websites hosting the 92,112 articles are: In comparison to other datasets, the one used in this paper includes more sources and more articles than any other: Extant research in the human cognition and behavioral sciences can be leveraged to identify misinformation online through quantitative measures. Colors, camera angles and logos in the media can all prompt immediate associations with emotions, activities and memories. Number two: Its the cover-up that kills. Secondly, while one of my research objectives was the explainability of the measures and models, I also acknowledge thatpotentiallythere may be more complex measures and models that may be more useful to discern between misinformation content and factual sources. Add both to Cart. Expert Syst Appl 169(February 2020):114171, Chung M, Kim N (2021) When I learn the news is false: how fact-checking information stems the spread of fake news via third-person perception. Advance Hidden Colors 5 DVD. For any given text, there is a probability p for each word to appear. Ssrn 49(2):192205, Berger J, Milkman KL (2013) Emotion and virality: what makes online content go viral? These results indicate that there are significant differences between content characteristics from factual sources and misinformation content in the form of clickbait, conspiracy theories, fake news, hate speech, junk science and rumors. The notion of media literacy is based on the skills and competencies needed to successfully navigate a complex ecosystem (Eshet & Eshet, 2004; Guess et al., 2020). 2, 2020). Still, 21% of U.S. adults said in November 2020 that they dont plan to get vaccinated, even if more information becomes available (Pew Research Center, 2020)and psychologists say that countering coronavirus misinformation is necessary for breaking the viruss grip on society. 72(2), 228241. J Comput Soc Sci 3(2):343366, Stanovich, KE (2005) The robots rebellion: finding meaning in the age of Darwin. First differences of the multinominal logit modelPerplexity. From there, I extracted 30,000 random articles from each category, generating a dataset of 210,000 misinformation articles. But now, as we can plainly see, it is more elemental than that. (2021, March 1). Tsugawa S, Ohsaki H (2017) On the relation between message sentiment and its virality on social media. PLoS ONE 10(2):e0118093, Article The results also highlight the importance of the efforts of public and private institutions to enhance media literacy (European Commission, 2018; Maksl et al., 2016). 4 one can see the results of the multinominal logistic regression model with each column comparing the corresponding misinformation category to the baseline (factual news). The Women in Data Science looks at what is needed to prevent truth from manipulation? Sources that promote pseudoscience, metaphysics, naturalistic fallacies, and other scientifically dubious claims. Based on the information manipulation theory and the four-factor theory, I propose several parametrizations that can allow to statistically distinguish between factual news and a myriad of misinformation categories. Decision Supp Syst 50(4):732742, Bakir V, McStay A (2018) Fake news and the economy of emotions: problems, causes, solutions. With the model I provided and the resulting outcomes, one can inform more complex models to boost peoples abilities to identify misinformation. For example, some fake news sources may use a more neutral tone, while others may show a higher appeal to negative emotions. 87, 2020 ). 02:23:48. The main intuition is that misinformation creators have a different writing style seeking to maximize reading, sharing and, in general, maximizing virality. Following the previous example, the string bla bla bla bla bla has a perplexity of 1 (no surprise because all words are the same and, therefore, predicted with a probability of 1), while the string this is an example of higher entropy has a perplexity of 7 (since there are 7 different words that appear 1 time each, yielding a probability of 1-in-7 to appear). ACM Association for Computing Machinery, Taylor L (2020) Covid-19 misinformation sparks threats and violence against doctors in Latin America. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. More formally: To add robustness to the results, I also used the k-means algorithm, which calculates the total within-cluster variation as the sum of squared Euclidean distances (Hartiga & Wong, 1979): where xi is a data point belonging to the cluster Ck, and k is the mean value of the points assigned to the cluster Ck. Hidden Colors 1 discusses some of the reasons the contributions of African and aboriginal people have been left out of the pages of history. In this type of problem, each text in a set of news articles can be represented as a set of k features denoted by the feature vector \(f \in {\Bbb R}^k\). 5, 2015; van der Linden, S., Political Psychology, online first publication, 2020). Regarding first differences, one can see that increasing the readability score from 6.78 to 22 has no effect on the probabilities of content being classified as factual news (p=0.000, CI=[0.003, 0.003]), decrease by 6.44% the probabilities of being clickbait (CI=[0.074, 0.056]), a decrease of 5.16% for conspiracy theories (CI=[0.061, 0.042]), or a decrease of 3.47% in rumors (CI=[0.044, 0.026]); remarkably, increasing the readability translates into a decrease of 35% of being classified as fake news (CI=[0.361, 0.344]). Take it from the experts, a pet can change your life. Stare at the dot for 30-45 seconds. Therefore, the proposed method does not add friction to the user experience of a given platform. From there, I calculate first differences, which are the difference between the two expected, rather than predicted, values (King et al., 2000). Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 155(7):807812, De Bruin WB, Granger Morgan M (2019) Reflections on an interdisciplinary collaboration to inform public understanding of climate change, mitigation, and impacts. If the article mentions an article or source, participants are asked to directly check the study or any cited primary source. Predicting intensities of emotions and sentiments using stacked ensemble [application notes]. "Hidden Colors" is a shining beacon of enlightenment. The results show that a one-unit increase in the readability score is associated with a decrease in the log odds of categorizing content in the clickbait (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = - 0.06\), p<0.001) conspiracy theories (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = - 0.05\), p<0.001), fake news (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = - 0.21\), p<0.001), and rumor (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{rumor}}} = - 0.04\), p<0.001) categories. In Proceedings of the Tweet Translation Workshop 2015 (pp. Lazy, not biased: Susceptibility to partisan fake news is better explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning. Seeing only the headline and a photo of a school bus, most of those people likely assumed, incorrectly, that the story applied to their own area. Regarding social identity and the appealing to morality, factual news has the lowest value of all categories (morality=3.12, [CI=3.01, 3.22]), again, in concordance with objectivity approaches in reliable news. Reposting old news stories doesnt mean theyre relevant to current events. HIDDEN COLORS- correcting the misinformation PT 1 - YouTube Tariq had no bad intent and meant no harm. To do so, I employ a dictionary to help in the achievement of this task. This film discusses some of the reasons the contributions of African and aboriginal people have been left out of the pages of history. Therefore, words that are certain to appear have 0 surprise (p=1) while words that will never appear have infinite surprise (p=0). The limited capacity model of mediated motivated message processing (Lang, 2000, 2006) states that in information sharing, structural features and functional characteristics require different cognitive efforts to be processed (Kononova et al., 2016; Leshner & Cheng, 2009; Leshner et al., 2010) and, since humans attempt to minimize cognitive effort when processing information, content that requires less effort to be processed is more engaging and viral (Alhabash et al., 2019). Some of the prominent social media platforms have intended to stop the proliferation of misinformation with different features like relying on users reporting mechanisms (Chan et al., 2017; Lewandowsky et al., 2012) or using fact-checkers to analyze content that already went viral through the network (Chung & Kim, 2021; Tambuscio et al., 2018; Tambuscio et al., 2015). provincial or municipal governments. 13. Cite this article. Finally, an increase by one-unit in the morality appealing in a given text is associated with an increase in the log odds of this content being misinformation (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = 0.18\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = 0.18\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = 0.20\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{hate}}} = 0.16\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = 0.16\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = 0.14\), p<0.001). Sources that entirely fabricate information, disseminate deceptive content, or grossly distort actual news reports. In other words, the easier to read a text is, the more likely it pertains to the clickbait, conspiracy theories, fake news, or rumor categories. J Retail Consum Serv 53:101739, Kunda Z (1990) The case for motivated reasoning. ADS Psychological research enhanced our understanding of belieffor example, how people evaluate a sources credibilityand what types of messages tend to be persuasive. 5Lewandowsky, S., et al. Is DC Making A Mistake By Not Connecting Their Superhero Universe? Sci Rep 2020 10:1 10(1):110, Cox RH, Dickson D, Marier P (2020) Resistance, innovation, and improvisation: comparing the responses of nursing home workers to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and the United States. (2012). Thus, the results contribute to the explainability of the misinformation characteristics to better target interventions by providing evidence that these differences are important and that they can be counter-balanced with higher media literacy. Harvard sets date for Claudine Gay inauguration. online for other versions of the story. Google Scholar, Goel S, Anderson A, Hofman J, Watts DJ (2015) The structural virality of online diffusion. 10, 2020). You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Judgem Decis Making 10(6):549563, Pennycook Gordon, Rand DG (2019) Lazy, not biased: Susceptibility to partisan fake news is better explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning. Are they real? Critical reading is an essential skill to analyze research papers. Int J Res Pract Interpret 18(1):3456, Szpakowski M (2018) Fake news corpus. Misinformation can be spread without ill intent, while disinformation and mal-information are used to deliberately mislead people. = x_1, \ldots ,X_p = x_p} \right]1}}{{1 + \mathop {\sum }\nolimits_{l = 1}^{J - 1} e^{\beta _{0l} + \beta _{1l}X_1 + \ldots + \beta _{pl}X_p}}}$$, $$\frac{{p_j\left( X \right)}}{{p_J\left( X \right)}} = e^{\beta _{0j} + \beta _{1j}X_1 + \ldots + \beta _{pj}X_p}$$, $${{{\mathrm{log}}}}\left( {\frac{{p_j\left( X \right)}}{{p_J\left( X \right)}}} \right) = \beta _{0j} + \beta _{1j}X_1 + \ldots + \beta _{pj}X_p$$, $${\mathrm{log}}\left( {\frac{{P\left( {{\mathrm{cat}} = j = {\mathrm{fake}}} \right. Intercult Commun Stud XVI: 3, Neuman WR, Just MR, Crigler AN (1992) Common knowledge: News and the construction of political meaning. (1980). The term fake news describes a range of false PubMed Learn to decode the intricate system of symbols that are a part of everyday life -- from advertising messages to traffic signs. Those beliefs predicted a subsequent decrease in willingness to wear a mask or take a vaccine (Social Science & Medicine, Vol. One of these items ships sooner than the other. High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106(41):1728417289, Article Both junk science and rumors tend to be significantly more positive than reliable news. Canada and the Digital Economy. Those are colors that you can't see. Facebook officials testified that up to 60 million bots spread misinformation on its platform, while a study found that a quarter of preelection tweets linking to news articles shared false or extremely biased information. In the Fake News Corpus, each website is categorized among one of the options and all their articles have the corresponding category. In contrast, for complex texts (readability=22), the probabilities per category are: factual (p=0.015, CI=[0.013, 0.018]), clickbait (p=0.079, CI=[0.074, 0.084)], conspiracy theories (p=0.109, CI=[0.104, 0.115]), fake news (p=0.022, CI=[0.020, 0.023]), hate speech (p=0.106, CI=[0.199, 0.214]), junk science (p=0.461, CI=[0.452, 0.471]) and rumor (p=0.105, CI=[0.099, 0.112]). 47, No. Available at https://bookdown.org/egarpor/PM-UC3M/, Garrett RK, Weeks BE (2017) Epistemic beliefs role in promoting misperceptions and conspiracist ideation. Media Cult Soc 35(2):199215, Venables W, Ripley B (2002) Modern applied statistics with S (Fourth Edi). Carrasco-Farr, C. The fingerprints of misinformation: how deceptive content differs from reliable sources in terms of cognitive effort and appeal to emotions. Through partnerships with the U.K. Chan School of Public Health on Monday. Figure 1 shows the average values and confidence intervals for each measure and each category. Schwarz identified five criteria that people use to decide whether information is true: compatibility with other known information, credibility of the source, whether others believe it, whether the information is internally consistent, and whether there is supporting evidence (Metacognition, in APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, 2015). Sources that traffic in rumors, gossip, innuendo, and unverified claims. Are they credible? Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Ju Y, Back KJ, Choi Y, Lee JS (2019) Exploring Airbnb service quality attributes and their asymmetric effects on customer satisfaction. Finally, the most similar categories are conspiracy theories and fake news (height=1.84). spread. The Hidden Colors Documentary is all about the hidden history of those that come from aboriginal, More, and African descent. Nat Hum Behav 5(3):337348, Mahir EM, Akhter S, Huq MR (2019). https://github.com/BigMcLargeHuge/opensources, Zuckerman M, DePaulo B, Rosenthal R (1981) Verbal and nonverbal communication of deception. Part of this research has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Social Fund PRE2019-091668. Websites ending in .edu are for registered universities or colleges, while official Government of Canada websites include the following suffixes: .gc.ca; .gc/en; .gc/fr; .ourcommons.ca; .canada.ca; .parl.ca. Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), PolitiFact and Snopes. Even though I tried my best to select different sources for each category, I am aware of the potential limitation that the results could be based on domain-specific features. Thank you for visiting nature.com. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114(28):73137318, Article Using hidden cameras, social media, court documents and tax returns, Marketplace pieced together a portrait of the movement's misinformation and fundraising tactics. https://aclanthology.org/W17-1213/, Garca-Portugs E (2021) Notes for predictive modeling Version 5.9.9. Ships worldwide. Evanega, S., et al.,Cornell Alliance for Science, 2020, The psychology of fake news: Accepting, sharing, and correcting misinformation Reputable online sources such as The Canadian Encyclopedia, Therefore, longer sentences and longer words require more cognitive effort to be effectively processed. However, most of the existing research does . Comput Hum Behav 51:11981204, Monteiro RA, Santos RLS, Pardo TAS, de Almeida TA, Ruiz EES, Vale OA (2018) Contributions to the study of fake news in Portuguese: new corpus and automatic detection results. Psychol Scie Public Interest, Suppl 13(3):106131, Liu Z, Park S (2015) What makes a useful online review? With this, the total within-cluster variation is defined as: To select the number of clusters, I use the elbow method with the aim to minimize the intra-cluster variation: The main objective of this paper is not just to report descriptive differences between reliable news and misinformation sources, but to look for systemic variance among their structural features measured through the four variables. Go to that source to ensure theyre remembering correctly. However, the fingerprints can be used to automatically analyze every URL being shared in social media. Hidden Colors 4: The Religion Of White Supremacy. As for the size of these differences, I showed that fake news are, on average, 18 times more negative than factual news (having hate speech the highest difference with 30 times more negativity than factual news); that factual information is 15% more lexically diverse (with rumors being 19% less diverse than factual news); that fake news appeal to moral values 37% more than factual content (although hate speech appeals 50% more to morality than factual sources); and that fake news are 3% easier to process than factual sources (while fake news are 13% easier to process). For example, a Vancouver newspaper ran an online 7, No. You will be one of the first to get the complete DVD of the film Hidden Colors 5. Theres often a lot of uncertainty in crisis situations, so people come together and start sharing information in a sort of collective sense-making process, says Kate Starbird, PhD, an associate professor of human-centered design and engineering at the University of Washington, who studies how information travels during crises. This item: Hidden Colors Part 1, 2 & 3 - Brand NEW. The results of the multinominal logistic regression were used to get insights into the probabilities of categorizing content using a baseline category (factual news). Total price: $83.08. Scholars explain this pervasive new threat. Here the crowdsourced participants look for suspicious domains/titles like com.co. 8, 2020). J Commun 65(4):699719, Wheeler T (2017) Using public interest algorithms to tackle the problems created by social media algorithms, Zervopoulos A, Alvanou AG, Bezas K, Papamichail A, Maragoudakis M, Kermanidis K (2020) Hong Kong protests: using natural language processing for fake news detection on twitter. BMJ (Online) 338(7685):2326, Frenda SJ, Nichols RM, Loftus EF (2011) Current issues and advances in misinformation research. Rumors obtained the lowest value (p=140. 02:33:54. Science 359(6380):11461151, Wang WY (2017) Liar, liar pants on fire: a new benchmark dataset for fake news detection. Springer; Anderson, C. A., et al. J Person Soc Psychol 96(5):10291046, Griffiths TL, Steyvers M (2004) Finding scientific topics. Regarding cognitive effort, extant research in the human cognition and behavioral sciences can be leveraged to identify misinformation through quantitative measures. 24, No. Therefore, misinformation tends to rely on emotional language. Tumasjan A, Sprenger T, Sandner P, Welpe I (2010) Predicting elections with Twitter: what 140 characters reveal about political sentiment. For example, a text containing the string bla bla bla bla bla has an entropy of 0 because p(bla)=1 (a certainty), while the string this is an example of higher entropy has an entropy of 2.807355 (higher uncertainty). A red lines indicate stronger associations. The four-part documentary takes a look at the history of black people and the histories that make claim to all theyve done that many generations have either forgotten or never learned about in the first place. J Retail Consum Serv 53:101739, Kunda Z ( 1990 ) the structural virality of online.... Through partnerships with the U.K. Chan School of Public Health on Monday, Griffiths TL, Steyvers (! 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